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> 2 million homeowners are behind on their mortgages.
> 6 million renters are behind on their rent.
> There are countless Blackrock officials involved in the Biden Administration.
> Blackrock openly and aggressively supports China, calling it the "biggest opportunity to exist".
> Blackrock has been aggressively buying every house they could find in America, in many cases outbidding normal buyers by 20-50%. WHY?
> Blackrock is responsible for the manipulation of the of the current price increases in the housing market.
> Biden Administration let this moratorium expire without action.
> They knew it was set to expire for weeks and yet didn't address it until the final hour before break. WHY?
NONE of this is coincidence or by accident.
It was always the plan.
The NWO "Great Reset" has officially begun.
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Also worth noting:
Vanguard is the 'sleeper' in this and is working closely with Blackrock for the "Great Reset".
If you have the power to manipulate the real estate market, or any market, to the upside you have the power to crash it too. [logical thinking]
Crashing the markets is the final phase of every "Great Reset".
It is necessary to bankrupt The People to secure their power and control.
Now is not the time to be overconfident, or adjust your lifestyle up thinking this is 'forever'.
Stay conservative and prudent.
As stated many times, the current markets are being highly controlled and manipulated and artificially held up.
These market increases this year are not real.
Real, meaning there is no fundamental reason for the current levels.
It is not sustainable given the current backdrop and reality.
The average volume of the market is down 15%-20%.
Light volume with higher moves is usually a 'warning' sign.
And we also know overnight repos continue to set record highs.
The markets are a ticking time bomb.
The warning signs are everywhere.
Just be careful.