Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
Well what do you know-sbd instead of waiting until his usual style of posting his conspiracies and/opinions from his far right sources

early in the morning, decided to fire away this evening.

Could this be an indication that Sunday is fast approaching and he is in panic mode knowing full well that he will face the consequences of his

predictions/The "Truth," namely to look like a fool if they DO NOT come true?

I expect to see more of these in the AM, which for me that perhaps that he thinks that by simply posting more of the same, everyone

will believe him and that somehow this will create some kind of reality making everything he claims will happen on Sunday, come true.

As I so rightfully predicted today, he decided not comment on the veracity of the Trump Racist Link I posted in post 826,

nor answer the YES/NO question directly with no equivocation I asked him directly today as to whether he sticks by his predictions about

the good and evil being exposed as well as the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius by Sunday and will be CLEARLY visible to every single human

being on the planet.

For me that speaks volumes.

I close this post by responding in kind with two posts from my sources to the ones he offered-he can dish them

all he wants to, but they are just as good as his until proven otherwise.

Here you go:

The first commentary centers around "Mr Right About Everything" Rush Limbaugh, and the second one an exposure of the Right Wing Faction, whose

modus operandi is and has always been believe that Republicans and Trump infallible and the Democrats the opposite.

Be forewarned that the second article especially is quite lengthy, meaning that I don't expect that the "see spot run"

folks with a short attention span are going to take the time to read it.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Well what do you know-sbd instead of waiting until his usual style of posting his conspiracies and/opinions from his far right sources

early in the morning, decided to fire away this evening.

Could this be an indication that Sunday is fast approaching and he is in panic mode knowing full well that he will face the consequences of his

predictions/The "Truth," namely to look like a fool if they DO NOT come true?

I expect to see more of these in the AM, which for me that perhaps that he thinks that by simply posting more of the same, everyone

will believe him and that somehow this will create some kind of reality making everything he claims will happen on Sunday, come true.

As I so rightfully predicted today, he decided not comment on the veracity of the Trump Racist Link I posted in post 826,

nor answer the YES/NO question directly with no equivocation I asked him directly today as to whether he sticks by his predictions about

the good and evil being exposed as well as the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius by Sunday and will be CLEARLY visible to every single human

being on the planet.

For me that speaks volumes.

I close this post by responding in kind with two posts from my sources to the ones he offered-he can dish them

all he wants to, but they are just as good as his until proven otherwise.

Here you go:

The first commentary centers around "Mr Right About Everything" Rush Limbaugh, and the second one an exposure of the Right Wing Faction, whose

modus operandi is and has always been believe that Republicans and Trump infallible and the Democrats the opposite.

Be forewarned that the second article especially is quite lengthy, meaning that I don't expect that the "see spot run"

folks with a short attention span are going to take the time to read it.

Dude , go to NY and take a walk outside. No one gives a shit. Go back to Site promo and lick Phil Steele’s nut sack. Your $100 mail wife is

Nov 11, 2007
Just think folks-quoting from post 52 from sbd, all of this is a little more than two days away!!!

"Looking Glass"

As the end of the virus nears it will conclude with the rise of the TRUTH.

The truth will occur on a global stage.

There will be no room for question when it comes to the people.

No one will ever again question who's responsible for, coordinated, involved in, or ANYTHING that has happened or been considered a "conspiracy theory" EVER AGAIN!

This includes some of the most controversial topics like JFK, Oklahoma City, Whitewater, 9/11, ISIS, Mandalay Bay, Pizzagate and more.

It will be a "MIC DROP"!

A New Earth blossoms
Unity, Peace, Love, Compassion, Healing
We are spiritual beings having human experiences

The Age of Aquarius is the Golden Age of progress and prosperity based on spiritual values, honesty and truth.

Nov 11, 2007
Until later this morning, when the next exciting episode of this exciting adventure starts up again and its two active participants return to debate

how this story will end this Sunday, I leave with you with the threads new and appropriate theme song.

Sleep well everyone and remember that "we are all one" or at least will be by sometime on Sunday:
Aug 17, 2019

Given the fact that Anthony Fauci has been at the center of one of the biggest medical cover-ups in history, it is shocking that anyone is putting their trust in him during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this explosive little book, the first publisher to devote his newspaper to the coverage of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome details the role of Anthony Fauci in the cover-up of the truth about the relationship of the two epidemics.

While mistaken members of the media like Laurie Garrett and Rachel Maddow have called Anthony Fauci "a great American," Dr. Fauci will soon take in his place in history as the chief operator of a Ponzi scheme that has plunged the world into a dystopian medical darkness of fraud, deceit, and neglect.

This book is a must-read chapter from "The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up Volume Two" with a new afterword that explores the extensive damage Fauci's Ponzi scheme has done to the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome community, people stigmatized with "HIV/AIDS," and everyone suffering from the viruses that Fauci's cover-up has been concealing from the world: the HHV-6/7/8 family of viruses.

The list of the potential victims of Fauci's Ponzi scheme includes virtually everyone. Even the health of millions of doctors and nurses has been put at risk. These are the elements of Fauci's scientific Ponzi scheme:
1. Nosological fraud. (That's the branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease. It is ground zero for public health fraud.)
2. Epidemiological fraud.
3. Virological fraud.
4. Treatment fraud. (Treatments that harm more than they heal or conceal more than they reveal.)
5. Public health policy fraud.
6. Concealment of negative scientific data and paradigm-challenging anomalies.
7. Use of an elite network of "old boys" and pseudo-activist provocateurs to censor critics and whistleblowers.
8. Chronic obscurantism.
9. If necessary, vigilantism and witch-hunts against any intellectuals, scientists, or citizens who constitute any form of resistance to the Ponzi scheme.

Millions of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are at risk for complications of COVID-19 because Fauci and his colleagues have never told the truth about the viral and transmissible nature of the AIDS-like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome pandemic.

Fauci and his puppets at NIH have created a real mess.

Like Bernie Madoff, Anthony Fauci is rich, famous, and powerful as a result of his scientific Ponzi scheme. And Fauci is a clever manipulator who will continue to try and hide the nature of his scientific Ponzi scheme from the public the way Bernie Madoff hid his financial records.

But luckily, this brilliant and uncompromising work of journalism will enlighten members of Congress and the media as they begin extensive investigations of the Fauci Ponzi scheme.
Aug 17, 2019

Bill Gates:

1. NEVER finished college
2. NOT an Engineer
3. NOT a Doctor
4. NOT an Epidemiologist
5. NOT a virologist
6. Owns virus patents
7. Owns vaccine companies
8. Documented thief
9. Visited Epstein's Pedo Island COUNTLESS times

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Bill Gates:

1. NEVER finished college
2. NOT an Engineer
3. NOT a Doctor
4. NOT an Epidemiologist
5. NOT a virologist
6. Owns virus patents
7. Owns vaccine companies
8. Documented thief
9. Visited Epstein's Pedo Island COUNTLESS times

fuck him
Aug 17, 2019
Gavin Newsom Declares California a ‘Nation-State’

The state is at odds with the federal government over coronavirus plans and much else.

Hey Gavin, this isn't about the virus, it's about you trying to protect the biggest criminals and Pedos in your state (Pelosi, Weiner, Hollywood, etc.) against what's about to happen.

Aug 17, 2019

Wait until America, and the rest of the world, learns HE WAS RIGHT!

The virus was engineered as a biological weapon ("hoax").

MSM created fear and mass hysteria with fake news reporting ("pandemic").

Dr. Fauci and the CDC fed the fake news with fake numbers ("narrative enforcement").

Even Fauci's latest "revision" in estimated deaths will be way off.

Soon people will see all this insanity was for NOTHING!
Aug 17, 2019

Wait until America, and the rest of the world, learns HE WAS RIGHT!

The virus was engineered as a biological weapon ("hoax").

MSM created fear and mass hysteria with fake news reporting ("pandemic").

Dr. Fauci and the CDC fed the fake news with fake numbers ("narrative enforcement").

Even Fauci's latest "revision" in estimated deaths will be way off.

Soon people will see all this insanity was for NOTHING!

However, their biological attack backfired!

And what came out of this is something not even the evil anticipated!

1. It brought people closer
2. It saved marriages and relationships
3. It made people more loving and compassionate
4. It made people more grateful for everything they have
5. It connected people back to Mother Earth
6. It allowed Mother Earth to regenerate and restore balance
7. It strengthened people's faith
8. It reinforced people's morals
9. It exposed truth
10. It WOKE people up

This all paved the way for a more unified, peaceful, loving and compassionate Earth!
Aug 17, 2019
The Mainstream Media and Democrats ARE the ENEMY of the People

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day!
Aug 17, 2019
Let us remember the significance of today (Good Friday).... the "crucifixion".

The MSM and Dems will soon be reminded.
Aug 17, 2019
It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!

All is going according to schedule.

However, since some can't even see the truth of what's in front of them now it is difficult for me to believe they will understand it then.

Also remember, Easter is observed on Sunday and Monday.
Aug 17, 2019
CNN poll: Biden leads Trump in national head-to-head matchup (4/9/20)

Former Vice President Joe Biden holds a wide lead over President Donald Trump in the national race for the White House, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

Who the hell is "SSRS"?

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server-based report generating software system from Microsoft. It is part of a suite of Microsoft SQL Server services, including SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) and SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services).

Of course Bill Gates' name is attached to it! Yeah, this is real credible!

Do people really believe this crap?

Biden is virtually MIA and can't even put a sentence together that makes sense and yet we are supposed to believe he "holds a wide lead" over the smartest and most popular President this world has ever seen?

I can't stop laughing!

No wonder why CNN ratings are at an all time low.

People are smarter than this!

People are waking up to truth!

Lucky for all of us Trump already won in a landslide!
Aug 17, 2019
Senators block new virus aid, Pelosi decries ‘stunt’

Senators torpedoed quick passage of a new coronavirus aid package Thursday, with Democrats rejecting a Trump administration request for $250 billion to boost a small business payroll fund and Republicans refusing Democrats' demand for another $250 billion for hospitals and states.

Of course the Democrats did! And of course Pelosi is at the front of it again!

They want more money for "states and hospitals", presumably THEIR states and hospitals so they can embezzle it out like they always have!

Remember, these are the same people fighting for stimulus payments to go to ILLEGAL immigrants and voting by mail WITHOUT PROOF OF I.D.

Enough said!

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Senators block new virus aid, Pelosi decries ‘stunt’

Senators torpedoed quick passage of a new coronavirus aid package Thursday, with Democrats rejecting a Trump administration request for $250 billion to boost a small business payroll fund and Republicans refusing Democrats' demand for another $250 billion for hospitals and states.

Of course the Democrats did! And of course Pelosi is at the front of it again!

They want more money for "states and hospitals", presumably THEIR states and hospitals so they can embezzle it out like they always have!

Remember, these are the same people fighting for stimulus payments to go to ILLEGAL immigrants and voting by mail WITHOUT PROOF OF I.D.

Enough said!

Embezzlement at its finest. They need to be hung
Aug 17, 2019
President Trump praised former POWs. Meghan McCain lit him up

Nearly two years after his death, the late Sen. John McCain trended again on Twitter Thursday after President Donald Trump tweeted out his appreciation for former prisoners of war.

Trump's long-running and personal feud with one of America's most famous POWs — McCain, the six-term Arizona Republican — was immediately brought up by McCain's daughter, Meghan McCain, and other Twitter users.

McCain, a co-host of ABC's "The View," quoted Trump's 2015 put-down of McCain's war record, when Trump said McCain was considered a war hero "because he was captured" and that Trump liked "people who weren't captured."

"No one has forgotten this is how you honor POW’s," McCain tweeted to Trump.

Perhaps Meghan doesn't understand that her daddy was a TRAITOR and Pres. Trump only honors PATRIOTS.

Maybe someone should clue her in.

Soon she will understand with the rest of the nation.

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