Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Yesterday Mr. Trump's speech was supposed to begin at 5pm est. But, instead, was delayed and he walked out at exactly 5:55. This has happened many times recently.

This is not by accident. He is communicating with Americans and the world.

5:55 (555) has significant spiritual meaning.

It is an Angel number and a response to your prayers.

Angels are sent by God to guard us in all ways (Psalm 91:11) and deliver messages (Luke 1:19). One way they communicate is through number sequences like 555.

According to scripture 5:55 means grace, kindness, and salvation.

Angels number 5 has very significant meaning on its own.

In the Bible it symbolizes Gods' grace. Jesus was wounded 5 times during his crucifixion. These are referred to as the 5 Holy Wounds.

5 carries a very special message by itself but when repeated multiple times you should acknowledge the importance of that message.

Last night's speech was VERY significant and soon you will understand just how.

Peace brothers!
Aug 17, 2019
Things are going to move very fast now. 5,4,3,2...


Spend time in prayer and meditation, focus on your purest intentions and visions for humanity and a new earth.

Now is a time to love all and forgive all... especially yourself!

May God bless us all!
Aug 17, 2019
Medical professionals everywhere are starting to step forward and question what is REALLY going on.

Here are just a few recent comments taken from social media....

"I work for a major hospital and we have plenty of beds available. We discharged a great number of patients to make room for "possible" infected patients... we have "3" possible but not confirmed cases... this whole thing is bullshit. Hospital looks like a ghost town..."

"There are only about 10 people hospitalized in my county and for some reason between the two major hospitals they're in dire need of supplies? And are begging for blood donations? I don't trust the hospitals or any of these stats being reported. Nothing adds up."

"A good friend from Philly called us Monday night. As of Monday night NO cases in either hospital yet but there is an 8pm curfew and National Guard sent in."

"Washington County, PA hospital laid off nurses this week due to a shortage of patients."

Looks like the REAL pandemic is FEAR!

Nov 11, 2007
Yesterday Mr. Trump's speech was supposed to begin at 5pm est. But, instead, was delayed and he walked out at exactly 5:55. This has happened many times recently.

This is not by accident. He is communicating with Americans and the world.

5:55 (555) has significant spiritual meaning.

It is an Angel number and a response to your prayers.

Angels are sent by God to guard us in all ways (Psalm 91:11) and deliver messages (Luke 1:19). One way they communicate is through number sequences like 555.

According to scripture 5:55 means grace, kindness, and salvation.

Angels number 5 has very significant meaning on its own.

In the Bible it symbolizes Gods' grace. Jesus was wounded 5 times during his crucifixion. These are referred to as the 5 Holy Wounds.

5 carries a very special message by itself but when repeated multiple times you should acknowledge the importance of that message.

Last night's speech was VERY significant and soon you will understand just how.

Peace brothers!

Lets just say that I find this very interesting for me in that a number of years ago the number 33 and 333 were showing up many times when

I happened to look at a clock, my watch, license plate numbers in front of me with those numbers and coincidentally(or is it) just driving

in my car looking out the window at seeing an address of a home, store or building at the time I happened to be doing so.

i was going through some difficult times when I saw these numbers, and shortly after I stopped seeing these numbers my look changed for the better..

What is significant here is that Jesus died at age 33.

In addition the biblical interpretation of numbers 333 follows.

What is the Christian meaning of 333?
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 13 24" height="16" width="10"></svg>

333 Meaning Some Light Workers believe that double three is the number for Jesus and that 333 indicates that Jesus is stressing the Angelic message you’ve received. Specifically, when 333 appears after praying, your request has been received, and soon an answer comes your way. Angel number 333 represents spiritual growth and perfect love.
333 Angel Nu

The numbers 33 and 333 have returned of late and I have faith that they are of goodness like they were before!!

The only other thing I am going to say without getting into a debate/argument is that it is a bit hypocritical to cast stones at Joe Biden re: women

when Trump has a sorry history in his own in this regard including cheating on his wife with prostitutes as well and what i and many others deem as a far

from favorable attitude toward women in general.

As you say, peace brothers!

ps To be clear, I am far from enthralled with Biden or any of the other candidates who won and am going to sit this Election out.

The biggest reasons are that I won't vote for anyone who supports same sex marriage or abortion.
Aug 17, 2019
Lets just say that I find this very interesting for me in that a number of years ago the number 33 and 333 were showing up many times when

I happened to look at a clock, my watch, license plate numbers in front of me with those numbers and coincidentally(or is it) just driving

in my car looking out the window at seeing an address of a home, store or building at the time I happened to be doing so.

i was going through some difficult times when I saw these numbers, and shortly after I stopped seeing these numbers my look changed for the better..

What is significant here is that Jesus died at age 33.

In addition the biblical interpretation of numbers 333 follows.

What is the Christian meaning of 333?
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 13 24" height="16" width="10"></svg>

333 Meaning Some Light Workers believe that double three is the number for Jesus and that 333 indicates that Jesus is stressing the Angelic message you’ve received. Specifically, when 333 appears after praying, your request has been received, and soon an answer comes your way. Angel number 333 represents spiritual growth and perfect love.
333 Angel Nu

The numbers 33 and 333 have returned of late and I have faith that they are of goodness like they were before!!

The only other thing I am going to say without getting into a debate/argument is that it is a bit hypocritical to cast stones at Joe Biden re: women

when Trump has a sorry history in his own in this regard including cheating on his wife with prostitutes as well and what i and many others deem as a far

from favorable attitude toward women in general.

As you say, peace brothers!

ps To be clear, I am far from enthralled with Biden or any of the other candidates who won and am going to sit this Election out.

The biggest reasons are that I won't vote for anyone who supports same sex marriage or abortion.

333 is the angel number for "awakening".

The news on Biden is old but the timing of its resurfacing is significant, orchestrated to perfection.

Trust the Plan.


Nov 11, 2007
333 is the angel number for "awakening".

The news on Biden is old but the timing of its resurfacing is significant, orchestrated to perfection.

Trust the Plan.


I have a sort of ot question for you which might be considered "loaded" although that is not my intent.

Anyways and correct me if I am wrong, many of your posts were gambling in nature and specifically many of them had to do with citing

the names of specific sports services which have helped you in your gambling endeavors.

Some folks too exception to this stating that you were a tout(I was not one of them).

Back to the point/question.

If the "Plan" plays out as you believe, what effect in your opinion will it have on sports gambling if any on the relevance and importance

in this "New Society" and to be more specific how if anything will it affect your views Re: the overall evolution of society?

Again this is not any kind of trick question but one which imo has some merit in view of your stated views so far which has excluded something

like this-after all even though this is the Rubber Room, where anything goes, the overall modus operandi of the Forum is revolves around

gambling and related information and opinions pursuant..


Jan 13, 2019
Lets just say that I find this very interesting for me in that a number of years ago the number 33 and 333 were showing up many times when

I happened to look at a clock, my watch, license plate numbers in front of me with those numbers and coincidentally(or is it) just driving

in my car looking out the window at seeing an address of a home, store or building at the time I happened to be doing so.

i was going through some difficult times when I saw these numbers, and shortly after I stopped seeing these numbers my look changed for the better..

What is significant here is that Jesus died at age 33.

In addition the biblical interpretation of numbers 333 follows.

What is the Christian meaning of 333?
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 13 24" height="16" width="10"></svg>

333 Meaning Some Light Workers believe that double three is the number for Jesus and that 333 indicates that Jesus is stressing the Angelic message you’ve received. Specifically, when 333 appears after praying, your request has been received, and soon an answer comes your way. Angel number 333 represents spiritual growth and perfect love.
333 Angel Nu

The numbers 33 and 333 have returned of late and I have faith that they are of goodness like they were before!!

The only other thing I am going to say without getting into a debate/argument is that it is a bit hypocritical to cast stones at Joe Biden re: women

when Trump has a sorry history in his own in this regard including cheating on his wife with prostitutes as well and what i and many others deem as a far

from favorable attitude toward women in general.

As you say, peace brothers!

ps To be clear, I am far from enthralled with Biden or any of the other candidates who won and am going to sit this Election out.

The biggest reasons are that I won't vote for anyone who supports same sex marriage or abortion.

Based on what you wrote above it looks like you are becoming more of a Trump supporter everyday and dont even know it. He is 100% against abortion and same sex marraige. As far as his sexual indescretions with other women before he was president, have you ever sinned? All in all as far as his background goes he is probably one of the most squeeky clean people you will ever find.

Nov 11, 2007
Based on what you wrote above it looks like you are becoming more of a Trump supporter everyday and dont even know it. He is 100% against abortion and same sex marraige. As far as his sexual indescretions with other women before he was president, have you ever sinned? All in all as far as his background goes he is probably one of the most squeeky clean people you will ever find.

Well earlier today I checked this out and unless I missed something, he is NOT against same sex marriage but would rather have individual states

decide whether it is illegal or not.

If you can find something which he says he opposes same sex marriage per se, let me know.

I actually believe my beliefs are more in line with those of Mitt Romney.

Also, he is against abortion except in cases of rape, incest or endangering the mother's health.

I myself have a difficult time dealing with the exceptions.

I only brought up then sexual indiscretions and charges against him because of what was stated about Biden-that to me seems a bit hypocritical.

As far as Trump being squeaky clean, without debating it, lets just say that many people including myself don't agree.

Most importantly I am going to reserve more of a FINAL judgment until/if/when how this Virus plays out, which includes what SBD has

stated based on his beliefs.

Nov 11, 2007
ps in answer to your question, I have never committed adultery and/or ever coerced any woman into/paid for sex when I was married.

In short I have ALWAYS been faithful.

Back in the 70's, 80's and 90's when I was single, yes I did engage in sex with some ladies I dated via mutual consent all of whom were single.

Jan 13, 2019
As for Mitt Romney, he is a globalist scum. He doesnt have your best interests at heart. He would be an appropriate VP for Biden. There is plenty of info you can google on Trumps position on gay marraige. I refuse to do anyone elses research for them, I do my own. As for your faithfulness to your women, that is not exactly what I was asking. I was asking what qualifies you to throw stones at Trump?
Aug 17, 2019
I have a sort of ot question for you which might be considered "loaded" although that is not my intent.

Anyways and correct me if I am wrong, many of your posts were gambling in nature and specifically many of them had to do with citing

the names of specific sports services which have helped you in your gambling endeavors.

Some folks too exception to this stating that you were a tout(I was not one of them).

Back to the point/question.

If the "Plan" plays out as you believe, what effect in your opinion will it have on sports gambling if any on the relevance and importance

in this "New Society" and to be more specific how if anything will it affect your views Re: the overall evolution of society?

Again this is not any kind of trick question but one which imo has some merit in view of your stated views so far which has excluded something

like this-after all even though this is the Rubber Room, where anything goes, the overall modus operandi of the Forum is revolves around

gambling and related information and opinions pursuant..


Yes, I was trying to help some people out by posting some picks from services I subscribe to.

Some tried to claim I was a tout simply because I would mention certain names at certain times that seemed appropriate and could help others looking for someone who was hot.

I am of the opinion these people who had a problem with my posts were threatened in some way, most likely touts using alias' which is very common in forums like this.

When the FEAR PANDEMIC subsides, which will be soon, we will experience MORE FREEDOM THAN EVER supported by new systems, REAL and FAIR systems that benefit all, no longer spoon fed illusions that only benefit the elites and their hidden negative agendas.

This will pave the way for a better overall quality of life, a more balanced life where you aren't owned by the clock (the clock is your slave master) or the demands of your job and, instead, can enjoy more time with family, taking walks in nature, fishing, hiking, or whatever it is that makes you happy, including sports betting.

Our new society will promote unity, honesty, love, compassion and transparency.

Americans, and all people around the world, will soon understand they have been enslaved for several millennium by a small group whose only goal was depopulation and control.

Think about the life of the average person. It's a hamster wheel...

Wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep, REPEAT....

Feeding this wheel is DEBT... "If I make more I spend more".

Feeding this wheel is the idea of "inflation"..."If prices go up I have to work harder now".

"...and justice for ALL"

For Americans the Land of the Free truly will be... Lady Liberty's dignity will be restored!

Nov 11, 2007
As for Mitt Romney, he is a globalist scum. He doesnt have your best interests at heart. He would be an appropriate VP for Biden. There is plenty of info you can google on Trumps position on gay marraige. I refuse to do anyone elses research for them, I do my own. As for your faithfulness to your women, that is not exactly what I was asking. I was asking what qualifies you to throw stones at Trump?

To be clear, I was referring to Romney's views on gay marriage only as a Mormon.

Also, re: faithfulness to women, I simply responded to the manner in which I interpreted what you said which imo most folks would interpret as related to

sexual indiscretion.

"As far as his sexual indiscretions with other women before he was president, have you ever sinned?"

Now that I understand what you meant, I will try to answer this briefly and politely.

Most importantly imo the word "qualify" is inappropriate here as we are talking opinions here raher than qualifications based

on how we perceive Trump and for that matter anyone based on what he he has done in the past and our overall perceptions as human beings.

I have stated my opinion about Trump, and lets just say that until proven otherwise, I don't trust him or his motives any more than you do with

Mitt Romney.

If you don't choose to believe that for starters such things as not disclosing his income tax, the approximately

documented 15000 lies he has told since his tenure are not important, then I disagree.

In addition, I don't have any respect for anyone including Trump, Biden, Clinton, Brett Kavanaugh etc, who has engaged in sexual discretion

no matter what party affiliation especially if they lie about it and/or see nothing wrong about it.

For me spiritualism, a strong biblical sense ofGod's Righteous Ways and Eternity are what matter in the long run.

Again keep in mind, that when I referred to trump's indiscretions, I did it AFTER Joe Biden's alleged ones were posted earlier.

Lets just say that imo one has to be pretty naive and out of touch with reality to believe that every one of the sexual charges brought against

Trump in the 2016 Campaign were false and that all of the ones against Joe Biden are true.

If you consider the examples posted above as being "squeaky clean," then well the only sure thing is that we are 100% apart in our beliefs.

I am not going to go back and forth with this with you-you are not going to change my beliefs at the moment(subject to change) any more than I am


Aug 17, 2019
"The world is at war with a hidden enemy" - POTUS

This is more than party politics.
This is about restoring OLD GLORY.
This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.
This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.
This is about preserving our SAFETY.
This is about restoring our STRENGTH.
This is about PROTECTING our children.
We are all God's children.
We are, FATHERS.
We are, MOTHERS.
We are, SONS.
We are, SISTERS.
We do not look at race.
We do not look at skin color.
We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.

In case you haven't figured it out yet...

The real enemy isn't the virus...


"Mic drop" coming soon!
Aug 17, 2019
There is very good chance internet, media and social media will go out.

Stay calm and DO NOT fear!

Keep your cell phones on and fully charged at all times.

Think "EBS".

Peace brothers!
Aug 17, 2019
As far as Trump being squeaky clean, without debating it, lets just say that many people including myself don't agree.

stated based on his beliefs.

Keep in mind the DNC emptied their bag of tricks over the last 4 years trying to discredit POTUS in every way imaginable but every attempt FAILED miserably.

The previous administration was funded by Soros to pave the way for these "attacks" on the way out.

One of their last ditch efforts was the bogus impeachment attempt where they clearly had nothing so, instead, resorted to "abuse of power", the most vague and lame reason in the history of America.

And still, their case was nothing but a bunch of puppets talking gibberish and in circles. It made a mockery out of the system!

Americans deserve better and they will get it!


Nov 11, 2007
Yes, I was trying to help some people out by posting some picks from services I subscribe to.

Some tried to claim I was a tout simply because I would mention certain names at certain times that seemed appropriate and could help others looking for someone who was hot.

I am of the opinion these people who had a problem with my posts were threatened in some way, most likely touts using alias' which is very common in forums like this.

When the FEAR PANDEMIC subsides, which will be soon, we will experience MORE FREEDOM THAN EVER supported by new systems, REAL and FAIR systems that benefit all, no longer spoon fed illusions that only benefit the elites and their hidden negative agendas.

This will pave the way for a better overall quality of life, a more balanced life where you aren't owned by the clock (the clock is your slave master) or the demands of your job and, instead, can enjoy more time with family, taking walks in nature, fishing, hiking, or whatever it is that makes you happy, including sports betting.

Our new society will promote unity, honesty, love, compassion and transparency.

Americans, and all people around the world, will soon understand they have been enslaved for several millennium by a small group whose only goal was depopulation and control.

Think about the life of the average person. It's a hamster wheel...

Wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep, REPEAT....

Feeding this wheel is DEBT... "If I make more I spend more".

Feeding this wheel is the idea of "inflation"..."If prices go up I have to work harder now".

"...and justice for ALL"

For Americans the Land of the Free truly will be... Lady Liberty's dignity will be restored!

Somehow I missed this yesterday-my apologies.

I certainly hope that most of this if not all comes to pass!
Aug 17, 2019
"We can't let the cure be worse than the problem itself." - POTUS (referring to the virus)

Americans don't want another "vaccine"... they want TRUTH!

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