Learn the difference between different polls and the same article lightweight .
Let’s see latest article you posted a fourth time since last night .
Learn the difference between using static approach to politics and everything else you do in life to making assumptions and
predictions as opposed to the dynamic one that I and people vastly your intellectual superior do in considering that certain
things at the moment are unknown and that at the very least have to be considered in making projections rather than simply
that they cannot and will change.
Here is an example where you fail miserably:
You try to convey the impression that Trump's polling numbers are growing(you do it multiple times each day)
to assure everyone most notably yourself that it means Trump is a virtual lock to win the nomination.
Then you leave a huge gap and simply imply that he will win the POTUS also.
Here are several reasons just off the top of my head to sure how shallow and provincial your thinking is:
1) It makes the insane implication that Trump won't be indicted and convicted in any of these investigations, and if
so how that would impact his candidacy both as far as being able to continue as a candidate and just as importantly
how it might change the opinion of him in the eyes of both fellow Republicans and well as independents!!
2) Along the same lines, you naively believe that none of the other potential candidates are really no challenge because
of the manner in which stand now without even considering the fact that if and when Trump is indicted, it might totally]
turn the whole ballgame around when folks see this and see that some of the other folks are more competent, likable
and with no baggage or at least a lot less than Trump!!
While provincial and shallow thinking like this might allow you to sleep well at night and at least consciously believe
that all is well with Trump, in the minds of people like myself who have the ability to think outside of the box
and will use it to least explore/consider other possibilities(ie a dynamic approach), it is far from a slam dunk that he will
get the nomination and that if even if he pulls a "Houdini" and gets it, he has ZERO chance of winning the POTUS.
It is "kind of hard" to win the Presidency when the majority of the voting population believes you should be investigate
and indicted if found guilty in these various investigations and 60% of the people don't even want you(Trump) in the first place!!
That's it-I am not going to engage you in a long debate about this because your mind is, has always been and always be close-minded
when it comes to any possible criminal activity and negativity when it comes to Trump!!