
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Bozo and Squirt's heroes

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 02-07-40 Nick Sortor on X 🚨 #BREAKING The FBI has reportedly executed...png

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
LAWFARE: Arrest warrants have been issued for Chris Pavlovski, CEO of Rumble, and Andrew Torba, CEO of GAB. Both are facing charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, along with several other offenses. What’s going on?
Narrative deployment by White Hats for normies.

Similar to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France.

"They’re arresting everyone who promotes truth and free speech!!!"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Many intelligent Anons said that Vivek was in the “Presidential race” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as a proxy to say the things to the RIGHT that Trump couldn’t…

Many intelligent Anons said that Tucker Carlson was “fired from Fox” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as the largest independent Journalist in the world.

Many intelligent Anons said that RFK was in the “Presidential race” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as a proxy to say the things to the LEFT that Trump couldn’t…

Tonight in Anaheim you saw the White Hats merge all three narratives on stage for the next phase.

👉5th Generation Warfare

👉 Military precision

👉 BRILLIANTLY executed


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Great “17” dig by Stormy Patriot Joe looking at the 2020 Presidential Election totals for Trump.

By now most of you know the 2020 election was a controlled sting operation facilitated and controlled by Space Force.

Now consider…

2016 = Trump win with under 63 million
2020 = Trump “loss” with over 74 million

That’s an INCREASE of 17% 😎

The lamest, laziest and dumbest argument is…DJT “Lost” in 2020 because MAGA voters didn’t turnout.

And that lame argument comes from brainwashed TARDS believing the FAKE narrative who lack common sense, basic math skills and, above all, common decency and ethics.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Biden controls the Justice Dept in 2024. Good Luck winning in 2024. Trump will be lucky to win 2 states" - codebreaker

:an_laugh: 🤡 🤡 🤡

This douche canoe keeps churning out gems with ZERO replies and virtually ZERO views!

White Hats have gone out of their way to make "Kamala" (a MALE military impostor wearing a mask!) and the worst VP ever look like the dumbest, most incompetent, most unlikeable, Marxist, CHEATING, unpopular "campaign" in history. Not a single media presser to date and the staged CNN "interview" was an absolute TRAIN WRECK with "17" comms UP THE ASS!

You see, if and when they "steal" it again, even normies won't believe it! Sure in 2020, many just went along with it, but there's no way in hell that will happen this time.

Aside from that, we are remain under...

👉Military Occupation
👉Government in Exile
👉 Continuity of Operations, aka Devolution
👉 45-47 👉The DASH means something

Nothing counts. NOTHING. Including elections.

Until things change, Trump remains the CIC while those beautiful USAF planes keep flying in and out of GITMO 24/7.

LMFAO at TARDS who STILL think this "movie" is REAL...and that "Biden" (who Commander Trump sent packing to the beach!) and the "Kamala campaign" are "in control" of ANYTHING!

The Stupid! It Burns!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Sep 12, 2022
Many intelligent Anons said that Vivek was in the “Presidential race” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as a proxy to say the things to the RIGHT that Trump couldn’t…

Many intelligent Anons said that Tucker Carlson was “fired from Fox” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as the largest independent Journalist in the world.

Many intelligent Anons said that RFK was in the “Presidential race” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as a proxy to say the things to the LEFT that Trump couldn’t…

Tonight in Anaheim you saw the White Hats merge all three narratives on stage for the next phase.

👉5th Generation Warfare

👉 Military precision

👉 BRILLIANTLY executed

There's still magic in the Kennedy name. Look at how electrified the crowd becomes when he appears.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Daily Reminder and Review 👇 👇 👇 👇

👉"Important Virus Update" - SBD

Stupid-19 (because you had to be STUPID to believe the SCAMDEMIC was actually real :an_laugh:muah "science"🤡:duh:) was the Deep State's Cabal's "last gasp" - their Hail-Mary pass that would have parlayed their long planned 5-10 year "lockdowns" and perpetual Globalized welfare checks and QR-code controlled police state into the NWO's "The Great Reset"

The Cabal went for broke with their Global propaganda blitzkrieg while President Trump's Digital Army of ANONS singlehandedly disemboweled their bullshit talking points, one by one, like nothing before in history, slowly but surely WAKING PEOPLE UP! That's right, those crazy "debunked Qanons 🤡:rolleyes:" liberated all the stupid brainwashed gullible asses who were marching us straight into Global tyranny! You're welcome! :grrr: 🤫

While that was happening, Commander Trump gave all the brainwashed chicken-shit TARDS and CUCKservatives their FAKE "vaccine" ("Warp Speed" 👉saline shots supervised by the military) so they'd come out from under their beds and resume life, while prepping the military for the biggest STING OPERATION and counter-punch in human history! Nine - count'em 9!!- National Emergency Executive Orders for independent THINKERS who shut off FAKE "news" and can read.

Do this 👉 Google " not recognizable" and prepare to be blown away. Try it. See for yourself how many TV celebs, politicians, CEOs and even royalty show up in your search. Just to give you a taste of the sheer SCALE of this Operation.

Pure Evil 👉 "These people are SICK" - Q

👉 Military Occupation
👉 1,000,000 Federalized National Guard, including 25,000 troops that invaded "The Swamp"
👉 GITMO, Guam and offshore Navy ships holding military tribunals and executions
👉 500,000++++ sealed indictments
👉 Government in Exile
👉 Historic Global CIV-MIL Alliance
👉 Continuity of Operations, aka Devolution (FAKE "Biden" and "his" FAKE administration)
👉 45-47 👉The DASH matters

"I am a wartime president and we are fighting an invisible enemy" - Commander Trump
(he said while all those evil cabal sons-of-bitches were secretly being rounded up for tribunals and executions, one by one 🤫)

"Unconventional Special Forces fighting an unconventional war" - Ezra Cohen-Watnick

But what does "unconventional" ACTUALLY mean?

Think about it... 95% of the world's population remain blissfully unaware that we are in fact at WAR.

So imagine the lengths White Hats went through to minimize bloodshed and prevent people from getting caught in the crossfire - killing each other fighting for "causes" they don't even understand (like 👉 the FAKE PLANDEMIC...and other Cabal mind control bullshit)

"Unconventional" means...

👉 "Biden" is FAKE
👉"Kamala" is FAKE
👉"Tampon Tim" is FAKE
👉 Trump's Deep State "indictments and arrests" are FAKE
👉 IF Trump is JAILED (for good reason, which I explained previously) that's FAKE too
👉The Nov election (IF it happens) is absolutely 100% FAKE, just like 2018, 2020 & 2022 (EO 13848)

You see? The Adults took over and "saved democracy"...for your own good. Because the demonic psychopaths TARDS BLINDLY trusted wanted them dead.

You'll hear their confessions in the future - then watch them dangle at the end of a rope!

Don't believe me? Sit back and watch this Operation unfold on a DAILY basis in REAL TIME 👉RECEIPTS, exclusive intel drops and "connected dots" up the ass!

"I am the Chosen One...somebody had to do it!" - Commander Trump


The Best Is Yet To Come! :cool:


Aug 17, 2019
Daily Reminder and Review 👇 👇 👇 👇

👉"Important Virus Update" - SBD

Stupid-19 (because you had to be STUPID to believe the SCAMDEMIC was actually real :an_laugh:muah "science"🤡:duh:) was the Deep State's Cabal's "last gasp" - their Hail-Mary pass that would have parlayed their long planned 5-10 year "lockdowns" and perpetual Globalized welfare checks and QR-code controlled police state into the NWO's "The Great Reset"

The Cabal went for broke with their Global propaganda blitzkrieg while President Trump's Digital Army of ANONS singlehandedly disemboweled their bullshit talking points, one by one, like nothing before in history, slowly but surely WAKING PEOPLE UP! That's right, those crazy "debunked Qanons 🤡:rolleyes:" liberated all the stupid brainwashed gullible asses who were marching us straight into Global tyranny! You're welcome! :grrr: 🤫

While that was happening, Commander Trump gave all the brainwashed chicken-shit TARDS and CUCKservatives their FAKE "vaccine" ("Warp Speed" 👉saline shots supervised by the military) so they'd come out from under their beds and resume life, while prepping the military for the biggest STING OPERATION and counter-punch in human history! Nine - count'em 9!!- National Emergency Executive Orders for independent THINKERS who shut off FAKE "news" and can read.

Do this 👉 Google " not recognizable" and prepare to be blown away. Try it. See for yourself how many TV celebs, politicians, CEOs and even royalty show up in your search. Just to give you a taste of the sheer SCALE of this Operation.

Pure Evil 👉 "These people are SICK" - Q

👉 Military Occupation
👉 1,000,000 Federalized National Guard, including 25,000 troops that invaded "The Swamp"
👉 GITMO, Guam and offshore Navy ships holding military tribunals and executions
👉 500,000++++ sealed indictments
👉 Government in Exile
👉 Historic Global CIV-MIL Alliance
👉 Continuity of Operations, aka Devolution (FAKE "Biden" and "his" FAKE administration)
👉 45-47 👉The DASH matters

"I am a wartime president and we are fighting an invisible enemy" - Commander Trump
(he said while all those evil cabal sons-of-bitches were secretly being rounded up for tribunals and executions, one by one 🤫)

"Unconventional Special Forces fighting an unconventional war" - Ezra Cohen-Watnick

But what does "unconventional" ACTUALLY mean?

Think about it... 95% of the world's population remain blissfully unaware that we are in fact at WAR.

So imagine the lengths White Hats went through to minimize bloodshed and prevent people from getting caught in the crossfire - killing each other fighting for "causes" they don't even understand (like 👉 the FAKE PLANDEMIC...and other Cabal mind control bullshit)

"Unconventional" means...

👉 "Biden" is FAKE
👉"Kamala" is FAKE
👉"Tampon Tim" is FAKE
👉 Trump's Deep State "indictments and arrests" are FAKE
👉 IF Trump is JAILED (for good reason, which I explained previously) that's FAKE too
👉The Nov election (IF it happens) is absolutely 100% FAKE, just like 2018, 2020 & 2022 (EO 13848)

You see? The Adults took over and "saved democracy"...for your own good. Because the demonic psychopaths TARDS BLINDLY trusted wanted them dead.

You'll hear their confessions in the future - then watch them dangle at the end of a rope!

Don't believe me? Sit back and watch this Operation unfold on a DAILY basis in REAL TIME 👉RECEIPTS, exclusive intel drops and "connected dots" up the ass!

"I am the Chosen One...somebody had to do it!" - Commander Trump


The Best Is Yet To Come! :cool:





Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
TRUTH 👇 👇 👇 👇

1. God is real.
2. There are two genders.
3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
4. Reverse racism is racism.
5. An open border is no border.
6. Parents determine the education of their children.
7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
“What Donald Trump calls the ‘Deep State’ ... it's a conspiracy of self-interests that functions together in tandem to shift wealth upward, to clamp down totalitarian controls, and to transform this country from the world's exemplary democracy into a corporate kleptocracy and a very, very oppressive oligarchical system. [That's] the kind of system that we fought a revolution to overthrow in 1776.”

Sep 12, 2022
Many intelligent Anons said that Vivek was in the “Presidential race” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as a proxy to say the things to the RIGHT that Trump couldn’t…

Many intelligent Anons said that Tucker Carlson was “fired from Fox” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as the largest independent Journalist in the world.

Many intelligent Anons said that RFK was in the “Presidential race” because he was playing a role for Trump and the military as a proxy to say the things to the LEFT that Trump couldn’t…

Tonight in Anaheim you saw the White Hats merge all three narratives on stage for the next phase.

👉5th Generation Warfare

👉 Military precision

👉 BRILLIANTLY executed

There's still magic in the Kennedy name. Look at how electrified the crowd becomes at
Daily Reminder and Review 👇 👇 👇 👇

👉"Important Virus Update" - SBD

Stupid-19 (because you had to be STUPID to believe the SCAMDEMIC was actually real :an_laugh:muah "science"🤡:duh:) was the Deep State's Cabal's "last gasp" - their Hail-Mary pass that would have parlayed their long planned 5-10 year "lockdowns" and perpetual Globalized welfare checks and QR-code controlled police state into the NWO's "The Great Reset"

The Cabal went for broke with their Global propaganda blitzkrieg while President Trump's Digital Army of ANONS singlehandedly disemboweled their bullshit talking points, one by one, like nothing before in history, slowly but surely WAKING PEOPLE UP! That's right, those crazy "debunked Qanons 🤡:rolleyes:" liberated all the stupid brainwashed gullible asses who were marching us straight into Global tyranny! You're welcome! :grrr: 🤫

While that was happening, Commander Trump gave all the brainwashed chicken-shit TARDS and CUCKservatives their FAKE "vaccine" ("Warp Speed" 👉saline shots supervised by the military) so they'd come out from under their beds and resume life, while prepping the military for the biggest STING OPERATION and counter-punch in human history! Nine - count'em 9!!- National Emergency Executive Orders for independent THINKERS who shut off FAKE "news" and can read.

Do this 👉 Google " not recognizable" and prepare to be blown away. Try it. See for yourself how many TV celebs, politicians, CEOs and even royalty show up in your search. Just to give you a taste of the sheer SCALE of this Operation.

Pure Evil 👉 "These people are SICK" - Q

👉 Military Occupation
👉 1,000,000 Federalized National Guard, including 25,000 troops that invaded "The Swamp"
👉 GITMO, Guam and offshore Navy ships holding military tribunals and executions
👉 500,000++++ sealed indictments
👉 Government in Exile
👉 Historic Global CIV-MIL Alliance
👉 Continuity of Operations, aka Devolution (FAKE "Biden" and "his" FAKE administration)
👉 45-47 👉The DASH matters

"I am a wartime president and we are fighting an invisible enemy" - Commander Trump
(he said while all those evil cabal sons-of-bitches were secretly being rounded up for tribunals and executions, one by one 🤫)

"Unconventional Special Forces fighting an unconventional war" - Ezra Cohen-Watnick

But what does "unconventional" ACTUALLY mean?

Think about it... 95% of the world's population remain blissfully unaware that we are in fact at WAR.

So imagine the lengths White Hats went through to minimize bloodshed and prevent people from getting caught in the crossfire - killing each other fighting for "causes" they don't even understand (like 👉 the FAKE PLANDEMIC...and other Cabal mind control bullshit)

"Unconventional" means...

👉 "Biden" is FAKE
👉"Kamala" is FAKE
👉"Tampon Tim" is FAKE
👉 Trump's Deep State "indictments and arrests" are FAKE
👉 IF Trump is JAILED (for good reason, which I explained previously) that's FAKE too
👉The Nov election (IF it happens) is absolutely 100% FAKE, just like 2018, 2020 & 2022 (EO 13848)

You see? The Adults took over and "saved democracy"...for your own good. Because the demonic psychopaths TARDS BLINDLY trusted wanted them dead.

You'll hear their confessions in the future - then watch them dangle at the end of a rope!

Don't believe me? Sit back and watch this Operation unfold on a DAILY basis in REAL TIME 👉RECEIPTS, exclusive intel drops and "connected dots" up the ass!

"I am the Chosen One...somebody had to do it!" - Commander Trump


The Best Is Yet To Come! :cool:


Google must have changed their algorithm, because when I type in ...not recognizable, all I get is computer info. But here's one I spotted recently. Supposed to be Selena Gomez. Look closely and you can see a horizontal line at the neck.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Tucker Carlson predicts a different country by the first week of November

"I just hope that you remember no matter what happens after this and it's the beginning of September of an election year, So I can promise you America will not look as it does today in two months. It won't. It won't. A lot's gonna happen that we can't control or predict. But trust me. It'll be a different place by the first week of November....."

Let's go! :cool:


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

What do...

President Andrew Jackson
President William Harrison
President James Polk
President Zachary Taylor
President Franklin Pierce
President James Buchanan
President Abraham Lincoln
President James Garfield
President William McKinley
President Warren Harding
President John F. Kennedy
President Ronald Reagan

...have in common?

All assassinated, nearly assassinated or "died suddenly" (mysteriously) at the hands of the Cabal.

Not to mention, what they did to President Nixon (politically assassinated) and now the endless harassment and persecution against President Trump.

Criminal Mafia Banking Cartel.

Dark to Light.


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