
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ken Paxton: I Anticipate a Lot of Election Fraud – On a Massive Level – That Has Been Planned by the Federal Government – And Organized for Years

No shit.

Yet another signal "The Steal 2024" is Go for Launch.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Military Arrests Deep State Election Fraudster and Pedo

By Michael Baxter -August 21, 2024


The US Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) arrested regime spokesperson for oversight and investigations Ian Sams Tuesday evening at a Chicago mall near the Democratic National Convention, a source at the CID’s Fort Liberty office told Real Raw News. While the arrest was based on proof Sams had ordered the shipment of rigged voting machines White Hats seized last month, CID caught him committing more heinous crimes—molesting a minor while in possession of Adrenochrome.

Sams was a Deep State pawn. From April 2015 to November 2016, he served as a Rapid Response Aide for the Hillary for America campaign, then, in 2019, joined the Kamala Harris for the People crusade. In 2021, Biden named him Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, COVID Response, under the Department of Health and Human Services. And in May 2022, he transitioned to the Office of Counsel to the President, a position he still holds.

He recently announced he would leave his job and serve the Harris campaign as a top spokesperson.

Our CID source said Sams is an agent of evil, a one-time pawn whose servitude to the Deep State earned him a promotion from pawn to knight, a junior handler who, had he gone unchecked, would’ve advanced the Deep State’s enslavement of God-fearing American patriots and molested an incalculable number of children.

As reported in July, White Hats intercepted a truckload of “Chinese voting machines” bound for Michigan. The machines resembled Dominion’s and had been rigged to overcount Democrat votes and undercount Republican votes. A monthlong investigation into the origins of the voting machines revealed they had not been manufactured in China. Rather, a midsize electronics corporation in the US had built them at Sams’ request. Our source declined to name the firm, citing active investigations and prosecutions, but said the company’s owner identified Sams as the purchaser. The owner told CID investigators that Sams demanded the machines be built using parts sourced from China and Ukraine. When the confused owner asked why, Sams told him, “It’ll make you a lot of money,” promising to order an additional 10,000 units, provided the initial lot worked per his requirements.

Last week, CID learned that Sams would accompany the Harris campaign to Chicago, a derelict city rife with crime and pestilence. With a sense of trepidation, CID decided to pursue him to a city overrun with malevolent federal forces. CID estimates two-thirds of the FBI’s 10,100 special agents and 5,000 ancillary personnel, as well as 2,200 Homeland Security agents, are currently in the Windy City.

Just four CID warrant officers posing as Harris supporters—they begrudgingly wore “Harris-Walz 2024” shirts and ball caps—arrived in Chicago Monday afternoon, as the DNC kicked off.

“We felt sending a couple of inconspicuous guys was the best way to deal with the Sams problem. Their orders were to arrest Sams only if they could grab him without getting themselves caught. And that was a tall order. Chicago is a Deep State stronghold,” our source said.

Our source added that CID knew which hotel Sams was staying at and had hoped to capture him there Tuesday night, when he’d be drowsy and alone in his room. But a fortuitous opportunity arose late Tuesday afternoon when CID spotted Sams, by himself, climbing into a UBER outside the hotel. CID tailed Sams’ ride to the Woodfield Mall, Chicago’s largest shopping center, where the agents observed Sams leering at especially young children like a predator.

“Our guys immediately thought Sams was a pedo, and the more they followed him, the more it became apparent,” our source said.

Sams visited shops catering to youngsters: Abercrombie Kids, Hot Topic, Journeys Kidz, LEGO Store, Peppa Big World of Play, and the JC-Penny children’s section. At the latter, an observant mother caught Sams gawking wildly at her prepubescent son and notified a store employee. Sams accused the mother of acting hysterically and told the employee he was a member of the Harris Campaign and looking for a birthday gift for his own youngster at home. The employee, who was Black, apologized profusely, saying she was one hundred percent Team Harris.

Sams left JC-Penny but continued ogling kids in the mall.

A few minutes later, Sams found his mark.

He approached a boy of about five who had presumably become separated from his parent(s) and was sitting on a bench sobbing his eyes out. The CID agents watched the encounter from a distance and overheard Sams asking the child if he was lost. The naive, innocent kid confided that he had somehow lost sight of his father, and the sinister Sams, having asked the boy to describe the father’s physicality, said he had seen the father in a downstairs restroom and would take the child to him. “Hold my hand so you don’t get lost again,” Sams told the boy, leading him toward an escalator.

As Sams and his victim rode the escalator, CID was standing directly behind them. Sams asked the child whether he wanted a piece of candy. The kid’s head wagged from side to side, but Sams unwrapped what looked like a Jolly Rancher and pushed it between the child’s lips. “Let’s go find your father,” Sams said to him.

The boy’s eyes went wide, and Sams’ grip on his small hand tightened. “There’s more candy in the bathroom,” Sams said.

He shoved the child into the restroom.

Two CIDs guarded the door while the other two entered and flung open the stall in which Sams was already tugging the boy’s pants below his waist, one hand cupped on the kid’s genitals. The agents separated the two and began beating the living daylights out of Sams, fists slamming at his face and torso.

They hoisted Sams to his feet and led him to the nearest exit.

Our source said the agents surrendered the child to mall security.

“Sams is a diabolical motherfucker, pardon my language. He had several pieces of “candy” on him and two syringes filled with what we believe will turn out to be Adrenochrome—we’re waiting on a chemical analysis of both items. We think the candy had a sedative. Yeah, we’d love to have gotten Harris or Walz, but we weren’t equipped to fight through a federal army. At least there’s one less Deep Stater on the streets. Sams is charged with election interference, treason, sedition, and child sex crimes,” our source said.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Aug 17, 2019
👉 “I have 200 Generals backing me.” - Donald J. Trump (2016 Campaign)

No National Security Strategy has been issued before a President's first year.

Trump's was issued in 1987.

Trump was always part of the Plan.

He always told us.

And like the op stated since the outset of the original RR thread, Trump has been preparing for this for the last 3 decades!

Everything he did leading up this point carefully thought out and executed.

It was a 30 year sting operation.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
👉 “I have 200 Generals backing me.” - Donald J. Trump (2016 Campaign)

No National Security Strategy has been issued before a President's first year.

Trump's was issued in 1987.

Trump was always part of the Plan.

He always told us.

And like the op stated since the outset of the original RR thread, Trump has been preparing for this for the last 3 decades!

Everything he did leading up this point carefully thought out and executed.

It was a 30 year sting operation.

Including The Apprentice raising his national profile.

"I knew this day would arrive, only a question of when" -- Trump speech in 2016

On the other hand, ZERO "Biden" National Security Strategy listed on


Womp Womp Womp! 💩 😂


Yet another .gov source that shows the DASH in the middle.

Aug 17, 2019
Including The Apprentice raising his national profile.

"I knew this day would arrive, only a question of when" -- Trump speech in 2016

On the other hand, ZERO "Biden" National Security Strategy listed on


Womp Womp Womp! 💩 😂


Yet another .gov source that shows the DASH in the middle.


The Apprentice was instrumental in this process.

And think of the irony inside of "You're Fired", the show's catchphrase that spread worldwide!

People loved the show, and they loved him!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Apprentice was instrumental in this process.

And think of the irony inside of "You're Fired", the show's catchphrase that spread worldwide!

People loved the show, and they loved him!
Looking back, "You're Fired" sounds like a comm, doesn't it?

Watch Trump make the "pedo swirl" and turn it into a pistol aimed at Jeffrey Epstein.


👉 "I am Batman"

"The Plan" goes way back.

Pretty amazing.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
😂 😂 😂



Womp Womp Womp :poop:

The entire "movie" is a giant AI/mask wearing Clown Show so sensitive brainwashed normies don't freak out and lose their minds.

👉"Central Casting" 🍿🎥

It would appear White Hats, who took over and are now running ALL of DC AND the FAKE "news" media (Military Occupation & Continuity of Government Operations), learned a thing or two from other overt military coups around the world in the past - Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Chile etc.

That no matter how good life gets in the aftermath, a certain large sector of the population (stupid people) never get over the fact their precious "democratic vote" was nullified by military force. It hurts their pathetic fragile little egos. Then they rebel and once again backslide the country into corrupt Libtardism.

This is why 👉"It had to be this way" 👉 "The PAUSE" 👉 "SHOWING the people" just how corrupt, evil and nasty the Deep State really is.

After DECLAS and in due time, the reformed mass -majority -- thinking that they have figured it all out by themselves -- will actually want the "coup"... either in military or electoral landslide form, or a combination of both.


Good things take time.

"America will be united" - Q

Trust the Plan.

Oct 30, 2006
Remember....:an_laugh: "Neck and Neck in the Polls!!" 🤡🤡🤡

👉FAKE "news" :an_smash: GASLIGHTING the people, as always!
View attachment 97095
Normies still BRAINWASHED by their CHEATING CRIMINAL "system" would :poop::poop::poop: themselves if someone told them the REAL 2020 results.

But according to the commie nuttards these kinds of stats mean nothing & as much as they cheat I can believe it…

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
View attachment 97530
And now "NY Post" saying they all deserve Oscars.

Just like the op has stated consistently for the last 4+ years!
Even with all the RECEIPTS we've posted over YEARS, some STILL in denial about the whole "act" and can't SEE it. 😂

👉Cognitive Dissonance Libtardism

Like the embedded elephant in the can't point it out or tell anyone, either they SEE it or not. If not, they have to keep staring and staring at the image until their MIND sees it. If they can't/won't, nobody can help them.

👉Brainwashing and mind control, plain and simple. "Psychological warfare campaigns against the American people" - Trump

This thread is for Patriots who can SEE the embedded elephant in the maze.

This is why I have no idea HOW White Hats will bridge the gap between what 'WE' know (DECLAS) and the current FAKE "movie" playing that too many normies STILL believe is real.

To me, psychologically, it feels the gap is too wide and deep to overcome. Even at this point, the SHOCK would be enormous.

Maybe they have some bullshit storyline ready to roll out working all the previous Deep State crimes and executions into the script, and will make it appear like it's all unfolding in real time.

We shall see.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Last night during "Kamala’s" clown 🤡 speech, President Trump did a live rebuttal on Truth Social, posting 48 times during "Her" His ~30 minute address.

In looking at the speed of the posts, the details and the number of videos and images included, it should be pretty obvious that Trump wasn't the one writing this.

Logic should tell us that in order for anyone to type that much content so quickly AND have the relevant images and video ready to back up the posts, they must have known what was being said ahead of time 👉 the script.

Just like the NYP front page is blaring, "IT'S ALL AN ACT" 👉🍿🎥

Take a look 👇👇👇👇

Hold On, He's Comin' :cool:

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