Nancy, Paul and many others will hang themselves before they are brought to justice, and I see it as poetic justice... Chickens coming home to roost.
Brought to justice for what exactly, helping to expose Trump for who and what he/is is!!
When someone leads a life of crime, nobody should be surprised when these "bizarre incidences" happen.
Where is YOUR Investigative Committee to document these "crimes?"
The January 6th one sure as hell documented theirs with Trump!!
Even Fox News isn't buying what they're selling..
Are you sure you don't mean that Fox isn't any longer buying Trump's stolen election bullshit?
And rightfully they should not as they are going to have their ass sued by Dominion for what they have already said!!
"There are high resolution cameras on every corner of that house... The glass appears to be broken outward..Who opened the door is someone the investigators need to talk to...It doesn't add up.
There should be some high resolution cameras on every corner of YOUR house in case you really lose the last thin loose thread
of reality holding you together and you go and try to do something in the order of what happened to Pelosi's husband!!
Show the video. Show me the audio. The audio, Where's Nancy.. If there was a body cam when the police came in.. that audio would exist."
Show me Trump's reinstatement/devolution with empirical evidence before you ask someone to show you something else!!
Just like J6, they staged the entire thing. This BS narrative in the Mockingbird News is not what it appears to be.
Of course, it was staged just as George Floyd's murder was "staged," and for that matter anything which you cannot dismiss/accounts for
that exposes far right-wing delusional and paranoid thinking!!
There will be/ are actually already others besides you who suffer from psychosis and who are detached from reality!!