My previous post should be considered by Sheriff Joe in the context of this post which I posted earlier:Are you in the early stages of Alzheimers or is it a case of inability to readcomprehend a post other than a See Spot Run one.
Here you go:
Hey Sherrif-you already showed your true colors by not answering/avoiding the question I asked of you regarding fpp/sbd's FAILED
predictions about Trump's devolution and whether you believe that lack of accountability is ok in your book.
This is exactly what Lenbo and sporsm60 did, being the gutless cowards they are.
In addition, you did what Lenny has already done when he hasn't run away and hid, namely to try to change the subject
and divert attention from what was asked of you.
In this case, you TRIED to change the topic of lack of accountability on fpp/sbd's part to an entirely different matter
regarding what devolution is and why it is going to occur.
Good try, pal, but it doesn't fly with people who have the intelligence and 34 years on a professional level of seeing
through your ruse.
Since you ran way and hid from that question, let's try another one from which Lenbo and sportsm 60 have also not answered
directly and flee the scene in order not to offend fpp/sbd.
Lets see if you are any different.
Consider this as an example:
In the last couple of days, fpp/sbd claimed that Dtr. Fauci has been arrested and tried for his "crimes."
Fpp/abd has also claimed that Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, along with the likes of George Bush, John Podesta,
Bill Gates and his wife, Governor Newsom, and others have all been tried and executed at GITMO over the last year.
My simple question to you is whether you believe this is true, yes or no!!
if you do not agree with fpp/sbd on this matter and/or have no evidence to support these executions, what do you
think of fpp/sbd's promulgating stuff in view of the fact that all of the folks cited have been clearly seen and heard on
the airwaves since their alleged executions!!!
One final thing to keep in mind since you have clearly demonstrated tonight with your commentary that you are totally
not aware of my commentary and criticisms of fpp/sbd.
What I am alluding to is that the big reason that I and the others ae here are NOT to disagree with what fpp/sbd says
about most matters, most notably Trump's reinstatement and devolution, but rather to document and point out
to him and others who read this thread his overall modus operandi and lack of accountability for his documented failures and in
the case of Trump's devolution, rather than admit his error like a real man would do, to simply avoid talking about it
like he never made the prediction in the first place or worse simply move out the goalposts to another date with the words
"imminent," "very soon," attached to it.
If this kind of posting behavior is acceptable to you, well fine.
I am proud to say that I was raised in a 100% different manner when it comes to accountability, which I posted earlier today!!
ps Don't forget the questions I posed to you above regarding the executions at GITMO!!
ps To cut to the chase, it is all about accountability and whether you believe oe should practice it or no!!
Sorry, pal-you are obviously not familiar with this thread and what fpp/sbd has made in the way of SPECIFIC DATES for devolution
to occur with his continued use of the word IMMINENT as well as his 100% LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY for this
This is what is at issue here with me as well as the others as well as the multitude of other predictions which haven't come
even remotely close to occurring.
If you choose to change devolution to YOUR terms, then fine, but that in no way exonerates fpp/sbd from what he has predicted
and when it will occur and which has failed to occur EACH AND EVERY TIME!!!
That's it for me until later on tonight as it is now time for dinner and relaxation!!!