Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

The DS often uses holidays and weekends to carry out operations they want to hide from the public.

The "white hats" also tend to use holidays or long weekends to enact some kind of strategic operation.

And the "white hats" are well aware of satanic holidays, full moons, and other ritualistic days the DS satanists use.

Something REALLY BIG is coming!

It is expected between now and the new year.

It will be an huge global event that is dramatic and cannot be hidden.

The whole world will see it and know it.

Here are some potentials for such event:

One, or many, are strong potentials in the coming weeks while others by March.

- Global events such as declaring wars with other countries. This will be mostly for show out of desperation. There WILL NOT be any type of nuclear event so ignore the "threats" and "chatter" going on out there.

- "False flag" operations organized by the 3-letter agencies for distraction and cover.

- Collapsing of the financial markets and currency.

- Sudden deaths and disappearances of world figures, celebrity types, royals, such as the Queen in UK. ["Queen"]

- People you were told were dead, are revealed to have been in witness protection and alive.

- Emergency Broadcast system [EBS] being directed from military base or space program crew from satellite military systems.

- Temporary shut down of certain online services or internet access.

- Collapse and controlled demolition of structures. [i.e. hospitals, medical system, airlines, travel industry, shipping supplies, etc.]

- This may shut down supply chains in certain areas, such as the U.S. who will not have access to certain goods or products from overseas anymore.

- EMP type of destruction or repurposing of some landmarks in Washington DC including the White House. [DC as the political capital is done]

- Awareness that MANY MORE people have been killed by the bio weapon injection than the public is being told. They have been hiding deaths, and cataloguing who has received which vaccine lots. The mass genocide will be known and those involved ultimately prosecuted by tribunal.

- Human trafficking harvesting for blood and body parts, organ trafficking, pedophilia, and child adrenachrome farms in underground bases and bunkers and off planet. [planned parenthood and intergalactic trafficking]

- Existence of the deep underground tunnels and military bases that acted as cover for nonhuman demonic entities and aliens to prey on humans.

- Sudden implementation of new technologies or radical changes that impact society as we know it.

- Fall of mainstream fake news media.

- Invasion and/or breakdown of Israel.

This is when all things come into full public view as previously stated.

Exact date(s) only known by God.

All is in Divine order.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay aware. Stay united.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo had a bigger role than previously known in helping defend his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, from sexual harassment allegations that forced him out of office, newly released transcripts and text messages show.

The TV journalist offered to reach out to "sources," including other reporters, to find out whether more women were going to come forward and relayed what he was hearing to his brother's advisers, according to the materials made public Monday.

Another Cuomo in hot water .

Are Fredo’s days at DNCNN numbered ? ?

Remember when dynamic duo were must see TV for the tards during the pandemic ?


Nov 11, 2007
He's probably a nice guy, just delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled.
If your response to my documenting and exposing you for who and what you are for over

21 months is delusional, brainwashed and mind-controlled and namecalling, well I will let those who read this thread decided

what it means!!

Nov 11, 2007
Good try and
Just spoke with the Feds and they provided me a transcript of their call with savage1:

[phone ringing]

Feds: FBI, this is special agent [redacted].

savage1: Hi, this is [redacted], I would like to file a complaint.

Feds: for?

savage1: against someone posting stuff in a forum that makes me very uncomfortable.

Feds: continue.

savage1: There is someone there, he goes by the name sportsbookdata. He posts a lot of stuff that I don't agree with and it makes me very uncomfortable.

Feds: Why does it make you so uncomfortable? Is he threatening you or your family?

savage1: Umm, not per se, but his his posts threaten me.

Feds: why is that?

savage1: Because it's all the opposite of what CNN and MSN tells me what to think.

Feds: why does it bother you so much?

savage1: because everything he says almost always comes true.

Feds: We don't understand, what's the problem then?

savage1: he keeps spreading misinformation about Biden not being President and always saying Trump will be President again.

Feds: You do know Biden isn't president, right?

savage1: huh?

Feds: Yeah, Biden isn't the president.

savage1: how can you say this? Biden won the election.

Feds: uh, no he didn't.

savage1: yes he did. CNN said he got 81 million votes, the most in history.

Feds: yeah CNN told you millions were dying from covid too [laughing].

savage1: yes there are millions dying.

Feds: Uhh, no there isn't. It's all a game, don't you understand they don't care about you, they are just making shit up so they can shoot you up with a deadly vaccine.

savage1: why would you say that? the science proves this virus is very deadly and that the vaccine works.

Feds: what science son?

savage1: the science Dr. Fauci follows.

Feds: Fauci, are you serious?

savage1: Yes, he was the man of the year for a reason.

Feds: he was also wrong 100% of the time. Speaking of "time" you do understand Time magazine who said Fauci was man of the Year is owned by the same people that want to shoot you up wit an experimental drug, right?

savage1: No this is not true. Time magazine is very reputable. I rank them right up there with Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.

Feds: Are you serious?

savage1: Yes.

Feds: do you live under a rock or in your mom's basement?

savage1: [laughing] No but I appreciate your sense of humor.

Feds: we are not being funny. Only a moron would believe Cooper and Lemon are credible reporters. And only a moron would think covid is real and that Biden is president.

savage1: Well I take offense to this. I'm a very smart man who was a very senior investigator with the Massachusetts Welfare Department. I know a thing or two you know.

Feds: Yeah, well you are about to get a free education in the U.S. Constitution.

savage1: that's what he always says.

Feds: who?

savage1: the guy at the forum.

Feds: are you sure it's not the guy in your head? [laughing]

savage1: he kind of is in my head too.

Feds: what do you mean?

savage1: he's the first thing I think of every morning and the last thing i think of at night.

Feds: Do you support LGBT?

savage1: yes I do.

Feds: we seem like the type of person that would. Perhaps you just have a man crush. [laughing]

savage1: [laughing] no I don't. I already have partner. His name is wilbur.

Feds: to each his own. [laughing]

Feds: How old are you sir?

savage1: 78

Feds: Okay, now we understand what you mean by senior. Have you had any cognizant tests recently?

savage1: No.

Feds: we strongly suggest you do.

savage1: let's get back to this guy in the forum.

Feds: what's his name?

savage1: I don't know.

Feds: where does he live?

savage1: I don't know.

Feds: do you have conversations with him frequently?

savage1: sort of.

Feds: what do you mean?

savage1: I post all day every day but he never responds to me.

Feds: why not?

savage1: I'm not sure but probably because I am killing it with my posts.

Feds: Is this happening in your thread or a thread created by him.

savage1: by him.

Feds: so to be clear, you are in his thread, posting all day every day and he doesn't respond to you, is this correct?

savage1: yes, but I know he reads my posts.

Feds: How do you know this? Do you have proof you can send us?

savage1: yes, I printed out the entire thread so you can see his posts.

Feds: To be honest we are not concerned with his posts, we are concerned with the proof you have that he is reading your posts.

savage1: well, I don't really have that.

Feds: So let's get this straight... you are in a public chat room, in someone's else's thread, talking to yourself, thinking you are killing it with every post, thinking he is reading your posts, but have no proof of it?

savage1: yes this is correct, can you find him and go after him?

Feds: Are you stupid sir? It's you we should come after for wasting our time with this delusional nonsense. Again, the only advice we have for you is to seek professional help and get that cognizant test done asap. Something isn't right with you and, although we do not give professional advice, we are of the opinion you should either be highly medicated or institutionalized.

savage1: You are making a big mistake pal. I know people in high places. I will be calling my old supervisor at the State Welfare Department to file a complaint about you.

Feds: [laughing] [click, hang up]


Jan 13, 2019
ot I had trouble deciding where to grab some quick dinner tonight.folks.

Then the revelation hit me to go to somewhere symbolic of this thread.

Thus I finally chose Chick-fil-A because the name is truly representative and symbolic of chickenshit folks like fpp/sbd who pretend to

put me on ignore rather than to try to defend themselves or even debate me because well they realize that everything that I have

said and documented about them is 100% true, and that they would dig their graves even deeper if they dared to try to dispute it!!
If what you have for your meals is going to be symbolic of whats happening here, you should have a Bloody mary as well, being that you always act like a little bitch who is on the rag!

Nov 11, 2007
Just one more thing to consider before fpp/sbd or anyone else decides to cast aspersions I did as a person who as part

of the job needed to expose welfare fraud(not by any means all of my job, as I was a Quality Control Specialist, whose

primary function as well as that of others who did the same thing was to determine eligibility and the correctness of

benefits of received based on a randomly selected sample each month.

The point is that I and the others had to be completely objective in our findings with no regard to political affiliations.

I mention this because I have been portrayed by some i this thread as very liberal when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

If I was as liberal as some of you folks think I am, believe me I could have easily twisted the data in favor of those who committed fraud.

Actually going back to the 60;s era, many of my associates in my life were very liberally minded.

In fact before I graduated to by QC Specialist job, I was just an everyday eligibility worked who determined eligibility

and assessed their overall needs.

Let's just say that many of my co-workers were so incredibly liberal in that they wanted to hand over there the ranch to

recipients such as brand new furniture(sometimes without even documentation that they actually needed it), it really angered


I took the time to go to their apartments to determine if they really needed everything they requested.

The bottom line is that sometimes they needed all of it and sometimes they did not.

Thank God a couple of years later this mass giveaway program ended and the reliability requirements became much stricter.

Conclusion-you are making a big mistake if you refer to me as a liberal , whereas as I already stated, in

fact the original welfare rules and regulations were way too liberal for me.

Actually,some of my views are far from liberal as I am anti-abortion, against gay marriage and homosexuality, all of which

are much closer to the Republican way of thinking!!

That's it!!

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this-I really wanted to get this off of my chest!!
Just spoke with the Feds and they provided me a transcript of their call with savage1:

[phone ringing]

Feds: FBI, this is special agent [redacted].

savage1: Hi, this is [redacted], I would like to file a complaint.

Feds: for?

savage1: against someone posting stuff in a forum that makes me very uncomfortable.

Feds: continue.

savage1: There is someone there, he goes by the name sportsbookdata. He posts a lot of stuff that I don't agree with and it makes me very uncomfortable.

Feds: Why does it make you so uncomfortable? Is he threatening you or your family?

savage1: Umm, not per se, but his his posts threaten me.

Feds: why is that?

savage1: Because it's all the opposite of what CNN and MSN tells me what to think.

Feds: why does it bother you so much?

savage1: because everything he says almost always comes true.

Feds: We don't understand, what's the problem then?

savage1: he keeps spreading misinformation about Biden not being President and always saying Trump will be President again.

Feds: You do know Biden isn't president, right?

savage1: huh?

Feds: Yeah, Biden isn't the president.

savage1: how can you say this? Biden won the election.

Feds: uh, no he didn't.

savage1: yes he did. CNN said he got 81 million votes, the most in history.

Feds: yeah CNN told you millions were dying from covid too [laughing].

savage1: yes there are millions dying.

Feds: Uhh, no there isn't. It's all a game, don't you understand they don't care about you, they are just making shit up so they can shoot you up with a deadly vaccine.

savage1: why would you say that? the science proves this virus is very deadly and that the vaccine works.

Feds: what science son?

savage1: the science Dr. Fauci follows.

Feds: Fauci, are you serious?

savage1: Yes, he was the man of the year for a reason.

Feds: he was also wrong 100% of the time. Speaking of "time" you do understand Time magazine who said Fauci was man of the Year is owned by the same people that want to shoot you up wit an experimental drug, right?

savage1: No this is not true. Time magazine is very reputable. I rank them right up there with Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.

Feds: Are you serious?

savage1: Yes.

Feds: do you live under a rock or in your mom's basement?

savage1: [laughing] No but I appreciate your sense of humor.

Feds: we are not being funny. Only a moron would believe Cooper and Lemon are credible reporters. And only a moron would think covid is real and that Biden is president.

savage1: Well I take offense to this. I'm a very smart man who was a very senior investigator with the Massachusetts Welfare Department. I know a thing or two you know.

Feds: Yeah, well you are about to get a free education in the U.S. Constitution.

savage1: that's what he always says.

Feds: who?

savage1: the guy at the forum.

Feds: are you sure it's not the guy in your head? [laughing]

savage1: he kind of is in my head too.

Feds: what do you mean?

savage1: he's the first thing I think of every morning and the last thing i think of at night.

Feds: Do you support LGBT?

savage1: yes I do.

Feds: we seem like the type of person that would. Perhaps you just have a man crush. [laughing]

savage1: [laughing] no I don't. I already have partner. His name is wilbur.

Feds: to each his own. [laughing]

Feds: How old are you sir?

savage1: 78

Feds: Okay, now we understand what you mean by senior. Have you had any cognizant tests recently?

savage1: No.

Feds: we strongly suggest you do.

savage1: let's get back to this guy in the forum.

Feds: what's his name?

savage1: I don't know.

Feds: where does he live?

savage1: I don't know.

Feds: do you have conversations with him frequently?

savage1: sort of.

Feds: what do you mean?

savage1: I post all day every day but he never responds to me.

Feds: why not?

savage1: I'm not sure but probably because I am killing it with my posts.

Feds: Is this happening in your thread or a thread created by him.

savage1: by him.

Feds: so to be clear, you are in his thread, posting all day every day and he doesn't respond to you, is this correct?

savage1: yes, but I know he reads my posts.

Feds: How do you know this? Do you have proof you can send us?

savage1: yes, I printed out the entire thread so you can see his posts.

Feds: To be honest we are not concerned with his posts, we are concerned with the proof you have that he is reading your posts.

savage1: well, I don't really have that.

Feds: So let's get this straight... you are in a public chat room, in someone's else's thread, talking to yourself, thinking you are killing it with every post, thinking he is reading your posts, but have no proof of it?

savage1: yes this is correct, can you find him and go after him?

Feds: Are you stupid sir? It's you we should come after for wasting our time with this delusional nonsense. Again, the only advice we have for you is to seek professional help and get that cognizant test done asap. Something isn't right with you and, although we do not give professional advice, we are of the opinion you should either be highly medicated or institutionalized.

savage1: You are making a big mistake pal. I know people in high places. I will be calling my old supervisor at the State Welfare Department to file a complaint about you.

Feds: [laughing] [click, hang up]

I will give you credit for a change showing that you that at least somewhere in your being the potential is there to

show that you do have a sense of humor rather than the borg-like/robotic/stiff manner in which your post every day.

That said, when all is said and done, your post amounts to the same things which I have documented about you such as begging

the question, poisoning the well, illogic, nonsequiturs, contradictions and inconsistencies with the notable difference

being that you are projecting your own deficiencies onto the feds.

Two corrections though:

1) Not that it matters that much, but I am 77 rather than 78.

2) I do not support LGBT and imo these folks are in serious need of professional help, the same as you.

Finally, I am curious as to how you know about all of the stuff you cited about me in your parody,

Since your say you don't read my posts, did all of this come to you because of your psychic abilities, did

one of your "friends" in this thread tell you via pm what I said or did you find out by some other means?

If you don't read my posts, then I certainly don't expect a response from you unless of course what I just stated is true.

Kindly comment on this apparent contradiction/paradox.

Nov 11, 2007
If what you have for your meals is going to be symbolic of whats happening here, you should have a Bloody mary as well, being that you always act like a little bitch who is on the rag!
Once again a very weak response on your part because sadly your brain is not capable of anything other than namecalling

and insults!!

Nov 11, 2007
The final move and ultimate battle between good and evil according to you was supposed to take place about a year

and a half ago!!

What happened to that prediction(like all of the others) and/or were there extenuating circumstances which caused

the delay??

Please be specific for a change!!

Dec 17, 2004

Nov 11, 2007

Joe Biden was involved in a deal with Hunter and a Chinese giant — and was expecting a 10% cut

Oneida would be split according to an email sent by James Gilliar to the group on May 13, 2017, laying out the distribution of shares.

“The equity will be distributed as follows,” wrote Gilliar, listing the shares in percentages.

“20 H [Hunter]
“20 RW [Walker]
“20 JG [Gilliar]
“20 TB [Bobulinski]
“10 Jim [Biden]
“10 held by H for the big guy.”

Like the op stated at the onset of this thread, and maintained throughout, "don't forget 10% for the big guy".

When "conspiracy" becomes truth.

Could Joe be the "next one" to be sent to GITMO for trial and execution??

If so, I hope for the sake of his six or more body doubles, the folks doing the arresting don't mistake one of them for Biden

and execute one of them instead!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

It's amazing how many people STILL haven't figured it out and STILL think all of this is about a "virus".

Why not ask Trump, as he would LOVE to be able to rule with the iron hand that Hitler did and execute anyone

who stood in his way!!

Nov 11, 2007

Again, you can't hide inflation forever.

You can't hide the REAL data forever.

Omicron not only helps them force feed the vaxx but it also provides them with a reason for the imminent crash.

Bring on the crash if you are right for a change(.2% of the time)!!

I got plenty of cash on the sidelines to cash in if the market shows that we have entered a bear market and/or to adjust

the portion of my portfolio which I manage.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Joe Biden was involved in a deal with Hunter and a Chinese giant — and was expecting a 10% cut

Oneida would be split according to an email sent by James Gilliar to the group on May 13, 2017, laying out the distribution of shares.

“The equity will be distributed as follows,” wrote Gilliar, listing the shares in percentages.

“20 H [Hunter]
“20 RW [Walker]
“20 JG [Gilliar]
“20 TB [Bobulinski]
“10 Jim [Biden]
“10 held by H for the big guy.”

Like the op stated at the onset of this thread, and maintained throughout, "don't forget 10% for the big guy".

When "conspiracy" becomes truth.




Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say

More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son.

But there’s no such thing as the Deep State .

They knew exactly the legitimacy of the Post Story .

And they gave cover for the lying senile shit stain in the WH to use it as his defense in his debate with Trump when meth mouth’s laptop question came up .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Imo this is very logical thinking on Powell's part.

Greater concerns about the virus could reduce people's willingness to work in person, which would slow progress in the labor market and intensify supply-chain disruptions," Powell wrote in his testimony.

Lol !

News flash . The virus will continue to mutate and although strains can become more contagious they do become much weaker .

These clowns should take a message from Gov. DeSantis and not live their lives in fear .

Nov 11, 2007
My only response to this is that the virus and its variants and the future potential contained therein are unknown at this time.

Unlike as is the case in handicapping a horse race, where one can evaluate a given horse's chance of winning based on

past performance, we really don't have one when it comes to Covid as it is still evolving.

Thus, imo the term "not living one's life in fear" is not the correct term here to describe the situation because of the fact

that as we have seen with the variants/mutations it is still evolving.

Personally I believe that science and technology will EVENTUALLY rid the world of this disease.

I respect those who see things differently, but I don't respect at all anyone who tries to dismiss the Virus as one gigantic hoax,

and such nonsense that it is not to be taken any more seriously than a common cold-that is just pure denial of the

facts and statistics surrounding this Virus.

I myself have taken a sort of in-between approach to this Virus subject to change depending on circumstances.

Since I have received both vaccinations, I no longer wear a mask when I go shopping, go to restaurants or other public

places even though I see many folks who still do.

If I see clear evidence that conditions/infections are worsening here in Massachusetts where I reside, I may very well

start wearing a mask again and stay home as much as possible such as I did when Covid first made its presence known.

In short, I am taking a wait-and-see approach moving forward.

Obviously being happily retired, financially secure and not having to go to work every day put me in an advantageous position over

those who are not in that position and have to make the decision as to whether to go to work and get vaccinated,

using whatever criterion they choose to make that decision.

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