Sep 12, 2022
You gotta love the TARD mentality.

We've been posting military flight data for years (no CLOWN "fact-checking" required 👉 right in front of you!) with GITMO traffic busier than Atlanta International.

👉Beautiful Executive Order 13823 —Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists

All it would have taken for "Biden" to shut'er down (as promised) is the stroke of a pen. But that didn't happen. In fact, FAKE "Biden" renewed Commander Trump's EOs multiple times!

With all these RECEIPTS, you would have thought at some point it should have clicked for TARDS.

But no.

Their motto is, "Ignorance is Bliss"...along with.. "We Got Him This Time For Sure!"


👉 🍿🎥 for normies

👉45–47 👉The DASH Matters

This is why despite a landslide win for Trump in November, I don't have a lot of faith in the future of this country. Between Tards on one side, and Slick Willie cuckservatives on the other, people are just too damn stupid and retarded to ever know what's really going on or to ever change.

Fast forward a year from now and those same Tards and cuckservatives will still be parroting whatever their masters tell them.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This is why despite a landslide win for Trump in November, I don't have a lot of faith in the future of this country. Between Tards on one side, and Slick Willie cuckservatives on the other, people are just too damn stupid and retarded to ever know what's really going on or to ever change.

Fast forward a year from now and those same Tards and cuckservatives will still be parroting whatever their masters tell them.
IF nothing major happens between now and Nov, Trump wins a "quiet landslide" and everything goes back to normal, I would agree with you.


Q paints a different picture...


Remember, we are sitting on 500,000++ sealed indictments. Will they stay sealed forever?

If and when we get DECLAS, I'll observe where public perception settles and reevaluate.

To me it's abundantly clear some of these idiots need to be SCARED SHITLESS out of their slumber.

Forget "policy differences" and clown political party hats....the goal is a MASSIVE paradigm shift in consciousness.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Fast forward a year from now and those same Tards and cuckservatives will still be parroting whatever their masters tell them.

BIG PICTURE is all they need is their masters telling them MORE TRUTH.

They dont even know they are brainwashed and wont even realize they are in the process of becoming UNbrainwashed.....

just dont be mad when they tell you how they "Knew it all along"
Just be happy when they finally stop parroting lies.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

BIG PICTURE is all they need is their masters telling them MORE TRUTH.

They dont even know they are brainwashed and wont even realize they are in the process of becoming UNbrainwashed.....

just dont be mad when they tell you how they "Knew it all along"
Just be happy when they finally stop parroting lies.
ANONS want FULL DISCLOSURE, which is understandable, but what the country badly needs is UNITY.

It's a delicate "balance" and very fluid, directly tied to how far the public is along in the Great Awakening.

The reality is, after 8 years, a lot of ANONS would NOT be happy with limited DECLAS, but the price of revealing some things with a low level of mass consciousness is just too high.

This is exactly why White Hats seized Twitter and Elon Musk Mask and others have been on a redpilling rampage ever since.

As the Adults in the Room, we have to be realistic and mature enough to see the Operation from a 40,000 feet view.

Even Trump said, unfortunately some things took longer than expected. That's war.

From what I've observed so far, White Hats are very much dialed in with what the public can handle.

Drip, drip...FLOOD!

Aug 17, 2019
This is why despite a landslide win for Trump in November, I don't have a lot of faith in the future of this country. Between Tards on one side, and Slick Willie cuckservatives on the other, people are just too damn stupid and retarded to ever know what's really going on or to ever change.

Fast forward a year from now and those same Tards and cuckservatives will still be parroting whatever their masters tell them.

Yes, but at least they will all be institutionalized and highly medicated so the rest of us can enjoy life again!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Speaking of OBVIOUS...

Can anyone can find images of any past “President” with Honor Guards dressed like these slobs?



😂 😂 😂

WTF uniform is THAT??? :an_laugh:🤡

Newsflash: He was NEVER "president" to begin with. Not from Day 1, not even for a minute.

👉 "The Pause"

Stop your CLOWN "fact-checking" and start paying attention!


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Speaking of OBVIOUS...

Can anyone can find images of any past “President” with Honor Guards dressed like these slobs?


View attachment 97962

😂 😂 😂

WTF uniform is THAT??? :an_laugh:🤡

Newsflash: He was NEVER "president" to begin with. Not from Day 1, not even for a minute.

👉 "The Pause"

Stop your CLOWN "fact-checking" and start paying attention!

When you realize that the ONLY reason supposedly "SMART" people dont question any of the UMPTEEN number of things we have been pointing out over the last 4 years is because FOX news didnt EXPLICITLY tell them what was happening.

Globalist Willie and his fellow Ignorant Cuckservative cohorts like to think they are smarter than the LIBS but are really STILL MSM SHEEP

Sep 12, 2022
IF nothing major happens between now and Nov, Trump wins a "quiet landslide" and everything goes back to normal, I would agree with you.


Q paints a different picture...

View attachment 97930

Remember, we are sitting on 500,000++ sealed indictments. Will they stay sealed forever?

If and when we get DECLAS, I'll observe where public perception settles and reevaluate.

To me it's abundantly clear some of these idiots need to be SCARED SHITLESS out of their slumber.

Forget "policy differences" and clown political party hats....the goal is a MASSIVE paradigm shift in consciousness.

Honest question: Salvage, the ultimate Tard, represents millions more just like him. Slick Willy, the ultimate cuckservative represents millions more just like him. Can we really conceive of a situation in which they'd finally wake up?

I Suppose if the White Hats were to release video of various deep state players being tried and hung, and Fox News went along with it, then maybe they'd accept it. But without full media cooperation, and with all the fake polls we're seeing, it doesn't look Iike the White Hats have complete control of the media, the Salvages and Willies will continue to Iive in fantasy worlds.

Now maybe the White Hats do have complete control of the media, and the pro-Harris baloney we're seeing is part of their plan . . .
Aug 17, 2019
Speaking of OBVIOUS...

Can anyone can find images of any past “President” with Honor Guards dressed like these slobs?


View attachment 97962

😂 😂 😂

WTF uniform is THAT??? :an_laugh:🤡

Newsflash: He was NEVER "president" to begin with. Not from Day 1, not even for a minute.

👉 "The Pause"

Stop your CLOWN "fact-checking" and start paying attention!


Those are high ranking boy scouts.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Honest question: Salvage, the ultimate Tard, represents millions more just like him. Slick Willy, the ultimate cuckservative represents millions more just like him. Can we really conceive of a situation in which they'd finally wake up?

I Suppose if the White Hats were to release video of various deep state players being tried and hung, and Fox News went along with it, then maybe they'd accept it. But without full media cooperation, and with all the fake polls we're seeing, it doesn't look Iike the White Hats have complete control of the media, the Salvages and Willies will continue to Iive in fantasy worlds.

Now maybe the White Hats do have complete control of the media, and the pro-Harris baloney we're seeing is part of their plan . . .
Lots of conjecture in this post..

Patriots seized and now fully control The Mockingbird Media brainwashing machine. The proof is in the pudding 👉 daily imbedded comms for anyone - and this is key - WHO WANTS TO SEE THEM. I post them everyday. People who don't have eyes to see and ears to hear aren't awake enough. Simple.

Look at the views we are getting in this thread, with millions more on social media 👉 PEOPLE WANT THE TRUTH!

As for the two knuckleheads mentioned (one from the left, one from the right) if the REAL CIC and the White Hat Military wanted the masses to know anything about this operation at this stage, they would TELL them openly, instead of the constant winks and nods aimed at people PAYING ATTENTION.

From the beginning, they didn't want civil war and went to amazing lengths to make everything appear "normal" least to lazy untrained eyes. ANONS and their 117-0 record are a very special breed.

But seriously... the wreath laying ceremony is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, don't you think?

And those slobs next to "Biden" are a total....I don't even know what to say. One is wearing a belt sloppily hanging from his gut, the other isn't. Military are sticklers for uniformity. For anyone paying attention, not ONE single “soldier” has performed their role and duty according to Regulations and Customs around “Biden” or “Kamala” from January 20, 2021, to present day. Not one.

But hey, if ain't openly reported on CNN or Fox News and confirmed by "Snopes", it ain't true... right?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Those are high ranking boy scouts.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
They look like janitors or mechanics wearing army hats in those coveralls! Like, WTF???😂

Remember when White Hats inserted a virtual TREEHOUSE outside the "Biden" Oval Office?


Hmmmm...treehouse... COMM for...well, I'm sure readers can guess. Starts with a "P" 🤮

Oh what a CGI/Mask-fest CLOWN SHOW we've witnessed over these last 4 years! All that planning and trouble to keep the country from plunging into civil war! Courtesy of your White Hat Military "Draining the Swamp" while keeping TV-viewing Sheep distracted with all kinds of nonsense.

LMFAO at the dopes and doomers of all stripes who believed "President Biden" was EVER real.

👉👉👉"Central Casting"


👉 "The Pause" 👉 45-47 👉The DASH Matters

Everyone saw it, yet ONLY ANONS got to enjoy it!

The Best Is Yet To Come! :cool:


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