Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
[h=5]Are China and Other Foreign Adversaries Printing/Cloning Paper Ballots to Cheat the 2020 Election?[/h]Fake suppression polls are designed to 'legitimize' rigged election results by brainwashing Americans into thinking Biden is way ahead.
Public perception post-election: "The election was not rigged - all the polls demonstrated Biden's clear lead across the Country."

What happens if China successfully duplicates/clones select ballots in battleground (swing) states? (Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin)

What happens if coordination exists with select states to deliver 'printing' and 'paper' ballot recipe(s) to select foreign adversaries?

They have nothing to lose.

Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019
Dem's Attempting to Rewrite History Just Like the "Party" in George Orwell's 1984 Novel

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Sound familiar?

What you are witnessing is an orchestrated destruction of America and its history by the anti-American Dems and their fascist shadow group.

Everything they are doing is textbook.

POTUS and the Administration working hard to restore The Constitution and Lady Liberty's dignity.

The Dems are working hard to destroy America.

The truth is in front of you.

It's everywhere.

It's time to WAKE UP!

I do not subscribe to anything organized, especially politics and religion.

I have made this clear from the beginning.

But I can tell you that if the Dems are successful in stealing the election America as we know it is over and so is your freedom!

Aug 17, 2019

>No press conferences in the last 90+ days.
>No V.P. running mate yet.
>No "major" rallies yet.
>Reject debate requests by POTUS campaign.
>Control his public responses through written statements by others.
>Create distractions like COVID, False Flag events, BLM protests, ANTIFA riots, etc. for convenient excuses.

Understand yet?

Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Trump says Obama may have committed treason

By Morgan Chalfant - 06/22/20 07:43 PM EDT

<article class="node-503993 node node-article view-mode-full clearfix"> <header> </header>President Trump on Monday suggested without evidence that his predecessor, former President Obama, committed treason in connection with the investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia.
“Treason. Treason. It’s treason,” Trump said in an interview with CBN News.

The president did not elaborate on the specific charge but repeated his assertion that the previous administration “spied” on his campaign in the course of the Russia probe.

“They’d been spying on my campaign,” Trump told CBN News’s David Brody. “Turned out I was right. Let’s see what happens to them now.”

POTUS is right!

O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E is VERY real!


Treason is death penalty!

O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E, O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E, O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E!

Aug 17, 2019
3RD DEGREE MURDER: Why did NY, NJ, CA, PA, MI Governors Create Mandates for COVID-19 Patients to be Placed in Nursing Homes?

How is it possible certain Dem Governors thought it was "safe" to force COVID patients into nursing homes in "hot zones"?

Steve Scalise


→ 40% of COVID deaths have come from nursing homes

→ 20,000 deaths were avoidable Numbers don't lie.

Cuomo does.

He violated protocol & forced COVID patients into nursing homes—now he's trying to cover up the horrific outcome.

He must be held accountable.

6:19 PM · Jun 21, 2020


"Each year, 90 percent of deaths worldwide related to influenza-A virus (IAV) strike men and women aged 65 and older." -- Yale School of Medicine

If the flu [influenza] is known to be more deadly among the elderly HOW IS <abbr title="Italy">IT</abbr> POSSIBLE THAT CERTAIN DEM GOVERNORS THOUGHT <abbr title="Italy">IT</abbr> WAS 'SAFE' TO PUSH COVID-19 POSITIVE ELDERLY PATIENTS INTO NURSING HOMES IN "HOT ZONES"?



"Someone can be accused of third-degree murder if they unintentionally cause someone else's death while committing a dangerous act. This is different from first-degree and second-degree murder charges, where intent is generally required." (Source:

>Why the mandate by Dem Governors?
>Why only Dem Governors?

How do you reasonably explain what occurred?

Pennsylvania health official moved mother from nursing home as deaths skyrocketed

Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, the health official responsible for overseeing nursing homes in Pennsylvania, where nearly 70 percent of the state’s coronavirus-related deaths have occurred has reportedly moved her elderly mother out of a facility as deaths skyrocketed.

In March, Levine ordered long-term care facilities in the state to continue to accept coronavirus patients who had been discharged from hospitals but unable to return to their homes, the Bucks County Courier Times reported.

Of the state’s 3,806 coronavirus deaths, 2,611 had occurred in nursing homes and long-term-care *facilities, according to ABC27.

The Pennsylvania attorney general has reportedly opened a criminal investigation of several *facilities in the wake of the rising death toll.

Dems knew exactly what was going on!

Remove and protect your own family while others die.



Gov. Cuomo ignores House call for documents, briefing on nursing home deaths

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused a request by Congressional Republicans to provide documents and a staff briefing regarding the state’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis in New York State nursing homes.

NJ Gov. Murphy snubs GOP House members asking about coronavirus nursing home policy

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on Thursday opted not to answer questions posed by Republicans on the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis about his state's policy mandating nursing homes to accept coronavirus-positive patients, a move made by several states that experts say led to preventable deaths among the vulnerable population.

We didn't really think the Dem Governors would answer the call, did we?

Soon they will have no choice!



Exclusive — Seema Verma: Cuomo, Other Democrat Governors’ Coronavirus Nursing Home Policies Contradicted Federal Guidance

Seema Verma, the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), told Breitbart News exclusively that New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other Democrat governors originally issued guidance that contradicted federal guidelines for nursing homes battling the coronavirus pandemic.
“I just want to make it very clear that our guidance was absolutely crystal clear,” Verma said in an exclusive interview late last week. “It was clear and unmistakable. Any insinuation to the contrary is woefully mistaken at best and dishonest at worst.

We put out our guidance on March 13. It’s very clear when it says that, I’m actually going to read this to you, it says that: ‘When should a nursing home accept a resident who is diagnosed with COVID-19?’ It says: ‘A nursing home can accept a resident diagnosed with COVID-19 and still under transmission-based precautions,’ which means if this person is infectious you have to take precautions. It says ‘as long as the facility can follow CDC guidance for transmission-based precautions.’ It says: ‘If a nursing home cannot, it must wait until these precautions are discontinued,’ meaning if you are not able to care for this patient—somebody is still positive and you’re not equipped to care for the patient, then you shouldn’t accept the patient into your care. That’s really important because longstanding discharge—when you’re discharging a patient from the hospital, longstanding guidelines require when you transfer them somewhere you transfer them to a place that can take care of their needs whether they’re going home or they’re going to a nursing home or some other facility.”

Verma added later that it is “disingenuous” for Democrats such as Cuomo to claim they were following federal guidelines when they were not.

“The guidelines they put out, or the policy they put out, is in sharp contrast to exactly what we were saying,” Verma told Breitbart News.

“Steve McLaughlin, the county executive where Diamond Hill is located, viewed the state’s directive as madness and chose to defy it, refusing to allow any COVID-19 patients to be returned to, or placed in, the one nursing home run by the county,” Sapien and Sexton wrote. “The 320-bed facility, Van Rensselaer Manor, has not seen a single COVID-19 death.”

Asked about this contrast between the county-run nursing home that defied Cuomo’s guidance and had zero COVID-19 deaths and the private-run nursing home in the same county that followed Cuomo’s now-revoked guidance and saw huge percentages of its population killed by the coronavirus, Verma told Breitbart News the contrast is clear.

The week did not start well for the Dems.

First, the late breaking news last night on Obamagate. (post #2564) and now THIS!

Perhaps now we can understand why these state Governors ignored the House GOPs requests for information on their nursing home policies.

How many counts of murder are these Governors potentially facing?

I stated at the onset and maintained throughout that COVID was another "9/11".

Perhaps now you understand why this is true.

Again, truth always shows itself.

And remember, "LAW & ORDER".
Aug 17, 2019

A 2005 film titled "V for Vendetta" is about a totalitarian dictatorship that gains power by creating a society of fear due to an alleged virus spreading throughout thw world. Int he film the media pushes fear-based propaganda on the the television screen of every household and on the city streets. The authoritarian dictator promises security but not freedom. The constant theme of "this si for your safety" is repeated throughout the film. Most importantly the film ends with society waking up and the corrupt, fascist regime is dismantled. WHAT YEAR IS THE FILM SET? 2020!

Aug 17, 2019
John Oliver mocked Trump in 2017 for predicting removal of Washington, Jefferson statues

President Trump warned in 2017 that statues of U.S. Founding Fathers such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson might someday be removed -- three years ahead of attacks on such statues this month.

Back then, "Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver mocked the president for his grim prediction.

“I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really have to ask yourself, where does it stop?”
— President Trump, in 2017

Oliver is looking pretty stupid now isn't he?

POTUS is a smart guy.

He is rarely wrong.
Aug 17, 2019
[h=1]Trump issues warning amid vandalism, effort to topple Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square Park[/h]President Trump took to Twitter late Monday to announce that “numerous people were arrested” in Washington, D.C., as protesters attempted to tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square Park and — once again — targeted the nearby St. John’s Episcopal Church.

“Numerous people arrested in D.C. for the disgraceful vandalism, in Lafayette Park, of the magnificent Statue of Andrew Jackson, in addition to the exterior defacing of St. John’s Church across the street,” Trump tweeted. “10 years in prison under the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act. Beware!”


David L. Bernhardt, the secretary of the Interior Department, said he visited Lafayette Square and witnessed the destruction. He said the country “will not bow to anarchists. Law and order will prevail, and justice will be served.”



Aug 17, 2019
Trump announces forthcoming executive order to 'make the cities guard their monuments'

President Trump said Monday that he will soon issue an executive order meant to protect public statues and monuments from being damaged or destroyed by far-left and anarchist protesters.
"We are going to do an executive order and make the cities guard their monuments," Trump told Eternal Word Television Network's Raymond Arroyo. "This is a disgrace."

Arroyo, who is also a Fox News contributor, played a clip of the interview on Monday's edition of "The Ingraham Angle."

"It's a disgrace," Trump repeated. "Remember, some of this is great artwork. This is magnificent artwork, as good as there is anywhere in the world, as good as you see in France, as good as you see anywhere. It's a disgrace.

"Most of these people don't even know what they're taking down," the president added.

Trump told Arroyo he was particularly disturbed by the toppling Friday of a San Francisco statue of Ulysses S. Grant, commanding general of the United States Army during the final 13 months of the Civil War.

"You saw it ... where they want to take [Grant] down. He's the one who stopped the ones that everyone dislikes so much," said Trump, referring to Confederate military officers whose statues have also been vandalized and destroyed.

These anti-American governors and mayors need to be held accountable for providing "safe zones" for these anti-American fascists who are attempting to destroy our nation's history!
Aug 17, 2019

Donald J. Trump

I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent.

This action is taken effective immediately, but may also be used retroactively for destruction or vandalism already caused. There will be no exceptions!

6:46 AM · Jun 23, 2020


Enough is enough.

Only when the states and cities prove they are incompetent the Feds are sent in.

Remember, "LAW & ORDER".

As painful as it is to watch the actions of these anti-Americans it is necessary in restoring the integrity of our constitution and legal system.

The Administration's strategy is to watch, wait for evil to show itself to the world (transparency) and then take them out legally with our legal system.

This is how trust and integrity gets restored in America.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Trump announces forthcoming executive order to 'make the cities guard their monuments'

President Trump said Monday that he will soon issue an executive order meant to protect public statues and monuments from being damaged or destroyed by far-left and anarchist protesters.
"We are going to do an executive order and make the cities guard their monuments," Trump told Eternal Word Television Network's Raymond Arroyo. "This is a disgrace."

Arroyo, who is also a Fox News contributor, played a clip of the interview on Monday's edition of "The Ingraham Angle."

"It's a disgrace," Trump repeated. "Remember, some of this is great artwork. This is magnificent artwork, as good as there is anywhere in the world, as good as you see in France, as good as you see anywhere. It's a disgrace.

"Most of these people don't even know what they're taking down," the president added.

Trump told Arroyo he was particularly disturbed by the toppling Friday of a San Francisco statue of Ulysses S. Grant, commanding general of the United States Army during the final 13 months of the Civil War.

"You saw it ... where they want to take [Grant] down. He's the one who stopped the ones that everyone dislikes so much," said Trump, referring to Confederate military officers whose statues have also been vandalized and destroyed.

These anti-American governors and mayors need to be held accountable for providing "safe zones" for these anti-American fascists who are attempting to destroy our nation's history!

Little to late ? Most are toppled

should have shot anyone on site doing any destruction
Aug 17, 2019
Steve Bing, producer and philanthropist, dies in fall from building

Steve Bing, the film producer and wealthy financier who fathered a child with actress Elizabeth Hurley, died in a fall from his posh Century City, Los Angeles, apartment building Monday, reports said.

At the age of 18, Bing inherited an estimated $600 million from his grandfather, Leo S. Bing, a real estate developer, which led him to drop out of Stanford University and use the money to invest in Hollywood.

Bing was the ex of actress Elizabeth Hurley and father her son, Damian, based on a 2002 DNA test, which he denied at the time, according to PEOPLE. He had another child, Kira, born to professional tennis player Lisa Bonder.

Isn't it amazing HOW MANY friends the Clinton's lose to "suicide"?


Clinton loved Bing but perhaps he loved his bank account more?


And isn't it amazing how somehow Bill Gates' name shows up too? And as BENEFICIARY OF HIS WEALTH!

Let's face it, it's not every day a billionaire kills himself.

Foul play?

Clearly Bing was "in bed" with many controversial names/organizations.

He had deep ties to the Clinton's and others like Gates and Buffet.

The Clinton Foundation is a front for human/child trafficking (pizzagate).

Hillary's email trial is fast approaching.

Key witness?

Is it possible he "knew" something or too much.

Key witnesses always seem to commit "suicide" just before big trials?
Aug 17, 2019
More than 12,000 attend Rally Trump’s Tulsa Rally - 10.1 Million People Watched Online

More than 10 million people watched President Donald Trump’s reelection rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on June 20, according to Gary Coby, the campaign’s digital director.

The total doesn’t include television viewers. More than 2.5 million people watched the rally prior to Trump’s speech, according to Tim Murtaugh, the campaign’s communications director.

The campaign noted the viewership numbers amid media reports spotlighting the fact that not all of the seats inside the venue were filled. The campaign had celebrated receiving 1 million ticket requests. Some 12,000 people attended the rally, based on a count of those who passed the metal detectors.

Thousands of ticket holders couldn't get into the arena given gate shutdowns due to fake protestors and safety concerns.

Despite the Dems efforts to sabotage the event it was still extremely successful.

Dems will be unsuccessful in their attempts to sabotage future rallies.

Trump rally gives Fox News largest Saturday night audience in its history

President Trump’s rally on Saturday attracted a record-setting audience on TV despite the smaller-than-expected crowd in attendance at the Tulsa, Okla., event.

A whopping 7.7 million total viewers tuned into Fox News from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. EDT during Trump’s remarks, making it the most watched Saturday in the network’s history during that time period, according to early Nielsen data.

Trump’s rally also gave Fox News its largest Saturday night primetime audience ever from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Additionally, Fox News’ YouTube stream picked up over 2.1 million views, while Fox Business Network’s livestream drew over 580,000. The rally was streamed on a variety of other platforms, as well.

“The news media, which encouraged protestors and bombarded Americans for more than a week with dire warnings against attending a Trump rally, are still unable to prevent President Trump from reaching the people. These numbers represent unmatched enthusiasm behind the President’s re-election and a massive audience that Joe Biden can only dream of,” Murtaugh said.

The Dems attempted to sabotage the rally.

MSM supported their efforts by providing a week of fake news reports designed to scare away ticket holders.

Dems continue to gloat and focus on "empty seats" in Tulsa but, despite the obstacle and challenges thrown at the Trump team, the reality is the rally was more successful than Biden or past President's could ever dream of!
Aug 17, 2019
Little to late ? Most are toppled

should have shot anyone on site doing any destruction

From my post #2570

Remember, "LAW & ORDER".

As painful as it is to watch the actions of these anti-Americans it is necessary in restoring the integrity of our constitution and legal system.

The Administration's strategy is to watch, wait for evil to show itself to the world (transparency) and then take them out legally with our legal system.

This is how trust and integrity gets restored in America.
Aug 17, 2019
[h=5]BREAKING: Joe Biden and George Soros Corruption in Ukraine Exposed[/h]New details in the case of Burisma bribe, as well as new records of conversations testifying to international corruption and the external governance of Ukraine

Full video of the press conference on the topic with English subtitles.

Hunter Biden fathered a child while being in a relationship with his dead brother's (died of brain cancer in 2015) widow (Hallie Biden, baby was born in August 2018 and Hunter and Hallie Biden broke up in April 2019) while being married to his wife, smoked crack at D.C. strip clubs, and got a stripper (Lunden Alexis Roberts) pregnant on the first night they met, and now is fighting his baby's mother in court, after the DNA test proved he was the father, fired all of his attorneys and is now fighting to seal his financial records because he claims, HE's BROKE !!! His ex-wife claims he spent over $100,000 in 2 months on prostitutes & drugs, and finally, … he just got married (married Melissa Cohen). What a guy!


Just another huge story that doesn't bode well for Biden and the Dems.

It's only halfway through Tuesday and already 3 major stories that will lead to major arrests (imminent).


Divine Plan, Divine Timing.
Aug 17, 2019
Fired NY Prosecutor, Berman, Was given Biden-Ukraine Allegations in 2018 but Didn’t Follow Up

Could the impeachment scandal have been prevented if the now-fired U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman had followed up on Ukrainian allegations about Joe Biden and his family in 2018? That’s the tantalizing question raised by emails from fall 2018 between an American lawyer and the chief federal prosecutor in Manhattan that were obtained by Just the News.

The memos show that well before Ukrainian prosecutors reached out to Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer, in 2019 to talk about the Bidens and alleged 2016 election interference they first approached Berman’s office in New York in October 2018 via another American lawyer.

The memos show Little Rock, Ark., lawyer Bud Cummins, a former U.S. attorney himself, reached out at least five times in October 2018 to Berman seeking to arrange a meeting with then-Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko.

Lutsenko, who emerged as a key figure in the impeachment scandal, wanted to confidentially share with federal prosecutors in New York evidence he claimed to possess that raised concerns about the Bidens’ behavior as well as alleged wrongdoing in the Paul Manafort corruption case.

Timing of video released in post #2756 and Berman termination?


"You cannot attack your political opponent."

The doubters will soon be believers.

Years in the making.

It's only Tuesday and it's already raining.

Keep bringing the pain!
Aug 17, 2019
Hollywood Producer David Guillod Arrested in Santa Barbara County on Rape, Kidnap Charges

Hollywood producer and talent manager David M. Guillod was arrested in Santa Barbara County on Monday on a variety of felony charges alleging the sexual assaults of three incapacitated women, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department.

Guillod, 53, turned himself in Monday morning at the sheriff’s headquarters near Santa Barbara.

A warrant had been issued for his arrest earlier this month, after a 3-year investigation by the sheriff's departments in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties.

The Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office filed a criminal complaint on June 12 alleging 11 felony counts, including rape, kidnapping, oral copulation, and sexual penetration with a foreign object.

It also included special allegations that the offenses are serious felonies that would make Guillod ineligible to serve any prison sentence in a county jail.

One Hollywood producer commits "suicide" while another is arrested - all within hours of each other.

Looks like the house cleaning has resumed in Pedowood!

I stated at the onset and maintained throughout Pedos/human-child trafficking was one of the overlays to COVID.

Many are in denial that these overlays exist and are real.

Denial comes from fear.

But the time has come where it can no longer be denied.

Grab your popcorn!

Those in denial are in for a VERY RUDE AWAKENING.
Aug 17, 2019
Jimmy Kimmel Steps Down From Late Night Show

June 18, 2020 5:28pm PT by Lexy Perez Jimmy Kimmel is taking a hiatus from his late-night show.

During Thursday's broadcast of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the late-night host announced that the episode would make his "last new show for the summer." "I'm taking the summer off to spend even more time with my family," Kimmel announced.

"I've been doing this job for almost 18 years. I've done 3,130 shows and there's nothing wrong. My family is healthy, I'm healthy. I just need a couple of months off," he explained.

Roughly 5 hours after the Feds busted the Bay Area man Jimmy Kimmel abruptly announces he is taking a hiatus.

Coincidence or connection?

Jimmy Kimmel leaving Late Night is big news in show biz and yet MSM is silent.

Wonder why?

Steve Bing, producer and philanthropist, dies in fall from building

Steve Bing, the film producer and wealthy financier who fathered a child with actress Elizabeth Hurley, died in a fall from his posh Century City, Los Angeles, apartment building Monday, reports said.

At the age of 18, Bing inherited an estimated $600 million from his grandfather, Leo S. Bing, a real estate developer, which led him to drop out of Stanford University and use the money to invest in Hollywood.

Bing was the ex of actress Elizabeth Hurley and father her son, Damian, based on a 2002 DNA test, which he denied at the time, according to PEOPLE. He had another child, Kira, born to professional tennis player Lisa Bonder.

Isn't it amazing HOW MANY friends the Clinton's lose to "suicide"?


Clinton loved Bing but perhaps he loved his bank account more?


And isn't it amazing how somehow Bill Gates' name shows up too? And as BENEFICIARY OF HIS WEALTH!

Let's face it, it's not every day a billionaire kills himself.

Foul play?

Clearly Bing was "in bed" with many controversial names/organizations.

He had deep ties to the Clinton's and others like Gates and Buffet.

The Clinton Foundation is a front for human/child trafficking (pizzagate).

Hillary's email trial is fast approaching.

Key witness?

Is it possible he "knew" something or too much.

Key witnesses always seem to commit "suicide" just before big trials?

Hollywood Producer David Guillod Arrested in Santa Barbara County on Rape, Kidnap Charges

Hollywood producer and talent manager David M. Guillod was arrested in Santa Barbara County on Monday on a variety of felony charges alleging the sexual assaults of three incapacitated women, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department.

Guillod, 53, turned himself in Monday morning at the sheriff’s headquarters near Santa Barbara.

A warrant had been issued for his arrest earlier this month, after a 3-year investigation by the sheriff's departments in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties.

The Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office filed a criminal complaint on June 12 alleging 11 felony counts, including rape, kidnapping, oral copulation, and sexual penetration with a foreign object.

It also included special allegations that the offenses are serious felonies that would make Guillod ineligible to serve any prison sentence in a county jail.

One Hollywood producer commits "suicide" while another is arrested - all within hours of each other.

Looks like the house cleaning has resumed in Pedowood!

I stated at the onset and maintained throughout Pedos/human-child trafficking was one of the overlays to COVID.

Many are in denial that these overlays exist and are real.

Denial comes from fear.

But the time has come where it can no longer be denied.

Grab your popcorn!

Those in denial are in for a VERY RUDE AWAKENING.

'That '70s Show' Star Danny Masterson Charged With Raping Three Women

Daniel Masterson was charged on Wednesday by the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office with raping three women.

If convicted as charged, he faces a possible maximum sentence of 45 years to life in state prison.

4 MAJOR headlines in the last 6 days coming out of Pedowood.


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