Important Virus Update


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Trudeau is getting rich off of us also unfortunately. Can't blame him though. I'd probably do the same thing if I was in his position.

But you wouldn't do it if you were FOX or CNN? You may be dumber than savage and i didn't think that was possible. Makes sense though because you are a dumb ass liberal just like him.

Jan 30, 2008
I would definitely do it if I was Fox or CNN. Sit back and cash in watching the right and left bash each other. Sound business model in my opinion.

Nov 11, 2007
All I can say re: Biden is that although imo he would still be a better alternative in comparison to Trump re: leadership ability,

he pales in comparison to that of Governor Cuomo.

In fact I read somewhere yesterday in some poll(I will try to find it) that although Biden edges out Trump leadership abilities,

that in same poll, Cuomo is considered as having better leadership qualities than Trump at this juncture and crushes him a 2-1 margin.

I am not surprised at all based on what I have witnessed from both people since the Virus became the issue of the day.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
All I can say re: Biden is that although imo he would still be a better alternative in comparison to Trump re: leadership ability,

he pales in comparison to that of Governor Cuomo.

In fact I read somewhere yesterday in some poll(I will try to find it) that although Biden edges out Trump leadership abilities,

that in same poll, Cuomo is considered as having better leadership qualities than Trump at this juncture by a 2-1 margin.

I am not surprised at all based on what I have witnessed since the Virus became the issue of the day.

Yeah Biden would be great. You get dumber by the minute and that is hard to do

Let’s look back at what Biden has said and done in the past.

On Jan. 31, Trump put travel restrictions in place from China. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, his doing so bought us more time to address the virus and likely saved lives.

Dr. Anthony Fauci says “there’s no question” that if President Trump had not restricted travel from China “there would have been many more travel-related cases..."

Biden’s response on March 1?

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering,” said Biden the day after the travel restrictions were imposed.

Had Biden been in charge, it might have cost countless lives.

Biden is now walking in step with the Chinese Communist party line by not calling out China for their cover up and suggesting banning travel from an affected area is racist.

Biden has told multiple lies about the situation – that Trump cut the CDC and the NIH (funding actually increased), that Trump was muzzling scientists like Dr. Anthony Fauci (Biden claimed that despite Fauci making public statements on the issue and debunking that Democratic lie) and spreading the lie that Trump called the virus a hoax.

There was also another problem. According to reports at the time, Biden almost caused a panic because of his remarks about the swine flu virus and the Obama administration had to apologize for him.

Good luck with that dumb fuck in office

Nov 11, 2007
It is obvious that some folks are either not very bright and/or do not have the ability to read/comprehend what was written.

As it regards my last post and to clarify things, the point of my previous post was to emphasize the superiority of Governor Cuomo re: leadership abilities

over Biden over President Trump;for that matter imo there are lots and lots of folks who would have better leadership abilities in the Virus

crises or ones like it.

If I was going to vote(I am not because for example as I have stated I am opposed to homosexuality and certainly gay marriage as

well as abortion for religious/spiritual reasons) and/or had to choose a candidate, I would select Cuomo over Biden 101 times out of 100.

The reference to Biden was to simply imply that if someone pointed the gun to my head and said that if I had to choose/vote between Biden and Trump,

I would begrudgingly pick Biden as an alternative to Trump.

Jan 30, 2008
But you wouldn't do it if you were FOX or CNN? You may be dumber than savage and i didn't think that was possible. Makes sense though because you are a dumb ass liberal just like him.

I think the wall that is being built by Trump is a good idea. Should have been started years before he got into office. Don't think Mexico is going to pay for it though. Fuck, I can't get my buddy to give me back the $50 I lent him. Good luck getting $30 billion from Mexico lol.

But I also think a little basic cheap health care for those less fortunate is not a bad idea also. Seems like the humane thing to do for our fellow man.

Would I be classified as a liberal or conservative?

New member
Jan 11, 2008
It is obvious that some folks are either not very bright and/or do not have the ability to read/comprehend what was written.

As it regards my last post and to clarify things, the point of my previous post was to emphasize the superiority of Governor Cuomo re: leadership abilities

over Biden over President Trump;for that matter imo there are lots and lots of folks who would have better leadership abilities in the Virus

crises or ones like it.

If I was going to vote(I am not because for example as I have stated I am opposed to homosexuality and certainly gay marriage as

well as abortion for religious/spiritual reasons) and/or had to choose a candidate, I would select Cuomo over Biden 101 times out of 100.

The reference to Biden was to simply imply that if someone pointed the gun to my head and said that if I had to choose/vote between Biden and Trump,

I would begrudgingly pick Biden as an alternative to Trump.

You trademarked ignorance a long time ago

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I think the wall that is being built by Trump is a good idea. Should have been started years before he got into office. Don't think Mexico is going to pay for it though. Fuck, I can't get my buddy to give me back the $50 I lent him. Good luck getting $30 billion from Mexico lol.

But I also think a little basic cheap health care for those less fortunate is not a bad idea also. Seems like the humane thing to do for our fellow man.

Would I be classified as a liberal or conservative?

You are clearly a liberal based on your posts. If you disagree you are also in denial

Jan 30, 2008
But there are things I agree with that are put forward by both sides of the political spectrum. I find each side puts out some good ideas and also some batshit crazy ideas. Maybe I should't have mentioned bats?

Nov 11, 2007
I think the wall that is being built by Trump is a good idea. Should have been started years before he got into office. Don't think Mexico is going to pay for it though. Fuck, I can't get my buddy to give me back the $50 I lent him. Good luck getting $30 billion from Mexico lol.

But I also think a little basic cheap health care for those less fortunate is not a bad idea also. Seems like the humane thing to do for our fellow man.

Would I be classified as a liberal or conservative?

Imo in time if you do not already, you will learn that to person to whom you are referring is not of your intelligence and is unable to respond

to valid points made, and worse, will simply resort to insults and name calling as he was done

with me right along(including total 100% lies about my wife).

without responding to the points made.

Although I don't care for Rush Limbaugh, his saying about "my hands tied beyond my back to even things up" certainly applies here with

anyone conversing with this sad and lost individual!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
You want to be a liberal, be a liberal. It is the extreme left scumbags like savage who ruin it for the good ones

He is so blinded by politics that reality never has a place in his views

If want to be critical of trump for downplaying the virus, you cannot then say the man he gets his info from and who did the same exact thing is the “man of the year”. That is just pure ignorance and a totally biased view

You cannot talk about leadership and Biden being a better leader when he has never done it and he openly said restricting flights from China was racist. There would be twice as many dead here right now if his decisions were made. Another totally biased and ignorant assessment

The far left dumb fucks like savage have zero ability to see reality in any situation. They are driven by tthe things they watch and hear and they repeat it. They have no ability to look at both sides and see where the issues lie

And nobody blinded by nothing but hatred for one man should be thumping any bible.

You want to have views, have views. When they are biased or uneducated, expect people who live in reality to correct them
Aug 17, 2019

Should we listen to Dr. fauci or someone(Trump) who will do and say something to get re-elected (15000 documented lies in his tenure,

some of which occurred during this Crisis as of course due to ignorance, stupidity, arrogance and incompetence)?

You keep saying 15,000 lies and yet you have provided no credible evidence supporting even ONE.

You are blinded by your own political views and beliefs. It takes away your ability to see clearly.

You have also been brainwashed by MSM.

At this point everything you say is gibberish .

You are a dog chasing its own tail.

Since this is my thread I am going to ask you very politely and respectfully to STOP posting.

I'm sorry brother but please stop.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Way to be savage the hypocrite. God forbid you ever acknowledge your own stupidity or ignorance about anything

Man of the year!!!!!

Put the keyboard down and help your whore. She lost her green card

Nov 11, 2007
You keep saying 15,000 lies and yet you have provided no credible evidence supporting even ONE.

You are blinded by your own political views and beliefs. It takes away your ability to see clearly.

You have also been brainwashed by MSM.

At this point everything you say is gibberish .

You are a dog chasing its own tail.

Since this is my thread I am going to ask you very politely and respectfully to STOP posting.

I'm sorry brother but please stop.

I have already provided documentation of a few of the 15000 lies in this thread and will do so again if you want me to!

I am no more blinded by my "political" views than you are yours!

You have been brainwashed by Fox and right wing radio whose link I posted in an earlier thread!

If what I say is gibberish, then in turn what you say is a far RIGHT POLITICALLY engendered attempt/agenda to point fingers at certain democrats

who you despise as well as to deify Donald Trump.

If I am a dog chasing its own tail, then you in return living in a world of delusion and UNPROVEN conspiracy theories and also

one whose Dawning of the Age of Aquarius will be proven one way or the other next Sunday, which is Easter.

It may be YOUR thread in that you started it,

However unless/until/if Administration removes me from the thread(which I will accept as God's Will), I will remain here and certainly

until next Sunday, which is put up or shut up time for you re: everything which you have stated will occur on the day comes to pass or not.

Perhaps you want me removed from thread because Easter is fast approaching and you are worried that your prognostications

may not come to pass and you don't want me around to question you about it if they do not!

You claim to be a fair minded person, but not ONCE in this thread did you request that one certain poster(you know who he is)

to stop with personal insults about me and my wife and the name calling-how come-is that ok in your opinion-do you want that kind of

poster in "your thread" or is it a case, "perhaps" just "perhaps" that it is ok for him to do so because like you, he also admirers

Trump and detests democratics?

Until proven otherwise(by Easter) they are nothing but accusations with no substance other than by you your sources

and using circumstantial evidence at best!

And now folks(and YOU most importantly) you know the rest of the story!!
Aug 17, 2019
The clues are everywhere....

The Capitol quietly removes the U.N. flag.

Defender 20 Europe, the largest secret deployment in over 25 years.

Military movement and action in the U.S. and everywhere around the globe.

NYC and L.A. harbors on virtual lockdowns with USNS Comfort and Mercy, submarines, battleships and military prison ships.

Countless earthquakes in unsuspecting places everywhere across the nation.

Underground fires in the U.K.

German Chancellor Angela "quarantined" (3/22/20), Finance Minister commits suicide (3/29/20).

More than 60 Italian Priests "die" suddenly from the "virus" (3/23/20). Maltese courts orders seizure of Vatican Bank assets (4/3/20).

The Queen "quits" Buckingham. Harry and Meghan "run" for "safety".

Countless foreign leaders "quarantined" or test "positive" for virus.

Countless actors/actresses/performers "quarantined" or test "positive" to virus. Many "freaking out" publicly. Some "died" that nobody knew were even "positive".

Political, Hollywood and Media war against Trump and the Administration.

They all know their days are numbered and there is nowhere to hide.

Stand united brothers. Stay calm. Fear NOTHING.

Pray for POTUS.

Pray for our servicemen and all servicemen around the globe.

Pray for our medical team, counselors and workers supporting this effort.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Dipshit telling someone else they are brainwashed. How ironic :pointer:

Guy buys a whore and thinks everything in life comes easy. Intelligence certainly doesn’t when it comes to this crybaby
Aug 17, 2019

Nov 11, 2007
The clues are everywhere....

The Capitol quietly removes the U.N. flag.

Defender 20 Europe, the largest secret deployment in over 25 years.

Military movement and action in the U.S. and everywhere around the globe.

NYC and L.A. harbors on virtual lockdowns with USNS Comfort and Mercy, submarines, battleships and military prison ships.

Countless earthquakes in unsuspecting places everywhere across the nation.

Underground fires in the U.K.

German Chancellor Angela "quarantined" (3/22/20), Finance Minister commits suicide (3/29/20).

More than 60 Italian Priests "die" suddenly from the "virus" (3/23/20). Maltese courts orders seizure of Vatican Bank assets (4/3/20).

The Queen "quits" Buckingham. Harry and Meghan "run" for "safety".

Countless foreign leaders "quarantined" or test "positive" for virus.

Countless actors/actresses/performers "quarantined" or test "positive" to virus. Many "freaking out" publicly. Some "died" that nobody knew were even "positive".

Political, Hollywood and Media war against Trump and the Administration.

They all know their days are numbered and there is nowhere to hide.

Stand united brothers. Stay calm. Fear NOTHING.

Pray for POTUS.

Pray for our servicemen and all servicemen around the globe.

Pray for our medical team, counselors and workers supporting this effort.


They all know their days are numbered and there is nowhere to hide.

This is the most important line in your one way unsupported circimstantial drivel:

Here you say "their days are numbered," etc.

You have said time and time again that by EASTER all of this come to pass-does this mean that you are now using a more undefined time frame

by using the word "numbered."

A simple YES or NO will suffice!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Nothing better than a dipshit hypocrite with a whore in tow. Welcome to America

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