Important Virus Update


Sep 5, 2010
The "wins" are piling up.

Trump gets bad news from Georgia Supreme Court in election interference probe​

The Georgia state Supreme Court unanimously rejected Donald Trump’s motion to “quash” Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ special grand jury report, to block her from prosecuting him, and to bar her from using any evidence the grand jury obtained to charge him criminally or civilly.



Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007

This guy shares my sentiment 100% and I would bet money on it assuming Thump isn't disqualified or simply drops out of the

race on his own prior to this for lots of possible known reasons!!

As they say, fine and perceptive minds think alike!!

Nov 11, 2007

It goes without saying that Lenny Lenbo's worst nightmare scenario is that the stock market hits new highs unless of course it is

under the Trump Administration.

Anyone who has objectIvely followed this thread realizes by now that all Lenny wants is for Biden to fail as POTUS no matter

how badly it impacts people in the country financially speaking including fellow Trump supporters as well as all Republicans!!

Lenny has some company as there are quite a few deplorable, wretched pieces of human vermin/swine in the population who think in

the same way!!
Sep 12, 2022
The Economist, the official magazine of the scum-sucking Rothschild banking syndicate which runs the world, is predicting a Trump win in 2024. Tards will have to be put on suicide watch.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

It goes without saying that Lenny Lenbo's worst nightmare scenario is that the stock market hits new highs unless of course it is

under the Trump Administration.

Anyone who has objectIvely followed this thread realizes by now that all Lenny wants is for Biden to fail as POTUS no matter

how badly it impacts people in the country financially speaking including fellow Trump supporters as well as all Republicans!!

Lenny has some company as there are quite a few deplorable, wretched pieces of human vermin/swine in the population who think in

the same way!!

Maybe President Newsome will fix the mess delusions douchebag .

Reminder . The goal of the Dems was to remove Trump from office from DAY ONE . So spare me the Pom Poms cheering for the country to do good under the senile pants shitter delusional douchebag .


Nov 11, 2007

It goes without saying that Lenny Lenbo's worst nightmare scenario is that the stock market hits new highs unless of course it is

under the Trump Administration.

Anyone who has objectIvely followed this thread realizes by now that all Lenny wants is for Biden to fail as POTUS no matter

how badly it impacts people in the country financially speaking including fellow Trump supporters as well as all Republicans!!

Lenny has some company as there are quite a few deplorable, wretched pieces of human vermin/swine in the population who think in

the same way!!
Aug 17, 2019
Maybe President Newsome will fix the mess delusions douchebag .

Reminder . The goal of the Dems was to remove Trump from office from DAY ONE . So spare me the Pom Poms cheering for the country to do good under the senile pants shitter delusional douchebag .

The stock market has been sideways for almost 3 years, trading in a narrow range.

But savage1 brags about how much money he's making every time it goes up but never talks about how much he loses when it goes down.

The market can drop 2,000 points and savage doesn't want to talk about it.

The first day it goes up 200 points after dropping 2,000, he shows up to brag about how much he "made" that day.

Just like he bragged about a new car he bought when BTC was at 68,000 but never talked about how it was repossessed after BTC plummeted to 20,000.

The only one dumb enough to buy what savage1 sells is savage1.

Again, the reality he lives only exists in his head.

The same place all of us occupy rent-free.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The stock market has been sideways for almost 3 years, trading in a narrow range.

But savage1 brags about how much money he's making every time it goes up but never talks about how much he loses when it goes down.

The market can drop 2,000 points and savage doesn't want to talk about it.

The first day it goes up 200 points after dropping 2,000, he shows up to brag about how much he "made" that day.

Just like he bragged about a new car he bought when BTC was at 68,000 but never talked about how it was repossessed after BTC plummeted to 20,000.

The only one dumb enough to buy what savage1 sells is savage1.

Again, the reality he lives only exists in his head.

The same place all of us occupy rent-free.

Silver spoon continues to embarrass himself by tying the economy and the stock market together .
Aug 17, 2019
Silver spoon continues to embarrass himself but tying the economy and the stock market together .
He has demonstrated aninability to think independently.

He is nothing but a fake news parrot.

Completely delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.

The fact that he STILL thinks "we got him this time" and that Trump will be forced out or will drop out of 2024 is all the proof anyone needs.

Brainwashing and mind-control are real and, again, he is proof of this.

Nov 11, 2007
How does sbd know what I have said about the stock market as he doesn't read my posts and no one else has commented on it??

Yeah i know it must be one of those "too many to count" folks who send him pm's each day when I say something that is worthy of

his attention!! lol

Also, the douchebag accuses me of bragging only when stock market is up but yet at the same time runs away and hides from

Bitcoin as he just did when Bitcoin was approaching 32000 a few days ago but now has declined back to around 30000.

For the record, I never bought nor touted anyone to buy Bitcoin.

The service operated by Paul Mampilly who made me a shitload of money in the portion of the portfolio I manage as

opposed to Churchill who manages the majority of the money and which has also done very well relatively speaking!

Paul Mampilly made a bad call with Bitcoin but more importantly made too many right calls to count, which allowed him

to retire as a multimillionaire while in his 40s!!

The bottom line is that unlike sbd, who is a riverboat gambler and puts just about all of his eggs in one basket(assuming that

this lying POS has any eggs to put in any basket for a person who has been unemployed for at least 40 months since he started

this thread even with the value of my stock portfolio and net worth still obviously down from the highs a few years ago, is still

far in excess of that of sbd,and is in the seven figures!!

if he doesn't believe me, I invite him/us to put any amount of money hd chooses to put in escrow with the winner take all!!

I am not going to discuss his obsession with Trump, his DOCUMENTED lies, delusions, imagination, attention-seeking and 99.8%

FAILED predictions, most notably that of Trump's reinstatement/devolution for the last 36 months and his 100% lack of accountability

because any objective person knows this already!!

To cut to the chase, sbd is one envious fuck because of what I have achieved in life compared to him which is ZERO AT BEST!!

Nov 11, 2007
ps One of the big reasons I forgot to put in previous post is that one of the big reasons I am far better off than sbd financially

speaking is that my stock holdings ar well diversified meaning for example that I do have s a SMALL position ina bitcoin related

stock as a hedge but that's it!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
President Trump to declassify all remaining assassination documents of JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and MLK.

Spoiler Alert: The CIA killed them all.


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