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New member
Feb 21, 2011
are you saying a global television viewing and merchandise selling generate less money than a ticketing to watch a live event?

"crowd size matters", especially when you have one man filling arenas nightly while another can't even fill 12 circles in a gymnasium once.

If you don't understand this simple truth then you are a fool or just plain stupid.

Nov 11, 2007

Lots of people going to prison.

Many off to GITMO.

This isn't going to end well for any of the Dems or DS Players.


How many FAILED times have we heard that line before about GITMO??

Hint-count the days since March of 2020 when you opened the thread to get an idea. lol

Nov 11, 2007

Biden's crowd is comprised of his fake administration, fake news networks and members of the production crew.


So few in fact hat Biden has been in charge of the country since January 2020, and it will remain so until at least Inauguration Day of 2025!!

Nov 11, 2007
are you saying a global television viewing and merchandise selling generate less money than a ticketing to watch a live event?

If he used the term "DICK size matters," instead of crowd size, well then I am sure some women and guys would agree with him!!

Nov 11, 2007
No person has more conviction over the election fraud "conspiracy" than savage1.

I'm assuming this means he's sitting on a mountain of irrefutable evidence.

Curious as to why he wouldn't be interested in an all expense paid trip, first-class too, to prove he's right and Lindell is wrong and I am too.

I mean, seriously, all expenses paid and a free $6,000,000.

Either savage1 is full of shit or he hates free money.

I will take "he's full of shit" for $1,000 Alex.


I explained it to you already, AHOLE!!

Again the burden of proof is on YOU, and so far and 9 months later you have been turned away 70 plus times without getting out of batter's box.

Also, you offer an alleged million dollars of our own money(like I really believe you have it lol) if I am right, but yet refuse simple self-ban posting

of two weeks if Trump isn't reinstated as opposed to my ONE YEAR ban if he is-26-1 odds-how about explaining that one!!! lol

Also and again as I stated previously, why would I or anyone else take up the challenge if there is no judge or anyone arbitrating the challenge

and deciding what "irrefutable proof" is or is not.

As I see it, someone could use whatever evidence they had to refute what Pillow Man offered, and Lindell could simply say "sorry what you

said doesn't refute what I said," meaning that he would not have to fork over the five million dollars.

Keep trying though trying to portray yourself as the victim rather than face up to the FACT that I and the others have beaten you to a

pulp and a bloody mess over the last 16 months, among other things, documenting and exposing you as the fraud, liar and con artist you are!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004


They got the actual ballots and they handed them to conspiracy theorists who say that you know (waving hands) that QAnon is the mastermind or whatever it is, that stopped, that they need to use to stop the steal and all, the craziest parts of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory world have the actual ballots and are going to declare that something different happened in election…in the election in Arizona than what really happened.”
She concluded, “and that will become a lie that they try to live on and build on for a long time to come, watch, this is a ridiculous story that will become very dangerous.”


Claimed Trump was a Russian asset ad nauseum earning the nickname Moscow Maddow and is talking about conspiracy theories .


Nov 11, 2007

They got the actual ballots and they handed them to conspiracy theorists who say that you know (waving hands) that QAnon is the mastermind or whatever it is, that stopped, that they need to use to stop the steal and all, the craziest parts of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory world have the actual ballots and are going to declare that something different happened in election…in the election in Arizona than what really happened.”
She concluded, “and that will become a lie that they try to live on and build on for a long time to come, watch, this is a ridiculous story that will become very dangerous.”


Claimed Trump was a Russian asset ad nauseum earning the nickname Moscow Maddow and is talking about conspiracy theories .


All I know is that I and imo the overwhelming number of people are not going to believe the results of ANY audit whether it be republican or democratic

which takes place six or seven months after the Election, and whose results are not known until nine months after the Election for lots of obvious reasons.

This is even more so because the results in key states have already been counted in some cases several times, and again because 70 some odd

challenges by Trump's legal team have been turned away at the door including several by the SCOTUS.

I don't put much stock in conspiracy theories on EITHER side.

For me Biden won/Trump lost, and only a whining crybaby like Trump and some of his supporters would still be bitching and complaining

about the results almost nine months later!!!

In life one doesn't always win and/or get their own way!!

Get it!!!
Aug 17, 2019

They got the actual ballots and they handed them to conspiracy theorists who say that you know (waving hands) that QAnon is the mastermind or whatever it is, that stopped, that they need to use to stop the steal and all, the craziest parts of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory world have the actual ballots and are going to declare that something different happened in election…in the election in Arizona than what really happened.”
She concluded, “and that will become a lie that they try to live on and build on for a long time to come, watch, this is a ridiculous story that will become very dangerous.”


Claimed Trump was a Russian asset ad nauseum earning the nickname Moscow Maddow and is talking about conspiracy theories .


savage1 loves Rachel Maddcow and CNN.

He admits to watching daily.

He waits to see what they tell him to think next.


Nov 11, 2007
savage1 loves Rachel Maddcow and CNN.

He admits to watching daily.

He waits to see what they tell him to think next.


I do watch them and imo they are a zillion percent more accurate that the phony sources you provide such as "Real Raw News,

and some of the other ones I provided earlier today!!

In case you "didn't see" he post with some of your "sources," here is a repost of what I posted earlier today:

Yes-we should all trust sources as like "Real Raw News," "Before its News," "Disclose TV," "Breaking 911," your sources who stated that the George

Floyd murder was staged for political purposes and that he is still alive, or the one who said that he was murdered but that Derek Chauvin was

not person who did it, or maybe your "sources; which claims that aliens, evil spirits, demons, etc, invade our dreams and force us to have sex with

them, ot your "intell source" who claimed that Trump would be reinstated as POTUS a zillion times beginning on Nov. 6 of 2020 and up until

the present day, or your "source" which predicted and continues to claim that Trump won ALL 50 states and got over 90% of the Popular

Vote and the most defining and laughable one so far, namely that Trump would be reinstated as POTUS on July 4th and that it would be "a day

to be remembered for centuries." lol

But go ahead and eep trying to bury the 100% TRUTH ABOUT YOU AND YOUR "SOURCES" by trying and failing to project your own

massive failures, lies, delusions, etc/ onto folks like us who have DOCUMENTED AND EXPOSED YOU FOR WHO AND WHAT

Aug 17, 2019
http://<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW - Dr. Fauci is "very frustrated" that the U.S. is heading in the "wrong direction" on the pandemic, CDC considers having vaccinated people wear masks in public again (AP)</p>— &#55357;&#57000; (@disclosetv) <a href="">July 25, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

INTERPRETATION: Fraudci is pissed because nobody is buying his bullshit anymore.

And not only has Fraudci been exposed so has the election fraud.

The Dems and DS Players are in full panic mode.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
All I know is that I and imo the overwhelming number of people are not going to believe the results of ANY audit whether it be republican or democratic

which takes place six or seven months after the Election, and whose results are not known until nine months after the Election for lots of obvious reasons.

This is even more so because the results in key states have already been counted in some cases several times, and again because 70 some odd

challenges by Trump's legal team have been turned away at the door including several by the SCOTUS.

I don't put much stock in conspiracy theories on EITHER side.

For me Biden won/Trump lost, and only a whining crybaby like Trump and some of his supporters would still be bitching and complaining

about the results almost nine months later!!!

In life one doesn't always win and/or get their own way!!

Get it!!!

Show me which state and the link of a full forensic audit result from your nonsensical talking point below . It’s as laughable as the Jim Crowe 2.0 voter suppression bills claims .

This is even more so because the results in key states have already been counted in some cases several times .

Nov 11, 2007
Show me which state and the link of a full forensic audit result from your nonsensical talking point below . It’s as laughable as the Jim Crowe 2.0 voter suppression bills claims .

This is even more so because the results in key states have already been counted in some cases several times .

Again I don't care about the results of ANY audit of any type done six or months done after the Election, REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT.

In addition, Al I know is that seventy Trump legal challenges all failed including to the SCOTUS!!

That is good enough for me and should be also for Trump and you!!!!

See ya!!
Aug 17, 2019
The EU started working on a vaccine passport system in 2018, with the goal being to fully implement it by 2022.


Odd timing, isn't it?

Are you a "Coincidence Theorist"?


Nov 11, 2007
http://<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 250px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="" data-tweet-id="1419356964585459719"></iframe>
<script async="" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

INTERPRETATION: Fraudci is pissed because nobody is buying his bullshit anymore.

And not only has Fraudci been exposed so has the election fraud.

The Dems and DS Players are in full panic mode.


I offered you the same 26-1 odds that I did with Trump re: Dr. Fauci being arrested and convicted of anything this year, and once again like

the 100% blowhard/coward that you are, you refused to accept my wager!!

Now go back and stare in the mirror at yourself along side of a full image of Trump and tell yourself how wonderful both of you are!!! lol<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>
Aug 17, 2019
Show me which state and the link of a full forensic audit result from your nonsensical talking point below . It’s as laughable as the Jim Crowe 2.0 voter suppression bills claims .

This is even more so because the results in key states have already been counted in some cases several times .

He doesn't have anything.

Just an opinion based on his hate for one man and an ego that won't admit he's on the wrong side of the narrative.

This isn't going to end well for the Dems, DS Players or savage1 and his libtard friends.

Nov 11, 2007
The EU started working on a vaccine passport system in 2018, with the goal being to fully implement it by 2022.


Odd timing, isn't it?

Are you a "Coincidence Theorist"?


Lets just say that it is no coincidence that I am here and have been here for the last 16 months to document and put you in your rightful place, which is

the sewer!!!

Nov 11, 2007
He doesn't have anything.

Just an opinion based on his hate for one man and an ego that won't admit he's on the wrong side of the narrative.

It is YOU who have nothing, pal, and it will be ultimately be YOU who is crying in his beer after all of this is over and Biden remains as POTUS.

I am curious-have you decided yet what you next line of bullshit will be when you again move the goal posts for the zillionth time and make yet

another prediction about Trump's reinstatement!!

Out for the time being.

Have fun in the meantime, Mr. QAnon/Neo-Nazi!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Again I don't care about the results of ANY audit of any type done six or months done after the Election, REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT.

In addition, Al I know is that seventy Trump legal challenges all failed including to the SCOTUS!!

That is good enough for me and should be also for Trump and you!!!!

See ya!!

For someone that doesn’t care about any audit results , you sure do go out of your way to post plenty of links about them .

Unlike you , I’ve said I’m willing to accept the Maricopa audit findings if they show nothing several times before .

I’ll take it by not being able to back up your last ridiculous claim about prior audit findings the white flag is surrendered lightweight .


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