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Nov 11, 2007
Life can't get much better for me at this point.

From earlier today:

"I am back from a lot of fun day at Brimfield!!

I was thinking of purchasing a statue of a pig to remind me of sbd, lenny and sheriff HOE but it was overpriced at $75, and I decided not

to buy it because who needs to be reminded of these three pig Trump dick sucking AHoles who waste their entire lives in here seeking

attention and believing that Trump is going to devolutioned any day now, and all of the "bad guys" like Jack Smith

are going to be executed once he is devolutioned. lol

Even better, another great five-figure increase in the value of my tech-heavy stock holdings brings the total increase in my portfolio

well into six figures since April of this year!!

And it goes without saying that today like every day brings Trump one day closer to his ultimate destiny as his criminality]

and his just due with the bad karma accompanying it as it all finally catches up to him and the AHoles who view him as some kind

of "deity!!"
Aug 17, 2019
But NEVER FORGET that one of the first things President Trump did when he stepped into office was create several laws against trafficking and protecting the children.

And that he even built a wall to stop it.

The undeniable facts are:

1. The wall resulted in a 96% drop in trafficking, and

2. More trafficking arrests were made during Trump's first 4 years than ever before, and

3. He is the most feared man because he took it all down and they know they have all been caught.

And YES it took over 20 years because that's how sick and twisted this web of evil satanic monsters are.

But also remember, Trump was the ONLY MAN to step forward and provide testimony against Epstein 15 years ago.

It was his testimony that was instrumental in Epstein's conviction in 2008.

But Epstein only served 13 months in a "white collar" set up because he was being safe-harbored by the Pedos who were running the state of Florida at that time.

If you think Trump is to blame for the trafficked children prior to him stepping into office you are a compete idiot.

He ran for President because he was asked to and because he knew it was the only way to put a stop to it all.

And he's not done yet.
2.5 YEARS AGO ? ? ? ? ?
Screen Shot 2023-07-13 at 10.07.21 PM.png

When you know, YOU KNOW!


Nov 11, 2007
Imagine still pinning all your hopes on Trump's devolution even after thousands if 100% FAILED daily predictions over

the last thirty months that it was/is imminent!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Let's all give it up for sbd and even more so for Sheriff HOE!! lol
Aug 17, 2019

And savage1, wilbur, schmirt and habsburger STILL haven't figured out they are on the wrong side of every narrative.

STILL thinking "we got him this time".

STILL posting their fake news links, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

And STILL defending the anti-Americans, Pedos, Nazis and Satan.

Tards are a very special group.

A special kind of stupid.

? ? ? ? ?

The circus continues today!

Will these tards EVER figure out that they are the clowns of the circus?

Aug 17, 2019
Aug 17, 2019
A beautiful day and a perfect ending, closing at 31,454, what should mark the new higher high.

Perhaps a little consolidation overnight before we move to 33k.

BTC ? ? ? ? ?
A little consolidation so far as expected.

There is a potential that we could see a quick dip to roughly 30,600.

Anything close would only act as a springboard that would send it to 33-35K almost immediately.

BTC ? ? ? ? ?

Nov 11, 2007

And yet another "nothing burger" which is going to drive the stake deeper into Trump's heart and finish

him off(I use this in a figurative sense only as th cold/self-serving no-good prick doesn't have a real heart!!).

Nov 11, 2007

And just think-we have low-life slime in this thread(sbd, lenny and sheriff HOE) with no upbringing by their parents

and/or the entity which raised them because they were abandoned by their parents who support this kind of modus operandi!!

Nov 11, 2007
ps I am spoiled so far today as my stock holdings are up a scant small four-figure amount as opposed to the HUGE daily

amounts which have increased the total value of my holdings to a significant six-figure amount since April!!

I am sure I will have some losing days also coming up just as even a great aseball team cannot go 162-0!!

Nov 11, 2007
Since imo sheriff HOE is the one most far out it among himself, sbd and lenny, I decided to do a humrous, sarcastic but true analogy

as to how he would conduct himself using his demonstrated modus operandi regarding Trump's devolution which he has predicted is

imminent for the last 30 months!! lol

The backdrop for my comparison for this is that on the one hand, HOE continues last I looked to claim that Biden is a "fake" POTUS

but never states what he means by "fake."

Along the same line, he never tells us if Biden is a "fake" POTUS and Trump is the "real" POTUS and has always been for the

last 30 months, why Biden has made 100% of the decisions which he continues to bitch and complain about rather than Trump if

Trump is and has always been the CIC!!

Here is where HOE becomes laughable and shows his ultimate stupidity and which is the basis of my analogy:

He makes moronic and delusional claims that other people around him including the Secret Service would have or not have said

and/or this or that!!

As stated above, statements like this make no sense whatsoever in view of the fact that it is Biden and not Trump who have made

EVERY SINGLE Policy decision since he was inaugurated and since HOE never defined the word "fake!" in the first place.

In essence, what Sheriff HOE posts is a discombobulated mess that is replete of inconsistencies, contradictions

which to any intelligent observer shows that HOE has ZERO ability to put together a thesis that flies!!

As this post is already long, I am going to make a separate post right after this one to post my analogy!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here you go with my analogy for Sheriff HOE using a real-life example to make my point:

Sheriff HOE is pulled over by a policeman for DUI, going 85 MPH in a 50 MPH zone and driving in the wrong lane.

Sheriff Hoe's response and defense would go something like this:

1) "The policeman pulled me over because he is a known tard and he knows that I am a staunch Trump supporter."

2) "I didn't drink anything at all and he either lied about the breath analyzer test or it was rigged just as the 2020 Election was.

3) I was not speeding at all and just like above, the policeman either lied about it and/or his radar equipment wasn't working that


4) "I never was in the wrong lane as the policeman claimed, and if anything it was he and not I who was drunk and/or in the wrong

line because he was confused." lol

5) "I am going to sue both the Police Department and the specific policeman for this lie and outrage!!" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Nov 11, 2007
From another thread in response to LOSER/the RoadReeler/sniffer swallower of Trump's c u m who would fit in quite well

in this thread if he wasn't such a fucking coward and afraid to openly debate me!!

The Trump sycophant posted that Biden sniffed children, and here is what I said in response:

"How does that compare with your hero/"deity? Donald Trump sexually abusing Ivanka when she was a teenager or even

younger and being quoted that he would love to fuck her if she wasn't his daughter even as a grown adult married woman with children!!

ps Speaking of "sniffing," are you still sniffing Trump's ass, acting as a town crier watching and reporting every single thing

Trump says and does during the course of a day as you did prior to the 2020 Election?

I don't read or respond to anything that either you or anyone else posts in the Political Thread, and other than one time when I posted

erroneously over there, as promised I vanished from there beginning on the infamous day of January 6th of 2021

and have not returned!!

However, when threads are posted and/or moved from the Political Thread to the Rubber Room, they are fair game, and

I can and will speak my mind as I am doing now with you when I see fit!!"


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