
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
A TARD just posted a link to :an_laugh: "Snopes" 🀑🀑🀑

After everything that's happened, can you believe some people still track this garbage?

Here's the TRUTH πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


Republicans realize it's propaganda.

Independents are on the right path.

Dems are the brainwashed TARDS still plugged into the Matrix.

Not gonna lie...for Matrix TARDS, #NCSWIC is gonna HURT!

Aug 17, 2019
Hey TARDS! (I know you're reading because EVERYONE is reading)

Blackpillers, CUCKservatives, Doomers and Gloomers too..

I'm STILL waiting for an answer...

Don't only CURRENT PRESIDENTS participate in wreath laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery?

So how this is possible? Explain.

Where's your CLOWN FAKE "Biden" ("81 million votes!" 🀑) now? πŸ‘‰ EXECUTED!

Where's the REAL Kamala? πŸ‘‰ EXECUTED!

"I wish we didn't have this break" - CIC Trump. "BREAK" = Military Occupation

Were you so ignorant, brainwashed and stupid caught up in FAKE "news" again NOT to notice the 25,000 National Guard who took over THE ENTIRE "SWAMP"? Would you like me to post the video replay for your enjoyment?

πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘‰ "Peaceful Transition to Military Power"

How come SBD and Joe are always right?

Because we KNOW. Most people "guess"... few of us KNOW.

All your fucktards who doubted or argued (it wasn't much a fight, believe me), consider the above ceremony the public "Changing of the Guard" πŸ‘‰"The PAUSE" is over!

And if you think this cold REALITY sucks ass, wait till you see what's coming next!!

Let's roll!


We know they are all reading!

They always are!
Aug 17, 2019
A TARD just posted a link to :an_laugh: "Snopes" 🀑🀑🀑

After everything that's happened, can you believe some people still track this garbage?

Here's the TRUTH πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

View attachment 97869
Republicans realize it's propaganda.

Independents are on the right path.

Dems are the brainwashed TARDS still plugged into the Matrix.

Not gonna lie...for Matrix TARDS, #NCSWIC is gonna HURT!


Not only hurt, it will institutionalize many.

And others will jump!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The TARD "Snopes" Mentality πŸ‘‰A Teachable Moment

If Sheriff Joe or President Trump make a claim, no matter how convincing the evidence, in TARDVILLE, it's rejected as πŸ‘‰ FALSE.

Yet, if "Snopes" confirms the exact same fact, it automatically becomes πŸ‘‰ TRUE.

Or...if one of TARDVILLE's FAKE "news" heroes repeat it, it also automatically becomes πŸ‘‰ TRUE.

Magic! Well, no. This, boys and girls, is called πŸ‘‰ BRAINWASHING! πŸ‘‰ PROPAGANDA. That's all it is. Pure Mind Control. Pretty much the opposite of critical thinking.

Like a POW, their masters are literally telling TARDS WHAT they are ALLOWED TO THINK. Which, if you think about it, is just as bad as telling a prisoner when they can eat, drink, sleep and shit. Sad.

You don't think White Hats aren't aware of this MK-Ultra programming? Of course they are!

So....HOW to undo all that multi-decade Deep State programming? By hijacking their "sources" and tricking them with more - yep, you guessed it - PROPAGANDA.

It's like... "social proofing" for women. If you try and hit on a girl on the street, even if she thinks you're cute, she probably won't be receptive to your advances πŸ‘‰ Stranger Danger! However, if you are introduced to that same woman through a mutual trusted friend...well, you're pretty much golden! we inch closer to DECLAS and UNITY....much like Elon Musk Mask, Joe Rogan, RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, Russel Brand, who have already pulled people from the middle and center-left over to Trump,. expect a FLOOD of endorsements from people TARDS think would NEVER support Trump, thus giving our gullible brainwashed SHEEP "permission" to THINK a certain way..

All by design and Q-Controlled.

Trust The Plan.

Sep 12, 2022
A TARD just posted a link to :an_laugh: "Snopes" 🀑🀑🀑

After everything that's happened, can you believe some people still track this garbage?

Here's the TRUTH πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

View attachment 97869
Republicans realize it's propaganda.

Independents are on the right path.

Dems are the brainwashed TARDS still plugged into the Matrix.

Not gonna lie...for Matrix TARDS, #NCSWIC is gonna HURT!

I see Tards starting new threads, but not getting any views or replies. They'll probably be jumping over here soon.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

What "Former" President addresses the National Guard?

This would be Election Interference if he was a "Former" President due to Election Year on top of that.

πŸ‘‰ Military Laws and Orders of a Wartime Commander-in-Chief
πŸ‘‰ Military Occupation with Unconventional and Irregular Warfare paired with...
πŸ‘‰ National Emergency Executive Orders and Bipartisan Federal Legislation
πŸ‘‰Continuity of Operations Plan


πŸ‘‰45–47 πŸ‘‰ The DASH Matters

So easy to see why we've been mocking the TDS TARDS for 4 years now whose "Great Reads" (Propaganda) brainwashed them into believing "Biden won with 81m votes" and "We Got Him This Time!"

The Stupid! It Burns! :an_laugh:🀑🀑🀑


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
View attachment 97917

Nothing to see here, just another GITMO flight leaving South Florida.

Remember when "Biden" vowed to shut down GITMO if he was elected President?

So why hasn't he shut it down tards?

You gotta love the TARD mentality.

We've been posting military flight data for years (no CLOWN "fact-checking" required πŸ‘‰ right in front of you!) with GITMO traffic busier than Atlanta International.

πŸ‘‰Beautiful Executive Order 13823 β€”Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists

All it would have taken for "Biden" to shut'er down (as promised) is the stroke of a pen. But that didn't happen. In fact, FAKE "Biden" renewed Commander Trump's EOs multiple times!

With all these RECEIPTS, you would have thought at some point it should have clicked for TARDS.

But no.

Their motto is, "Ignorance is Bliss"...along with.. "We Got Him This Time For Sure!"


πŸ‘‰ 🍿πŸŽ₯ for normies

πŸ‘‰45–47 πŸ‘‰The DASH Matters

Aug 17, 2019
You gotta love the TARD mentality.

We've been posting military flight data for years (no CLOWN "fact-checking" required πŸ‘‰ right in front of you!) with GITMO traffic busier than Atlanta International.

πŸ‘‰Beautiful Executive Order 13823 β€”Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists

All it would have taken for "Biden" to shut'er down (as promised) is the stroke of a pen. But that didn't happen. In fact, FAKE "Biden" renewed Commander Trump's EOs multiple times!

With all these RECEIPTS, you would have thought at some point it should have clicked for TARDS.

But no.

Their motto is, "Ignorance is Bliss"...along with.. "We Got Him This Time For Sure!"


πŸ‘‰ 🍿πŸŽ₯ for normies

πŸ‘‰45–47 πŸ‘‰The DASH Matters


Soon tards will learn that ignorance isn't bliss... it's SUICIDE!

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