
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

🍿 Anyone who thinks that's really Oprah needs their head examined.🍿


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Trump or Kamala" - Costco Edition

:an_laugh: "polls" 🤡🤡🤡 :an_smash:

Just like 2020 and Elon's recent sample of 5+ million, this election isn't even close.

👉 👉 👉 Protect your mind from PSYOPs.

Ya know, IF they STOLE IT again, that would certainly get everyone's attention and really SHOW THE PEOPLE...would it not?

Who would believe another STEAL? Even TARDS would be dumbfounded.

But it may be necessary for REAL election reform going forward...

After all..


I'm just sayin'..

Sep 12, 2022
"Trump or Kamala" - Costco Edition

:an_laugh: "polls" 🤡🤡🤡 :an_smash:

Just like 2020 and Elon's recent sample of 5+ million, this election isn't even close.

👉 👉 👉 Protect your mind from PSYOPs.

Ya know, IF they STOLE IT again, that would certainly get everyone's attention and really SHOW THE PEOPLE...would it not?

Who would believe another STEAL? Even TARDS would be dumbfounded.

But it may be necessary for REAL election reform going forward...

After all..


I'm just sayin'..

Now this is precisely why I hope they don't allow another stolen election.

40% of the people are Tards who are wrong about everything and too stupid to know it. We can see that with the posters on this forum.

Then another 40% or more are cuckservatives who are equally retarded and believe that Trump "lost" the last election because he went off "policy" and attacked people personally. We can see that also with the posters on this forum.

With so many stupid and retarded people who believe whatever the idiot box tells them to believe, if the media announces that Harris "won" the election, they will believe it NO MATTER HOW MUCH EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY the White Hats show them.

Allowing another stolen election in order to "show the people" is a stupid strategy that will confuse people and risk blowing up in the White Hats' faces.

When dealing with stupid and retarded people, you need a simple and stupid plan. Just put a damper on the cheating, make arrests on election night, and let Trump win in a landslide.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Now this is precisely why I hope they don't allow another stolen election.

40% of the people are Tards who are wrong about everything and too stupid to know it. We can see that with the posters on this forum.

Then another 40% or more are cuckservatives who are equally retarded and believe that Trump "lost" the last election because he went off "policy" and attacked people personally. We can see that also with the posters on this forum.

With so many stupid and retarded people who believe whatever the idiot box tells them to believe, if the media announces that Harris "won" the election, they will believe it NO MATTER HOW MUCH EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY the White Hats show them.

Allowing another stolen election in order to "show the people" is a stupid strategy that will confuse people and risk blowing up in the White Hats' faces.

When dealing with stupid and retarded people, you need a simple and stupid plan. Just put a damper on the cheating, make arrests on election night, and let Trump win in a landslide.
I hear you loud and clear.

Normal clear thinkers are beyond tired of this endless crap.

So should I give you the bad news now, or later? LOL

Remember, we're under Continuity of Government, which means, IF they showcase another "STOLLEN" election it will be the White Hats RIGGING it this time for OPTICS only, which also means the "STEAL" will be so obvious and outrageous it will make your head spin. They're ALREADY making it OBVIOUS with all kinds of PSYOPs. Look at the DNC, the FAKE crowds etc...and how they're already setting this up.

I'm sorry but people are stupid with short attention spans. Nobody cares about 2020. "Let's move on" 🤡

If they DECLAS'ed JFK and 9/11 tomorrow releasing a bunch of boring documents, nobody would care. Trump assassination, already forgotten. Sad.

Which means, the EVIL MUST SHOWN IN REAL TIME 👉 🍿🎥 for normies.

I get it... you're tired and don't want to go through the dramatic bullshit again.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Attention tired worn Patriots who have never wavered and stuck it out.

President Trump feels your pain.

"THE PAUSE" 👇 👇 👇 👇

"I wish we didn't have this break. The only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get."

Newsflash: The CIC didn't want this either. He wanted to be back sooner.

You know WHY it had to be this way? Because people are stupid.

That's just the honest TRUTH.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Attention tired worn Patriots who have never wavered and stuck it out.

President Trump feels your pain.

"THE PAUSE" 👇 👇 👇 👇

"I wish we didn't have this break. The only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get."

Newsflash: The CIC didn't want this either. He wanted to be back sooner.

You know WHY it had to be this way? Because people are stupid.

That's just the honest TRUTH.
You cant tell the people
You have to show the people

......and then you have to show them over and over and over and over, cuz DEYs Tards and Magooos

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
"Trump or Kamala" - Costco Edition

:an_laugh: "polls" 🤡🤡🤡 :an_smash:

Just like 2020 and Elon's recent sample of 5+ million, this election isn't even close.

👉 👉 👉 Protect your mind from PSYOPs.

Ya know, IF they STOLE IT again, that would certainly get everyone's attention and really SHOW THE PEOPLE...would it not?

Who would believe another STEAL? Even TARDS would be dumbfounded.

But it may be necessary for REAL election reform going forward...

After all..


I'm just sayin'..

It's a blowout if they don't cheat

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You cant tell the people
You have to show the people

......and then you have to show them over and over and over and over, cuz DEYs Tards and Magooos
Oh yes!

PLENTY of stupid people on the right as well. Their reactions to the scamdemic and the 2020 Steal was a real EYE-OPENER for me.

Do you realize Tucker on Fox News spent months documenting the CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination, and basically nobody cared? The Deep State assassinating a sitting president...pretty BIG deal, right? The Mother of All Conspiracies coming true! Meaning, we don't actually select our leaders, a criminal mafia does it on our behalf!

Meh. life goes on...that was 50 years ago. Let's talk policy policy policy! LOL 🤡

You can't tell the people, you have to show SCARE the people.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It's a blowout if they don't cheat
IF they go forward, LOTS of OBVIOUS showcased CHEATING for TARDS - like we've never seen before! :grrr:


And those numbers include the built-in Dominion RIGGED algorithms...

But then..


Just take a step back and really think about this..

How could any normal clearheaded person NOT go deaf with alarm bells ringing in their heads???

Then, once they calculated their margins and knew how many votes they needed to STEAL it, they resumed "counting" for DAYS AND WEEKS behind boarded up windows!

Surplise! Biden won! 81 million votes! We swear! Fact-checked and confirmed!
🤡🤡🤡 :an_smash:

This is what President Trump meant by, "not enough people are awake yet"

DECLAS'ing too early would trigger a civil war. He knew it because that's what the Generals on the ground told him.

Patriots in FULL Control.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"King" Charles is back in the news!

Long live the...

UH OH...



Remember the virtual "Grim Reaper" White Hats inserted in the background at his "coronation" long before this so-called "cancer diagnosis"?


Yet another sick demonic inbred pedo long gone!

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the Old Guard.

Patriots in FULL Control!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Normies see this list and go hmmmmmm, whats going on ovah here?
Anons see this list and go EO 13818

The CIA is probably the worlds most corrupt government agency. They make most of their money trafficking drugs, children, guns without the need of congressional oversight. No reason since their darkest transactions are self-funded 👉 criminal mafia.

White Hats took a page out of that playbook and began seizing their own assets like Twitter but made it look like a private business transaction so as not to alarm normies. Under National Emergency Executive Order 13818, anyone involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption can have their property blocked and/or seized directly by the US Treasury. Even the threat of such ("We Have It All!") means full cooperation and submission.

All those Pedowood celebs unloading their homes, Rothschilds liquidating their prized treasures and "Elon buying Twitter"....not a coincidence.

Elon Musk Mask literally tweets 24/ does he run any of his businesses or have a family life?

Just like Q, clearly an Op by the White Hat military from start to finish.

Perfect Military Planning, Precision and Execution by the finest Patriots.


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