It says NY Times in the title dummy.
We kick off libtard day with the #1 delusional member already proving just how dumb and delusional he is.
He is going to be triggered all day long.
By the way, don't get too excited about me replying to your post.
I only did because it was in my face when I went to post and I couldn't resist seizing the libtard day moment.
It was like I was meant to see it in honor of your day.
Otherwise, I just continue to ignore your gibberish and nonsense.
You are waste of time and space here.

Ok I missed the source-sorry, but that doesn't detract the fact that that in the overwhelming numbers you don't provide sources and/or use the ones which
I have cited and which are not trusted or that no one ever heard of OR simply state your own opinion as a "source!"
That is fact and not an opinion!!
And please don't give us that total lie and bullshit that you don't read my posts, and that today was an exception.
You read every fucking one of them, and if in the rare instance I am wrong, and you don't read them, it is is because you don't want to be further destroyed
and made a complete liar and fool of as I and the others have done for the last 16 months.
You keep claiming that we are going to face our worst nightmare soon without telling us what the nightmare is or will be.
Well in your case, I will be specific and tell you what YOUR nightmare is because to be blunt, it is already here and has been here since
you started your thread 16 months ago.
If somehow you still don't know what you nightmare is, it is that I and the others have literally exposed and destroyed you with our documentation
of your failed predictions, lies, accusation bullshit and so much more.
When you started this thread you thought that you could say anything you wanted to and get away with it including predictions which ultimately
would fail because people would forget, and that you could just wash, rinse and repeat.
Now you realize that you BADLY miscalculated and that there are negative repercussions to your words.
Now that is what I call a REAL nightmare in both the figurative and literal meaning of the word.
For your own good, I strongly suggest that if you ever start another controversial thread of this nature, that you check out the opposition
first unless of course you are a masochist and wish to be bloodied and battered again!!