Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007

Taken from theCDC (Dr. Fauci is the Director)
Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
This includes people with:
  • Chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma (this includes pneumonia)
  • Serious heart conditions...

Taken from Dr. John Wilson, Respiratory Physician (Head of the Monash Alliance)
What became known as Covid-19, or the coronavirus, started in late 2019 as a cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause. The cause of the pneumonia was found to be a new virus – severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or Sars-CoV-2. The illness caused by the virus is Covid-19.

Let's pretend I am a member of the media present at a COVID-19 briefing...

Me: Dr. Fauci, according the published chart above the number of reported pneumonia deaths started to drop at the exact same time the first COVID-19 case arrived in thh U.S.
Is this simply a coincidence or is it possible those pneumonia deaths are now being reported as COVID-19 cases instead, and why haven't you talked about it?

Dr. Fauci:[silence]

Me: Please take your time sir.Dr. Fauci: This might be a good question for the President.

Mr. President: Look, the States are responsible for reporting their data to the CDC and we rely on that data for many things, including the funding and supplies we provide them.

Me: Is it possible they are reporting the incorrect data and why hasn't Dr. Fauci talked about this during his briefings?

Mr. President: I want to believe our States would give us complete and accurate information, I really do.

Me: And what about Dr. Fauci's role in this?

Mr. President: Dr. Fauci oversees all data received by the States, I'm assuming he is fully aware of the above chart and I will discuss this with him at the conclusion of this briefing.

Me: Are you suggesting then that there's a possibility the numbers are not being reported correctly and, if so, why would they do it or what would be their incentive?

Mr. President: At this juncture my Administration takes everything into account. Like I said we want to believe in the data they provide, we really do, but if there the data is false it would mean these States were stealing money and resources from us, and a lot of it. Like I said, I want to believe the data is real but if it wasn't there would be serious consequences.

Me: So to be clear, you are saying there is a possibility the data could be incorrect and it is being done to, in effect, steal from the U.S. Government?

Mr. President: Look, there's a reason why there is a U.S. Naval prison ship sitting the harbor right now.

Mr. President: I'm sorry I don't think I have seen you at one of our briefings before, who or what media company do you represent?

Me: I am independent sir, I represent the American People and Truth.

Mr. President: I knew I liked you, I like you a lot, this is real journalism and every other lamestream media clown in this briefing should operate like you and stop spoon feeding you lies and nonsense.

Just this for now as the countdown has begun from between now and Easter, as allegedly the time all your rabble rousing and conspiracy theories are

going to be revealed as true in any event at the exact moment by GOD when the Dawning of Event begins, when all of the "bad guys"/liars like

Dr. Fauci, Dr Birx, Dr. Gupta, Bill Gates, all other "incompetent/ "incompetent" immunologists who in any event are all part of the "Conspiracy,"

all of the "lying" patients, ER doctors, nurses, and hospital staff we see and hear on tv, some of whom are

paid off to say by the "Conspirators" to do/say what they do and/or are just part of the narrative to discredit Trump so that he won't be re-elected.

I for one have patience-I mean what is one more week for all of above to be revealed-why bother to express my own dissenting opinions along with

lots of other folks when according to you the "Truth" will be revealed and "freedom and "justice" will rule.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
This shows just how fucking dumb you are. You suck Fauci's balls and treat him like he should be the man of the year

This dumb fuck said this on January 21st

“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,” Dr. Fauci told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly on January 21

January 23rd

In a Jan. 23 Journal of the American Medical Association podcast, Dr. Fauci repeatedly downplayed the virus’ potential impact on the U.S

Asked whether the U.S. might contemplate city-wide shutdowns like those China was enacting at the time, Fauci replied, “There's no chance in the world that we could do that to Chicago or to New York or to San Francisco, but they're doing it. So, let's see what happens.”

January 31st

Fauci repeated in a Jan. 31 White House briefing that “we still have a low risk to the American public,”

February 18th

Weeks later, Fauci was still downplaying the risks, saying on Feb. 18 that the “hypothetical danger of coronavirus” to America was “just minuscule” compared to the “real and present danger” of the seasonal flu. Days later he finally changed his views and, in the process, was on his way to becoming a media star.

This clearly shows just how much of a piece of shit HYPOCRITE savage is

He is critical of the President for downplaying the virus, but the expert that the President gets his info from, Dr Fauci, is the man of the year in his book.

If that doesn't show you how politically driven and blind to reality savage is, nothing will. I guess his man of the year can downplay it all he wants but the idiot is Trump for listening to him?

You are a pathetic piece of shit hypocrite savage and you have no fuckin idea what is really going on around you. SBD is 1000% right when he says you cannot look beyond politics with any view and this just proves it.

Save your pathetic response and excuses because nobody believes you. Fuckin moron!

Nov 11, 2007
I almost forgot.

You mention Dr. Wilson as your latest reliable source.

Hmm-it seems to me that unless I missed something, you did not respond to three separate requests yesterday to explain to why your previous alleged "guru,"

Dr. Levitt, laughably failed to come true re: his prediction as to how the Virus would play out in Israel.

For those who didn't see it or perhaps you who perhaps "forgot," here it is again for the fourth time and yet another request to respond to it:

Originally Posted by SportsBookData
President Trump has been openly criticized by the MSM for his optimism around the virus despite comments by Dr. Fauci.

Have any of these people thought about the possibility that the Administration may be consulting with or relying on other Advisors?

Trump is known to work with only the best and brightest.

Perhaps he might prefer the insight of a Nobel laureate who has predicted the trends of the virus with incredible accuracy?

On 3/24/20 it was reported that the current Administration is growing very impatient with Dr. Fauci.

Maybe it's because Dr. Fauci's claims are not consistent with the evidence submitted by the most respected immunologist in the world.

Dr. Fauci has been spending time using certain media outlets to try to "correct" Trump on the virus.

Dr. Fauci has frequently squashed the White House’s attempts to advocate certain treatments for the novel virus, even those that have proven successful.

Dr. Fauci now seen taking a stroll with Gates, the evil man responsible for the virus who is desperately trying to get his vaccine pushed through.

Dr. Fauci has been at the forefront of the explosion of vaccines over the last 35 years.

So a fair question for all...

WHO is a VERY SMART man going to listen to?

1. The most respected immunologist in the world, a Nobel laureate, who has predicted the recovery of the virus with pinpoint accuracy?


2. An immunologist who has been at the forefront of the vaccine movement for the past 35 years?


Re: Dr. Levitt's crystal ball abilities:

I guess the crystal ball Dr/ Levitt used must have been broken on the day he made the prediction about Israel was sabotaged and/or put out of commission

by the likes of Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates or other members of the "Satanic Left Wing" of this country in order to discredit him!

COVID-19 Predictions[edit]

Levitt has made unusually optimistic public statements regarding the 2020 corona virus disease outbreak in Israel. On 18 March 2020 he said: "I will be surprised if the number of deaths in Israel surpasses ten, and even five now with the restrictions." [SUP][41][/SUP] By March 31st, 20 people in Israel had died having tested positive for COVID-19, with more than 5,000 infected and hundreds of new confirmed cases every day.[SUP][42][/SUP]​


Nov 11, 2007
For those of you who are new here, I don't respond to those weak, emotionally disturbed folks who are such weak debaters

that good parts of their posts consist of are filled/are filled with name calling and personal insults, and especially in the case

one noted poster, may be Satan incognito and/or at least poisoned by him.

I pray to God for changes for the better for his Ultimate Salvation.
Aug 17, 2019

I am not going to engage in your posts any longer.

It is clear to me that you have major political bias and you are spending your time trying to discredit my information, not trying to pass it off as "conspiracy".

I believe you have been brainwashed by the MSM since this is the same tactics they use.

Rather than resort to this blind behavior that really is nothing but ignorance why don't you take some time to prove my information WRONG.

I suspect you will fail miserably if you try.

And please provide your credible sources that do not include the corrupt MSM.

We are brothers and this is not personal.

You just need to be willing to discount what you've been taught as being true and use discernment as an independent thinker.

You can only find truth and see truth from this place.

Jan 13, 2019
Just this for now as the countdown has begun from between now and Easter, as allegedly the time all your rabble rousing and conspiracy theories are

going to be revealed as true in any event at the exact moment by GOD when the Dawning of Event begins, when all of the "bad guys"/liars like

Dr. Fauci, Dr Birx, Dr. Gupta, Bill Gates, all other "incompetent/ "incompetent" immunologists who in any event are all part of the "Conspiracy,"

all of the "lying" patients, ER doctors, nurses, and hospital staff we see and hear on tv, some of whom are

paid off to say by the "Conspirators" to do/say what they do and/or are just part of the narrative to discredit Trump so that he won't be re-elected.

I for one have patience-I mean what is one more week for all of above to be revealed-why bother to express my own dissenting opinions along with

lots of other folks when according to you the "Truth" will be revealed and "freedom and "justice" will rule.

You and anyone else who believes that there is gonna be some kind of a magical "Dawning of the Age of Aquarius" where all is known to all, bla, bla, bla, are some seriously mentally ill, gullible, fucktards! Although you dummies are in the rubber room you should still be restrained in a straight jacket!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
For those of you who are new here, I don't respond to those weak, emotionally disturbed folks who are such weak debaters

that good parts of their posts consist of are filled/are filled with name calling and personal insults, and especially in the case

one noted poster, may be Satan incognito and/or at least poisoned by him.

I pray to God for changes for the better for his Ultimate Salvation.

It's called you have no answers you dumb fuck. My post says it all and no response is probably your best bet. Shows just how much of a uneducated ignorant moron you are

Nov 11, 2007
The evidence and signs are everywhere...

Possible internet, media and social media blackout (3 days) followed by 8 hour loop network programming.

I will call Xfinity, my tv/ internet/ground telephone provider as well as AT&T, my Cell Phone Provider should this happen to be sure that the problem is not

on their end only unless of course some of these folks are also part of the "narrative/conspiracy." lol

As Alfred E Neuman would say, "What, me worry?"

After all we will know in a week for sure one way or the other.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Go buy another whore savage. This dumb fuckin moron sucks the balls of Fauci and inhales his cock after claiming man of the year

But ignores every dumb fuck comment HE MADE early on during this

Just a liberal scumbag with a brain washed whore at home on rental

Nov 11, 2007

I am not going to engage in your posts any longer.

It is clear to me that you have major political bias and you are spending your time trying to discredit my information, not trying to pass it off as "conspiracy".

I believe you have been brainwashed by the MSM since this is the same tactics they use.

Rather than resort to this blind behavior that really is nothing but ignorance why don't you take some time to prove my information WRONG.

I suspect you will fail miserably if you try.

And please provide your credible sources that do not include the corrupt MSM.

We are brothers and this is not personal.

You just need to be willing to discount what you've been taught as being true and use discernment as an independent thinker.

You can only find truth and see truth from this place.

I will interpret that to mean that you have no answers to relevant questions such as that of Dr. Levitt's credibility,

which you have now been asked by me four times-is that what you call "proving your information wrong and failing miserably?!!!!

As I have stated a number of times, like you purport of yourself, I also do not have political basis and am independent-I start with

who the person is FIRST as a human being and then proceed to the political aspect of it.

Lets just say that as a PERSON imo Donald Trump fails miserably-15000 documented lies during his tenure is just the tip of the iceberg.

You call my sources corrupt such as CNN and yet you cite sources like Fox-give me a break!!

The big problem with you as I see it is that you can't/refuse to accept that your convictions/infallibility are OPINIONS ONLY and the credibility of

you sources to back them up are YOUR OPINIONS ONLY, the same as mine, both of which are based on our own criterion and standards.

To use a legal term, statements like the "corrupt MSM" to make your points are poisoning the well as they are based on your one sided opinions, news

reporting, drawing conclusions, many of which in your case are based on non sequiturs and circumstantial evidence at best,

and overall are no better or worse than mine!

So far since you started this thread, all I have seen from you is an allegedly FACTUAL/CAN'T MISS presentation of what is going to happen on this earth and to the

human race both politically and spiritually on Easter Sunday, which is next Sunday.

For the sake of all of us I hope that all of this great stuff comes true, and I will come right up here and admit I was wrong if it does.

If it does not however, you have a lot of explaining to do as to why your scenario didn't play out as expected.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Go buy another whore savage. This dumb fuckin moron sucks the balls of Fauci and inhales his cock after claiming man of the year

But ignores every dumb fuck comment HE MADE early on during this

Just a liberal scumbag with a brain washed whore at home on rental

Jan 30, 2008
You guys don't actually think the left wing media is more truthful than the right wing media and vice versa? The entire media is blowing shit up our asses lol. I wonder how much money Hannity and Fox made during those "awful Obama years" and how much money CNN is making during this "awful Trump administration". They're both laughing all the way to the bank while Americans fight with each other about things they will never change.

Nov 11, 2007
What does the Bible say about haters of good?
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 13 24" height="16" width="10">

Romans 1:28-32 [SUP]28[/SUP]Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. [SUP]29[/SUP]They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, [SUP]30[/SUP]slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; [SUP]31[/SUP]they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. [SUP]32[/SUP]Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.


Jan 30, 2008
I think they're geniuses the way they're getting rich off of the American public.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Dr Fauci

January 21st

“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,” Dr. Fauci told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly on January 21

January 23rd

In a Jan. 23 Journal of the American Medical Association podcast, Dr. Fauci repeatedly downplayed the virus’ potential impact on the U.S

Asked whether the U.S. might contemplate city-wide shutdowns like those China was enacting at the time, Fauci replied, “There's no chance in the world that we could do that to Chicago or to New York or to San Francisco, but they're doing it. So, let's see what happens.”

January 31st

Fauci repeated in a Jan. 31 White House briefing that “we still have a low risk to the American public,”

February 18th

Weeks later, Fauci was still downplaying the risks, saying on Feb. 18 that the “hypothetical danger of coronavirus” to America was “just minuscule” compared to the “real and present danger” of the seasonal flu. Days later he finally changed his views and, in the process, was on his way to becoming a media star.

Imo at the moment anyways FAUCI should be proclaimed MAN OF THE YEAR for what he has done!

SEVERE Ignorance at it's finest folks ^^^^^^^

Scumbag hypocrite

Nov 11, 2007
I think they're geniuses the way they're getting rich off of the American public.

I would be lying that despite what I have said, if I said that there is NOT a financial aspect of all of this.

Lets face it-this is, has been and if/until things change, will continue to be a capitalistic society.

With the pursuit of money and lots of it, there is a price to pay, much of which revolves around lies and all kinds of other deceptions as well as of course

stuff which is actual illegal and will be only attempted if those who pursue this type of modus operandi believe they can get away with it.

That said, as it regards to the media, I certainly believe that some of this monetary motivation stuff does apply EQUALLY, no matter what the overriding political

affiliation is.

However I DO believe as stated previously re: the Coronavirus, that the active participants in this at Ground Zero are telling the

truth as they see it, and are NOT being paid off to lie or misrepresent the daily happenings as the unfold before them and are certainly

not part of any narrative as sbd has arrogantly stated, all of whose participants mentioned so far are democrats.

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