
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

The Covid/Flu test???? Same test???

Do you see what they're quietly admitting here?? It was the FLU all along! Hence the FLU "magically disappearing" from those FAKE worldometer numbers during the SCAMDEMIC! Duh!

TARDS STILL won't connect the dots! :duh:

Stupid-19 👉 Because only STUPID people fell for the fearmongering and propaganda!

Aug 17, 2019

The Covid/Flu test???? Same test???

Do you see what they're quietly admitting here?? It was the FLU all along! Hence the FLU "magically disappearing" from those FAKE worldometer numbers during the SCAMDEMIC! Duh!

TARDS STILL won't connect the dots! :duh:

Stupid-19 👉 Because only STUPID people fell for the fearmongering and propaganda!


Covid was an IQ test.

And it was sad and disturbing to learn and witness how many stupid people there really are walking this planet.
Sep 12, 2022
Covid was an IQ test.

And it was sad and disturbing to learn and witness how many stupid people there really are walking this planet.
Almost everyone I know fell for it. Even those who didn't take the jab still said, "Oh no, the virus is real. I just think the government is overreacting to it." (They got that line from talk radio shills Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Wayne Allyn Root, Ben Shapiro - all Jews, BTW).

I know at least 30 people who died from the fake vaccine.
Sep 12, 2022

JAG Arrests Treasonous Judge Juan Merchan​

Michael Baxter
September 7, 2024

US Navy JAG investigators arrested Deep State Judge Juan Merchan, the treasonous justice who adjudicated the state of New York’s illegal “hush money” case against President Trump, outside his home in Queens Wednesday morning, pounding yet another stake into the heart of the Southern District of New York’s corrupt criminal justice system.

Curiously, the arrest came two days before a man claiming to be Merchan issued a statement saying he would delay sentencing in the case until after the presidential election, postponing the original Sept. 18 date.
“This is not a decision this Court makes lightly but it is the decision which in this Court’s view, best advances the interests of justice,” allegedly Judge Juan Merchan wrote in the decision handed down Friday.

White Hats say there’s no situation imaginable where Merchan, who despised Trump with every fiber of his being, would have suspended sentencing the man he swore to destroy, and that the Deep State postponed the date because it now must conjure an explanation for the sudden disappearance of not only Merchan, but also the 11 compromised jurors who sat in judgment of President Trump.

Real Raw News reported on several of the jurors’ arrests. JAG sources now say 11 are in custody and that a few might testify against Merchan once JAG schedules his military tribunal. The twelfth juror died resisting arrest.
The indictment against Merchan states JAG has leveled the following charges against him: seditious conspiracy, treason, defrauding the United States, and advocating the overthrow of the government. If found guilty, Merchan could face life in prison or, more likely, the death penalty.

“The case is ironclad, open and shut,” a JAG source said. “Admiral Crandall hasn’t opined on a sentence yet, but I can’t imagine he’d push for anything less than a hanging. We’ve hung Deep Staters for less. The thing is, we got him, and now maybe he’ll face justice. His arrest was long overdue.”

The arrest, he added, took place at approximately 7:00 a.m. Wednesday as Merchan left his lavish home in the Astoria neighborhood in Queens. He had been walking to his car when three JAG investigators approached from behind, tapped him on the shoulder, and informed him he had an appointment at Guantanamo Bay. Startled, Merchan spun around and instinctively swung at an investigator, clipping his chin. The two other investigators knocked Merchan to the ground, “bruised him a bit,” and placed him in handcuffs, our source said.

“He wasn’t grievously wounded, but if he had been, he had it coming to him,” our source said. “Merchan will join some of his pals at GITMO.”
As an aside, Alvin Bragg’s military tribunal took place this week. I will get that article out as quickly as possible.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Almost everyone I know fell for it. Even those who didn't take the jab still said, "Oh no, the virus is real. I just think the government is overreacting to it." (They got that line from talk radio shills Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Wayne Allyn Root, Ben Shapiro - all Jews, BTW).

I know at least 30 people who died from the fake vaccine.
My father passed away 3 days after taking his booster. My brother, taking his booster the same day dad did, collapsed shortly after that (paralyzed ) with blood clots and a stroke. He's been going thru medical procedures ever since, He's not the same person anymore. I told him at the time ,why I wasn't taking these jabs, felt most importantly, we weren't in the danger age group , or in any kind of danger from this virus, but it didn't seem to resonate with him. Big toll on the family overall.

Nobody can convince me these vaccines were good for anyone.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Covid was an IQ test.

And it was sad and disturbing to learn and witness how many stupid people there really are walking this planet.
Stupid selfish greedy delusional egotistical fallen people is how we got into this mess in the first place. Why the Adults took over. Why the military became the only way.

Some of these idiots won't wake up until that blaring EBS on their phone scares them shitless.

Living through "Covid" was like living in the Twilight Zone. Masked, multi-jabbed demoralized morons hiding under their beds lecturing us with "science" 🤡

Or, leading up to that... how about the assholes over the years who labeled us "racists", "homophobic", "anti-science" and the next "Timothy McVeighs" all because we wanted to be left alone and wouldn't bend to their demonic agendas.

As Andrew Breitbart once said, "FUCK YOU!! 👉 WAR!!"

"I can promise you America will not look as it does today in two months. It won't. It won't. A lot's gonna happen that we can't control or predict. But trust me. It'll be a different place by the first week of November." - Tucker Carlson

Once they unleash DECLAS, ain't no putting that genie back in the bottle.

We'll all have to live with the consequences, including suicides and full meltdowns coming from the most ignorant brainwashed sectors of society when their entire worldview (layers upon layers of brainwashing) completely collapses. I'm fine with that. That's not on us. We've done more than enough to wake people up...

Time to leave that old delusional demonic Cabal-manufactured world behind and move forward with NEW TRUTHS, new technologies underpinned by timeless values.



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order​

I cannot wait for the entire planet to witness every last one of these psychotic cabal demons swinging from a rope.

Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum!

"Let Justice Be Done, Though the Heavens May fall!"

Sep 12, 2022
My father passed away 3 days after taking his booster. My brother, taking his booster the same day dad did, collapsed shortly after that (paralyzed ) with blood clots and a stroke. He's been going thru medical procedures ever since, He's not the same person anymore. I told him at the time ,why I wasn't taking these jabs, felt most importantly, we weren't in the danger age group , or in any kind of danger from this virus, but it didn't seem to resonate with him. Big toll on the family overall.

Nobody can convince me these vaccines were good for anyone.
My condolences. Yours is a tough loss.

The day is coming when we will see some of those hoax-pushers hanging by the neck.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
My heart goes out to anyone who lost loved ones or friends because of this historic fraud....truly.

I thought I had it bad when I was informed I couldn't attend simple traditional family events without shoving that fraudulent clown "PCR test" up my nostrils, which made me seethe with anger.. not at my relatives but at the demons who did this to us all. I hold them directly responsible for not being able to reach the brainwashed masses during this PSYOP, including people I care about.

No punishment is too harsh, no matter how staggering the numbers or graphic the visuals. As far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier. The more jaws I see hit the floor, the more my heart will be filled with love and peace.

One person who thought I was a total nutjob during the "pandemic" recently reached out to me after learning about some inconvenient truths about the famed Dr. Fauci. I wanted to tell him that psychopath is long gone but wisely bit my tongue.

I watch President Trump during speeches and see how often he too wants to tell the world with a snide comment here and there. Not even a 'comm'...sometimes things slip out. Like Kash Patel the other day in an interview when he said he was "still serving". Oops! Kash is great because he knows everything, however unlike President Trump, Kash has a bad poker face. lol

"The enormity of what's coming will shock the world" - Q

And that was BEFORE "Covid" and THE STEAL...

However hard the Sheep were hit by "Covid", reality (justice) has to hit them that much harder.


Examples must be set and harsh lessons taught.


Never EVER again!


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