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RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

And believe me, it will get done within a year!!

Jack Smith doesn't fail with anything he sets out to do as Trump and his supporters have already found out!!

Here’s what Trump supporters thinks of JackMeOff , Fat Alvin and Fanny from Fulton County lightweight .

No worries , things will change real soon . :lmao:



Mar 19, 2008

And believe me, it will get done within a year!!

Jack Smith doesn't fail with anything he sets out to do as Trump and his supporters have already found out!!
Smith was the head of the section when the department failed to convict former senator and vice-presidential candidate John Edwards, a Democrat, in a corruption case in 2012 and when then-Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, was indicted in 2014. He also oversaw the investigation into former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Republican, closing the probe in 2010 without bringing charges.


Nov 11, 2007
Many times in the past I have rightfully referred to lenny lenbo as a reincarnated human condom for Donald Trump because all he does

no matter how true the charges are against Trump, is shield him and denies 100% of them because he is so fixated on Trump

and is unable to sever his umbilical cord to him because for reasons unknown he is psychologically and emotionally unequipped to handle

the possibility of his life continuing without Trump!!

To say this is simply sad is a massive understatement!!

On the other hand, using an inanimate object, I would compare Smith to a human reincarnated runaway freight which

can and will stop at nothing in order to bring Trump his just due and will simply steamroll anyone or anything that stands

in his way, and that certainly includes no counts like lenny, sbd and sheriff HOE!!

We have already seen clear evidence of this and the best is yet to come!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Many times in the past I have rightfully referred to lenny lenbo as a reincarnated human condom for Donald Trump because all he does

no matter how true the charges are against Trump, is shield him and denies 100% of them because he is so fixated on Trump

and is unable to sever his umbilical cord to him because for reasons unknown he is psychologically and emotionally unequipped to handle

the possibility of his life continuing without Trump!!

To say this is simply sad is a massive understatement!!

On the other hand, using an inanimate object, I would compare Smith to a human reincarnated runaway freight which

can and will stop at nothing in order to bring Trump his just due and will simply steamroll anyone or anything that stands

in his way, and that certainly includes no counts like lenny, sbd and sheriff HOE!!

We have already seen clear evidence of this and the best is yet to come!!

LOL ! You and Jack have nothing but your dick in your hand .

DOJ has yet to produce a single alleged unlawful document to Trump’s lawyers either under special master lawsuit or Espionage Act indictment.

Nov 11, 2007
I am already licking my chops to the day when Trump is either officially disqualified as being POTUS ever again and/or drops out of the

race because he knows he can't win, and/or signs a plea bargain that involves dropping out of the race, and/or is indicted and convicted,

and/or is sentenced to a jail sentence and/or dies by whatever means!!

At that point after hanging around for a week and having some fun rubbing it in reminding the three major Trump

dick-suckers that everything I predicted came true whereas virtually everything they predicted failed, I am out of here FOREVER

and won't give a flying fuck how much they hold hands/fellate each other and try to convince themselves that it is nothing more than

a bad dream, that is part of some kind fucking undefined plan and that Trump's devolution is imminent!!

Once my mission is accomplished, I have much better things to do than come to the level of dumb goyim.

To be fair, not all goyim are dumb, but these three surely are and are living in a world of imagination and 100% devoid of reality and

based on their projections and hopes only!!
Aug 17, 2019
LOL ! You and Jack have nothing but your dick in your hand .

DOJ has yet to produce a single alleged unlawful document to Trump’s lawyers either under special master lawsuit or Espionage Act indictment.
Imagine having all your chips on a perpetual loser like Jack Smith "to get him this time".

And imagine being dumb enough to think Trump will be disqualified from '24, or will drop out.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Imagine having all your chips on a perpetual loser like Jack Smith "to get him this time".

And imagine being dumb enough to think Trump will be disqualified from '24, or will drop out.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Put your chips down on a Youngkin Newsome General Election .

He’s the smartest person in the room …when it’s filled only with Witless and Squirt .


Nov 11, 2007

Here is yet another thing for reincarnated Trump condom/j izz collector Lenny Lenbo to bury under the rug!!

Nov 11, 2007
If you have somehow missed the last three years plus of this thread, here you as it applies to SBD:

His thousands of predictions have failed to come true a DOCUMENTED 99.8% of the time, most notably Trump's


In his statements and commentary he begs the question 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he poisons the well 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses contradictions to what he has said previously 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses inconsistencies 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses nonsequiturs 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses illogic 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary he uses unexplained paradoxes 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary his accountability for his failed predictions is ZERO PERCENT!!

In his statements and commentary he makes up and/or imagines things and conspiracies like GITMO EXECUTIONS 100% of the time.

In his statements and commentary and in addition, he is a desperate internet troll seeking attention without which he cannot get

through his day!!"

Those are just for starters off the top of my head!!

Nov 11, 2007
Several other things that all newbies should know about sbd before believing anything that he says/predicts about anything:

1) Sbd still claims that Trump not only won the 2020 Election but also won ALL FIFTY STATES AND RECEIVED UPWARDS OF


2) He claims that "hundreds of millions of Covid vaccinated people in the world have already died and that hundreds more will follow

even though 1) he cannot provide any documentation of this bs and 2) over the last two or three years only a DOCUMENTED

56 million have died annually from ALL CAUSES which include heart attacks, strokes, cancer, old age, etc.

I will leave it to you to decide if sbd has "inside information" that no one else is privy to!!

3) This entire forum is dominated by Trump supporters and Republicans, and yet other than sheriff joe, a fellow crackpot,

virtually no one else has come forward to defend him in anything I have mentioned today.

Conversely, no one has come forward to dispute, question, or rebut anything that I, wilbur, schmirt, habsburger, et al

have DOCUMENTED about his failed predictions and all of the other attention-seeking imaginary stuff I cited

just today let alone the other many hundreds of times!!

Nov 11, 2007

But of course according to sbd and sheriff HOE, Kari the K unt did win the Election and will soon be reinstated just as

Trump will still be devolutioned even after 30 months of failed predictions!! lol

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed it.

Former Trump attorney thinks Jared Kushner and Ivanka are Jack Smith’s 'inside moles'​

Wouldn't it be great if his own daughter thet he probably molested, turned on him?

He craves her and wants to fuck his own daughter.

And the ultra low iqanons think he's a great guy.

I guess , at least he can fit through a door, unlike the ultra low iqanon shut ins.


Soon real soon.


:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Sep 5, 2010
More ultra low iqanon "winning".

Giuliani's Post-Election Lawsuit Raises Concerns, DC Bar Association Recommends License Revocation​

So sad, another win in ultra low iqanonland!

We have it all!

Soon, real soon!

Get ready for the return.


:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Sep 12, 2022
Talk about delusional!

First, Newsom has already been “eliminated”.

Next, everyone knows he’s Pelosi’s nephew and Pelosi, who also has been “eliminated”, is one of the most evil and hated people that ever walked this planet.

Lastly, it doesn’t matter what clown the dems-DS cabal put out there, they stand no chance against Trump, our current Commander-in-Chief, who will continue to run this country for his third term.

Every single person on this planet with an IQ above 10 already knows this!

Savage is so dumb he doesn’t even understand that Jack Smith was handpicked by Trump to be his clown.

Smith is a perpetual loser just like save and his tard buddies.
Newsom eliminated? Outstanding news!
Sep 12, 2022

There is bad news for child rapists, Satanists and degenerate Marxists everywhere. Not only is Sound of Freedom -- the surprise blockbuster film of 2023 -- not going away any time soon; but it's about to be turbo-charged from out of the confines of Q-ville and into the much broader community of MAGA / Conservative Inc. Next week, the 2024 campaign of the past, present and future President of the United States, Donald John Trump, will be hosting a private showing at Trump's Golf Club here in New Jersey. The coming event has already got Fake News buzzing in panic:

CNBC reports:

"The press release also touted Trump’s record on human trafficking issues from his time in the White House and noted that one of the film’s producers, Eduardo Verastegui, was a member of Trump’s Advisory Commission on Hispanic Prosperity. (emphasis added)

The screening also shows Trump once again embracing content connected to QAnon, a right-wing conspiracy theory that the film’s star, Jim Caviezel, has been accused of promoting.
" (emphasis added)

No doubt about it, boys and girls. An issue which has deeply troubled Trump for many years is -- because of Trump and the White Hats -- now becoming "mainstream." We foresee that -- in spite of the frantic efforts of Fake News to contain the brushfire by framing it as "QAnon" -- the ranks of the coming offensive against the elite child rapists will, in due time, be swelled by "centrists," revitalized Sunshine Patriots, sincere elements of the Black Pill Society, and even a bunch of half-sane libtards --- leaving only the degenerate perverts, adrenochrome addicts, Satanists and unreformable Marxists on the thin margin of society. Trump -- an active promoter of Q Anon -- was also "in cahoots" with the makers of SoF all along.




Image above from 2019


Image above from 2019
Column 1: Verastegui --- who produced AND acted in the film -- has been chummy with Trump since at least 2019! In the film itself, Verastegui plays a wealthy investor who works with Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel) to set up a sting operation nabbing a bunch of child traffickers and freeing the children. // Column 2: Trump with Ballard at the White House, also in 2019.



Long before anyone thought he had political aspirations, Trump had made his disdain for pedo perverts well known via Twitter.

In addition to talking about Trump's soon-to-be overt promotion of Sound of Freedom -- now would be a good "teachable moment" to list some of the previous artillery salvos of Trump's war on child rapists:

* 2016: Called Killary Clinton a child sex kidnapper / trafficker of Haitian children right to her face (3:38) in front of a large audience in New York "elites." (* the language was cryptic yet unmistakable to those of us "in the know.")

* 2017: Signed Executive Order 13818 which allowed him to freeze and seize the assets of human traffickers.

* 2018: Shut down the Mossad's Epstein / Maxwell pedo rape island and, in due time, will reveal to the general public what went on at that dreadful place and the famous names who were involved.

* Broke up domestic pedo-rapist rings at record levels.

* Deliberately and actively promoted the Q / Q Anon movement which "goes all the way" in exposing the dirty deeds of the pedo-Satanists.

* Carried out 5 unexpected executions of child abusing murderers just before "leaving office" in 2021.

The best is yet to come. As SoF reaches more and more people (international ticket sales, online streaming etc) -- expect the Marxist Left to squeal in pain like vampires splashed with Holy Water. Meanwhile, their erection-killing Black-Pill-dealing collaborators on the "far right" will continue to disparage and demoralize the weaker minded among us who saw or plan to see SoF. In one breath, such shady characters now insist that SoF is a "psyop" because it "reveals too little" in exposing child sex traffic. Then, in the very next breath, they'll complain that Q -- which holds nothing back! -- is also a "psyop" because Q suspiciously reveals too much!

Let the pathetic plotters spin. Like Q has said many times: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

Trust the Plan.


Executive Order 83818 -- Their money belongs to the White Hats now.



1. Trump locked up Epstein & Maxwell, and has the dirt on every celebrity, politician and journalist who went there to rape children and teens. // 2. Trump -- to the delight of children's advocates -- signs an order creating a position to combat human trafficking.


SoF and its linking to Q (and now, to Trump himself!) will ultimately lead to the revelation of the truths expressed in Q Posts such as the one below -- #1832 from August, 2018 -- "It will not be safe for them to walk down the streets."

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