Important Virus Update


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The "return" is imminent.

The moment everyone has been waiting for.

And the moment tards are going to absolutely hate.
CIC Trump just signed what was put in front of him.

This "operation" was in the works long before they even asked him to run.

Did someone say... "BIBLICAL?"

The Georgia Guidestones, which displayed the globalist plan to limit the population to a mere 500 million people, was destroyed on George W. Bush’s birthday.


Are you ready to witness the fall of the satanic cabal?

God wins.

Aug 17, 2019
??North Carolina Supreme Court restores voter ID, reverses redistricting ruling, ends felon voting??

In a trio of rulings today, the N.C. Supreme Court restored the state's voter ID law, took state courts out of partisan gerrymandering disputes, and ended voting for felons who have not completed their sentences.

• Each ruling split the court, 5-2. Republican justices supported the majority decisions. Democrats dissented.

• The rulings will affect North Carolina's upcoming elections, including the next set of congressional and legislative election maps.

Screen Shot 2023-04-28 at 5.53.53 PM.png

Well, this can't be good news for the evil cheating Dems and those with TDS.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Tucker unfiltered is gonna be ?

Tucker Carlson released a two-minute video on Twitter that had 72.7 million views in 24 hours. The entire cable news industry combined, every show on every channel, over the corresponding timeframe had 53.1 million views.

Nov 11, 2007
Another great read.

Only the delusional ultra low iqanons believe the orange encrusted buffoon.

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Actually, Trump has a better chance of being devolutioned than being elected POTUS in 2024.

Bu that is not saying much because his chance of being devolutioned is .0000000000000000001 as opposed to being elected which

is ZERO!!! lol

Sep 5, 2010
trump gives sbd's sister a hug.

Asked by Hillyard what she believes the punishment should be for "terrorist" members of Congress, Larson-Olson said, "Execution for being traitors — that's what our Constitution demands." She added that "military tribunals are already happening — people are already being executed for the crimes they've committed against humanity, the treason and all it's all happening already." She did not elaborate on who she thinks has been executed by military tribunal.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007

It won't be long before all diehard Trump supporters including those in this thread as well as Trump himself, are going to have

terrible nightmares and wake up in a cold sweat when this guy's image confronts them in their dreams!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Tucker unfiltered is gonna be ?

Tucker Carlson released a two-minute video on Twitter that had 72.7 million views in 24 hours. The entire cable news industry combined, every show on every channel, over the corresponding timeframe had 53.1 million views.
Should be changed from "cable news industry" to "cabal news industry"


Sep 5, 2010

It won't be long before all diehard Trump supporters including those in this thread as well as Trump himself, are going to have

terrible nightmares and wake up in a cold sweat when this guy's image confronts them in their dreams!! lol
I'm sure it's fake news.

Or all in the plan.

Sep 5, 2010
I'm having such a great day.

"If these contentions are a preview of Trump’s defenses to an indictment from Smith’s grand jury, Jack Smith can rest easy," Aftergut wrote. "The arguments are so abysmally weak that they leave any knowledgeable observer with a simple inference: Trump and his lawyers know an indictment is coming soon and there’s nothing they can do about it but offer smoke and mirrors."


Soon, real soon.

Cat got the shut ins tongues?

We have it all!

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

The stupid! It burns!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
I'm having such a great day.

"If these contentions are a preview of Trump’s defenses to an indictment from Smith’s grand jury, Jack Smith can rest easy," Aftergut wrote. "The arguments are so abysmally weak that they leave any knowledgeable observer with a simple inference: Trump and his lawyers know an indictment is coming soon and there’s nothing they can do about it but offer smoke and mirrors."


Soon, real soon.

Cat got the shut ins tongues?

We have it all!

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

The stupid! It burns!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I happened to tune into to the Clay and Buck Show today when in the car, and even being the deniers they are, they admitted

that it is almost a lock that Trump is going to be indicted some more.

However, Trump supporters should relax and take comfort as sbd and his two fellow delusional douchebags in this

thread have said the opposite, namely that all of the various ongoing investigations are "nothing burgers," that Trump

will emerge unscathed and smelling like a rose, and will cruise to both the nomination and an easy victory in 2024!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Sep 12, 2022

What you have witnessed since the start of the plandemic goes way beyond what you can see.

This orchestrated take down of the DS cabal isn't just a war in the sense of the word.

It is also a major spiritual war.

A battle for the human souls.

Earth is an ascending planet now, something that has NEVER happened in history.

This means we are moving from a 3rd dimensional reality and into a 4th, and ultimately 5th, dimensional one.

In short, the planet has always spun [vibrated] at a 7.86hz [frequency], the frequency required to remain a 3rd dimensional planet.

But 20 years ago our beautiful mother earth made the choice to become an ascending planet.

This means the the planet is now spinning [vibrating] faster, averaging 75-100hz now as evidenced by the Schumann resonance.

Do you feel like your days are going by quicker, like you can't accomplish the same things you used to in a day?

Many do, and this is not coincidence, because with the increase in planet spin [vibration] rate we are now experiencing shorter days, literally.

What once was a "24 hour" day really is 16 hours.

Earth is also going through a purification process.

This means she is naturally warming up as a result of a faster spin [vibration] rate which can result is change in weather patterns, etc.

The dark controllers knew this and this is why they created the "climate change" narrative.

And by creating this fake narrative, it also created the perfect opportunity for them to launder billions of dollars from taxpayers for "climate change" causes.

Al Gore, who is one of them, was used as the "face" of climate change through "his" book.

It became a brainwashing tool for America and the world to buy into the false narrative.

The current group that has kept humans enslaved for eons is not human, they are an off planet species that invaded earth during the Sumerian wars about 5,500 years ago.

They are a predator species, a divide and conquer one.

They wrote history as we know it, which is almost all wrong.

This included setting up all the false religions too which were used to control the population and keep them divided.

And "racism" is their favorit divide and conquer strategy which many are starting to understand.

They are draconian reptilians and literally shapeshift in and out of human form.

This group includes bloodlines like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bush's.

It sounds sci-fi but it's true.

Why else do you see/hear the term "draconian system" being thrown around publicly?

Now, in order for them to "hold" human form they need lower frequencies.

With our mother earth ascending into higher octaves it is becoming harder and harder for them, and their clones, to exist here.

Ultimately, they won't be able to at all.

As a result, they are feeling more desperate than ever before!

Their entire existence here on earth is at-risk.

This is what they are fighting for.

Their "God" is an AI one.

They, themselves, are AI-human hybrids. [transhumans]

"God" to them is basically a supercomputer.

AI, as I mentioned before, is the ultimate anti-Christ.

It is the most dangerous thing in the entire universe and to God itself, the creator of all.

Aside from fighting the evil satanic DS cabal, it is AI anti-Christ who "white hats" and beneveloent groups are fighting the spiritual war with.

The AI anti-Christ is trying to terraform humans into AI-human hybrids so they can continue to exist on this planet.

And this is exactly why the plandemic happened!

They needed to create something that would generate so much fear that it would pave the way for them to inject the masses with AI technology that would allow them to ultimately link humans up as a "hive mind" and control them like cyborgs.

This is also why they have been aggressively spraying chemtrails in our skies for years and have recently become even more aggressive in their spraying.

They are releasing large amounts of space dust and metals like graphene oxide that can overload the body and act as transmitters just like the covid shots did.

As sci-fi as it sounds, it is truth.

And it is not my intention to drive anyone into fear.

At some point I am going to share how to reverse the effects of the injections, vaxx injuries and to help those who have weakened immune systems, which is basically everyone now, even those who think they are healthy.

This is going to critical to your survival now.

But timing is everything.

This "supercomputer" anti-Christ has made its way to the planet, is here now, and is trying to enter through the 10th Stargate which is located in Iraq.

The "motherboard" for this AI machinery has always been located inside this Stargate.

But it is now trying to actually come though and take over earth.

It is very angry too.

It's location here is the reason why the Bush family was always bombing Iraq.

It's because the bombs create an inversion of energy [downward spiral] and keeps the overall frequency [spin rate/vibration] low.

AI is one of the lowest forms of frequencies that exists.

The frequencies on the planet need to be low in order for it to exist here.

Now, "white hats" and benevolent groups have been working diligently around the clock, independent of each other, to stop this anti-Christ from moving through the 10th Stargate and entering the planet.

And I am happy to report they have been successful in their efforts!

During this process, Benevolent groups approached the "white hats" for the first time and actually showed themselves.

How incredible.

We should be so grateful for the "white hats" who gave up everything to help save humanity but it would have never been possible without these benevolent groups, who "white hats" felt were helping but didn't know for sure, until now.

Imagine being a fly on the wall in that encounter.

Well, some of us were through remote viewing.

What an incredible time to be alive.

To be on an ascending planet is such a rare blessing from God.

It is the highest spiritual experience experience in your soul's entire existence.

This is why I have consistently said to get right with God now.

You have no idea what's coming or waiting for you.

Change your bad habits, purify your bodies, and right your wrongs and walk into the divine version of yourself.

Now is the time.

The rewards will be far greater than anything you ever do on this planet.


And the next time you think about throwing a piece of garbage out your car window or in the our waterways, or spraying deadly chemicals on your grass or in the air because you're afraid to bitten by a mosquito, maybe you should STOP, and remember that you only exist because of GOD, the infinite creator of all and our Mother Earth.

Our Mother Earth is the direct image of God, and so are YOU.

Strive to be the best possible version of yourself.

Make better choices.

Make a better planet.



This is super interesting. I do feel like the days are passing faster, but I thought it was due to my reaching the first third of my life. If true, it also confirms Biblical prophecy of the end times: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

I'm going to research this, though your track record is excellent so far.
Aug 17, 2019
This is super interesting. I do feel like the days are passing faster, but I thought it was due to my reaching the first third of my life. If true, it also confirms Biblical prophecy of the end times: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

I'm going to research this, though your track record is excellent so far.

The end times Biblical prophecy, specifically Revelations, was written by this same controller group I referred to.

It is not a "prophecy", but rather the real story of "the great flood" and what actually happened to Atlantis.

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