Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
It's "astronomical" event loser. Astrology is another heap of rubbish like "stolen elections", "The Return", "The Awakening", "Santa", "Devolution", "the 5th amendment" "fake viruses" etc....

No wonder you're a fan: it fits your list of hysterical wrong predictions of the last 18 months.

Nice try to wiggle your way out of it too, whenever your dumb prophesies fail you got your lies ready to jump to the next one.

God this thread is so fucking stupid. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You just get dumber by the day.

Between you, savage1 and wilbur, I honestly don't know who is dumber.

Nov 11, 2007
Backtracking again I see, eh?

An obvious astrological event is one thing and accepted b any intelligent person.

However implying that something political event is going to occur, which you clearly are doing here, the same

as for July 4th,

One, in this case, you, has to be pretty stupid to not realize that you are up to your own tricks here with a

PREDICTION here(because that is what it is), and then try to have it both ways as you are doing now by referring ONLY

the astronomical aspect of it.

If miraculously something significant does occur on this day(lol), then you can say "I told you so," whereas in fact if virtually nothing

happens on this day, you can claim in retrospect that the astronomical aspect is all you meant in the first place!!

Logical thinking and again pretty stupid of you to believe that you can get away with this weak and feeble attempt to have it

both ways!!
pd I meant to say astronomical rather than astrological as Habsburger rightfully pointed out.

Jan 8, 2015

Nov 3rd: trump wins in biggest landslide ever!!!!
All through Dec: SCOTUS and the Courts of Appeal are gonna overturn it!!!
Dec 8: there gonna change the electors before Safe Harbour date!!!!
Dec 14: Electoral College is gonna turn it around!!!
Jan 06: Pence is gonna turn it around!!!
Jan 20: Biden will get arrested and trump inaugurated!!!!

Mar 4: trump is gonna get inaugurated again!!! For real this time!!!

Apr 2021: The Arizona "audit" will overturn it all!

Jul 04th: A Day so Epic it will be remembered for centuries!!!!

Aug 2021: Lindell will come up with solid proof!!!!

Aug 2021: The 25th will be invoked to turn it all around!!!!
Sept 24th: The Maricopa "audit" will turn it all around!!!!
Oct 2021: Not sure what, but something will turn it around!!!!
Nov 2021: Devolution, The Return, Soon, Real Soon.

Dec 4th 2021: A HUGE day that will turn it all around!!!!

SATURDAY REMINDER: EVERYTHING in this thread is a lie, made up, a distortion, a sad fantasy.
Over 18 months of failed predictions and lies that wouldn't fool a 6yr old.
What a waste of time..... ?

Talk about dumb..... :lmao:
Aug 17, 2019

Total eclipse.

It's all coming to a head.

"As above so below"

Libtards are so dumb they think stating an obvious astrological event is a "prediction". ? ? ?

I can't imagine going through life being this stupid.

No wonder why they are perpetual losers.


After reviewing Habsburger's response to the use of "astrological" it reminded me of just how low IQs are with these libtards.

The term astrological was used correctly in my post.

However, these libtards just aren't smart enough to understand and most likely never will.

You really can't fix stupid.

Nov 11, 2007
After reviewing Habsburger's response to the use of "astrological" it reminded me of just how low IQs are with these libtards.

The term astrological was used correctly in my post.

However, these libtards just aren't smart enough to understand and most likely never will.

You really can't fix stupid.
Astrology is a lot of unproven horseshit just like all of your FAILED predictions involving numbers and other dates over the last 21


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I can't speak for Dr. Fauci other than to see that as someone who has the education and experience

he does in infectious diseases, and who has been part of I believe six or seven Administrations, he sure as

Hell is in a LOT better position to comment on this disease and the vaccine than at least 99% of the people out there!

If you choose to believe differently, then so be it!!

And that one unelected bureaucrat isn’t the end all be all as to what is right and what is wrong .

Funny how no left leaning media outlet has an article on Fauci not having a firm answer on the effectiveness of natural immunity .

Let me know if you find one .

Trust the science . Unless it doesn’t fit the narrative .

Nov 11, 2007
After reviewing Habsburger's response to the use of "astrological" it reminded me of just how low IQs are with these libtards.

The term astrological was used correctly in my post.

However, these libtards just aren't smart enough to understand and most likely never will.

You really can't fix stupid.
Excuse me but once again tell us EXACTLY and precisely how today, December 4th, is an astrological event.

Originally you advertised it as a Solar Eclipse, which be definition is an astronomical event.

Therefore until/if/when you come forth and tell us why it is also an astronomical event, all of can simply assume that for

the zillionth time you were caught with your pants down and fucked up!!

Nov 11, 2007
And that one unelected bureaucrat isn’t the end all be all as to what is right and what is wrong .

Funny how no left leaning media outlet has an article on Fauci not having a firm answer on the effectiveness of natural immunity .

Let me know if you find one .

Trust the science . Unless it doesn’t fit the narrative .
I stand by what I say, and just as important as I have stated before, anything that anyone believes or says about the disease

must be considered as only an opinion at the time it was issued and subject to change, because as we have seen, new and previously

unknown data and information are emerging every day simply because there is no previous track record to rely upon.
Aug 17, 2019
After reviewing Habsburger's response to the use of "astrological" it reminded me of just how low IQs are with these libtards.

The term astrological was used correctly in my post.

However, these libtards just aren't smart enough to understand and most likely never will.

You really can't fix stupid.

To be even more clear let me dumb this down even further.

Today, December 4th, is BOTH an astrological and astronomical event.

I wouldn't expect any libtard to understand this.

These people have VERY LOW IQs.

Nov 11, 2007
To be even more clear let me dumb this down even further.

Today, December 4th, is BOTH an astrological and astronomical event.

I wouldn't expect any libtard to understand this.

These people have VERY LOW IQs.
We understand that until now when we called you out on it, you didn't specify the double significance meaning,

the obvious reasoning being historically speaking, that you have made other open-ended statements and

predictions DELIBERATELY so that you can choose to define it any way you want to suit the narrative

and make it sound like you were right.

The best example I can think of is that in one of your many predictions regarding Trump's alleged return, which obviously

failed, when called out on it, instead of admitting it, you laughably tried to weasel your way out of it by saying that

you meant something entirely different with the use of the word "return" and hoped it would fly, which laughably failed to come

true also!! lol

Unfortunately, you forgot and/or simply assumed that there were not folks like myself who would not see through

this smokescreen of lies and bullshit, which unfortunately you also assumed when you started this thread!!

Nov 11, 2007
To be even more clear let me dumb this down even further.

Today, December 4th, is BOTH an astrological and astronomical event.

I wouldn't expect any libtard to understand this.

These people have VERY LOW IQs.
One more comment before lunch and which is playing the game on your terms.

Let's just say that from both my professional and personal experiences in life, you have a long long way to go in order

to successfully catch up with others who go through life with the same modus operandi you use which basically consists

of lies, deception and overall bullshit, and who do an infinitely better job of it and last longer before they are ultimately

exposed for who and what they are.

That said, instead of posting what you do for free here, you might want to consider starting your own sports scamdicapping service,

where at least some people will buy into your bullshit and lies and compensate you for the same!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
sbd caught with his pants down again!

Let the truth be known.
This incident got me thinking as to how successful and easy it would happen if fpp/sbd showed up at the ER for an operation.

What would be the operation be for you ask??

Well, the answer is simple; it would be to dislodge his head from his ass, the former which is currently firmly stuck up

up there!! lol

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004

Omicron, is likely to turn out to be no big deal. When the Dr's in S. Africa who discovered it, learned we were cancelling flights........she was stunned.
Stunned at our over response.

Its just another example of Bidens crew of dolts, seizing on every opportunity to keep us scared and cowering. Personally, I believe he'll use this "new pandemic" to defend his horrible record, in almost every area, come midterms.

Stop and ask yourself........whats the logic in checking every arriving passenger's vax status........while you allow hundreds of thousands to stream through our southern border without even a test. Then bussing or flying those immigrants to cities all over the U.S.

Just like the Soros backed D.A.'s playing catch and release with those breaking laws. Unless, the lawbreakers meet some democratic agenda.
Let murders go. Keep trespassers in jail, many with no bail. Let those who destroyed whole areas of cities, and many peoples lifes work, go. Keep non violent, no property destroyed protesters in jail. Antifa = good. republican = bad.

We are all being played, like puppets in a giant marionette show.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I stand by what I say, and just as important as I have stated before, anything that anyone believes or says about the disease

must be considered as only an opinion at the time it was issued and subject to change, because as we have seen, new and previously

unknown data and information are emerging every day simply because there is no previous track record to rely upon.

Anybody or any administration who doesn’t have an answer to not only the crisis at the border , but infected illegals crossing who they turn a cheek to will never be taken seriously by half the county .

The runt is such a good little servant .

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto pressed Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday over his response to migrants infected with Covid-19 crossing the border illegally, prompting Fauci to suggest it was a “moot point.”

“We have about 18 percent of the migrant families here, 20 percent of the unaccompanied minors, testing positive for covid,” Cavuto noted in an interview with Fauci. “If you use the figure [of] 20,000, and that’s a loose figure … who have been apprehended, that could be up to 4,000 individuals who have covid. What do we do about that?”

“You know, Neil, I — I don’t have an easy answer for that,” Fauci replied. “I mean, obviously, Title 42 is still operable at the border trying to keep people who should not come in into the country. There is testing that is done. I’m certain it’s not as extensive as we would like to see, but I have to admit, Neil, I don’t have an easy answer. That — that’s a very difficult problem.”

Nov 11, 2007
Anybody or any administration who doesn’t have an answer to not only the crisis at the border , but infected illegals crossing who they turn a cheek to will never be taken seriously by half the county .

The runt is such a good little servant .

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto pressed Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday over his response to migrants infected with Covid-19 crossing the border illegally, prompting Fauci to suggest it was a “moot point.”

“We have about 18 percent of the migrant families here, 20 percent of the unaccompanied minors, testing positive for covid,” Cavuto noted in an interview with Fauci. “If you use the figure [of] 20,000, and that’s a loose figure … who have been apprehended, that could be up to 4,000 individuals who have covid. What do we do about that?”

“You know, Neil, I — I don’t have an easy answer for that,” Fauci replied. “I mean, obviously, Title 42 is still operable at the border trying to keep people who should not come in into the country. There is testing that is done. I’m certain it’s not as extensive as we would like to see, but I have to admit, Neil, I don’t have an easy answer. That — that’s a very difficult problem.”
I am not going to get involved in discussing the political views one way or the other re: Dr. Fauci.

My point was and remains that I don't believe Dr. Fauci has ever been dishonest with his opinion about either Covid, the

mutations/variants with what he said about them when he said them for the simple reason and as I stated previously, this is

still an evolving disease meaning no one can predict with any certainty what is going to happen looking ahead and/or how to treat it


For me and to be fair, the same rationale applies to other people who make similar statements.

For example, folks like Rush Limbaugh and Trump himself both stated at one time they felt that Covid should

be taken no more seriously than a common cold.

In Rush's case I believe that he really believed what he said when he said.

I believe that this was the same situation with Trump to some extent, although he was admittedly a bit dishonest with his interview

with Bob Woodward by admitting that he downplayed it or even lied to some extent when he spoke to the American Public

I also believe that pretty much applies to Biden when during his campaign he said he would eliminate the Virus and then

when he started serving as POTUS, made statements that Covid would be wiped out by simply being vaccinated.

Again as is the case with the other people I cited, I sincerely believed Biden believed what he said but because of Covid's having

an unknown track record and because there was/is so much still unknown about it, he was/is obviously wrong.

I can certainly understand and respect those who think that Biden broke both his campaign promises and promises he made

after he became the acting POTUS.

Imo he should have just kept his mouth shut and said that they were doing their best to eliminate Covid but with the caveats

I just cited above.

That is my 100% honest appraisal of the matter.

Sep 5, 2010

Nov 3rd: trump wins in biggest landslide ever!!!!
All through Dec: SCOTUS and the Courts of Appeal are gonna overturn it!!!
Dec 8: there gonna change the electors before Safe Harbour date!!!!
Dec 14: Electoral College is gonna turn it around!!!
Jan 06: Pence is gonna turn it around!!!
Jan 20: Biden will get arrested and trump inaugurated!!!!

Mar 4: trump is gonna get inaugurated again!!! For real this time!!!

Apr 2021: The Arizona "audit" will overturn it all!

Jul 04th: A Day so Epic it will be remembered for centuries!!!!

Aug 2021: Lindell will come up with solid proof!!!!

Aug 2021: The 25th will be invoked to turn it all around!!!!
Sept 24th: The Maricopa "audit" will turn it all around!!!!
Oct 2021: Not sure what, but something will turn it around!!!!
Nov 2021: Devolution, The Return, Soon, Real Soon.

Dec 4th 2021: A HUGE day that will turn it all around!!!!

SATURDAY REMINDER: EVERYTHING in this thread is a lie, made up, a distortion, a sad fantasy.
Over 18 months of failed predictions and lies that wouldn't fool a 6yr old.
What a waste of time..... ?

Talk about dumb..... :lmao:

Destroying the ultra low iqanons.

Sep 5, 2010
rwjr got 10 years?

Seems like a right sentence.

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