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Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
Anyone heard any of the names supposedly getting housed in Gitmo ?

Tom Hanks is already there. Heard it's bad for him. His kids are in WPP until the entire swamp is drained and chained.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Tom Hanks is already there. Heard it's bad for him. His kids are in WPP until the entire swamp is drained and chained.

Think he was on a late night show the other night..Fallon or Colbert maybe.

Haha. He's on Colbert tonight

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005

Here's the plus out of all this. Fraud and the systematic breakdown/illusion of democracy have been exposed. Our experiment is officially broken...and the world knows this as well.

The Q anons/stop the steal grps...however incoherent they are... are at least centralized. They will be able to disseminate actionable items for a bunch of people if china joe sneaks in.
There's millions of people that will hopefully continue rising up...without these grps, there would be no plan or potential plan.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

Here's the plus out of all this. Fraud and the systematic breakdown/illusion of democracy have been exposed. Our experiment is officially broken...and the world knows this as well.

The Q anons/stop the steal grps...however incoherent they are... are at least centralized. They will be able to disseminate actionable items for a bunch of people if china joe sneaks in.
There's millions of people that will hopefully continue rising up...without these grps, there would be no plan or potential plan.

No unifying or obeying. Not happening. Glad to see how gun sales went thru the roof..

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
no hard feelings here SBD. we all want the same thing...

here's bonus dominion footage of easily changing and duplicating peoples votes in Georgia, etc....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">GEORGIA. COFFEE COUNTY. 2020.��️<br><br>"There it is. Okay. So now it should be in adjudication..."<br><br>"So, you're scanning the same ballots twice, that's already been scanned once?"<br><br>"I've already scanned them once."<br><br>"So, you're scanning the same ballots"...<br><br>"Same ballots. TWICE"... <a href=""></a></p>— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) <a href="">December 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
still a weird delay of the DNI report considering that..."we have everything"

New member
Jan 18, 2005
So, as I have said all along, that I will believe it when I see it...

This DNI report was so important to have that they are being stalled because the old faction of career intel guys are holding the line
against the newer intel guys. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

If this thing is so important, how do they not have considerable and substantial evidence in the report already?

Either way this whole thing has been a farce, Trump is not going with the EO he signed two years ago.
If he really was going to do it, it would be happening but with the DNI report not coming out on time pretty much nullifies
him from doing anything. Not that I thought he would do any of that.

That EO was entertaining reading, why it was written and enacted beats me as nothing is happening with it.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
So, as I have said all along, that I will believe it when I see it...

This DNI report was so important to have that they are being stalled because the old faction of career intel guys are holding the line
against the newer intel guys. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

If this thing is so important, how do they not have considerable and substantial evidence in the report already?

Either way this whole thing has been a farce, Trump is not going with the EO he signed two years ago.
If he really was going to do it, it would be happening but with the DNI report not coming out on time pretty much nullifies
him from doing anything. Not that I thought he would do any of that.

That EO was entertaining reading, why it was written and enacted beats me as nothing is happening with it.

EO has been posted so many times in this thread for its importance , I pretty much have it memorized.. And for the so called stupid criminals out there , they've seen it too. Didn't take alot of smarts to use their usual tactics.. Just hold back the info and run out the clock. The appropriate thing to do if this plan was in the works for decades is to have the right people in play... I guess these former govt officials on these internet sites feeding this script , forgot the common sense that goes with all of this.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
lol...just had a thot.

the military is the only them be brought in...only to crush the Qs and stop the steal rebellions.
Q's psyched themselves out. lots of loose wires in that crowd.

once that will know you have officially arrived back in a commie emerging mkt.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
lol...just had a thot.

the military is the only them be brought in...only to crush the Qs and stop the steal rebellions.
Q's psyched themselves out. lots of loose wires in that crowd.

once that will know you have officially arrived back in a commie emerging mkt.

Scary thought..Bidens military

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Sounds like Obamas SES squad has been 1 step ahead the entire time... So much for the enemy being stupid..

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Posted October 31, 2019

It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.

More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.

In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.

And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.

And it’s not part of Homeland Security or FEMA… Although its tentacles reach deep into every one of those agencies.

The mainstream media rarely mentions it by name…

So most Americans have no idea it even exists.

But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…

It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”

And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.

You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…

Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.

However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.

Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.

It was a purge of patriots and a takeover of government that began early on in his first term…

A purge that began by transforming an obscure federal agency hidden deep within the bowels of government, into what soon became a private, stay behind army.

An army of political operatives committed to two things:

The complete political, cultural and economic transformation of America as promised by Barack Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign.

And the overthrow of a Donald J. Trump presidency should he be elected.

The Department of The Deep State Flag The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.

It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.

A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.

For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”

Their pay scale starts above the top level of civil service (GS-15), with base salaries ranging from a minimum of $127,914 to a maximum of $192,300.1

Ostensibly, the SES was to be a corps of non-partisan, career managers who serve as the executive management of federal agencies…

Their job being to implement policy, not create it.

At least it was until then President Barack Obama changed that with a mere flick of his pen…

Making SES members nearly impossible to fire, once hired.

To say Obama’s transformation of the SES into an army of political operatives was effective would be a gross understatement.

There are more than 2 million federal government employees. And at the top of that pyramid are approximately 8,000 SES (Senior Executive Service) employees who service as the professional managerial class linking our political leaders to the civil service rank and file.

And Barack Obama as president, replaced more than 6,000 members of the 8,000-member SES during his two terms, assembling what became a stay-behind army of political operatives…2

So how pervasive is the SES?

Here’s a list of the number of SES employees that were embedded in the following government agencies at the end of Obama’s 2nd term in 2016:

Department of Education – 86
Department of Housing & Urban Development – 115
Department of the Air Force – 182
Department of Labor – 200
Department of State – 204
Department of Transportation – 231
Department of Interior – 258
Department of the Army – 261
Department of the Navy – 326
Department of Veterans Affairs – 357
Department of Agriculture – 361
Department of Commerce – 425
Department of the Treasury – 458
Department of Health & Human Services – 468
Department of Defense – 478
Department of Energy – 490
Department of Homeland Security – 639
Department of Justice – 821
All Other Agencies (all non-Cabinet level agencies) – 1,796
And it wasn’t just a purge of patriots from governmental agencies…

Obama’s purge of the military was especially damaging to our national security, as he literally gutted the command structure of the U.S. military.

Not to mention the demoralization of the ranks due to his policies of radical political correctness.

In all, Obama’s patriot purge included 9 Senior Commanding Generals, 2 Nuclear Commanders, 197 high ranking Senior, General and Flag Officers, along with thousands of non-commissioned officers…

With perhaps the most glaring example being the firings of U.S. Army General Carter Ham and Rear Admiral Chuck Gaouette…

Red September…

Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order

General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.

And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”

And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.

Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…

They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.

But, before we go any further, please understand this…

Barack Obama was not the architect of these changes, merely the front-man in charge of carrying them out as the Deep State and Shadow Government’s placeholder president.

And that’s the root of President Trump’s problems…

Trump: America’s Last President

You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.

And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.

Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen…

Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.

And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.

That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.

You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

Building The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.

The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.

It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.

It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…

Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…

The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.

A real President…

Like JFK, or Reagan?

No longer acceptable.

You saw what happened to both of them.

No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…

Nor will they tolerate one.

Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Thanks for reading,

Marty Robinson

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
You can make a very good case that even the SHARP Republicans had no idea now what the real insurance policy was even in their investigations... Same with pro Trump talking heads... kinda explains bringing a knife to a gun fight battle we now have.. again , we're not dealing with stupid here...

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Trump has got what 300 Federal judges appointed , 3 SCJ. . But that hasn't even been a help so far.... Kinda tells you alot..

This great movie ending is probably accurate for actual movies. Most all of them have good endings.. We're not in a movie here...We can't just insert a movie hero and this all works out..Deck is stacked in a real live bad situation...

Jan 13, 2019
The rumors are already running rampant on social media early this morning. This from oooo:


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