No person has more conviction over the election fraud "conspiracy" than savage1.
I'm assuming this means he's sitting on a mountain of irrefutable evidence.
Curious as to why he wouldn't be interested in an all expense paid trip, first-class too, to prove he's right and Lindell is wrong and I am too.
I mean, seriously, all expenses paid and a free $6,000,000.
Either savage1 is full of shit or he hates free money.
I will take "he's full of shit" for $1,000 Alex.
I explained it to you already, AHOLE!!
Again the burden of proof is on YOU, and so far and 9 months later you have been turned away 70 plus times without getting out of batter's box.
Also, you offer an alleged million dollars of our own money(like I really believe you have it lol) if I am right, but yet refuse simple self-ban posting
of two weeks if Trump isn't reinstated as opposed to my ONE YEAR ban if he is-26-1 odds-how about explaining that one!!! lol
Also and again as I stated previously, why would I or anyone else take up the challenge if there is no judge or anyone arbitrating the challenge
and deciding what "irrefutable proof" is or is not.
As I see it, someone could use whatever evidence they had to refute what Pillow Man offered, and Lindell could simply say "sorry what you
said doesn't refute what I said," meaning that he would not have to fork over the five million dollars.
Keep trying though trying to portray yourself as the victim rather than face up to the FACT that I and the others have beaten you to a
pulp and a bloody mess over the last 16 months, among other things, documenting and exposing you as the fraud, liar and con artist you are!!