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RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
trump should be charged with manslaughter for j6, imo.
Who died as a result of Jan 6 besides Ashli Babbitt Witless ?

The Brian Sicknick media driven BS didn’t turn out too well .

Maybe I missed something . Please enlighten us with your wisdom . Maybe the other stooge can help in the likely event you struggle .

Nov 11, 2007
trump should be charged with manslaughter for j6, imo.
I agree and that would be lenient!!

It is intent that counts and not how many people died.

The FACT is that Trump with his co-conspirators tried to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 Election and that Trump

be declared the winner!!

What occurred in Georgia was more of the same but in a lot more peaceful manner!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I agree and that would be lenient!!

It is intent that counts and not how many people died.

The FACT is that Trump with his co-conspirators tried to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 Election and that Trump

be declared the winner!!

What occurred in Georgia was more of the same but in a lot more peaceful manner!!

I agree with the manslaughter charge . It is intent that counts even though nobody died .

Great answer you overmatched pip squeak .

I think even the borderline retard could have answered better


Nov 11, 2007
Before anyone believes a single word, prediction and analysis from Lenny Lenbo, consider the fact that for many months prior

and leading up to the 2022 Election, Lenny Lenbo predicted such things that it would be a total red tsunami wipeout from coast to

coast and that Fetterman would be massacred by Dr. Oz-how did those work out!! lol

Couple that with the fact that Lenny Lenbo is scared of his shadow and simply runs away and hides when asked whether he agrees

with one of sbd on one of his preposterous predictions about Trump's devolution, that many thousands of noted members of

the evil ds have already been arrested and executed at GITMO over the last two years and you get a small sample

of what Lenny Lenbo is all about!!

His moronic comment about intent not being relevant re: Jan. 6 makes about as much sense as saying that if a bank robber is foiled

by police when he enters the bank to rob it, he shouldn't be charged because he didn't succeed!!

To say Lenny is stupid, not educated and doesn't know how to debate is about as big an understatement as one can make!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Can lightweight or Witless show me just one case where someone has been convicted for manslaughter and there was no death . And the reason given for the conviction was intent ?

the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought , or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.

Keep doubling down you overmatched brainless stooge .


Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps Lenny Lenbo can tell us if he still stands by his DOCUMENTED statement/prediction about a month ago that Trump

has at most a 1/10 chance of being indicted in Georgia or whether he wants to change it at this juncture for kind of obvious reasons!! lol

For those who don't know already, Lenny Lenbo's biggest problem is that his world of "reality"

consists only of his projections and hopes and nothing else!!

Nov 11, 2007
One more observation before I take at least an hour off as I want to watch the last hour of trading in the stock market:

From my study of psychology in college as well as my overall education, intelligence and many years of experience

both on a personal and professional level in dealing with thousands of people, I have strong opinions about

Lenny Lenbo which have simply been corroborated by Trump's indictment.

Very simply Lenny is one angry person who has failed in many aspects of his life and who has very low self-esteem!!

When his chosen idol Donald Trump is in peril, which is clearly the case now and especially after yesterday, Lenny has to

let his anger and frustrations vent and what better place than in a thread where he can try(but fail) to piss

off folks like myself who are in the catbird seat at this moment!!

This in its purest form is on of envy, jealousy and sour grapes because on some level of consciousness, he realizes

that things are not going the way he anticipated!!

So if nothing else, I give credit for acting in a textbook typical manner of someone who acts in a similar manner

when he becomes enraged such as what has happened to Lenny beginning yesterday!!
Aug 17, 2019
? President Trump's attorney Joe Tacopina told NBC...

“President Trump will not take a plea deal in this case. It's not gonna happen...”

? Trump's attorney James Trusty brings the CNN-watching sheep back down to earth.

He expects pre-trial motions to dismiss to be filed soon.

"This case is all about mental gymnastics that don't add up, I mean legal gymnastics that are gonna fall apart. So I would think in very short order you'll see a motion to dismiss or several motions to dismiss.... and well founded to dismiss this travesty."

"premature ejaculation"

Tards have no dick control.

This is why they have to buy "wives" from international trafficking sites.


Nov 11, 2007
Hopefully a modern-day Paladin will be available to provide just and needed service next Tuesday in New York City at 2:15!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe Trump should cash on his arraignment on Tuesday by having issued some commemorative collector's items

coins issued for this first-ever event of this nature!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
One more observation before I take at least an hour off as I want to watch the last hour of trading in the stock market:

From my study of psychology in college as well as my overall education, intelligence and many years of experience

both on a personal and professional level in dealing with thousands of people, I have strong opinions about

Lenny Lenbo which have simply been corroborated by Trump's indictment.

Very simply Lenny is one angry person who has failed in many aspects of his life and who has very low self-esteem!!

When his chosen idol Donald Trump is in peril, which is clearly the case now and especially after yesterday, Lenny has to

let his anger and frustrations vent and what better place than in a thread where he can try(but fail) to piss

off folks like myself who are in the catbird seat at this moment!!

This in its purest form is on of envy, jealousy and sour grapes because on some level of consciousness, he realizes

that things are not going the way he anticipated!!

So if nothing else, I give credit for acting in a textbook typical manner of someone who acts in a similar manner

when he becomes enraged such as what has happened to Lenny beginning yesterday!!

There’s only one person flying off the handle with unhinged ALL CAPS rants lightweight . But please continue with your expert psychological analysis for some more laughs .

Tough shit if you think this thread should be restricted to walls are closing in on Trump articles . It must suck for not being able to respond to the anti Biden posts as well as not being able to defend Fat Alvin’s charges you overmatched stooge .

Oh , and seek help for the TDS .


Nov 11, 2007
Because of Lenny's inability to debate me, he once again tries to put words in my mouth with his accusations that I don't respond

to his anti-Biden posts when in fact there is no reason to respond BECAUSE FOR THE MOST PART, I AGREE WITH HIM!!

Conversely in all of the time this thread has been opened, he hasn't given one valid reason why Trump is innocent of

all charges, and because he is clueless and has nothing better to offer, he does what all uneducated and stupid people and resorts

to name calling and insults and attacks the sources but not their documentation because he is unable to.

Thank God the world of justice is a bit more equitable than that as he will find out in the upcoming days, weeks and months!!

Again though human condoms like Lenny Lenbo don't care about actual proof, evidence and documentation.

They see their ONLY duty as to protect whoever they are protecting no matter what, in this case, Donald Trump!!

As well as my deep psychological analysis two factors are in play as it applies to Lenny and not necessarily in any order

1) His lack of intellectual ability to understand a response which unlike his, goes far beneath the surface of the skin!!

2) His refusal to even doubt his preconceived notions about himself and instead take an introspective look at himself

guided by someone who has the knowledge, education and professional experience to do so!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The unhinged stooge just acknowledged he voted for a senile fool .

But hey , he’s a skilled debater and master psychological analyst .


Nov 11, 2007
Its almost time to exit this thread and enjoy the evening!!

Why should I respond to folks who really are rightfully worried at this point about Trump's fate, or worse believe

that Trump IN THE EYES OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY is going to emerge from all of the investigations and indictments

as a martyr/national hero and cruise to victory in 2024!!

Back late tonight with a post that combines anything worth commenting upon from the three folks who worship the ground

that Trump stands on!!

Lenny is wrong-I did not vote for anyone in 2020 including Biden because he is pro-abortion!!

Perhaps Lenny should take some kind of cognitive test to test his memory as I have said this a number of times!!


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