My NDE is personal and I would never share it with you for the simple fact that we are not aligned on any level.
Your journey is yours and mine is mine and I believe we are at very different stages of our evolution.
The bottom line is that Sunday will show whether you are correct or not.
And to be clear-if things don't unfold as you predict, meaning that everyone including me can see everything with their own eyes,
I will not accept any kind of vague/cop-out/evasive response along the eyes that God did in fact reveal the TRUTH to YOU and your following
and that others have not yet "evolved" to the point where they can also see it-sorry that type of modus operandi won't get it done!
re: your NDE, do as you wish/think-for the record,hundreds if not thousands of people described/stated theirs in the book Evidence of the Afterlife by Dr. Long.