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Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Tards STILL think ballots are votes.

It's easy to understand why they have been wrong 100% of the time!

Very low IQs with that group.

And setting new lows daily!
Have you EVER seen a SITTING PRESIDENT on a public beach surrounded by hundreds of visitors with nothing but a couple of security guards walking around him?

Nothing sealed off - completely out in the open! Most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!

And TARDS believe this clown actor is 'president'

THIS is what real SS/military protection looks like...with an ambulance and choppers overhead. ? ? ?

The stupid!

It burns!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Money Laundering ? ? ?

Sotomayor's wealth has skyrocketed since joining Supreme Court, raising ethics concerns



Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting this from earlier today because it is important and certainly applies equally to sbd and sheriff HOE:

Since for reasons stated, I cannot formally put sbd on ignore without putting the entire thread on ignore, I do see his posts and

respond only when he attacks me personally, I am going to make an exception and respond to what he said today:

He claims this about himself and me:

"He's been wrong 100% of the time.

And the op has been right 100% of the time.

And the only thing he has proven over the last 40 months is how brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional he is."

The glaring thing about this that strikes me right off the bat is in reality he has been 1005 WRONG about Trump's

devolution which he has claimed on almost a daily basis that it is going to occur on such and such a day or that it is "IMMINENT!"

By any empirical standard, this has NOT occurred yet with ZERO evidence that it is going to occur!!

On the other hand, yours truly has been 100% CORRECT in pointing out his 100% FAILED predictions in this regard as well

as documenting his other 99.8 FAILED predictions since he started this thread 40 months ago.

His VAGUE excuse and "reasoning" for this is that I and the other folks who have exposed him "don't understand devolution."

Not once has he clarified what devolution really is and more importantly why it has not occurred yet despite thousands of

predictions over the last 30 months that it was/is "IMMINENT!!"

Along the same lines he then begs the question and poisons the well by stating how "brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional"

I am without giving one SPECIFIC/FACTUAL EXAMPLE of this!!

In actuality, just using the example of devolution and its 100% failure to occur despite thousands of predictions that it was imminent,

one would have to conclude that if in fact there is anyone else out there besides sheriff HOE who believes sbd at this juncture

re: devolution, in fact IT IS THEY who are brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional and living in a world totally devoid of reality!!

Finally his contention that Trump not only is still going to be devolutioned but never left in the first place and has been the acting

CIC right along is sheer double talk and a 100% contradiction of terms.

What he is implying here is that even though he, lenny and sheriff HOE bitch and complain daily about Biden's performance

as POTUS, his incompetency, poor decisions and policies, his age, dementia, etc. Trump never left in 2021 but yet allowed Biden

to essentially do whatever he wants and wanted to,!!

Sorry folks- to any intelligent and objective observer what sbd is stating makes no sense, which in fact defines most of

his posts, which consist of random incoherent and illogical thoughts which shatter and fly off into all directions

using both the empirical evidence at hand as well as being totally inconsistent, contradictory and incongruent with others of his

previous posts.

Even Lenny Lenbo, who is as staunch a Trump supporter as anyone else there, doesn't buy into this bullshit.

If you don't believe me, just take note of the fact that while Lenny gives thumbs up to derogatory comments made by

sbd and sheriff joe when it comes to Bide, not once/never has he given a thumbs up when it comes to this devolution

nonsense and who in fact is the acting CIC!!

I rest my case, Your Honor and those objective folks in the viewing audience!!
Aug 17, 2019

After his purchase of Twitter, many are making Elon out to be a "hero" or "savior" and I caution all who believe this.

Remember, there are many moving pieces to this movie and many end-game goals.

Elon has always had an endgame goal of creating human-AI hybrids [transhumanism], or a hive mind, through his neurolink.

It is a very strong potential that this Twitter "purchase" was a coordinated one. ["white hats"?]

Keep in mind there are 3 agendas going on: [trifurcation]

1. God ["white hats"]

2. Satan [DS cabal]

3. Satan [AI]

The demise of the the DS cabal is imminent.

This leaves "Man vs. Machine" as the final battle for humanity and planet earth.

AI is the most evil thing that exists in our entire existence.

And Musk's move to buy Twitter only adds to the AI infrastructure he is building out.

His current build out includes Tesla, starlink, neurolink, solar city, dogecoin - all AI instruments designed to lock people into a web of AI dependency.

Twitter is necessary because he wants and needs The People's data to set up the hive mind.

He already posed the question publicly about buying Facebook next.


He needs the data data data.

And this is why he is willing to pay the absurd amount of money to get it.

Once he makes people AI-dependent it will be relatively easy to link them up as a hive mind, his ultimate goal.

"White hats" are fully aware of the AI transhumanism agenda and the threat it poses to humanity.

But if this endgame goal is evil and a threat to humanity's existence then why would "white hats" coordinate with him?

The simple answer is to get what they need right here right now.

Remember, "white hats" have been leaking out major truth about everything over the past couple of months but there will be one huge final disclosure event.

In order to do this they need open platforms that allow them to do it. ["freedom of speech"]

I will end it here because it gets very very complicated, beyond most people's comprehension. ["sci-fi"]

But as complicated as this final stage is I can say with certainty that GOD WINS and Satan [DS Cabal and AI] has no chance of winning.


BREAKING: Elon Musk’s Artificial Intelligence company X.AI (@Xai) has launched their website and Twitter

Screen Shot 2023-07-12 at 12.30.05 PM.png

Musk and AI. [see post above]

Ever wonder why there have been a growing number of companies and products using "X" in their logos/product names over the last decade?

Hint: it's those companies telling us WHO they really are and WHO controls them.


Nov 11, 2007
Before I go out to partake in some yard work on this hot and glorious day, I have several words of advice to sbd and sheriff HOE and anyone

else of the same mindset:

If you are going to make insane predictions which have virtually no chance of occurring like Trump's reinstatement/devolution.

you should consider the following first before posting:

1) Don't make the predictions at all even though it means it will be one less venue for you to seek attention.

2) If you make these predictions and they don't come true, face up and admit that they didn't come true rather than simply

moving the goalposts out and assuming no accountability for them.

If you do not, rest be assured that I, wilbur, schmirt and habsburger et al will continue to call you for above as we have done

for 40 months and document and post these failed predictions along with your 100% lack of accountability and let all

intelligent and objective readers see what you two are all about!!

3) If in the future you wish to start and/or contribute to an attention-seeking whacko thread of this nature, I strongly suggest

that you first canvass the overall forum to find out who might read what you have to say and then document and destroy

you as we have done so successfully.

If you believe that based on everything, you can get away with it, then fine go ahead and try it if that is how you get your rocks off!!

In all honesty and as I have stated before, sometime during the next year or so, I predict that am going to vanish from this thread once

it is clear that Trump cannot and will not ever be POTUS again because my goal will have been reached whether Trump is indicted,

tossed in jail or simply agrees to and signs a plea bargain and suffers no penalties so long as he never runs for POTUS


Back later on!!

Until that time arrives, I will continue to contribute to this thread in the effective way I have!!

May 31, 2023
Have you EVER seen a SITTING PRESIDENT on a public beach surrounded by hundreds of visitors with nothing but a couple of security guards walking around him?

Nothing sealed off - completely out in the open! Most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!

And TARDS believe this clown actor is 'president'

THIS is what real SS/military protection looks like...with an ambulance and choppers overhead. ? ? ?

The stupid!

It burns!

I'm not sure what's worse. What you mentioned or watching his corpse barely dragging a 1 pound lawn chair ?

May 31, 2023
Who is Trump going to whine and complain to once he is tossed into the slammer, one of the prison guards and/or

his cellmate?? lol
Your delusional mind is still in dreamland. Creatures such as yourself keep hoping one of the 50 hoaxes will stick to the wall. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be real disappointed lol

May 31, 2023
I am reposting this from earlier today because it is important and certainly applies equally to sbd and sheriff HOE:

Since for reasons stated, I cannot formally put sbd on ignore without putting the entire thread on ignore, I do see his posts and

respond only when he attacks me personally, I am going to make an exception and respond to what he said today:

He claims this about himself and me:

"He's been wrong 100% of the time.

And the op has been right 100% of the time.

And the only thing he has proven over the last 40 months is how brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional he is."

The glaring thing about this that strikes me right off the bat is in reality he has been 1005 WRONG about Trump's

devolution which he has claimed on almost a daily basis that it is going to occur on such and such a day or that it is "IMMINENT!"

By any empirical standard, this has NOT occurred yet with ZERO evidence that it is going to occur!!

On the other hand, yours truly has been 100% CORRECT in pointing out his 100% FAILED predictions in this regard as well

as documenting his other 99.8 FAILED predictions since he started this thread 40 months ago.

His VAGUE excuse and "reasoning" for this is that I and the other folks who have exposed him "don't understand devolution."

Not once has he clarified what devolution really is and more importantly why it has not occurred yet despite thousands of

predictions over the last 30 months that it was/is "IMMINENT!!"

Along the same lines he then begs the question and poisons the well by stating how "brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional"

I am without giving one SPECIFIC/FACTUAL EXAMPLE of this!!

In actuality, just using the example of devolution and its 100% failure to occur despite thousands of predictions that it was imminent,

one would have to conclude that if in fact there is anyone else out there besides sheriff HOE who believes sbd at this juncture

re: devolution, in fact IT IS THEY who are brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional and living in a world totally devoid of reality!!

Finally his contention that Trump not only is still going to be devolutioned but never left in the first place and has been the acting

CIC right along is sheer double talk and a 100% contradiction of terms.

What he is implying here is that even though he, lenny and sheriff HOE bitch and complain daily about Biden's performance

as POTUS, his incompetency, poor decisions and policies, his age, dementia, etc. Trump never left in 2021 but yet allowed Biden

to essentially do whatever he wants and wanted to,!!

Sorry folks- to any intelligent and objective observer what sbd is stating makes no sense, which in fact defines most of

his posts, which consist of random incoherent and illogical thoughts which shatter and fly off into all directions

using both the empirical evidence at hand as well as being totally inconsistent, contradictory and incongruent with others of his

previous posts.

Even Lenny Lenbo, who is as staunch a Trump supporter as anyone else there, doesn't buy into this bullshit.

If you don't believe me, just take note of the fact that while Lenny gives thumbs up to derogatory comments made by

sbd and sheriff joe when it comes to Bide, not once/never has he given a thumbs up when it comes to this devolution

nonsense and who in fact is the acting CIC!!

I rest my case, Your Honor and those objective folks in the viewing audience!!
Your stupidity is very easy to attack. You're just another ex gov't hack!

Nov 11, 2007
I'm not sure what's worse. What you mentioned or watching his corpse barely dragging a 1 pound lawn chair ?
Hey newcomer-read the entire thread first and objectively decide if you can who has failed with 99.8 of his predictions and 100% with

his predictions for the last 30 months that Trump's return/devolutution. sbd or me!!

Nov 11, 2007
Your stupidity is very easy to attack. You're just another ex gov't hack!
What's the matter, lowlife-don't have the intellectual capacity to respond DIRECTLY to what I stated and documented !!

Don't feel bad though, you have a lot of "See Spot Run" company in your inability to respond to someone who is obviously more

intelligent, educated and better accomplished than you are!!

Nov 11, 2007
Your delusional mind is still in dreamland. Creatures such as yourself keep hoping one of the 50 hoaxes will stick to the wall. I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be real disappointed lol
Your post is the same vague generalized type of response that have been offered by sbd and sheriff HOE over the last 40 months,

and simply shows that you are not even remotely close to me in intelligence and ability to engage in meaningful debate!!

As with the others of your ilk, I am putting you on permanent ignore like most others because you have already

shown in just a few posts that you don't have the faintest clue as to how to debate and are a collective bore!!

Bye, Bye and try responding to someone in middle school next time where you MIGHT have a chance!!

Nov 11, 2007
I'm not sure what's worse. What you mentioned or watching his corpse barely dragging a 1 pound lawn chair ?
Take a look at yourself first before criticizing and your inability to respond to me other than in cliches and in a See Spot Run manner!!

Nov 11, 2007

While I am quite confident that the no good/lying/racist/arrogant/CRIMINAL and self-serving cocksucker will be tossed into the

slammer, even if he is not, the fact that once everything is said and done, he will have ZERO chance of ever serving as POTUS is good

enough for me!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
? Remember: we're still under COG (devolution/military occupation) because of useful idiots like salvage.

? Remember: Executive Order 13823 (National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections)… STILL NOT REVOKED by the senile pants-shitting resident.

If all the freaks and idiots like salvage were told the truth by the cabal's fake news puppets, they would lose their collective minds and just get in the way of current operations.

? Remember what Trump said at the debates in 2016 with the backing of 200+ Generals. Never again will the public be told what the military is doing. If people really want to know what's going on, they can sign up and serve!

EVERY SINGLE DAY round the clock delivering the world from Evil!




Sep 5, 2010
Another great read!

The stooge was taken to school!


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Mar 19, 2008
Your stupidity is very easy to attack. You're just another ex gov't hack!
Savage worked the same desk job all his life. Parents paid for everything including his current mail order bride. Left him a nice inheritance so he can now support his freeloading bought wifes relatives. He supposedly put everyone on ignore, but still references every one of them. Savage needs help. Charges the freeloaders for food and utilities when he brags about how well his investments are doing. He is Phil Steele of the rubber room. Savage can't block people that are not on ignore, right buddy?

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