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Aug 17, 2019
Fact Check: CNN Falsely Claims Trump ‘Refuses to Call Out White Supremacists’

CLAIM: CNN claimed that President Donald Trump refused to call out white supremacists in the first presidential debate.

VERDICT: FALSE. He did so explicitly, and has done so before.

CNN ran a headline Tuesday evening specifically claiming: “Trump refuses to call out white supremacists.”


That is simply untrue.

When moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump if he would condemn white supremacists — falsely implying he had not done so in the past — Trump said, “Sure.” When Wallace asked him if he would ask “white supremacists and militia groups” to “stand down,” Trump said: “Sure. I’m willing to do that.”

He then did so, specifically mentioning the Proud Boys, a right-wing group.

CNN later changed its headline — but not before spreading the fake news about what Trump had said.

As Breitbart News noted in a fact check Tuesday night, Trump has repeatedly condemned white supremacists — despite what Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed on the campaign trail, and what Wallace implied in his inflammatory question to Trump.

Wallace seemed poorly informed on the subject, as he was on every question he asked Trump on Tuesday involving race.

He repeated the Charlottesville “very fine people hoax,” and falsely claimed that President Trump had canceled racial sensitivity training (he only barred the use of Critical Race Theory and racial and gender discrimination within such training.)

Again, it's easy to verify the Biden lies and the Trump truths.

Wallace's only goal was create confusion for the American people by twisting and turning certain things and safe-harboring Biden's lies.
Aug 17, 2019
Biden Falsely Claims President Trump Hasn't Condemned White Supremacy

Trump has always been clear where he stands on racism which includes the KKK.

The American sheeple might buy Biden's lies and the MSM fake news narratives but the "silent majority" understands the TRUTH.

The Biden camp will claim last night a "victory" but the truth is they added fuel to an already burning inferno!

The silent majority is stronger than ever and they are outraged over what transpired last night!

And they will show up even bigger on November 3rd.

Aug 17, 2019
Biden: I Haven’t Called for Leaders to Use National Guard in Portland, They Can ‘Take Care of It’

During Tuesday’s presidential debate, 2020 Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden said that he hasn’t called for the mayor of Portland or the governor of Oregon to utilize the National Guard to quell the violence in Portland because he doesn’t hold public office and that those officials can “take care of it” if President Donald Trump doesn’t get in the way.

Moderator Chris Wallace asked Biden, “Mr. Vice President, you say that people who commit crimes should be held accountable. The question I have though is, as the Democratic nominee, and earlier tonight you said that you are the Democratic Party right now, have you ever called the Democratic mayor of Portland or the Democratic governor of Oregon and said, hey, you’ve got to stop this. Bring in the National Guard. Do whatever it takes. But stop the days and months of violence in Portland?”

Biden responded, “I don’t hold public office now. I am a former vice president. I’ve made it clear, I’ve made it clear in my public statements that the violence should be prosecuted.”

Wallace then cut in to ask, “You have never called for the leaders in Portland and in Oregon to call and bring in the National Guard and knock off 100 days of riots?”
Biden responded, “They can, in fact, take care of it if he’d just stay out of the way.”

If he (Trump) would stay out of the way? :):)

Aug 17, 2019

Last night was Trump versus Wallace and Biden.

Wallace's party loyalty and true colors showed with minutes of the debate starting.

He carried Biden and protected him the entire time while blocking Trump from responding to key issues and/or pressuring him to answer certain things that he already answered or were irrelevant.

Although Trump will be labeled the "bully" today it was really the duo of Wallace and Biden who bullied him.

This is a textbook tactic when you are guilty and have a lot to cover up.

Virtually everything out of Biden's mouth was a lie - all easy to verify!

However, the MSM fake news will try to convince you that Trump lied the entire time despite it being very easy to prove otherwise.

Remember, with the Dems it's the "opposite" game - what they blame Trump for is what they are guilty of.

Wallace, who many consider to be one of the best reporters in history, failed miserably last night.

He was an embarrassment to the U.S. Debate process and to America.

It should be noted that Chris Wallace interrupted Trump 35 times last night compared to ZERO times for Biden.

Chris Wallace is a Deep State media hack and the media is the Enemy of the Republic.
Aug 17, 2019

There is an image going around of Biden coughing into his left hand, with his cuff showing what most believe to be a small mic.

Mic? Electrode device? MK Ultra?



There were many times Biden also looked down or paused as if he was waiting for that little "voice" in his head to tell him what to say.
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: ANOTHER HUGE WIN! Judge Strikes Down Democrat Plan to Eliminate Signature-Matching in Ohio

The Democrat Party this year is relying on anti-democratic election measures to assure themselves victory.

The ONLY way Democrats can win this year is through undemocratic and corrupt means. Their policies are even more unpopular than their candidate.

The RNC and the Trump campaign are aggressively fighting back against the Democrats’ assault on the integrity of our elections, according to the Protect the Vote website. All across the country, Democrats are trying to use coronavirus and the courts to legalize ballot harvesting, implement a nationwide mail-in ballot system, and eliminate nearly every safeguard in our elections.

Voters are on our side. Nearly two-thirds (62%) say there is fraud in U.S. elections, and that fraud would concern them under Democrats’ nationwide mail-in ballot system. Americans overwhelmingly approve of the safeguards Democrats are suing to eliminate like signature matching (84%), voter identification (80%), and a ballot receipt deadline of election day (83%). Voters also oppose (67%) allowing campaign workers to collect mail-in ballots, a practice known as ballot harvesting.

On Monday Republicans scored a major victory over the left when a federal judge overturned the Democrat plan to eliminate signature-matching in Ohio. reported:

A federal judge has ruled Ohio’s system of verifying signatures on absentee ballot applications is not burdensome enough to be struck down as illegal, rejecting arguments made by a coalition of voting-rights groups that sued the state.

U.S. District Judge Michael Watson wrote that while Ohio’s signature-matching requirements impose a “moderate” burden on voters, they have other options to cast a ballot if their vote is improperly rejected, including casting a provisional ballot on Election Day. He agreed with Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose that the state has a legitimate interest in promoting an orderly and secure election, justifying that burden.

“Additionally, the Court believes that changing the rules regarding verification of signatures on ballots at this time would be particularly damaging,” Watson, a President George W. Bush appointee, wrote in an order issued Sunday evening that rejected the voting-rights activists’ request to issue what’s called a preliminary injunction. “Some public officials have unfortunately regularly cast doubt on the security and legitimacy of voting by mail. A federal court enjoining part of the State’s procedure for maintaining the security of mail-in voting in the weeks leading up to the election could further undermine public confidence in elections.”

Again, the Dems-DS already have more than 80million fake ballots ready to be dropped.

Their plan will fail.

You are witnessing their demise.


When asked about mail-in voting last night how many times did Pres. Trump say "80 million"?


Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019
Chris Wallace Just Gave The Most Embarrassing Moderator Performance In History

'Well, first of all, I guess I’m debating you, not him,' Trump said to Chris Wallace during Tuesday's 2020 presidential debate. Fact check: True.

Debating one person is difficult, especially if he’s had oodles of alone time in his basement to prepare while you’ve been a little busy leading the country. Debating that person and a partisan media hack at the same time is just BS.

That, however, was President Donald Trump’s exact plight Tuesday night at the first 2020 presidential debate, when he was treated to a two-on-one showdown with his actual opponent Joe Biden and his honorary rival, Fox News moderator Chris Wallace.

Wallace, a registered Democrat, failed to maintain any control over the debate. Even members of the left pointed out what a chaotic “disgrace” the whole ordeal was. But after a while, it was hard to pay attention to anything but Wallace’s Biden bias. Media moderators playing favorites with presidential contenders is nothing new, but Wallace’s persistent partisanship reached a new low.

From interrupting Trump but not Biden at nearly every turn, blocking the incumbent before he could correct mischaracterizations and flat-out lies from Biden, to full-throated arguments with the president despite lobbing soft-ball questions — or no questions at all — to the former vice president, Wallace’s presentation was appalling.

Again, Chris Wallace is a Deep State media hack and the media is the Enemy of the Republic.
Aug 17, 2019
LIVE: James Comey to testify before Senate Judiciary

Former F.B.I. Director James Comey is expected to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his role in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Perhaps this is the reason why Chris Wallace was the ringleader of the debate circus last night.

Create a circus so the MSM can use headlines that direct the attention away from this!

Comey doesn't look so well.

Wonder why.

Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019
Correct The Record: Biden Makes 33 False Or Misleading Claims At The Debate

BIDEN: “I’m not opposed to the Justice.”

FACT: Biden and Harris have both publicly opposed Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, despite glowing reviews from the legal community and her colleagues.

  • Biden put out a statement in opposition to Judge Barrett’s nomination.
  • Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, tweeted that she strongly opposed Judge Barrett’s nomination.

BIDEN: “There’s a hundred million people with preexisting conditions and [their insurance will] be taken away as well.”

FACT: Biden’s claim has been called “misleading,” and President Trump has said he will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

  • Just last week, President Trump signed an Executive Order making it the official policy of the federal government to protect those with pre-existing conditions.

BIDEN: “So the thing that should happen is we should wait. We should wait and see what the outcome of this election is, because that is the only way the American people get to express their view, who they elect as president and who they elect as Vice President.”
FACT: History is on the side of filling the Supreme Court vacancy now, and Joe Biden previously said the President had an obligation to name a nominee, even in an election year.

  • There have been 29 prior Supreme Court vacancies in American history during a Presidential election year, and in all cases, the President nominated a Justice.
  • 17 out of 19 times the Senate has confirmed the President’s Supreme Court nominee in an election year when the President’s party controls the Senate as it does today.
  • In 2016, Biden said that he supported confirming a Supreme Court Justice in an election year “even a few months before a presidential election.”
  • Biden in 2016: “In my view, [Senators] are required to give the nominee a hearing and a vote.”

BIDEN: “We expand Obamacare and we increase it. We do not wipe any and, one of the big debates we had, with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that I won, were saying Biden wanted to allow people to have private insurance still. They can. They do. They will.”
FACT: Biden’s public option will crowd out private health insurance plans.

  • Biden’s government-backed “public option” will crowd out private health insurance plans, destroying the health care that 180 million Americans rely on.
  • One of the architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, said a public option would crowd out private insurance.
  • In 2009, Barack Obama admitted that a “public option” could crowd out private insurance.

BIDEN: “He’s been promising a health care plan since he got elected. He has none, like almost everything else he talks about. He does not have a plan. He doesn’t have a plan.”

FACT: President Trump has a health care plan.

  • On September 24, President Trump unveiled his America First Health Care plan, outlining the key policies and reforms the President supports, including protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions.
  • In August, President Trump released his second term agenda, which includes health care as a central focus.

Read the rest here>>

Again, Biden's LIES are easy to verify and so are Trump's TRUTHS.

Jul 22, 2013

Last night was Trump versus Wallace and Biden.

Wallace's party loyalty and true colors showed with minutes of the debate starting.

He carried Biden and protected him the entire time while blocking Trump from responding to key issues and/or pressuring him to answer certain things that he already answered or were irrelevant.

Although Trump will be labeled the "bully" today it was really the duo of Wallace and Biden who bullied him.

This is a textbook tactic when you are guilty and have a lot to cover up.

Virtually everything out of Biden's mouth was a lie - all easy to verify!

However, the MSM fake news will try to convince you that Trump lied the entire time despite it being very easy to prove otherwise.

Remember, with the Dems it's the "opposite" game - what they blame Trump for is what they are guilty of.

Wallace, who many consider to be one of the best reporters in history, failed miserably last night.

He was an embarrassment to the U.S. Debate process and to America.

SPORTSBOOK....DONNIE ACTED LIKE A 3 year old that needed his pamper changed....what a performance...boy he looked screwed....and he knows it.....SportsBook, change his Huggies, it’s been soiled for 4 years....please, rash is effecting his brain...
hurry Sports you’ve got only 33 days.....​THE END IS NEAR

Jul 22, 2013
Chris Wallace Just Gave The Most Embarrassing Moderator Performance In History

'Well, first of all, I guess I’m debating you, not him,' Trump said to Chris Wallace during Tuesday's 2020 presidential debate. Fact check: True.

Debating one person is difficult, especially if he’s had oodles of alone time in his basement to prepare while you’ve been a little busy leading the country. Debating that person and a partisan media hack at the same time is just BS.

That, however, was President Donald Trump’s exact plight Tuesday night at the first 2020 presidential debate, when he was treated to a two-on-one showdown with his actual opponent Joe Biden and his honorary rival, Fox News moderator Chris Wallace.

Wallace, a registered Democrat, failed to maintain any control over the debate. Even members of the left pointed out what a chaotic “disgrace” the whole ordeal was. But after a while, it was hard to pay attention to anything but Wallace’s Biden bias. Media moderators playing favorites with presidential contenders is nothing new, but Wallace’s persistent partisanship reached a new low.

From interrupting Trump but not Biden at nearly every turn, blocking the incumbent before he could correct mischaracterizations and flat-out lies from Biden, to full-throated arguments with the president despite lobbing soft-ball questions — or no questions at all — to the former vice president, Wallace’s presentation was appalling.

Again, Chris Wallace is a Deep State media hack and the media is the Enemy of the Republic.
He works for FOX news.....your Prez favorite channel.
Aug 17, 2019
SPORTSBOOK....DONNIE ACTED LIKE A 3 year old that needed his pamper changed....what a performance...boy he looked screwed....and he knows it.....SportsBook, change his Huggies, it’s been soiled for 4 years....please, rash is effecting his brain...
hurry Sports you’ve got only 33 days.....​THE END IS NEAR

Yes, the end is near for the Dems and the DS.

And thank God.

It's time for America to restored to peace and the real normalcy!
Aug 17, 2019
He works for FOX news.....your Prez favorite channel.

It's not his favorite network and he's been clear on his position with them overall.

But he is a big fan of Sara Carter, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity - they are real reporters and American Patriots.
Aug 17, 2019
Cuomo's office reportedly pushing against sending new ballots after voters received mismarked envelopes

Many Brooklyn ballots had return envelopes with the wrong names on them

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his office reportedly pushed against a plan to send approximately 100,000 new absentee ballots after Brooklyn residents discovered that the ballots they received in the mail had the wrong name listed on the return envelopes.

Voters were concerned that if the signatures they provided on their ballot did not match the envelope, their vote in November's election would be invalid.

"The governor wants to take a different approach," state Board of Elections co-chair Doug Kellner told the New York Post.

Cuomo's office commented that sending new ballots was unnecessary because the problem was with the envelopes, not the ballots.

"We don’t control the board of elections but our recommendation was that sending corrected envelopes will ensure that any person that got an erroneous envelope can still vote,” senior Cuomo adviser Richard Azzopardi told the Post. “There is nothing wrong with the actual ballots and sending 100,000 duplicate ballots seems to be an overcorrection.”

Fox News reached out to Cuomo's office for further comment but it did not immediately respond.

One state official told the Post that only sending new envelopes would result in "massive disenfranchisement of tens of thousands of Brooklynites."

Remember Trump’s warning last night on voting by mail: 'This is not going to end well’?

No coincidences here.
Aug 17, 2019
LIVE: James Comey to testify before Senate Judiciary

Former F.B.I. Director James Comey is expected to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his role in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Perhaps this is the reason why Chris Wallace was the ringleader of the debate circus last night.

Create a circus so the MSM can use headlines that direct the attention away from this!

Comey doesn't look so well.

Wonder why.

Logical thinking.

[h=1]Graham gets agitated with Comey as ex-FBI director resists questioning in Senate hearing[/h]Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Wednesday grew agitated with former FBI Director James Comey as the senator questioned him on the FBI's handling of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications for ex-Trump aide Carter Page and their reliance on the infamous Steele dossier.

Graham, R-S.C., began the hearing with a monotone opening statement expressing his desire to get to the bottom of the issues that have been raised on the use of FISA warrants as the FBI investigated potential coordination between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.

During his questioning of Comey, he prodded the former FBI director on whether he was proud of the investigation into potential Russian links with the Trump campaign, which was called Crossfire Hurricane, and his knowledge about the Steele dossier. Comey said he was largely "proud" of the investigation despite some "concerning" parts. But he said he was unaware at the time of much of the allegedly exculpatory evidence for Page that was not presented to the FISA court in the warrant application, and responded that he did not know the answer to many of Graham's questions.

The became a source of frustration for Graham, who repeatedly raised his voice with Comey.

Not even playing dumb is going to save this man from GITMO!

His days are numbered.
Aug 17, 2019
Biden says he doesn't support Green New Deal, but his campaign website calls it 'crucial framework'

'The Green New Deal is not my plan,' Biden said at the presidential debate

Joe Biden said Tuesday night at the first presidential debate that he does not support the Green New Deal, but his campaign website calls it a “crucial framework” for meeting climate change challenges.

Biden spent much of the night distancing himself from the far left of his party, including openly disavowing the Green New Deal in rare form.

“The Green New Deal is not my plan,” Biden said, responding after Trump called out the former vice president over the climate proposal.

“No, I don’t support the Green New Deal,” Biden insisted. “I support the Biden plan I put forward, which is different than what [Trump] calls the Green New Deal.”

Just one of the many Biden lies last night.

Biden doesn't know what he actually supports because he's a DS puppet - AND A BAD ONE.
Aug 17, 2019
Davis: CIA Director Gina Haspel Is Blocking Declassification Of Remaining Russiagate Documents

CIA Director Gina Haspel is personally blocking the declassification of documents detailing corruption at the highest levels of the intelligence community during the 2016 election, according to The Federalist co-founder Sean Davis.

While new information about wrongdoing at the FBI has recently been declassified, including recent revelations about Hillary Clinton campaign’s collusion with Russia, Davis reported on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday that Haspel herself is standing in the way of the declassification of other relevant documents.

“I’m told that it is Gina Haspel personally who is blocking continued declassification of these documents that will show the American people the truth of what actually happened,” Davis said.

Notably, Haspel was previously the London CIA station chief under former CIA director John Brennan during the 2016 election. “Recall it was London where Christopher Steele was doing all this work,” Davis said, noting Haspel was the “main link” between Washington and London at the time. Haspel was hand-picked by former CIA director John Brennan to run the CIA’s operations in London, where she served as the spy agency’s bureau chief from 2014 through early 2017.

When asked what top bureaucrats might be hiding in these classified documents, and what it would it would take to declassify them, Davis called on President Donald Trump to declassify everything so Americans can see the evidence for themselves.

“So many of the people blocking these documents are likely implicated by them. You have these career bureaucrats whose careers may be destroyed by the facts within them,” he said.

“I think at this point, we need the president, Donald Trump, to step in and say, ‘No more obstruction. No more blocking.’ We need transparency and the American people need to hear the truth.”


He also says the "marathon ends".
Aug 17, 2019

"It's about time that something happens."

"It's enough!"

"We've got plenty of information on these crooks."

"Bunch of crooks!"

The wait is over.

Patience pays off.

It's happening.

Divine Timing.

Arrests are imminent.
Aug 17, 2019
Pundits & Anti-Trumpers still don't get why Trump's base remains so loyal to him.

Here's why:

-- He's endeavored to fulfill every promise he pledged to voters

-- He is not politically correct

-- He is consistently and unapologetically pro-American

-- He fights back

-- He's ending the corruption and holding those responsible for their crimes against humanity

Soon, even anti-Trumpers will be forced to accept one simple truth - "orange man NOT bad".


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