Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

In case you haven't figured it out yet, the DS cabal is no longer a threat.

They have been removed and dealt with for the most part.

We have now moved into the final battle between the Christ and the anti-Christ.

Christ is the organic God consciousness, defending organic human life as we were originally created and designed.

The anti-Christ is the invading forces using artificial machinery and AI systems in order to overtake humanity.

AI has infiltrated our entire galaxy but the final battle is taking place here on Earth.

As Earth goes, so goes the entire galaxy.

This is bigger than you can comprehend and has never happened in our entire planetary or galactic history.

Things over the past week have intensified on every front.

And it's going to continue to escalate quickly.

Keep your eyes on the areas known as Iran/Iraq and even Stonehenge.

This is where the current battles are taking place "behind the scenes".

These dark forces are losing bad, which makes them desperate now, so they are going to throw everything they can at us.

There is going to be a major "event", something many will not be able to fathom.

It will NOT be a cataclysmic event.

Our Benevolent teams are protecting us from this.

But it doesn't meant there won't be pockets of destruction.

What's at stake here is the understanding that there is a large segment of our population that has injected themselves with the "covid" shot that contained AI materials that, effectively, makes them walking AI towers like the op stated at the onset.

The endgame goal was to use frequency technologies to link up those with the shot to create a singular hive mind where it overtakes human consciousness.

This is what they are trying to make happen now.

This "event" is going to be massive.

When this "event" will happen, nobody knows.

It could be tomorrow, next week, next month or even a couple months from now.

But what we do know is it's going to happen and it's coming fast.

And it's is going to change our planet and humanity forever.

NOW is the time to get right with God.

Tomorrow might be too late.

And fear nothing.

No matter how scary or strange things may look, always take comfort in know our Benevolent teams are here with us now.

And remember, GOD WINS!




What you have witnessed since the start of the plandemic goes way beyond what you can see.

This orchestrated take down of the DS cabal isn't just a war in the sense of the word.

It is also a major spiritual war.

A battle for the human souls.

Earth is an ascending planet now, something that has NEVER happened in history.

This means we are moving from a 3rd dimensional reality and into a 4th, and ultimately 5th, dimensional one.

In short, the planet has always spun [vibrated] at a 7.86hz [frequency], the frequency required to remain a 3rd dimensional planet.

But 20 years ago our beautiful mother earth made the choice to become an ascending planet.

This means the the planet is now spinning [vibrating] faster, averaging 75-100hz now as evidenced by the Schumann resonance.

Do you feel like your days are going by quicker, like you can't accomplish the same things you used to in a day?

Many do, and this is not coincidence, because with the increase in planet spin [vibration] rate we are now experiencing shorter days, literally.

What once was a "24 hour" day really is 16 hours.

Earth is also going through a purification process.

This means she is naturally warming up as a result of a faster spin [vibration] rate which can result is change in weather patterns, etc.

The dark controllers knew this and this is why they created the "climate change" narrative.

And by creating this fake narrative, it also created the perfect opportunity for them to launder billions of dollars from taxpayers for "climate change" causes.

Al Gore, who is one of them, was used as the "face" of climate change through "his" book.

It became a brainwashing tool for America and the world to buy into the false narrative.

The current group that has kept humans enslaved for eons is not human, they are an off planet species that invaded earth during the Sumerian wars about 5,500 years ago.

They are a predator species, a divide and conquer one.

They wrote history as we know it, which is almost all wrong.

This included setting up all the false religions too which were used to control the population and keep them divided.

And "racism" is their favorit divide and conquer strategy which many are starting to understand.

They are draconian reptilians and literally shapeshift in and out of human form.

This group includes bloodlines like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bush's.

It sounds sci-fi but it's true.

Why else do you see/hear the term "draconian system" being thrown around publicly?

Now, in order for them to "hold" human form they need lower frequencies.

With our mother earth ascending into higher octaves it is becoming harder and harder for them, and their clones, to exist here.

Ultimately, they won't be able to at all.

As a result, they are feeling more desperate than ever before!

Their entire existence here on earth is at-risk.

This is what they are fighting for.

Their "God" is an AI one.

They, themselves, are AI-human hybrids. [transhumans]

"God" to them is basically a supercomputer.

AI, as I mentioned before, is the ultimate anti-Christ.

It is the most dangerous thing in the entire universe and to God itself, the creator of all.

Aside from fighting the evil satanic DS cabal, it is AI anti-Christ who "white hats" and beneveloent groups are fighting the spiritual war with.

The AI anti-Christ is trying to terraform humans into AI-human hybrids so they can continue to exist on this planet.

And this is exactly why the plandemic happened!

They needed to create something that would generate so much fear that it would pave the way for them to inject the masses with AI technology that would allow them to ultimately link humans up as a "hive mind" and control them like cyborgs.

This is also why they have been aggressively spraying chemtrails in our skies for years and have recently become even more aggressive in their spraying.

They are releasing large amounts of space dust and metals like graphene oxide that can overload the body and act as transmitters just like the covid shots did.

As sci-fi as it sounds, it is truth.

And it is not my intention to drive anyone into fear.

At some point I am going to share how to reverse the effects of the injections, vaxx injuries and to help those who have weakened immune systems, which is basically everyone now, even those who think they are healthy.

This is going to critical to your survival now.

But timing is everything.

This "supercomputer" anti-Christ has made its way to the planet, is here now, and is trying to enter through the 10th Stargate which is located in Iraq.

The "motherboard" for this AI machinery has always been located inside this Stargate.

But it is now trying to actually come though and take over earth.

It is very angry too.

It's location here is the reason why the Bush family was always bombing Iraq.

It's because the bombs create an inversion of energy [downward spiral] and keeps the overall frequency [spin rate/vibration] low.

AI is one of the lowest forms of frequencies that exists.

The frequencies on the planet need to be low in order for it to exist here.

Now, "white hats" and benevolent groups have been working diligently around the clock, independent of each other, to stop this anti-Christ from moving through the 10th Stargate and entering the planet.

And I am happy to report they have been successful in their efforts!

During this process, Benevolent groups approached the "white hats" for the first time and actually showed themselves.

How incredible.

We should be so grateful for the "white hats" who gave up everything to help save humanity but it would have never been possible without these benevolent groups, who "white hats" felt were helping but didn't know for sure, until now.

Imagine being a fly on the wall in that encounter.

Well, some of us were through remote viewing.

What an incredible time to be alive.

To be on an ascending planet is such a rare blessing from God.

It is the highest spiritual experience experience in your soul's entire existence.

This is why I have consistently said to get right with God now.

You have no idea what's coming or waiting for you.

Change your bad habits, purify your bodies, and right your wrongs and walk into the divine version of yourself.

Now is the time.

The rewards will be far greater than anything you ever do on this planet.


And the next time you think about throwing a piece of garbage out your car window or in the our waterways, or spraying deadly chemicals on your grass or in the air because you're afraid to bitten by a mosquito, maybe you should STOP, and remember that you only exist because of GOD, the infinite creator of all and our Mother Earth.

Our Mother Earth is the direct image of God, and so are YOU.

Strive to be the best possible version of yourself.

Make better choices.

Make a better planet.


Aug 17, 2019

And savage1, wilbur, schmirt and habsburger STILL haven't figured out they are on the wrong side of every narrative.

STILL thinking "we got him this time".

STILL posting their fake news links, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

And STILL defending the anti-Americans, Pedos, Nazis and Satan.

Tards are a very special group.

A special kind of stupid.

? ? ? ? ?

Another Friday is here and tards STILL haven't figured out they have been on the wrong side of everything.

100% of the time.

Again, 3+ years and 100% WRONG!

And they STILL haven't figured out they are being led by Satan.

They are very special indeed.

A special kind of stupid.

Nov 11, 2007
I am repeating what I posted yesterday about sbd that I posted to a new member before I put him on ignore for those who didn't

see it because (and sorry if it sounds boastful) because it is all 100% true and should be considered by anyone coming over to this

thread and who is not familiar with who and what sbd is all about as documented especially by me, wilbur, habsburger,

schmirt and several other contributors along the way!!

If someone doesn't want to accept what we have documented in the very small sample II have revealed here over the three

plus years that this thread has been opened, then it is fine with me if they want to bury their head in the sand-it is their loss

and denial of reality and not mine!!

Again I strongly urge that you read what follows as a sample of what I am talking about as well as to take some time and randomly

pull out some pages and posts from sbd in the post and our responses and rebuttals to it none of which has he been able to


Here you go once again with a brief CliffsNotes summary of sbd that I posted yesterday in response to what a novice posted:

"Before I put you on permanent ignore, you might want to consider this about sbd as you are new here:

Do you consider 99.8% FAILED predictions on sbd's part since the thread was started and 100% FAILED hundreds if not thousands

of daily predictions that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was going to happen either on specific days or that it was/is

imminent over the last 27 months as "great work?"

Do you consider 100% lack of accountability for these failed predictions as "great work?

Do you consider sbd's claims which are still in effect that Trump won ALL FIFTY STATES AND GOT OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE

in the 2020 ELECTION "great work??"

Do you consider "great work" this small sample of folks who according to sbd have been arrested and executed at GITMO??

This is a list from June of 2021 which has only been added to since that time

From Sbd:


Huma Abedin – June 7th

Bill Clinton – June 14th

Hillary Clinton

John Boehner – June 17th

William Barr – June 17th (to be held at another location)

Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson – June 21st

Actor Kevin Spacey – June 21st (location not yet known)

Dr. Deborah Birx – June 23rd

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett – June 28th

Former FEMA Director Craig Fugate – June 29th

Former FEMA Director Brock Long – June 29th

Susan Rice – July 2nd

Mass arrests will happen after the "return".

The "return" will be soon.

Let's just say it's going to be a VERY HOT summer."

Do you consider as "great work" sbd's continued assertion that "hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated

for Covid in the world have already died and hundreds of millions more will die" when in fact only a DOCUMENTED 56


I could go on all day with sbd's attention-seeking lies, delusions, projections, etc but I don't have either the time or inclination to

do so-that is why I don't bother to read/respond to any of his posts anymore!!

The only mistake I did was not doing it sooner than I did!!

That's it!!

ps If you want to know more about him and his lies, etc. and how the likes of I, wilbur, schmirt. habsburger et al have documented and

exposed him for who and what he is, then I suggest that you just randomly go back and chose some days and posts of his on those days and

our responses to that, and you will see that it is all true!!

If you still think he is doing great work, well fine-he needs all of the help he can get as well as his "deity" and

"model of perfection" Donald Trump!!

Bye, bye and enjoy your life!! lol
I forgot to post the addendum from yesterday as a further indication of who and what sbd is about.

Here you go-back sometime after the stock market opens at 9:30:

"One thing that I forgot to post in previous about sbd's "great work" in the above post is that sbd praised and still

praises Putin for invading Ukraine and was/is ecstatic when he read/reads about more Ukrainians being murdered

by Putin including women and children, people being uprooted and having their homes destroyed and having to

flee the country as well as the utter/ wanton physical destruction of Ukraine itself!!

To be fair and not slight anyone, sheriff joe has expressed the same sentiments!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Well well well

Sounds like the deals Biden’s opponents got during the 2020 election to drop out and get positions in the administration and railroad Crazy Bernie for a second time .

This is what election interference looks like . Not some bullshit Russia hoax .

The October 2020 letter, which over 50 former intelligence officials joined and alleged Russia had involvement with the laptop, has since come back under the spotlight following ex-Obama CIA acting Director Mike Morell testifying to Congress that then-Biden campaign adviser Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, “triggered” him to organize it. Three signatories of this same controversial letter, Jeremy Bash, Russell Travers, and Nicholas Rasmussen, went on to be handpicked for senior Biden administration posts.
Aug 17, 2019
Well well well

Sounds like the deals Biden’s opponents got during the 2020 election to drop out and get positions in the administration and railroad Crazy Bernie for a second time .

This is what election interference looks like . Not some bullshit Russia hoax .

The October 2020 letter, which over 50 former intelligence officials joined and alleged Russia had involvement with the laptop, has since come back under the spotlight following ex-Obama CIA acting Director Mike Morell testifying to Congress that then-Biden campaign adviser Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, “triggered” him to organize it. Three signatories of this same controversial letter, Jeremy Bash, Russell Travers, and Nicholas Rasmussen, went on to be handpicked for senior Biden administration posts.

"no no election fraud and interference is just conspiracy... Biden really won and got 81 million ballots"

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Aug 17, 2019
? The coordinated MSM attacks on Tucker have begun, anyone with an IQ above 50 knew it was coming.

Screen Shot 2023-04-28 at 10.16.55 AM.png

This confirms he's a "white hat"

They only attack the good guys.


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Well well well

Sounds like the deals Biden’s opponents got during the 2020 election to drop out and get positions in the administration and railroad Crazy Bernie for a second time .

This is what election interference looks like . Not some bullshit Russia hoax .

The October 2020 letter, which over 50 former intelligence officials joined and alleged Russia had involvement with the laptop, has since come back under the spotlight following ex-Obama CIA acting Director Mike Morell testifying to Congress that then-Biden campaign adviser Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, “triggered” him to organize it. Three signatories of this same controversial letter, Jeremy Bash, Russell Travers, and Nicholas Rasmussen, went on to be handpicked for senior Biden administration posts.
Amazing that the other side has no issue with this. In actuality, they support it, like every other crime and evil doing. Sick people.
They can't even handle a simple boycott of AB and their tranny promotion, without throwing their tantrums.
Most are on ignore, probably add a few more soon.
Zero chance of dialogue with them.
Aug 17, 2019
Amazing that the other side has no issue with this. In actuality, they support it, like every other crime and evil doing. Sick people.
They can't even handle a simple boycott of AB and their tranny promotion, without throwing their tantrums.
Most are on ignore, probably add a few more soon.
Zero chance of dialogue with them.

They are proof that brainwashing and mind-control are real and works.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Amazing that the other side has no issue with this. In actuality, they support it, like every other crime and evil doing. Sick people.
They can't even handle a simple boycott of AB and their tranny promotion, without throwing their tantrums.
Most are on ignore, probably add a few more soon.
Zero chance of dialogue with them.

The other side craves absolute power . And the have the media , big tech and the intelligence agencies on their side . So stories like this stay mostly muted or are reported on after the damage has already been done and their goal has been achieved .

Look at how off the wall they were/are since the Supreme Court has tilted conservative .

Nov 11, 2007

The lady got the execution part right, but unfortunately intended for the wrong person as should be Trump by acclamation!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Tucker Carlson's last show ???

Ordering "pizza" on set.

From Delaware.

Why do you think he was "fired"?

Tucker is a "white hat"

That same day, President Trump randomly stopped at a "pizza" parlor in Florida.

Marsha Blackburn tweets her new $20 "pizza" cutters fans can purchase so they can help her "cut the red tape in Washington"

And TARDS have no idea what any of this means - not a clue!

Patriots in FULL control!

Aug 17, 2019
Tucker Carlson's last show ???

Ordering "pizza" on set.

From Delaware.

Why do you think he was "fired"?

Tucker is a "white hat"

That same day, President Trump randomly stopped at a "pizza" parlor in Florida.

Marsha Blackburn tweets her new $20 "pizza" cutters fans can purchase so they can help her "cut the red tape in Washington"

And TARDS have no idea what any of this means - not a clue!

Patriots in FULL control!



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