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Nov 11, 2007

If you don't want to listen to this guy with worlds of education and first hand experience, then, by all means, turn to our

very own residential "legal expert," Lenny Lenbo!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Sep 12, 2022

Though the contents of former Congressman Anthony Weiner's infamous laptop were not made public, it is has been said by well-connected people such as former Federal Prosecutor Sidney Powell to contain some unspecified nasty stuff on it (here)-- so nasty in fact that some of the New York City police officers that viewed it, according to Powell's account, became nauseous.

In 2017, the pervert Weiner began serving his 21-month sentence for having "sexted" images of his penis to underage girls. The White Hats may have used Weiner as a back-door weak link to get dirt on Killary Clinton because his wife, Huma Abedin, was the close aide and lesbian lover of the Satanic Witch that Trump saved us from. These are the facts -- the hard data points. The really demonic stuff that comes next, however, we cannot confirm. Nonetheless, the story of "Frazzledrip," (as in Frazzled Rip) for a number of reasons, seems so plausible that if it does one day come out -- don't be surprised. These people are sick.




1. The degenerate Anthony Weiner was obsessed with his own "weiner." // 2. Hillary & Huma: An inseparable pair of hard nasty dykes. // 3. The exaggerated facial expressions of a dangerous psychopath.

The Anti-Defamation League -- founded in 1913 in the immediate aftermath of the "antisemitic" lynching of a Jewish child rapist murderer -- "debunks" Frazzledrip as follows:

"Frazzledrip (sometimes called is a rumored dark web snuff film showing Hillary Clinton and longtime aide Huma Abedin sexually assaulting and murdering a young girl, drinking her blood and taking turns wearing the skin from her face as a mask. The video was allegedly discovered on former Congressman Anthony Weiner's laptop in a folder labeled "life insurance," and police officers who've reportedly seen it were so horrified that they were driven to suicide. Conspiracy theorists have pointed to the video, which does not actually exist, to support long-standing conspiracy theories that politicians, celebrities and other "elites" sexually abuse children and consume their remains."

Then there's this from Michelle Goldberg (cough cough) of the New York Slimes:

"The lurid fantasy of Frazzledrip refers to an imaginary video said to show Hillary Clinton and her former aide, Huma Abedin, assaulting and disfiguring a young girl, and drinking her blood. It holds that several cops saw the video, and Clinton had them killed."

Yikes! Those attacks alone, coming from the ADL and the Slimes, are almost enough to confirm the veracity of the purportedly leaked film! But there are other reasons and precedents sufficient to justify serious consideration of the possibility.

1. The demonic-looking Jonathan Greenblatt (cough cough) has "debunked" the Frazzledrip "conspiracy theory." // 2. Killary wears a Satanic upside-down cross. // 3 & 4. As does daughter Chelsea.

Some additional data points -- not theories, just proven facts:*

Many elites do in fact worship Satan.*

Hillary has been dabbling with witchcraft and occultism for a long time. (here)*

Satanic ritual abuse often involves the knifing mutilation of the victim.*

The Cartoon Network's sex & violence obsessed Justin Roiland once featured (on his website, not the network) an animated monster child rapist carving the face off of his terrified victims and wearing them.*

In the movie Cast Away, pedo-monster Tom Hanks regarded a volleyball with a blood red face painted on it as his friend and confidante.*

The pedo-monster Ellen Degeneres wears a sweatshirt with a bloody skinned face on the chest and the writing "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" (as in screaming) on the sleeves.*

Epstein Island regular, and strong supporter of Killary, JayZ, wears that same skinned-face sweatshirt.*

Satanist Lady Gaga wore a blood red dress with a bloody-looking red face mask to an MTV award show in 2009.

What does this all conclusively prove? With respect to the rumored Frazzledrip video, nothing. But in terms of establishing context and reasonable suspicion, there is more than enough here to at least disabuse anyone of the notion that such a thing is unthinkable.

The jury is still out on Hillary's & Huma's heinous act -- still deliberating, and waiting for the "smoking gun." Some disturbing images for your review.
Q Posts from 2017 about the Satanic elites -- HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton is mentioned)

"The head had been cleaned of skin and hair." After speaking of having been sexually gratified, animator and voice actor Justin Roiland's monster skins off the faces of the children and wears them. (1-minute video here) Tom Hanks and his companion, "Wilson." The Wilson company made a special edition ball to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Cast Away.

Ellen, Jay Z & Lady Gaga were all visitors to Epstein-Maxwell Island. What does the bloody, horror-stricken face symbolize?

1. Lady Gaga (who has a penis) drinks the "blood" from one of Marina Abramovics' (2nd from left) ghastly death exhibits. Alex Soros (son of George) is on the right (white jacket). //

2. Sick Satanic priestess to the "elites," Marina -- Her revolting "performance art" is all about blood, semen, urine and death. //

3. Morbid Marina with the mighty Jacob Rothschild -- posing in front of a painting titled, "Satan Summoning His Legions." \

This Satanic stuff is absolutely real, boys and girls. As to the question of whether or not Killary and her lesbian gal pal actually skinned the face off of a live child -- let's put it this way: Would I bet the house on it? No. Would I bet a $1000 that they did with 2-to-1 odds return?Yeah. I would

Editor's Note: We have good reason to believe that the real Killary has long since been arrested, shipped to Gitmo, and possibly already executed.Trump's repeated use of the all-caps term "WITCH HUNT" had a coded meaning.

Nov 11, 2007

Jack Smith is no hero​

Opinion by Chauncey DeVega • Yesterday 8:00 AM


Jack SmithTom Brenner for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Jack SmithTom Brenner for The Washington Post via Getty Images© Provided by Salon
Special counsel Jack Smith is not a hero, he is just a man. Although it may seem counterintuitive, that is one of the main reasons why Donald Trump and his crime cabal are so afraid of Jack Smith.
A hero is someone who acts selflessly to help others — and does so at great personal risk to themselves. They are not paid or trained to help others. A person can be brave and courageous without necessarily being a hero. By their very nature, true heroes are uncommon.
During his decades-long career, Smith has shown himself to be an extremely skilled and highly competent legal professional and public servant. He has successfully prosecuted international war criminals, corrupt politicians, and members of criminal organizations. The special counsel is methodical, focused and task-oriented. In a recent profile, the New York Times described his career thus far:

Former colleagues said he stood out from the start. He was more intense and more focused than many of his peers. He was known for his succinct and effective courtroom style — so much so that senior attorneys in the office would advise junior prosecutors to watch his trials and take notes, according to a person who worked with him in Brooklyn….
During a panel discussion on "Morning Joe", MSNBC host Jonathan Lemire shared that "Trump insiders" are deeply fearful of Smith — as they should be:

He is someone who seems immune to what their typical playbook is, which is the smoke screen and the attacks, the assertions of bias and, to this point, that just hasn't worked."
It is no surprise why Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith as special counsel, giving him the responsibility for bringing Trump to justice in what will truly be "the trial of the century." Smith has summoned his deep skills and talents to develop a devastating case against the traitor ex-president. If convicted, Donald Trump could potentially spend the rest of his natural life in federal prison.
On Trump's federal indictment: A historic low brings hope
Jack Smith is highly trained, well-compensated, and is not acting selflessly as he pursues justice. In all, he is simply doing his job very well and in accordance with his oath and responsibilities at the Department of Justice as a public servant. So, again, Jack Smith is no hero.

There are many people like Jack Smith in the United States government who do their jobs quietly and expertly in service to the American people and their democracy every day. Donald Trump, like other fascists, demagogues, and authoritarians despise such people because they view them as roadblocks in their plans for total and corrupt power. Such malign actors believe that the state is an extension of their personal interests and ego; the rule of law and the bureaucracy are to be bent to their will.
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Hotels in South Lake Tahoe, CA - Save Time, Book It All Here


The label of "hero" places unfair expectations on a person, leaving them in an almost inevitable position to disappoint.
In that way, Donald Trump, like Vladimir Putin and other enemies of real democracy is committed to what political scientists, historians, and other experts have described as "personalist rule." In a 2021 essay in the Economist, historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat explained, "The concept of "personalist rule"—which organises government institutions around the self-preservation of a leader whose private interests prevail over national ones—provides a useful frame to understand the challenge to democracy and how to overcome it. As dire as turns to illiberalism look, strongmen have particular vulnerabilities and society can take specific actions to curb their behaviour."
At the Daily Beast, David Rothkopf details how to take advantage of such a worldview:

During his presidency, Trump was regularly frustrated by the fact that government officials—appointees as well as career officials in the civil service, the military, the intelligence community and the foreign service—were an impediment to the autocratic impulses about which he often openly fantasized. (Remember the time he said he wished his staff would "cower" like North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's? He wasn't kidding.)...
But Trump's real issue with career professionals and even many of the senior officials he himself appointed was not that they "reported to no one," but that instead they actually understood to whom they did report: the American people. They took their oaths of office seriously, which on a regular basis during the Trump years meant that they foiled some of Trump's craziest or most dangerous plans by pointing out they were unconstitutional, illegal or gravely damaging to U.S. national interests.
Time and time again, when Trump's inner circle clicked their heels and said "yessir" and the GOP-led Congress ignored its constitutional responsibilities, really bad ideas were ultimately stopped, slowed or diluted by senior government officials who actually understood the concept and responsibilities of public service.
We have seen extreme examples of how this worked in the course of the Jan. 6 Committee hearings.
Want a daily wrap-up of all the news and commentary Salon has to offer? Subscribe to our morning newsletter, Crash Course.
At the Brookings Institution, John Hudak highlights the importance of career government professionals and what may happen if Trump and the other Republican fascists are allowed to purge them:

Regardless of what you believe about the permanent government, what is its alternative? It is an executive branch staffed entirely via patronage. In a patronage system, the bulk of the civilian executive branch staff is hand-selected by the president—a system in which each employee of the government owes their allegiance to the president. In its first century of its existence, the U.S. largely operated in this manner. The government was not predominantly staffed by qualified professionals, but by those to whom the president owed political favors. Under that system—one distanced from career civil servants and that at times calls on them to fill certain policy-focused appointments—the government workforce would have far fewer Bill Taylors, George Kents, Fiona Hills, and Alexander Vindmans. Instead, the bureaucracy would look more like the White House political staff, packed with Mick Mulvaneys, Kellyanne Conways, and Stephen Millers.
Sick societies produce sick leaders. Institutions and organizations reflect the qualities and personalities of their leader(s) and members. Given that Trump has repeatedly shown himself to be a sociopath if not a psychopath, a criminal, immoral and evil, a malignant narcissist, delusional, violent, a fascist autocrat and a de facto cult leader, if he gets his way the entire United States government apparatus would take on those traits. In essence, the United States government would become a type of fascist Cthulhu monster, an extension of Trump's evil twisted mind and pathological impulses.
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Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Portland should be on this list also...
I'm sure they are there as well.

I was told there would be a significant increased military presence across the country in June (airports, cities, etc) and it appears it is playing out that way.

Declas on Covid origins coming up, Durham testifying...lots of reveals on deck, so this makes a lot of sense.

Closer and closer..


Nov 11, 2007

Don't worry though if you are a Trump dick sucker because if worse comes to worse, "Trump-Time" as Sheriff Hoe calls will finally

be here and in a fraction of a second/just like that Trump will be reinstated, and the likes of Jack Smith and anyone else wh

wronger him just as quickly will be arrested in the fastest sting in history, loaded onto a plane and shuffled off to Gitmo for a quick

trial for treason, where they are found guilty and then executed within days!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007

Let me introduce you to...Devolution

Rolling Stone article on Trump’s plans for televised executions and firing squads upon his return to the White House… Keep in mind Russian MIL, Chinese MIL, and Trump, have all accused “Western Oligarchs” (Cabal Inc) of crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0 on the horizon? ? Trump Plans to...

Sheriff's HOE's last update on his Trump Devolution Thread was on March 24 of this year was by Hoe himself

and there is virtually no interest by anyone else!!

I wonder why!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Actually, to be truthful, some of us know why!! lol
Aug 17, 2019

Though the contents of former Congressman Anthony Weiner's infamous laptop were not made public, it is has been said by well-connected people such as former Federal Prosecutor Sidney Powell to contain some unspecified nasty stuff on it (here)-- so nasty in fact that some of the New York City police officers that viewed it, according to Powell's account, became nauseous.

In 2017, the pervert Weiner began serving his 21-month sentence for having "sexted" images of his penis to underage girls. The White Hats may have used Weiner as a back-door weak link to get dirt on Killary Clinton because his wife, Huma Abedin, was the close aide and lesbian lover of the Satanic Witch that Trump saved us from. These are the facts -- the hard data points. The really demonic stuff that comes next, however, we cannot confirm. Nonetheless, the story of "Frazzledrip," (as in Frazzled Rip) for a number of reasons, seems so plausible that if it does one day come out -- don't be surprised. These people are sick.

1. The degenerate Anthony Weiner was obsessed with his own "weiner." // 2. Hillary & Huma: An inseparable pair of hard nasty dykes. // 3. The exaggerated facial expressions of a dangerous psychopath.

The Anti-Defamation League -- founded in 1913 in the immediate aftermath of the "antisemitic" lynching of a Jewish child rapist murderer -- "debunks" Frazzledrip as follows:

"Frazzledrip (sometimes called is a rumored dark web snuff film showing Hillary Clinton and longtime aide Huma Abedin sexually assaulting and murdering a young girl, drinking her blood and taking turns wearing the skin from her face as a mask. The video was allegedly discovered on former Congressman Anthony Weiner's laptop in a folder labeled "life insurance," and police officers who've reportedly seen it were so horrified that they were driven to suicide. Conspiracy theorists have pointed to the video, which does not actually exist, to support long-standing conspiracy theories that politicians, celebrities and other "elites" sexually abuse children and consume their remains."

Then there's this from Michelle Goldberg (cough cough) of the New York Slimes:

"The lurid fantasy of Frazzledrip refers to an imaginary video said to show Hillary Clinton and her former aide, Huma Abedin, assaulting and disfiguring a young girl, and drinking her blood. It holds that several cops saw the video, and Clinton had them killed."

Yikes! Those attacks alone, coming from the ADL and the Slimes, are almost enough to confirm the veracity of the purportedly leaked film! But there are other reasons and precedents sufficient to justify serious consideration of the possibility.

1. The demonic-looking Jonathan Greenblatt (cough cough) has "debunked" the Frazzledrip "conspiracy theory." // 2. Killary wears a Satanic upside-down cross. // 3 & 4. As does daughter Chelsea.

Some additional data points -- not theories, just proven facts:*

Many elites do in fact worship Satan.*

Hillary has been dabbling with witchcraft and occultism for a long time. (here)*

Satanic ritual abuse often involves the knifing mutilation of the victim.*

The Cartoon Network's sex & violence obsessed Justin Roiland once featured (on his website, not the network) an animated monster child rapist carving the face off of his terrified victims and wearing them.*

In the movie Cast Away, pedo-monster Tom Hanks regarded a volleyball with a blood red face painted on it as his friend and confidante.*

The pedo-monster Ellen Degeneres wears a sweatshirt with a bloody skinned face on the chest and the writing "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" (as in screaming) on the sleeves.*

Epstein Island regular, and strong supporter of Killary, JayZ, wears that same skinned-face sweatshirt.*

Satanist Lady Gaga wore a blood red dress with a bloody-looking red face mask to an MTV award show in 2009.

What does this all conclusively prove? With respect to the rumored Frazzledrip video, nothing. But in terms of establishing context and reasonable suspicion, there is more than enough here to at least disabuse anyone of the notion that such a thing is unthinkable.

The jury is still out on Hillary's & Huma's heinous act -- still deliberating, and waiting for the "smoking gun." Some disturbing images for your review.
Q Posts from 2017 about the Satanic elites -- HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton is mentioned)

"The head had been cleaned of skin and hair." After speaking of having been sexually gratified, animator and voice actor Justin Roiland's monster skins off the faces of the children and wears them. (1-minute video here) Tom Hanks and his companion, "Wilson." The Wilson company made a special edition ball to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Cast Away.

Ellen, Jay Z & Lady Gaga were all visitors to Epstein-Maxwell Island. What does the bloody, horror-stricken face symbolize?

1. Lady Gaga (who has a penis) drinks the "blood" from one of Marina Abramovics' (2nd from left) ghastly death exhibits. Alex Soros (son of George) is on the right (white jacket). //

2. Sick Satanic priestess to the "elites," Marina -- Her revolting "performance art" is all about blood, semen, urine and death. //

3. Morbid Marina with the mighty Jacob Rothschild -- posing in front of a painting titled, "Satan Summoning His Legions." \

This Satanic stuff is absolutely real, boys and girls. As to the question of whether or not Killary and her lesbian gal pal actually skinned the face off of a live child -- let's put it this way: Would I bet the house on it? No. Would I bet a $1000 that they did with 2-to-1 odds return?Yeah. I would

Editor's Note: We have good reason to believe that the real Killary has long since been arrested, shipped to Gitmo, and possibly already executed.Trump's repeated use of the all-caps term "WITCH HUNT" had a coded meaning.
She has been eliminated.

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