Important Virus Update


Sep 21, 2004

“Those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a bombshell new study has revealed.”

View attachment 64559
Please keep praying for the vaxxed.

Wait till 2024 election results come in and see how many people die from results.....

Nov 11, 2007
I am starting this a little before 10:00 as promised because there is a show I want to watch that starts soon.

All I can say about this and Lenny's TOTAL NON-RESPONSE to it other than with name-calling and then trying to divert attention

away from it by posting something unrelated is this:

If someone challenged me with a well-thought-out and provocative post, which is obviously the case here,

the last thing I would want to do is run away and hide like Lenny does because of his inability to refute or even discuss any of it.

If I thought that the person who challenged me made some good points, I would actually commend him on it if I was unable to

rebut some of it and actually even agree with it, and at the same time move on to anything with which I disagree with comments why!!

But no this is not the case with Lenny Lenbo, who is too much of an arrogant coward to acknowledge that someone

with whom he disagrees has made some valid points or at least something to consider!!

To simply dismiss them in this and most cases with insults or in this case call what was written as "verbal diarrhea"

because he has no response and then runs and hides are the obvious signs of a coward who in this case has

been overpowered by thoughts for which he has no response!!

But then again as any objective person knows by now, Lenny is a scared rabbit and with next to ZERO confidence in what he posts.

The best example of this which I have proved and shown multiple times is when I have called him on controversial statements and

predictions by sbd with which he obviously disagrees.

Rather than admit he disagrees, each and every time he has chosen to run away and hit for the hills and return when he deems it

safe to get back into the water!!

That's it any my apologies to anyone who reads this and already knows this!!
I am going to be as brief as I can because Ifor one thing I have a telephone call scheduled with my financial advisor shortly

after the market opens today.

First of all after this post is completed, I am putting Lenny Lenbo on FORMAL ignore as I did with Cheddar/phil jr.

I decided after once again annihilating him with post 50.405 which will follow last night with this post, that he simply is not worth

the effort because he is so attached to Trump that he is unable to see reality and even admit even any wrongdoing on his part EVER

let alone the POTUS!!

As much as I enjoy posting what I do and leaving him speechless in the way of rebuttal as post 50,405 did

other than name-calling and insults and weakly trying to divert attention to something else, it does take valuable time to do so!!

And let's face it other than leaving him bloodied and battered against the wall, a reincarnated human condom for Trump who is unable

to cut his umbilical cord to him, it is just a plain waste of time to come down to his level of intelligence and education and lack

of debating skills.

One of the things I didn't know before I put cheddar/phil jr. on ignore is that when one does so, not only does it show the words

"Ignored member" when they post something but also when someone else quotes them meaning I don't see what was quoted.

the only way to get around this would be for someone to cut and paste what they said.

If someone does that, I will immediately just skip the entire post!!

Other than that all I see today from sbd and sheriff joe are more taunts, obvious signs of fear, trepidation, anxiety and in

general anything which serves to divert attention away from what their deity Trump is up against!!

Post 50,439 is a GLARING example of this!!

That's it for now.

ps If and when there is significant news regarding the various ongoing Trump investigations, indictments or even good news,

if that should occur, I will take Lenny off of formal ignore and take it from there!!

Also to be clear, I will continue with intellectually and philoso[hically challenging posts as it regards Trump, the 2024 Election, etc.

However, they will be posted independently of anything Lenny states because he is on ignore!!

Back later this morning!!!

And for those who didn't see it, here is post 50,405 from last night which Lenny didn't have the smarts, education, debating

skills and in general a valid response or rebuttal!!

"Learn the difference between using a static approach to politics and everything else you do in life to making assumptions and

predictions as opposed to the dynamic one that I and people vastly your intellectual superior do in considering that certain

things at the moment are unknown and that at the very least have to be considered in making projections rather than simply

that they cannot and will change.

Here is an example where you fail miserably:

You try to convey the impression that Trump's polling numbers are growing(you do it multiple times each day)

to assure everyone most notably yourself that it means Trump is a virtual lock to win the nomination.

Then you leave a huge gap and simply imply that he will win the POTUS also.

Here are several reasons just off the top of my head to sure how shallow and provincial your thinking is:

1) It makes the insane implication that Trump won't be indicted and convicted in any of these investigations, and if

so how that would impact his candidacy both as far as being able to continue as a candidate and just as importantly

how it might change the opinion of him in the eyes of both fellow Republicans and well as independents!!

2) Along the same lines, you naively believe that none of the other potential candidates are really no challenge because

of the manner in which stand now without even considering the fact that if and when Trump is indicted, it might totally]

turn the whole ballgame around when folks see this and see that some of the other folks are more competent, likable

and with no baggage or at least a lot less than Trump!!

While provincial and shallow thinking like this might allow you to sleep well at night and at least consciously believe

that all is well with Trump, in the minds of people like myself who have the ability to think outside of the box

and will use it to least explore/consider other possibilities(ie a dynamic approach), it is far from a slam dunk that he will

get the nomination and that if even if he pulls a "Houdini" and gets it, he has ZERO chance of winning the POTUS.

It is "kind of hard" to win the Presidency when the majority of the voting population believes you should be investigate

and indicted if found guilty in these various investigations and 60% of the people don't even want you(Trump) in the first place!!

That's it-I am not going to engage you in a long debate about this because your mind is, has always been and always be close-minded

when it comes to any possible criminal activity and negativity when it comes to Trump!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I am going to be as brief as I can because Ifor one thing I have a telephone call scheduled with my financial advisor shortly

after the market opens today.

First of all after this post is completed, I am putting Lenny Lenbo on FORMAL ignore as I did with Cheddar/phil jr.

I decided after once again annihilating him with post 50.405 which will follow last night with this post, that he simply is not worth

the effort because he is so attached to Trump that he is unable to see reality and even admit even any wrongdoing on his part EVER

let alone the POTUS!!

As much as I enjoy posting what I do and leaving him speechless in the way of rebuttal as post 50,405 did

other than name-calling and insults and weakly trying to divert attention to something else, it does take valuable time to do so!!

And let's face it other than leaving him bloodied and battered against the wall, a reincarnated human condom for Trump who is unable

to cut his umbilical cord to him, it is just a plain waste of time to come down to his level of intelligence and education and lack

of debating skills.

One of the things I didn't know before I put cheddar/phil jr. on ignore is that when one does so, not only does it show the words

"Ignored member" when they post something but also when someone else quotes them meaning I don't see what was quoted.

the only way to get around this would be for someone to cut and paste what they said.

If someone does that, I will immediately just skip the entire post!!

Other than that all I see today from sbd and sheriff joe are more taunts, obvious signs of fear, trepidation, anxiety and in

general anything which serves to divert attention away from what their deity Trump is up against!!

Post 50,439 is a GLARING example of this!!

That's it for now.

ps If and when there is significant news regarding the various ongoing Trump investigations, indictments or even good news,

if that should occur, I will take Lenny off of formal ignore and take it from there!!

Also to be clear, I will continue with intellectually and philoso[hically challenging posts as it regards Trump, the 2024 Election, etc.

However, they will be posted independently of anything Lenny states because he is on ignore!!

Back later this morning!!!

And for those who didn't see it, here is post 50,405 from last night which Lenny didn't have the smarts, education, debating

skills and in general a valid response or rebuttal!!

"Learn the difference between using a static approach to politics and everything else you do in life to making assumptions and

predictions as opposed to the dynamic one that I and people vastly your intellectual superior do in considering that certain

things at the moment are unknown and that at the very least have to be considered in making projections rather than simply

that they cannot and will change.

Here is an example where you fail miserably:

You try to convey the impression that Trump's polling numbers are growing(you do it multiple times each day)

to assure everyone most notably yourself that it means Trump is a virtual lock to win the nomination.

Then you leave a huge gap and simply imply that he will win the POTUS also.

Here are several reasons just off the top of my head to sure how shallow and provincial your thinking is:

1) It makes the insane implication that Trump won't be indicted and convicted in any of these investigations, and if

so how that would impact his candidacy both as far as being able to continue as a candidate and just as importantly

how it might change the opinion of him in the eyes of both fellow Republicans and well as independents!!

2) Along the same lines, you naively believe that none of the other potential candidates are really no challenge because

of the manner in which stand now without even considering the fact that if and when Trump is indicted, it might totally]

turn the whole ballgame around when folks see this and see that some of the other folks are more competent, likable

and with no baggage or at least a lot less than Trump!!

While provincial and shallow thinking like this might allow you to sleep well at night and at least consciously believe

that all is well with Trump, in the minds of people like myself who have the ability to think outside of the box

and will use it to least explore/consider other possibilities(ie a dynamic approach), it is far from a slam dunk that he will

get the nomination and that if even if he pulls a "Houdini" and gets it, he has ZERO chance of winning the POTUS.

It is "kind of hard" to win the Presidency when the majority of the voting population believes you should be investigate

and indicted if found guilty in these various investigations and 60% of the people don't even want you(Trump) in the first place!!

That's it-I am not going to engage you in a long debate about this because your mind is, has always been and always be close-minded

when it comes to any possible criminal activity and negativity when it comes to Trump!!"

Yesterday must have been too much for you to handle

Use your CNN Zen to cope my overmatched pip squeak .

Thinking outside the box to you means Trump being blackmailed by the Biden DOJ to stay out of jail by plea bargaining and dropping out of the race .



Sep 21, 2004
Elections cancelled to avoid recounting.

Mar 19, 2008
I am going to be as brief as I can because Ifor one thing I have a telephone call scheduled with my financial advisor shortly

after the market opens today.

First of all after this post is completed, I am putting Lenny Lenbo on FORMAL ignore as I did with Cheddar/phil jr.

I decided after once again annihilating him with post 50.405 which will follow last night with this post, that he simply is not worth

the effort because he is so attached to Trump that he is unable to see reality and even admit even any wrongdoing on his part EVER

let alone the POTUS!!

As much as I enjoy posting what I do and leaving him speechless in the way of rebuttal as post 50,405 did

other than name-calling and insults and weakly trying to divert attention to something else, it does take valuable time to do so!!

And let's face it other than leaving him bloodied and battered against the wall, a reincarnated human condom for Trump who is unable

to cut his umbilical cord to him, it is just a plain waste of time to come down to his level of intelligence and education and lack

of debating skills.

One of the things I didn't know before I put cheddar/phil jr. on ignore is that when one does so, not only does it show the words

"Ignored member" when they post something but also when someone else quotes them meaning I don't see what was quoted.

the only way to get around this would be for someone to cut and paste what they said.

If someone does that, I will immediately just skip the entire post!!

Other than that all I see today from sbd and sheriff joe are more taunts, obvious signs of fear, trepidation, anxiety and in

general anything which serves to divert attention away from what their deity Trump is up against!!

Post 50,439 is a GLARING example of this!!

That's it for now.

ps If and when there is significant news regarding the various ongoing Trump investigations, indictments or even good news,

if that should occur, I will take Lenny off of formal ignore and take it from there!!

Also to be clear, I will continue with intellectually and philoso[hically challenging posts as it regards Trump, the 2024 Election, etc.

However, they will be posted independently of anything Lenny states because he is on ignore!!

Back later this morning!!!

And for those who didn't see it, here is post 50,405 from last night which Lenny didn't have the smarts, education, debating

skills and in general a valid response or rebuttal!!

"Learn the difference between using a static approach to politics and everything else you do in life to making assumptions and

predictions as opposed to the dynamic one that I and people vastly your intellectual superior do in considering that certain

things at the moment are unknown and that at the very least have to be considered in making projections rather than simply

that they cannot and will change.

Here is an example where you fail miserably:

You try to convey the impression that Trump's polling numbers are growing(you do it multiple times each day)

to assure everyone most notably yourself that it means Trump is a virtual lock to win the nomination.

Then you leave a huge gap and simply imply that he will win the POTUS also.

Here are several reasons just off the top of my head to sure how shallow and provincial your thinking is:

1) It makes the insane implication that Trump won't be indicted and convicted in any of these investigations, and if

so how that would impact his candidacy both as far as being able to continue as a candidate and just as importantly

how it might change the opinion of him in the eyes of both fellow Republicans and well as independents!!

2) Along the same lines, you naively believe that none of the other potential candidates are really no challenge because

of the manner in which stand now without even considering the fact that if and when Trump is indicted, it might totally]

turn the whole ballgame around when folks see this and see that some of the other folks are more competent, likable

and with no baggage or at least a lot less than Trump!!

While provincial and shallow thinking like this might allow you to sleep well at night and at least consciously believe

that all is well with Trump, in the minds of people like myself who have the ability to think outside of the box

and will use it to least explore/consider other possibilities(ie a dynamic approach), it is far from a slam dunk that he will

get the nomination and that if even if he pulls a "Houdini" and gets it, he has ZERO chance of winning the POTUS.

It is "kind of hard" to win the Presidency when the majority of the voting population believes you should be investigate

and indicted if found guilty in these various investigations and 60% of the people don't even want you(Trump) in the first place!!

That's it-I am not going to engage you in a long debate about this because your mind is, has always been and always be close-minded

when it comes to any possible criminal activity and negativity when it comes to Trump!!"
You should get checked by a doctor immediately!! Your responses make no sense!! You put people on ignore because you lack the mental capacity and intelligence to debate them!! Imagine being the only person ever to put someone on ignore in the Rubber Room!!

Nov 11, 2007
ps I just tried to put sbd on formal ignore because it gets pretty boring reading the same generalized robotic cliches, mantras,

hackneyed expressions every day with taunts born out of desperation because he is so worried about Trump's plight and

his need to try to get back at me and Wilbur who are clearly in the driver's seat and unless something changes drastically will remain so.

The problem as I just find out is that by so doing, it puts the entire thread on ignore not allowing me to see it as he started it.

Thus unless I figure out a way to allow me to see the thread and who has posted anything and also see sbd on ignore,

I am forced to put him on informal ignore.

For me this means that when I see he has posted anything, I will simply scroll by it and not read anything he says.

That said, I can and will put sheriff joe on formal ignore momentarily as well as anyone who enters the fray who I deem to be

irrelevant and/or who engages in name-calling and insults only like cheddar/phil jr and the walking abortion who posted

something earlier.

My phone is ringing-bye!!
Aug 17, 2019
You should get checked by a doctor immediately!! Your responses make no sense!! You put people on ignore because you lack the mental capacity and intelligence to debate them!! Imagine being the only person ever to put someone on ignore in the Rubber Room!!

He is textbook psychosis.

And needs to be institutionalized and highly medicated.

Nov 11, 2007

How shocking!!

Maybe if Melania moves on, she can find a younger stud with a dick to satisfy here that doesn't resemble a toadstool

like that of Donny's!! lol
Aug 17, 2019
Fixed it for you!! Pretty soon everyone will be on ignore, why not just e-mail yourself?

For 3+ years he has done nothing but talk to himself.

Posting nothing but worthless gibberish and links to fake news, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

All while thinking he's "hitting HRs".

He's been on the wrong side of every narrative.

He's been wrong 100% of the time.

But he has won every debate [in his delusional mind].

He has also attacked many through name calling and uses of the racist and anti-Semitic cards.

He has even wished harm on others, even death.

Now that the walls are closing in fast, he is going to play "victim".

And try to look like a "good guy".

He is desperately trying to find a way to put the entire forum on "ignore", except those who are just as delusional as he is [wilbur, schmirt, habsburger and others].

The op warned him this day was coming.

He encouraged him to get right with God.

But he ignored it all.

All because of ignorance and hate for one man, a man he doesn't even know why he hates him, but his fake news masters told him to.

His day of reckoning is here.

And it appears he may choose to go down with his Satanist masters.

Aug 17, 2019
? ? ? ? ?
Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 11.27.28 AM.png

They are jumping ship because they hate God, President Trump and America!


Jan 18, 2017
? Ken Byrd of South Carolina has Died Suddenly after being fully vaccinated.

His friends said that his death was sudden and unexpected.

View attachment 64558

"died suddenly"

It's the real pandemic.

Hundreds of millions have already died.

Hundreds of millions more will soon.

Keep praying for the vaxxed.

That message in the pic sure is ironic

Nov 11, 2007

A CNN poll released last week showed that 62% of independent voters approved of the indictment, indicating a shift in support that could prove damaging for Trump as the 2024 presidential election looms.
"Normal people are repulsed by Trump": Independent voters recoil after Trump is hit with indictment
The ABC News poll found that 50% believe he should be charged with a crime compared to just 33% who think he should not. Nearly half of respondents said that Trump should suspend his campaign in the wake of the indictment, up from 43% before the indictment.
The poll also showed Trump's favorability rating falling to just 25%, down 10 points since the presidential election. President Joe Biden, who has struggled to garner public support since taking office in 2020, currently has a favorability rating of 34%.
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