Important Virus Update


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

1. Biden camp will find excuse/reason to terminate.

2. Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time.

3. Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time and assistance in the form of a special communication device.

I doubt Wallace would do that with the debate he's moderating.
Aug 17, 2019

They somehow stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders - must be a passport issue!

Logical thinking.

Aug 17, 2019
Chinese virologist claims she has proof COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab

A Chinese virologist who has reportedly been in hiding for fear of her safety has stepped out into the public eye again to make the explosive claim that she has the scientific evidence to prove COVID-19 was man-made in a lab in China.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a scientist who says she did some of the earliest research into COVID-19 last year, made the comments Friday during an interview on British talk show “Loose Women.”

When asked where the deadly virus that has killed more than 900,000 around the globe comes from, Yan — speaking via video chat from a secret location — replied, “It comes from the lab — the lab in Wuhan and the lab is controlled by China’s government.”

She insisted that widespread reports that the virus originated last year from a wet market in Wuhan, China, are “a smokescreen.”

“The first thing is the [meat] market in Wuhan … is a smokescreen and this virus is not from nature,” Yan claimed, explaining that she got “her intelligence from the CDC in China, from the local doctors.”

As I stated at the onset and maintained througought this virus is an UNnatural event, one used as a "biological weapon".

POTUS knew exactly what was up and this is why he shut down the borders to China as fast he did, just 2 weeks after the "first case" and against the advice of the Dems and other so-called experts.

Thank God Trump and his team are always 10 steps ahead!
Aug 17, 2019

They somehow stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders - must be a passport issue!

Logical thinking.


Man arrested, charged with arson in connection with southern Oregon fire

A Southern Oregon man is accused of arson in connection with a fire that has caused major damage to several towns in Jackson County.

Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, has arrested on two counts of arson, 15 counts of criminal mischief and 14 counts of reckless endangerment.

The fire Bakkela set is considered to be one of two origins of the Almeda fire, said Oregon State Fire Marshal’s office spokesman Rich Tyler. The two fires quickly merged, Tyler said.

14 confirmed arson hot spots in Manti-La Sal National Forest

The U.S. Forest Service released the following update regarding the arson in the Manti-La Sal National Forest:
"There are currently 14 confirmed fire spots, all started between 1-5 am Saturday morning. These were intentionally set fires, not caused by dragging chains, abandoned campfires, etc. No new fires have been started in relation to this event. A few people reported smelling smoke around 3 am, and most of the phone calls reporting the fires came in around 6 am by hunters. The fire crews are working diligently to ensure the fires do not spread. There has been no growth from the existing fires, all the containment lines are holding and crews continue to monitor the burn areas. Fire crews consist of Manti-La Sal National Forest fire fighters, additional Forest Service and State resources, and support from Manti City, Spring City, Mt. Pleasant and San Pete County fire warden. No restrictions or evacuations are in place, the area is open and passable. Please stress to your audience that the Manti-La Sal National Forest is under fire restrictions due to extremely dry conditions. Campfires are only permitted in developed recreation areas like campgrounds and picnic areas, in metal or concrete structures built by the Forest Service. Stoves with an on/off switch that use liquid fuel are also allowed on the Forest."

(KUTV) -- Authorities are seeking information regarding a string of suspicious fires that occurred in Sanpete County, between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., on Sunday.

Pelosi blames "climate change" for the wildfires.

Pelosi and the anti-American Dems think we are stupid!


These are intentionally set and coordinated.

Most likely the work of ANTIFA members.
Aug 17, 2019
[h=2]The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins[/h] Under the guise of planning for right-wing violence if Trump loses, Democrats are gaming out how to steal the election if Trump wins.

Last week, an initiative called the Fight Back Table, a coalition of more than 50 left-wing groups that got together after the 2016 election, met to formulate a plan of action in case no clear winner emerges after Election Day. Of course, “no clear winner” is something for which the left has been rhetorically preparing the country under the guise of ensuring all the mail-in ballots are properly counted.

The group “began charting out what it would take to stand up a multi-state communications arm to fight disinformation, a training program for nonviolent civil disobedience, and the underpinnings of what one official described as ‘mass public unrest,’” according to a report by The Daily Beast. One person familiar with the discussion said the goal was to figure out how to “occupy shit, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks.” By now, we all know what that means.

Perhaps more disturbing than the possibility of organized mass riots and looting is the open fantasizing among Democrats, including Biden himself, about the role the military might play in a contested election. Biden has felt free to ruminate, more than once, on the possibility of soldiers dragging Trump out of the White House if he tries to “steal the election.”

Biden loses the election.

But he will not concede.

And the anti-American left extremists will try to create mass mayhem on the way out.

Jul 22, 2013
The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins

Under the guise of planning for right-wing violence if Trump loses, Democrats are gaming out how to steal the election if Trump wins.

Last week, an initiative called the Fight Back Table, a coalition of more than 50 left-wing groups that got together after the 2016 election, met to formulate a plan of action in case no clear winner emerges after Election Day. Of course, “no clear winner” is something for which the left has been rhetorically preparing the country under the guise of ensuring all the mail-in ballots are properly counted.

The group “began charting out what it would take to stand up a multi-state communications arm to fight disinformation, a training program for nonviolent civil disobedience, and the underpinnings of what one official described as ‘mass public unrest,’” according to a report by The Daily Beast. One person familiar with the discussion said the goal was to figure out how to “occupy shit, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks.” By now, we all know what that means.

Perhaps more disturbing than the possibility of organized mass riots and looting is the open fantasizing among Democrats, including Biden himself, about the role the military might play in a contested election. Biden has felt free to ruminate, more than once, on the possibility of soldiers dragging Trump out of the White House if he tries to “steal the election.”

Biden loses the election.

But he will not concede.

And the anti-American left extremists will try to create mass mayhem on the way out. love that Russian bulls**t.....what are you, distribution center for Russian propaganda.
Hey....the DNC is having their virtual convention on the 17 - 20, let your Russian friends know they need a photo ID to enter.

Jan 13, 2019
Tokens love that Russian bulls**t.....what are you, distribution center for Russian propaganda.
Hey....the DNC is having their virtual convention on the 17 - 20, let your Russian friends know they need a photo ID to enter.

LOL. Some of you snow flakes are a special kind of stupid around here.
Aug 17, 2019
Tokens love that Russian bulls**t.....what are you, distribution center for Russian propaganda.
Hey....the DNC is having their virtual convention on the 17 - 20, let your Russian friends know they need a photo ID to enter.

Aug 17, 2019
Man arrested, charged with arson in connection with southern Oregon fire

A Southern Oregon man is accused of arson in connection with a fire that has caused major damage to several towns in Jackson County.

Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, has arrested on two counts of arson, 15 counts of criminal mischief and 14 counts of reckless endangerment.

The fire Bakkela set is considered to be one of two origins of the Almeda fire, said Oregon State Fire Marshal’s office spokesman Rich Tyler. The two fires quickly merged, Tyler said.

14 confirmed arson hot spots in Manti-La Sal National Forest

The U.S. Forest Service released the following update regarding the arson in the Manti-La Sal National Forest:
"There are currently 14 confirmed fire spots, all started between 1-5 am Saturday morning. These were intentionally set fires, not caused by dragging chains, abandoned campfires, etc. No new fires have been started in relation to this event. A few people reported smelling smoke around 3 am, and most of the phone calls reporting the fires came in around 6 am by hunters. The fire crews are working diligently to ensure the fires do not spread. There has been no growth from the existing fires, all the containment lines are holding and crews continue to monitor the burn areas. Fire crews consist of Manti-La Sal National Forest fire fighters, additional Forest Service and State resources, and support from Manti City, Spring City, Mt. Pleasant and San Pete County fire warden. No restrictions or evacuations are in place, the area is open and passable. Please stress to your audience that the Manti-La Sal National Forest is under fire restrictions due to extremely dry conditions. Campfires are only permitted in developed recreation areas like campgrounds and picnic areas, in metal or concrete structures built by the Forest Service. Stoves with an on/off switch that use liquid fuel are also allowed on the Forest."

(KUTV) -- Authorities are seeking information regarding a string of suspicious fires that occurred in Sanpete County, between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., on Sunday.

Pelosi blames "climate change" for the wildfires.

Pelosi and the anti-American Dems think we are stupid!


These are intentionally set and coordinated.

Most likely the work of ANTIFA members.

BUSTED: Four people arrested for INTENTIONALLY starting blazes on West Coast as wildfires ravage the region

FOUR people have now been arrested on the West Coast for deliberately starting blazes as wildfires rage.

Cops detained two men in Washington, man in Oregon and woman in California as the desperate battle to contain the fires continues.

Again, these wildfires are intentionally set and coordinated.

Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019
Pelosi on wildfires in California and West: ‘Mother Earth is angry’

"The climate crisis is real and has an impact," the San Francisco Democrat says

There’s a message in the raging wildfires that have scorched her home state of California as well as neighboring states, according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“Mother Earth is angry,” the San Francisco Democrat said during an appearance Thursday on MSNBC. “She’s telling us -- whether she’s telling us with hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, fires in the West, whatever it is … that the climate crisis is real and has an impact.”

“Sixteen people have died in Washington, Oregon and California, including a firefighter and 1-year-old baby,” Pelosi said during the same interview. California’s death toll later rose to 19, The Associated Press reported Friday.

In Northern California, the North Complex fire alone has accounted for at least 10 deaths, with 16 other people unaccounted for, the AP reported.
The blaze was among 29 major wildfires counted in the Golden State, burning an area of more than 4,800 square miles – equivalent to the area of Rhode Island, Delaware and Washington, D.C., combined, the AP reported.

Oregon has seen more than 1,400 square miles burn this week while Washington has lost more than 900 square miles to the flames.

YES, Mother Earth is angry!

But it has NOTHING to do with the fake "climate change" narrative.

It has everything to do with the fact that Satan is still walking the planet and intentionally setting fires to kill parts of her!


Welcome to California, where Satan's family (Pelosi and her nephew Gavin Newsom) resides.

BREAKING: First confirmed photos of GLOBAL WARMING captured!

Aug 17, 2019

I stated at the onset of this thread that there would be a major "mic drop" on a global stage.

Get ready!

It's coming sooner than most think!

This week and next week track and follow the events closely!


Aug 17, 2019
Impeachment witness Alexander Vindman calls Donald Trump a 'useful idiot' and 'fellow traveler' of Vladimir Putin

  • The purple heart colonel has given his first interview since serving as a star impeachment witness
  • Vindman reported on Trump's 'perfect' call with the president of Ukraine where Trump sought an investigation of rival Joe Biden
  • He told the Atlantic Trump 'should be considered to be a useful idiot and a fellow traveler'
  • Compared it to 'free chicken'
Former national security official Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman called President Donald Trump a 'useful idiot' for Vladimir Putin in his first interview since serving as a star impeachment witness.Vindman, who testified in Congress about Trump's infamous call with the president of Ukraine, spoke about his time on the Trump national security council as a Ukraine expert.

'President Trump should be considered to be a useful idiot and a fellow traveler, which makes him an unwitting agent of Putin,' Vindman told the Atlantic.

'The president destroyed my Army career.'

The President didn't destroy Alexander Vindman's career, ALEXANDER VINDMAN destroyed Alexander Vindman's career!

Vindman is a traitor.


It won't be long before this assclown is shipped to GITMO!
Aug 17, 2019
In case you forgot: Elections are now under Homeland Security

<header> Election Security

</header> Elections play a vital role in a free and fair society and are a cornerstone of American democracy. We recognize the fundamental link between the trust in election infrastructure and the confidence the American public places in basic democratic function. A secure and resilient electoral process is a vital national interest and one of our highest priorities at the Department of Homeland Security.

We are committed to working collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections – state and local government, election officials, federal partners and the vendor community – to manage risks to election infrastructure. We will remain transparent as well as agile to combat and secure our physical and cyber infrastructure against new and evolving threats.

Shhhhh, don't tell the democrats and the MSM.

They are busy whipping everyone into a frenzy.
Aug 17, 2019
[h=1]BREAKING: DHS leaked email confirms Antifa is an organized group[/h]An internal email from the Department of Homeland Security leaked to CBS Catherine Herridge late Monday detailing that the violence in Portland was not "opportunistic," but rather "organized"—confirming long-suspected details about the Antifa movement.

The email explains that Antifa is organized and runs contrary to reports in the mainstream media that Antifa was not responsible for anti-police violence, but an impromptu movement spurred on by anti-fascist sentiments held by most of the American public.

A recent article in the Washington Post by Mark Bray, author of Antifa: Anti-Fascist Handbook, attempted to dispel "myths" about Antifa, claims that the group is not an organization, but rather a "tradition of militant antifascism." The article disputed claims that Antifa "masterminds violence at Black Lives Matter protests."

In printed email documents attained by Herridge, the DHS' Acting Under Secretary for Intelligence & Analysis Brian Murphy wrote to his colleagues on July 25 detailing his findings of Antifa in Portland.


ANTIFA is real.

They are funded by Soros.

They are safe-harbored by the Dems.

Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019
FBI Raids Home Of ‘Netflix Star and Biden Surrogate’ For Allegedly Soliciting Sex From Minors

The FBI reportedly raided the home of Jerry Harris, a Netflix star who appeared in a video with Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden where he encouraged young blacks to vote, for allegedly soliciting sex from minors.

“The criminal investigation is based on allegations brought by 14-year-old twin brothers. In interviews with USA TODAY, the boys described a pattern of harassment, both online and at cheer competitions, that started when they were 13 and Harris was 19,” USA Today reported. “They said it continued for more than a year.”

Harris, a celebrity cheerleader who was recently featured in Netflix’s “Cheer” docuseries, appeared in a video with Biden earlier this summer.

In a piece titled “FBI Raids Home of Netflix Star and Biden Surrogate Over Underage Sex Allegation,” The Washington Free Beacon reported:
Just three months ago the Biden campaign used Harris, who has over a million followers on Instagram, as part of Biden’s push to sway young voters and “win back the internet,” Time magazine reported. The Instagram live video of Harris and Biden was viewed nearly 300,000 times and remains on social media.

It appears that following the publication of the Free Beacon’s report that the social media post was removed from Instagram.


“Nine law enforcement agents spent about three hours Monday afternoon in Harris’ home in Naperville, Illinois,” USA Today added. “The allegations against Harris have been reported to at least four other law enforcement agencies in Texas and Florida.”

Welcome to Pedowood and the Dem Party!

Soon the world will need to accept they are anti-American sociopathic pedos.
Aug 17, 2019
Ex-DEA agent pleads guilty to 19 federal counts in jaw-dropping corruption case

“Corruption and betrayal of the American people — the very people we stand to protect — have no place at DEA, and neither does Mr. Irizarry,” Acting DEA

Former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent Jose I. Irizarry, who previously was lauded by superiors before becoming entangled in a corruption case, pleaded guilty to 19 federal counts on Monday. Prosecutors said that the former government worker submitted false reports, and directed DEA workers to send money meant for undercover stings into accounts that he had control over or that were connected to his wife and co-conspirators, according to the Associated Press.

Prosecutors accused Irizarry of divulging law enforcement information to co-conspirators, including a Columbian official and an individual allegedly involved in drug trafficking and money laundering.

Money obtained through the illegal activities funded purchases of luxury items, including a $767,000 house in Cartagena and a $30,000 Tiffany ring.
“Corruption and betrayal of the American people — the very people we stand to protect — have no place at DEA, and neither does Mr. Irizarry,” Acting DEA Administrator Timothy J. Shea said.

Bad actors. Bad criminals.
Aug 17, 2019
Ingraham praises federal judge's 'phenomenal ruling' finding PA's COVID shutdown 'unconstitutional'

In her "Ingraham Angle" monologue on Monday, host Laura Ingraham praised a federal judge's opinion declaring Pennsylvania Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf's executively ordered statewide coronavirus restrictions "unconstitutional."

Western Pennsylvania District Judge William Stickman IV -- a Trump appointee -- wrote in a 66-page opinion that while Wolf and Secretary of Health Rachel Levine may have acted with "the good intention of addressing a public health emergency," the "liberties protected by the Constitution are not fair-weather freedoms," according to Harrisburg's PennLive news outlet.

"It was a phenomenal ruling," Ingraham said. "We've been telling you this for months. Our constitutional rights may not be indefinitely abridged by executive fiat, period."

Courts had consistently rejected challenges to Wolf's power to order businesses to close during the pandemic, and the governor has since lifted many of the restrictions, allowing businesses to reopen and canceling a statewide stay-at-home order.

As I stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, the Governor's mandates were unconstitutional, a violation of our "free will" rights.

I also stated the power is with 'The People' and not the Governors.

Governors are representatives of 'The People" and NOT rulers!

No Governor can tell you to wear a mask or can tell you that you can't open your business.

It's sad to me to think how many Americans don't even know their constitutional rights.

if you are going to be a sheep you better know who your sheepherder is.

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