Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
I'm not trying to bash you and I didn't twist the message about what Eric Trump said. It's his methods that seem to do more harm than good. Give that interview from a public place to reinforce how he believes the virus is being used politically. Don't do that interview from home which only gives those who are opposed to his message strength.

I was not referring to you my friend.

I think we understand each other.

Jan 8, 2015
68 pages of the dumbest conspiracy shit on the web, but I'm clueless? :):)

You've been kicked off twitter, facebook and all the other sports betting sites and now all that's left is here. You must be one obese character, the time you waste here every day....Wow.
Aug 17, 2019
68 pages of the dumbest conspiracy shit on the web, but I'm clueless? :):)

You've been kicked off twitter, facebook and all the other sports betting sites and now all that's left is here. You must be one obese character, the time you waste here every day....Wow.

I think you have me confused for savage1 because I don't have any social media accounts, nor have I ever been kicked off any sports forum!

Move on!

You are on a dead end street here!
Aug 17, 2019
Attorney General Barr Says He Doesn't Envision Investigations of Joe Biden or Barack Obama

Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he did not expect an investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation to lead to criminal probes of either President Donald Trump’s Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, or former President Barack Obama.

Barr repeated his belief that “what happened to the president” as a result of the FBI’s investigation into whether his 2016 campaign conspired with Russia was “abhorrent” and a “grave injustice.” He has appointed John Durham, the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, to investigate whether crimes were committed as intelligence and law enforcement officials examined Russian election interference.

“Whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said, referring to Obama and Biden. “Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.”

Many anti-Americans, Dems and MSM outlets will embrace this as a "victory" but they are sadly mistaken.

You are watching the biggest "CHESS GAME" in world history.

Notice Barr's comment "based on information I have today".

Again, think "chess".

When do you attack the "king" (begging, middle or end)?

It's a very strategic, intentional and methodical approach that wins the game.

Game Objective:
"check-mate king"

Pawns first.
Knights, rooks, and bishops next.

Public or private game?

Public perception versus reality.
Aug 17, 2019
Hydroxychloroquine: the drug Costa Rica uses successfully to fight covid-19

Used in the world for decades in the treatment of malaria, a month ago, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) decided to apply hydroxychloroquine to patients infected with the new coronavirus.

“In Costa Rica we have been applying hydroxychloroquine since we had a meeting by teleconference with personnel in China who attended the emergency in the cities of Shanghai and Wuhan,” explained Ruiz.

The Minister of Health indicated that this drug “is the most widely used treatment to treat patients with malaria and is widely used throughout the world. In this sense, the complications that are seen are minimal if the doses that are already indicated are respected”.

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are “first cousins,” explained Olga Arguedas, who is a specialist in immunology. Both drugs have chemical compositions and medical uses that are not exactly the same.

“They are old acquaintances. They are registered in Costa Rica and are produced locally. This was taken into account as an important point in the decision to give hydroxychloroquine as treatment. They are known because they have antiviral mechanisms. Hydroxychloroquine was used in Shanghai as the first line of treatment,” said Arguedas.

The evidence supporting Hydroxychloriquine is effective in treating and preventing COVID is overwhelming!

China admits it was used in Shanghai as the first line of treatment.

Australia ordered millions of doses.

The number of prescriptions explode in places like France and Italy.

POTUS drops a bomb and says he is taking it because it.

POTUS also states the front line workers have been taking it too.

Bottom line, it works!
Aug 17, 2019
Ex-WHO official says coronavirus not increasing in reopened spots: 'It's as though something has changed'

Dr. Karol Sikora, an oncologist and former chief of the World Health Organization's Cancer Program, told "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday that locations that have lifted coronavirus-induced restrictions on economic and other activities are not seeing the feared spike in case rates.

"It strikes me, as you look at all of the data all around the world where people have come out of lockdowns, things are actually going along quite nicely on the whole, and it's strange," he said. "it's as though something has changed, and none of us can explain why.

Sikora, the chief medical director at U.K.-based Rutherford Health, went on to suggest that the "fear factor" surrounding the virus has prevented people from making themselves available for crucial screenings and other procedures, putting them at greater risk.

"There are... three factors that end a pandemic," he said.

"The first, our behavior ... how humanity reacts to it: social distancing, avoiding crowds, that sort of thing, the very fear [of] this virus changes our behavior pattern.

"The second thing is the virus itself: how it deals with the fact that [there are] increasing immunities out there in its host. And it's changing; the summer weather has come to Europe and North America, and things are moving on.

"The third thing, of course, is what actually happens in terms of the fear factor and how we go into the autumn and [if we] see another wave," Sikora added.

Sikora also questioned the prevailing view that the virus will almost certainly return with a vengeance sometime in the future, noting that past outbreaks dating back to Biblical times have been wound down by one "immune mechanism" or another.

"Every pandemic, from the plagues in Venice, from the plague in Egypt way back in the times of Christ, we've seen them just peter out..."

Even an ex-WHO official is saying FEAR of the virus is basically at the forefront of this plandemic and ending fear is important in ending this plandemic. He also states there are no spike in case rates in those areas that lifted restrictions and that all pandemics since the beginning of time have just petered out.

"It's as though something has just changed"

What's changed is that more people around the world are taking HCQ and warm weather has arrived in many parts of the world and this also kills off the virus.
Aug 17, 2019

Because it would:




Perhaps you can understand the "amazing coincidence" in the the two magnesium stearate plants (Illinois and Mexico) blowing up last Thursday at virtually the same time.
Aug 17, 2019
Bill Gates IS part of the evil group.

He is the biggest advocate for global depopulation.

He already has the "vaccine" because he is the one responsible for COVID-19.

Remember how this works...

1. Create the problem (COVID-19)

2. Generate the fear (EVIL MSM)

3. Introduce the vaccine (MAJOR ROADBLOCK)

He was successful in #1 & #2 but it is going to be almost impossible to get his vaccine through the FDA and Trump Administration.

They already know what's in the vaccine and IT'S NOT GOOD!

This is why Trump went on record and said "we can't let the cure be worse than the problem itself".

There is NOTHING good about Gates' vaccine.

This might explain why they Gates is seen taking a "stroll in the park" with Fauci.

Fauci is his one and only chance.

Which side is Fauci on?

POTUS and his team already know... we will soon!


Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The collaboration follows the January 2010 call by Bill and Melinda Gates for the next ten years to be the Decade of Vaccines. The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations -- and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines.

Prof. Pedro Alonso, Director for the Institute for Global Health of Barcelona and Dr. Christopher Elias, President and CEO of PATH, have been appointed co-chairs of the Steering Committee and the Secretariat.

Vaccines are miracles,” said Prof. Alonso, “For just a few dollars per child, vaccines prevent disease and disability for a lifetime. We must make sure that people understand that vaccines are one of the best investments in health.”

The Leadership Council is comprised of:

  • Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
  • Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
  • Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF;
  • Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
  • Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation;

This "collaboration" began in 2010, immediately following the "Billionaire Club" meeting in 2009 when Gates won the bid to depopulate the world.

And LOOK who is part of the "Leadership Council".

Good 'ole Fauci and of course the W.H.O. too!

Can you say "conflict of interest"?

“Vaccines are miracles” they claim.

Why don't we ask the parents of the MILLIONS of autistic children if they think vaccines are miracles?

Or how about we ask the 490,000 paralyzed citizens of India if they think vaccines are miracles?

We can go on and on asking millions of people who are sick or know people who have died from vaccines if they feel they are miracles.

This collaboration relied heavily on public brainwashing to execute its plan.
Aug 17, 2019

Scientific Board Members


There's Fauci again!

Can you say conflict-of-interest?
Aug 17, 2019
Experimental drug proven effective against coronavirus, biotech company says

The U.S. government said it is working to make the antiviral medication remdesivir available to patients as quickly as possible.

Remdesivir is owned by Gilead Sciences, a US biotechnology company.

“What it has proven is that a drug can block this virus,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious-disease expert. “This will be the standard of care.”

Fauci undermines POTUS and anything to do with cures like hydroxychloriquine but is overly enthusiastic about unproven remdesivir, even calling it the new "standard of care".

Let's explore a little more.

China Wants to Patent Gilead’s Experimental Coronavirus Drug

<address class="lede-text-v2__byline">Bloomberg News</address> <time class="article-timestamp" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2020-02-05T05:00:23.491Z" data-type="updated" data-status="localized">February 5, 2020, 12:00 AM EST

</time>Wuhan’s virology institute has applied for remdesivir’s patent.

Gilead said human trials on the drug have begun in China.

Gilead has deep ties to China

Fauci has deep ties to Gates

Gates has deep ties to Wuhan virology institute

Maybe this is why Fauci is so enthusiastic!

Every new virus seems to start (creation) and end in Wuhan (vaccine/treatment)!
Aug 17, 2019
Quid Pro Quo Evidence: Recorded Conversation Between VP Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Poroshenko

An audio recording of a conversation between Vice President of the United States Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on May 13, 2016.

$1billion in exchange for removal of "assets".

O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E is real and there is more evidence than will ever be needed!
Aug 17, 2019

Petro Poroshenko and Joe Biden, facts of international corruption and treason at the highest state level.

Biden is toast and so are others!

O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E is real and there is more evidence than will ever be needed!
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump

Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election.

This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State.

I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!

7:51 AM · May 20, 2020


Desperate times call for desperate measures!

The Dems are on a mission to steal the elections.

Lucky for all of us we already know they fail AGAIN and Trump wins in a landslide.
Aug 17, 2019
[h=1]Johnson says declassified Rice email shows Obama officials 'sabotaging the incoming administration'[/h]Senate Homeland Security Committee chair Ron Johnson, R-Wis., joined "The Story" Tuesday to discuss a newly declassified email written on Jan. 20, 2017 by former National Security Adviser Susan Rice regarding the investigation into Michael Flynn.

"The first thought when I read that declassified e-mail was, 'Why in the world was that ever classified?'" Johnson said. "We didn't witness what America's become so famous for, a peaceful, cooperative well-wishing transition of power. Instead, we saw a corruption of that transition. A transition really designed to sabotage and really upend the new administration.

"It's shameful is what it is. So this this needs to be dug into further. We need to do further investigation," Johnson added. "You know, my own committee working with others has been really focused on that whole corruption of the transition process."

More declassified documents!

Keep bringing the pain!

Biggest scandal in world history!
Aug 17, 2019
When one is blinded by hate, ignorance and old belief systems they cannot see the truth of what’s in front of them!

To see truth you must be willing to discount everything you’ve ever been taught and believed.

Many don’t see truth simply because it makes them uncomfortable because it goes against everything they’ve been brainwashed into thinking is true.

Remember, it is human nature to hate or bash what we don’t understand.
Aug 17, 2019
I have stated many times here that I do not subscribe to anything organized, especially politics and religion, and yet one member here continues to operate under the assumption I am part of, or an agent of, a certain group. He even went out of his way to start a thread about it, a worthless thread filled with more gibberish and worthless posts.

Perhaps he made this assumption and created the thread to try to discredit my posts and information because he is threatened by truth or couldn’t provide any real credible evidence suggesting what I share is false. Sure, he posts a few links from MSN here and there and thinks he’s hit a “home run” by doing it but, sadly for him, these links prove nothing except the fact that he watches and follows one of the biggest fake news outlets that exists and is easily influenced by these fake news networks.

Bad assumptions lead to poor judgement which results in publicly humiliating oneself.

RX Senior
Sep 6, 2009
Johnson says declassified Rice email shows Obama officials 'sabotaging the incoming administration'

Senate Homeland Security Committee chair Ron Johnson, R-Wis., joined "The Story" Tuesday to discuss a newly declassified email written on Jan. 20, 2017 by former National Security Adviser Susan Rice regarding the investigation into Michael Flynn.

"The first thought when I read that declassified e-mail was, 'Why in the world was that ever classified?'" Johnson said. "We didn't witness what America's become so famous for, a peaceful, cooperative well-wishing transition of power. Instead, we saw a corruption of that transition. A transition really designed to sabotage and really upend the new administration.

"It's shameful is what it is. So this this needs to be dug into further. We need to do further investigation," Johnson added. "You know, my own committee working with others has been really focused on that whole corruption of the transition process."

More declassified documents!

Keep bringing the pain!

Biggest scandal in world history!

obama would of done the same thing to Hillary if she would of won the presidential election.

No love lost there. LOL
Aug 17, 2019
obama would of done the same thing to Hillary if she would of won the presidential election.

No love lost there. LOL

I disagree.

Obama paved the way for Hillary to complete their “plan”.

Obamagate will reveal just how closely the two worked together in the biggest scandal in world history.

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