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RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

What this guy says reflects my own view 100% with the only difference being that it won't be bad news for Biden because imo

he isn't going to be the nominee either!!

One of the few advantages of getting older is that lots of us can see things that much younger and less experienced people

cannot-the above is one of them!!

George Wil .

Someone older and as delusional as you . The typical out of touch Republican that brought us Trump .

Disclosure: The columnist's wife, Mari Will, is an adviser to Republican presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott (South Carolina).

Sep 5, 2010
Savage1 Warning.

Reading what is about to follow can and will prove dangerous to the mental health and emotional stability of the

three main Trump contributors to this thread, sbd, lenny lenbo, sheriff HOE, and Johnny come lately LOSER/FAILED human beings

to this thread!!

Here you go:

Awesome link and document.

Nov 11, 2007
Awesome link and document.
The difference between us and the Big Three Trump supporters in this thread is that unlike them we don't deny reality and the

truth whether it applies to Biden, his son, Trump, etc and are mature enough to understand, realize and accept life and BOTH its ups and

downs of life rather than just the ups!!

In essence, all that sbd, lenny and sheriff HOE is to come in here each day, hold hands and reinforce each other's massive

weaknesses and failures in life!!

Nov 11, 2007
I can't stress enough how out of touch and stupid it is for some people to not put at least some emphasis on who can and win the 2024

Election and not simply who gets the nomination.

As I have said before, that latter type of mentality compares to prioritizing which team hits more home runs in batting

practice as the most important matter as opposed to who wins the game itself!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I can't stress enough how out of touch and stupid it is for some people to not put at least some emphasis on who can and win the 2024

Election and not simply who gets the nomination.

As I have said before, that latter type of mentality compares to prioritizing which team hits more home runs in batting

practice as the most important matter as opposed to who wins the game itself!!

I can’t stress enough how fucking stupid you look by saying others are on ignore then indirectly replying to their posts .

Still waiting for your dark horse to emerge .

Tucker may just annihilate the field himself if they dare sit down with him for a hardball interview as witnessed yesterday . SHAMU come on down ! You could be the next victim .

Happy reading !

Nov 11, 2007

Here is if another if you can believe it another "nothing burger," for the three douchebags to sweep under the rug, in fact

a "nothing burger" spiked with cyanide and that will simply pile onoto the mountain of evidence already at hand

to ensure that TRUMP WILL NEVER BE POTUS AGAIN, which is all that matters despite the laughable attempts

of others to promote the insane notion that winning the nomination equates with winning the Presidency and that

the indictments and convictions to come will have no bearing on this and/or that they are not important and that the

overwhelming majority of the voting population doesn't care one iota about this but only Trump's policies-talk about delusional

hopes, projections, ignorance and utter stupidity!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Here is if another if you can believe it another "nothing burger," for the three douchebags to sweep under the rug, in fact

a "nothing burger" spiked with cyanide and that will simply pile onoto the mountain of evidence already at hand

to ensure that TRUMP WILL NEVER BE POTUS AGAIN, which is all that matters despite the laughable attempts

of others to promote the insane notion that winning the nomination equates with winning the Presidency and that

the indictments and convictions to come will have no bearing on this and/or that they are not important and that the

overwhelming majority of the voting population doesn't care one iota about this but only Trump's policies-talk about delusional

hopes, projections, ignorance and utter stupidity!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Still with Kushner ?

Sorry if his testimony blew up in your face delusional douche bag .

Sep 12, 2022

Until Truth Social makes its promised and expected moves to reach a much broader audience, Trump's "Truths" remain limited to his 5.7 million followers there, plus whatever secondary action gets generated from the "controversy" which those Truths create. Trump's posts aren't exactly driving the national discourse at this point, but they are still very important because they clearly indicate to the more vigilant and astute among his digital soldiers where "the movie" is headed.

Some of his Truths and "Re-Truths" this past year have been explosive and inspirational. Cumulatively, his communications have promised to finish the job of "obliterating the Deep State" and "destroying the Globalists, Communists,Marxists and warmongers" once and for all upon his inevitable return. Of course, the Sunshine Patriots of The Black Pill Society will disparage and discourage, right on cue: "But, but ... why didn't he do it when he was in office the first time?" --- Answer: Because, like a forest full of skyscraping Redwood trees -- a deeply-rooted 250-year-old (at least) Global Cabal with hundreds of thousands of operatives cannot be legally and thoroughly uprooted in a day's time. Like Qhimself said -- it's an 8-year plan.

Of the 1000's of Truths & Re-Truths posted these past 18 months or so, a pair just posted on Friday, July 14th represent a threat aimed at the black heart of the Deep State like no other uttered or posted before. The first was a re-truth of the announcement that he will be hosting a private screening of the "controversial" Sound of Freedom, this coming Wednesday, at his Golf Club in New Jersey -- and that Messrs. Ballard, Caviezel & Verastegui (producer) will be present. That was the preparatory set-up post for the Trumpian jaw-dropper which followed a few hours later -- a Re-Truth containing Caviezel's "Q-Anon sounding" claim that the CIA is directly involved in child sex traffic. The Fake News at large -- which will often seize upon some of Trump's more "controversial" posts for the purpose of mocking and attacking him -- didn't dare to amplify this one!

Have a look at Trump's one-two punch combination:



The original Truth was from June 23rd. Trump's Re-Truth was July 14th.

Pinch me -- am I dreaming? Did the past, current & future President of the United States -- in advance of hosting a screening of Sound of Freedom -- just out the CIA for running the "largest pedophile ring in the world?" --- Yes he did!

A Trump tweet from 2012.



Q Post 153 / November 14, 2017 --- On why Trump wanted to become president.


The Canaanite monster "god" Moloch was worshiped by a Jewish sect which sacrificed children in ancient times.

Trump's open embrace of Caviezel and Ballard is even more radical and stunning than his repeated promotion of Q and the "Q-Anon" movement. You see, Trump's "plausibly deniable" support for us "Q-Tards," though absolutely unmistakable to us, was always conveyed with wink-wink coded language and symbolism aimed only at the faithful. Moreover, even though the Q posts went very far in exposing the international scope and the monstrous horror of the Satanic child-sex business and its connection to the Deep State, the realities of adrenochrome blood harvesting and for-profit organ removal from the tortured children were not mentioned. Perhaps this was so as not to frighten curious newbies away with too much hard-to-believe data all at once? But Q, in addition to posting some disturbing images of pale and unhealthy-looking sex slave boys, did say that "the truth would put 90% of people in the hospital." But on the matter of torture for adrenalized blood drinking, Caviezel and Ballard do indeed "go there." And now Trump himself, evidently, has no problem with that, and no political concern over publicly hosting them.

As we reported a few days ago, Trump's "coincidental" connections with both Ballard and Verastegui date back at least as far as 2019. The cunning Donald is clearly "up to something" with Sound of Freedom and has just telegraphed this to us with that remarkable TS Re-Truth about the CIA running pedo-sex rings. Let's see how the panic-stricken Fake News will spin Wednesday's movie screening and "meet and greet" with Ballard, Caviezel & Verastegui at Trump's Bedminster Golf Club.






1. Ballard & Caviezel speak openly about hearing the screams of children (on tape) as they were being tortured to produce adrenochrome for blood-drinking intoxication. // 2. Q Post 4908: "Crimes against children unite all humanity."

Nov 11, 2007
Breaking News!!

A reliable source who spoke on the condition of anonymity stated earlier today that House Representative will

introduce legislation sometime this week that would make the winner of the Republican Nominee for President

of the United States the automatic winner to become President in 2024 and obviate the need for the Democrats to

nominate acting POTUS Joe Biden or anyone else who would be designated to replace him.

When asked why he was doing this, Jordan replied that well over 90% of the population is fed up with Joe Biden and 90% of the

people want Trump to be the next POTUS!!

When asked what would happen if someone other than Trump is nominated, Jordan laughed and said that there is no chance of that

occurring because world-famous psychic Lenny Lenbo of the RX Forum aka the "reincarnated human condom for Donald Trump" has

assured everyone that Trump is a lock to get the nomination, his lead is insurmountable, and that results of any and

that all of the ongoing investments, indictments, and possible convictions are irrelevant and Trump would not only

get the nomination but would romp in the 2024 Election no matter what!!

We asked Lenny about this proposed legislation and he stated that it was great news meaning that WHEN AND NOT IFF Trump

is nominated, that it is as fair as one can get and would eliminate any chance that the Democrats could steal the election

as they did in 2020!!

We will continue to update this story as it unfolds!!
Aug 17, 2019
I can’t stress enough how fucking stupid you look by saying others are on ignore then indirectly replying to their posts .

Still waiting for your dark horse to emerge .

Tucker may just annihilate the field himself if they dare sit down with him for a hardball interview as witnessed yesterday . SHAMU come on down ! You could be the next victim .

Happy reading !
We all know he reads everyone's posts.

We all live in his head 24/7.

We are to savage what crack is to Hunter.

Nov 11, 2007
Breaking News!!

A reliable source who spoke on the condition of anonymity stated earlier today that House Representative will

introduce legislation sometime this week that would make the winner of the Republican Nominee for President

of the United States the automatic winner to become President in 2024 and obviate the need for the Democrats to

nominate acting POTUS Joe Biden or anyone else who would be designated to replace him.

When asked why he was doing this, Jordan replied that well over 90% of the population is fed up with Joe Biden and 90% of the

people want Trump to be the next POTUS!!

When asked what would happen if someone other than Trump is nominated, Jordan laughed and said that there is no chance of that

occurring because world-famous psychic Lenny Lenbo of the RX Forum aka the "reincarnated human condom for Donald Trump" has

assured everyone that Trump is a lock to get the nomination, his lead is insurmountable, and that results of any and

that all of the ongoing investments, indictments, and possible convictions are irrelevant and Trump would not only

get the nomination but would romp in the 2024 Election no matter what!!

We asked Lenny about this proposed legislation and he stated that it was great news meaning that WHEN AND NOT IFF Trump

is nominated, that it is as fair as one can get and would eliminate any chance that the Democrats could steal the election

as they did in 2020!!

We will continue to update this story as it unfolds!!

Nov 11, 2007

One of the things I have said before and still believe is that on either a conscious and/or subconscious level there is a good possibility

that Trump has no intention of ever being POTUS at his age for lots of obvious reasons, and that all of his blustering, personal

attacks, bashing Biden and promoting himself is merely let's call it a "farewell tour" to make his supporters and himself feel good!!

The above is just one example we have seen of late where Trump has opened his mouth and said things that will turn folks away from him

in the upcoming days, weeks and months leading up to the nomination and 2024 Election.

I am quite sure that he is already working on excuses not to be the nominee if he isn't already disqualified, refuses a plea bargain,

indicted and convicted o even tossed into the slammer.

In short to the trained eye, what Trump has said and done, especially of late is simply not consistent with actually trying to win,

and the link cited here is just one glaring example!!

Nov 11, 2007

Instead of brownnosing the judge, perhaps Trump should visit the judge's home, whip out his toadstool wanger and give her the

the honor and privilege of sucking on it for no charge!! lol

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