Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Originally Posted by SportsBookData
Indictment Placeholders (set 1)

Acts of Treason
Foreign Acts


1. Flynn case dismissed by DOJ
2. FISA "Unmasking"
3. Up next

More this week

Indictments imminent

Another BOOM WEEK coming!

Jan 30, 2008
Eric Trump says Democrats 'trying to milk' coronavirus shutdown, media 'stoking fear'

The Democrats are "trying to milk" the coronavirus pandemic for every election advantage they can get over President Trump, the president's son, Eric Trump, said Saturday night.

Trump also ripped Joe Biden, asserting the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee "loves" that he and Trump can't campaign before large crowds during the pandemic -- because Biden thinks it hurts the president.

"Biden loves this. Biden can't go on stage without making some horrible blunder. I mean, even from his basement, he's making awful gaffes every single day. So his campaign is thrilled that he's not going out there," Trump said. "And they think they're taking away Donald Trump's greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time."

"So they will, and you watch, they'll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3. And guess what? After Nov. 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen," Trump said. "They're trying to deprive him of his greatest asset, which is the fact that the American people love him. The fact that he's relatable, the fact that he can go out there and draw massive crowds."

Trump also accused journalists of "stoking fear," saying they removed their face masks after cameras stopped rolling during Friday's White House news briefing.

"They're actually stoking fear in this country. They're doing a massive disservice. They're being totally disingenuous about the whole thing," Trump said. "But they're doing it for one reason. They want to hurt Trump."

Pres. Trump only needs ONE public debate with Biden to prove to the world just how incompetent and corrupt he is.

Biden FEARS Trump more than anyone or anything!

So YES COVID-19 is now about the election and the Dems are doing whatever they can to avoid a Biden v. Trump public debate!

Of course he is. Any political party or movement would use it to their advantage.
Aug 17, 2019
Of course he is. Any political party or movement would use it to their advantage.

Well it's backfiring considering the number of Dems starting to turn on their own party and Americans who are registered Dems fleeing the party in droves!

It's scary to think Biden is the "best man" to represent the party.

It's even scarier to see others, including certain members here, call POTUS "incompetent" when he is one of the most intelligent and respected business men on this planet!

Just shows how delusional some people are!

Dems emptied their bag of desperate "dirt" tricks on Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Every attempt to expose him FAILED miserably and ended at a dead end!

Now in 2020 they are desperate again to discredit him and they are failing left and right.

People are awake, they see through to the bullshit now.

Americans want truth, justice and freedom and that's exactly what POTUS stands for!

Desperate people will try to twist the truth simply because they hate him out of pure ignorance but in the end they will look really dumb and silly!
Aug 17, 2019

Those who are AWAKENING


Those who are in for a RUDE AWAKENING!

Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump ·<time datetime="2020-05-17T23:01:52.000Z"> 16h</time>

A CNN Faker!

Quote Tweet

Eric Trump
@EricTrump · <time datetime="2020-05-17T21:57:20.000Z">17h</time>

Just a reminder that @CNN is a total joke:

“Mask-police CNN reporter @kaitlancollins caught removing hers at presser, as soon as she thought cameras were off”

Cc: @brianstelter

5:57 PM · May 17, 2020


Once again,

camera on = mask on

camera off = mask off

Aug 17, 2019
Cuomo's office abusing power through coronavirus closures: Lawsuit

Cuomo, state AG 'have seized the COVID19 pandemic to expand their authority by unprecedented lengths'

A Western New York law firm has accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state's attorney general of abusing their power in ordering further novel coronavirus closures of their business despite that it was deemed essential and therefore allowed to continue in-office operations, a recent lawsuit states.

5 reasons Michigan lawmakers are suing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says Michigan is still in a state of emergency. Republican lawmakers disagree.

Now, it’s up to the courts to decide.
The Michigan House and Senate filed a lawsuit in the Michigan Court of Claims on Wednesday, May 6, suing the governor for extending the coronavirus state of emergency without their permission.

Michiganders file lawsuit against Whitmer after recent executive order

There’s a growing number of people in Michigan who think Governor Gretchen Whitmer has gone too far with restrictions. Earlier this week a group of people decided to challenge her most recent executive order in court. In a recent lawsuit filed by the American Freedom Law Center, attorney Robert Muise says some of Whitmer’s recent orders are “Draconian” and that some of the restrictions placed on him and other Michiganders don’t make sense.

Gov. Newsom sued by California residents demanding end to stay-at-home rules

Two Sacramento County residents on Monday filed a federal lawsuit challenging Gov. Gavin Newsom’s sweeping stay-at-home order that is credited with helping slow the spread of coronavirus.

These are just a few of the many lawsuits being filed against tyrannical Governors abusing their powers!

They underestimated 'The People'.


Governors are not rulers, they are representatives elected by 'The People'.

Therefore, 'The People' rule them!
Aug 17, 2019


*Madagascar’s President claims he was offered USD twenty millions ($20m) by the world health organization (WHO) to add some little poison in the herbal drink they had manufactured to heal covid19.



5:53 AM · May 15, 2020


A sick man is worth more to them than a healthy one!
Aug 17, 2019
Trump threatens to keep WHO funding freeze in place after WH investigation

President Trump released a blistering letter late Monday to the head of the World Health Organization, stating that his administration conducted an investigation that confirmed the health body’s multiple failures in the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, and warned that his current funding freeze will become permanent if the organization does not make “substantive” improvements within 30 days.

The letter offers a bullet-point list of shortcomings at the agency that Trump claimed could have been prevented under the right leadership.

The WHO “consistently ignored credible reports of the virus” in December 2019. By the end of that month, it was clear at the organization that the virus was a “major health concern.” Taiwanese authorities told health officials at the organization about human-to-human transmission, but that revelation was not shared with the international community.

Trump’s letter stated that International Health Regulations require countries to report the “risk of a health emergency within 24 hours.”
The letter laid the blame squarely on China and the WHO for weeks of non-action. The health body even accused U.S. travel restrictions to the country in late February of causing “more harm than good.”

The U.S. was the WHO's largest single donor. Trump said the United States contributes roughly $400 to $500 million per year to WHO, while China offers only about $40 million.


Read full letter here

Anti-Americans and Trump haters have tried to blame POTUS for the spread of the virus.

These people are beyond delusional.

POTUS shut down the borders to China almost immediately, despite criticisms by many Dems and the W.H.O. itself.

POTUS' decision proved to be right and potentially saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives according to early estimates given by the CDC and its forecast models.

POTUS isn't interested in pointing fingers, he is only interested in truth, accountability and protecting America and its citizens.

Apparently, many anti-Americans have interests in protecting the W.H.O. and China and social media has responded by quickly removing videos that provide truth to POTUS claims.

Melissa A.

Replying to @TheRightMelissa and @realDonaldTrump

The Fascists at Youtube are now deleting the videos by world renowned epidemiologists, scientists & doctors who disagree with China via WHO. WHO is the one pushing these lockdowns (with the help of democrats) on the world while China is back in business taking over economically

11:20 PM · May 18, 2020
Aug 17, 2019
California's Newsom announces $125M fund to give coronavirus stimulus checks to immigrants in state illegally

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Wednesday plans to give cash payments to adult immigrants living illegally in the state to help them weather the coronavirus crisis.

The plan, which would use a mix of taxpayer money and charitable donations from corporations and philanthropists, will give 150,000 adults $500 each during the coronavirus outbreak, the governor said.

“We feel a deep sense of gratitude for people that are in fear of deportations that are still addressing essential needs of tens of millions of Californians,” said Newsom, a Democrat, who noted 10 percent of the state's workforce consisted of immigrants living in the country illegally who paid over $2.5 billion in state and local taxes last year.

Taxpayers would be kicking in $75 million for the money, while a group of charities has committed to raise another $50 million for a total of $125 million. A group of charities already has donated $5.5 million for the fund, including the Emerson Collective, Blue Shield of California Foundation, the California Endowment, the James Irvine Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and an anonymous donor.

Newsom said the money will not be distributed based on income. “Their personal information will not be required to get those support,” he added.

One of the biggest anti-Americans supporting non-Americans with NO personal information required to get the money.

Sounds a lot like their voting-by-mail with NO proof of ID required, doesn't it?

Probably safe to assume these 150,000 will attempt to "vote by mail" for Biden in November. (buying votes)

This is most likely the real "gratitude" he is expressing in his comments.
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump

If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama.

He knew EVERYTHING. Do it @LindseyGrahamSC, just do it.

No more Mr. Nice Guy. No more talk!

10:21 AM · May 14, 2020


Graham shoots down Trump's call for Obama testimony on Russia probe origins

05/14/2020 12:02 PM EDT



Attorney General Barr Says He Doesn't Envision Investigations of Joe Biden or Barack Obama

Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he did not expect an investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation to lead to criminal probes of either President Donald Trump’s Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, or former President Barack Obama.

Barr repeated his belief that “what happened to the president” as a result of the FBI’s investigation into whether his 2016 campaign conspired with Russia was “abhorrent” and a “grave injustice.” He has appointed John Durham, the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, to investigate whether crimes were committed as intelligence and law enforcement officials examined Russian election interference.

“Whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said, referring to Obama and Biden. “Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.”

Many anti-Americans, Dems and MSM outlets will embrace this as a "victory" but they are sadly mistaken.

You are watching the biggest "CHESS GAME" in world history.

Notice Barr's comment "based on information I have today".

Again, think "chess".

When do you attack the "king" (begging, middle or end)?

It's a very strategic, intentional and methodical approach that wins the game.
Aug 17, 2019

Alex Salvi

Fox News' Neil Cavuto on Pres. Trump saying he's taking hydroxychloroquine:

"If you are in a risky population here, and you are taking this as a preventative treatment ... it will kill you.

I cannot stress enough. This will kill you."

1:54 PM · May 18, 2020


Remember, every network has been infiltrated by good and evil.

It's only a matter of time before they show their true colors.

Cavuto's statements couldn't be further from the truth!

Hydroxy has been taken for decades and continues to be one of the most successful breakthroughs in the history of modern medicine.

Not only does it work, it DOESN'T KILL YOU!
Aug 17, 2019
Isn't it ironic how 3 W.H. personnel allegedly "tested positive" on Friday?

And isn't it ironic how Fauci "may" have come into contact with someone who tested positive just before he is set to testify in front of the Senate?

Can't wait to hear Fauci's Senate testimony this week and to see how he tries to weasel out of this one.

Is it possible these W.H. personnel intentionally tried to infect President Trump and Vice-President Biden?

Pres. Trump drops a BOMB SHELL!

This short VIDEO is a MUST WATCH and should be SHARED WITH EVERYONE!


If both are removed by any means, even COVID-19, guess who becomes acting President?


This is a frightening thought!

But lucky for all of us Trump and the Administration already knew the playbook of the Deep State and started to take Hydroxychloriquine.
Aug 17, 2019
Italian lawmaker exposes Bill Gates for his depopulation agenda and calls for his arrest

Watch as she exposes Bill Gates for his depopulation agenda and calls for his arrest for crimes.

A speech that could save this world as we know it. THANK YOU FOR WARNING THE WORLD IN SUCH A GRAND FASHION.

This woman exposes it all!

Aug 17, 2019
Trump tells governors feds 'will step in' if government disagrees with state reopening plans

President Trump told governors on a conference call Monday that he "will step in" if the federal government disagrees with state reopening plans, as he largely expressed satisfaction with how the governors are moving to lift coronavirus restrictions in their individual states, according to a report.

Trump, whose administration last month revealed guidelines for when states should begin lifting stay-at-home orders and other social distancing measures meant to slow the spread of the virus, has vocally pushed for the rapid reopening of the economy. The president said in an interview with Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo last week that his critics want the economy to remain shuttered until the November election, calling Democrats' reluctance to lift the coronavirus measures "a political thing."

"The governors are making their decisions, and want to make their decisions, and that's the way I want it to, and we will step in if we see something going wrong, or if we disagree, and some people say that's nice, and some people say I shouldn't be doing that, but we're going to do it if we see something wrong," Trump said to the governors Monday, according to audio of the call obtained by CBS.

The anti-Americans showed themselves through tyranny and corruption.

It's now time to put an end to it and allow "The People" to take off their masks and get on with life!

This virus is over and it's not coming back!

Jan 30, 2008
Eric Trump says Democrats 'trying to milk' coronavirus shutdown, media 'stoking fear'

The Democrats are "trying to milk" the coronavirus pandemic for every election advantage they can get over President Trump, the president's son, Eric Trump, said Saturday night.

Trump also ripped Joe Biden, asserting the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee "loves" that he and Trump can't campaign before large crowds during the pandemic -- because Biden thinks it hurts the president.

"Biden loves this. Biden can't go on stage without making some horrible blunder. I mean, even from his basement, he's making awful gaffes every single day. So his campaign is thrilled that he's not going out there," Trump said. "And they think they're taking away Donald Trump's greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time."

"So they will, and you watch, they'll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3. And guess what? After Nov. 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen," Trump said. "They're trying to deprive him of his greatest asset, which is the fact that the American people love him. The fact that he's relatable, the fact that he can go out there and draw massive crowds."

Trump also accused journalists of "stoking fear," saying they removed their face masks after cameras stopped rolling during Friday's White House news briefing.

"They're actually stoking fear in this country. They're doing a massive disservice. They're being totally disingenuous about the whole thing," Trump said. "But they're doing it for one reason. They want to hurt Trump."

Pres. Trump only needs ONE public debate with Biden to prove to the world just how incompetent and corrupt he is.

Biden FEARS Trump more than anyone or anything!

So YES COVID-19 is now about the election and the Dems are doing whatever they can to avoid a Biden v. Trump public debate!

And tell this guy not to do an interview about a coronavirus shutdown and the democrats milking it for political gain from his house. Is he not familiar with irony? Feck. Keep this guy off TV and social media. He does more harm than good.

Jan 8, 2015
:):) He's taking hydroxy. That shit don't work. And it certainly don't work preventatively. Lets hope he throws a blood clot or goes into cardiac failure!
Aug 17, 2019
I have always that you know you are doing your job when all others can do is resort to trying to bash you and/or trying to twist and turn what you say to fit their narrative!

TRUTH always shows itself.

TRUTH always wins!

Keep watching the "chess" game!

You are going to love how it ends!

Jan 30, 2008
I have always that you know you are doing your job when all others can do is resort to trying to bash you and/or trying to twist and turn what you say to fit their narrative!

TRUTH always shows itself.

TRUTH always wins!

Keep watching the "chess" game!

You are going to love how it ends!

I'm not trying to bash you and I didn't twist the message about what Eric Trump said. It's his methods that seem to do more harm than good. Give that interview from a public place to reinforce how he believes the virus is being used politically. Don't do that interview from home which only gives those who are opposed to his message strength.

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