
Nov 11, 2007
Biden not running presents a problem for Trump voters ?

Bring on Gavin Make America CALIFORNIA Newsome and recall how terrified James Clyburn was of Crazy Bernie winning the nomination before calling his pow wow for candidates to drop out handing his useful idiot the nomination .


My point is that if somehow by my thinking if miraculously Trump is the Republican nominee on Election Day of 2024, the vast majority

of people don't want to see either Trump or Biden be the nominee for different reasons, won't have to worry about

Biden anymore and make it easier to choose whoever the Democratic nominee is unless I am entirely wrong as to what is going

to occur with Trump, meaning that he comes away unscathed from all of the doo-doo is and walks away smelling like a rose

and/or the economy gets much worse as well as underlying conditions with a lot of other things at which time there will obviously be

some folks who want new leadership although imo it won't be enough for them to vote for Trump!!

On the other hand, if someone else gets the Republican nomination besides the nomination and things get

worse, then yeah I agree the Republican nominee has an excellent chance of winning no matter who the Democrats put


I myself would have no qualms whatsoever voting for the Republican nominee if I thought he was better qualified than whoever

he Democrats out up.

At the moment, even though he is not a declared candidate YET, All things considered, I would vote for Youngkin, or even

possibly Bill Barr or John Bolton if they became candidates if the Democratics pu up someone who I felt was less qualified!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Massachusetts Calls on Residents to Take Border Crossers into Their Homes

What say you Massachusetts residents ? Any empty rooms to spare for law breakers ?

Nov 11, 2007

Massachusetts Calls on Residents to Take Border Crossers into Their Homes

What say you Massachusetts residents ? Any empty rooms to spare for law breakers ?
As a citizen of Mass and as I have stated before, back in May my wife and I proudly accepted into our home my wife's then 29 year old

nephew and his four soon-to-be five-year-old son from Cartagena, Colombia.

We took advantage of some loopholes of the expiration of Title 42 to get them here, and so far anyways there don't appear to be

any legal issues.

If we had used traditional immigration ways to get them over here, it would have taken months or possibly even years or maybe

even never to get them approved!!

Her nephew started working three days after he arrived, and his rent is a mere $100 or so which includes his portion

of the water both for bathing and bottled water and for his cell phone.

He does pay for his food separately as determined for his food!!

I could have charged up to 20 times or more for someone who could afford it but in this case, I simply wanted to be reimbursed

for my expenses only!!

I realize that your question asked about illegal aliens but even so, I feel very good about myself for doing what we did by

helping out a struggling family.

ps My wife's nephew has a wife and another child in Colombia, who he is now able to support to some degree because

of his employment and the giveaway rent I charge him to stay in our home!!

ps To be fair, if his entry turns out to be illegal, out he and his son goes-I won't break the law for anyone!!
Aug 17, 2019
And the Ws keep piling up for epic loser Deranged Jack Smith!

Shocking Win for Trump as Woke DC Judge DENIES Corrupt DOJ’s Gag Order Request

Who has a worse track record, savage or the Deranged One?

I dunno, by the time this SHAM is over it'll be close!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Both are perpetual losers.
Sep 12, 2022

Psychopaths of varying degrees often manifest this weird impulse to cryptically and mischievously signal -- to both victims and co-conspirators -- the evil that they have done or are about to do. This is especially common -- perhaps even required -- for child torturing Satanists and snuff porn aficionados. As both Qand Trump have posted or stated many -- and I do mean many -- times: "These people are sick."

Today's lesson in Satanic symbolism is particularly ghastly -- and even difficult to contemplate and write about. Yet, we have no choice but to learn about these practices and to spread the word to all those capable of facing reality. Based upon known data and the preponderance of patterns (aka probability theory) -- combined with responsible logical inference -- we are convinced the red shoes worn by suspected child-raping blood drinkers are made with the "leather" from the flesh of brutalized and murdered babies and children. Do we have "smoking gun" evidence to establish this claim beyond any reasonable doubt? No, not yet. But is there what police detectives refer to as "probable cause" and grounds for further in-depth investigation? Absolutely!

Let's have a look at four well known "elites" -- all of them known or strongly suspected or accused of being child rapists -- and all of whom have displayed connections to this informal Red Shoe Club.




Trump and the unknown poster "Q" very often used the same terms because they are part of the same operation. "These people are sick."

* Jimmy Savile

Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile
was a famous English television and radio personality. After his death, hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse made against him were finally investigated. It turned out that "Sir" James -- buddies with Prince, now King Charles -- was a prolific pedo sex monster who met his victims through his "charitable works." Many believe that he was into "snuff" (murder) porn as well.




1 & 2. Only after his death in 2011 did the truth about the MONSTER Jimmy Savile -- as well as his closeness to Prince Charles -- begin to emerge // 3. A bizarre old magazine ad featuring Savile endorsing red baby shoes made of "leather."

* Bill Maher

American comedian and TV Talk Show host Bill Maher (cough cough) has been obsessed with bashing Trump and the Q Anon movement, and for good reason. Filthy mouthed and suspected child rapist Maher founded a film company named Kid Love Productions in 1992 --- which is pedophile in English. Q actually posted a picture of Maher strutting about in his red leather shoes.

* Editor's Note: In our opinion, Maher has already been "dealt with" and replaced. (here)




1. Maher sports his warlock outfit and red shoes to a party for homosexual singer, Adam Levine (cough cough) // 2. An image of Maher in red shoes, posted by Q -- (inset) Maher with the pervert Antony Wiener (cough cough) -- whose infamous laptop is believed to have contained video of Satanic Witches Killary & Huma skinning the face off of a young girl. // 3. Maher's guest -- suspected child rapist and fanatical Trump-hater Jim Carey -- shows off the red soles of his shoes as Maher chuckles.



Maher's vicious attacks against Trump and Q were relentless because he knew that he and his kind were being targeted by the White Hats.

* Tony Podesta

Former DC power broker / lobbyist, brother of the equally infamous Satanist and suspected child rapist / murderer John Podesta, and good buddies with James Alefantis of Pizzagate child rape & torture notoriety -- "Big Tony" Podesta was put out of business by the Robert Mueller investigation, which was a vast operation which Trump himself (in collusion with Mueller)actually engineered. Q mentions the Podestas 40 times. The child-abuse-themed works of some of Tony Podesta's "favorite artists" --- a few of them featured on the Q Board -- are positively revolting (here) and (here). A pair of the paintings depict captive abused children in their underwear --- wearing red shoes, just like Tony and his pervert friends do.

* Editor's Note: In our opinion, the Podesta Brothers have already been "dealt with." (here)



Tony Podesta and friends show off their red shoes at a party hosted by Big Tony. The paintings of the children with red shoes are from Podesta's favorite artist.

* Tom Hanks

The child rape whispers about Tom Hanks would certainly explain his meteoric rise from corny comic actor to international superstar. In keeping with the pattern of symbolism and coded messages, Hanks starred in two early films with subtle child rape messages. The 1988 movie "Big" depicted an occult figure granting a young boy his wish to become "big" --- and the other being The Man with One Red Shoe (1985). After outing this filthy Hollyweird legend as a child rapist, actor Isaac Kappy ended up committing "suicide." His death was apparently mocked by Hanks in an Instagram post.

* Editor's Note: In our opinion, Hanks has already been "dealt with" and replaced. (here)




1. There is a scene in "Big" in which Hanks (playing a boy who was turned into a grown man overnight) is wearing the boy's underwear as he tried to convince his panic-stricken mother (who believe that her son has been abducted) that he is actually her grown son. // 2. Hanks starred in "The Man With One Red Shoe." // 3. Hanks appears to mock the "roadkill" suicide jumping death (onto Route 66) of his exposer, Isaac Kappy.

It only gets worse the higher up the societal ladder you go. The most recent "elite" to make the news (though in a very muted way) for his twisted perversion is Emmy Award-winning journalist James Gordon Meek -- a former ABC News senior producer and counter-terrorism advisor to the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security. Meek was found guilty for producing sexual abuse material showing children from infancy -- following his boast of having raped a toddler!

Yes indeed. "These people are sick."





Nov 11, 2007
One thing's for sure, Salvage holds the Guinness World Record for destroying every argument/debate he's ever engaged in 99.8% of the time in this thread, which not surpsringly is the same as the sbd/sheriff HOE/doctor success FAILED Prediction Score!!
Fixed it for you-no charge!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
As a citizen of Mass and as I have stated before, back in May my wife and I proudly accepted into our home my wife's then 29 year old

nephew and his four soon-to-be five-year-old son from Cartagena, Colombia.

We took advantage of some loopholes of the expiration of Title 42 to get them here, and so far anyways there don't appear to be

any legal issues.

If we had used traditional immigration ways to get them over here, it would have taken months or possibly even years or maybe

even never to get them approved!!

Her nephew started working three days after he arrived, and his rent is a mere $100 or so which includes his portion

of the water both for bathing and bottled water and for his cell phone.

He does pay for his food separately as determined for his food!!

I could have charged up to 20 times or more for someone who could afford it but in this case, I simply wanted to be reimbursed

for my expenses only!!

I realize that your question asked about illegal aliens but even so, I feel very good about myself for doing what we did by

helping out a struggling family.

ps My wife's nephew has a wife and another child in Colombia, who he is now able to support to some degree because

of his employment and the giveaway rent I charge him to stay in our home!!

ps To be fair, if his entry turns out to be illegal, out he and his son goes-I won't break the law for anyone!!
Did the entry of sbd/sheriff HOE/doctor success ever do anything noble like this??

To be fair though, it would be very difficult to do this in that all of them are either unemployed and/or don't have

a pot to piss in!!

Nov 11, 2007
It is now time for some rest for savage1, the REAL AND ONLY straw who stirs the drink in here, and who is, has been

and always will be the worst nightmare for the sbd/sheriff HOE entry and the newly released on waivers member

LOSER doctor success, his posting hame quite appropriate as he has had "success" beyond his wildest imagination of constantly FAILING!!

The old axiom of the total is greater than the sum of the parts sure as hell doesn't apply to this trio in a positive sense but it sure as hell

does in a negative one as each member of the entity feeds on the losing of the others, all of which has propelled the entity

in a trajectory downward on their way to their final resting place where the eternal heat of the flames on Damnation never end

and the welcome sign is always out there for deserving souls like the members of the entry cited above!!

Mar 19, 2008
As a citizen of Mass and as I have stated before, back in May my wife and I proudly accepted into our home my wife's then 29 year old

nephew and his four soon-to-be five-year-old son from Cartagena, Colombia.

We took advantage of some loopholes of the expiration of Title 42 to get them here, and so far anyways there don't appear to be

any legal issues.

If we had used traditional immigration ways to get them over here, it would have taken months or possibly even years or maybe

even never to get them approved!!

Her nephew started working three days after he arrived, and his rent is a mere $100 or so which includes his portion

of the water both for bathing and bottled water and for his cell phone.

He does pay for his food separately as determined for his food!!

I could have charged up to 20 times or more for someone who could afford it but in this case, I simply wanted to be reimbursed

for my expenses only!!

I realize that your question asked about illegal aliens but even so, I feel very good about myself for doing what we did by

helping out a struggling family.

ps My wife's nephew has a wife and another child in Colombia, who he is now able to support to some degree because

of his employment and the giveaway rent I charge him to stay in our home!!

ps To be fair, if his entry turns out to be illegal, out he and his son goes-I won't break the law for anyone!!
From a man with self proclaimed intelligence and wealth, why even charge $100? That is mere pennies to you. Where would you be if your parents hadn't paid for your entire education, got you a cushy desk job for 35 years and left you a large inheritance? Without all that, you couldn't have afforded a wife and made all this possible. I get you don't want to set precedent for the next wave of relatives coming, but why not share the wealth? Sounds like this was the mail order brides idea and you aren't really on board with it.

Nov 11, 2007
From a man with self proclaimed intelligence and wealth, why even charge $100? That is mere pennies to you. Where would you be if your parents hadn't paid for your entire education, got you a cushy desk job for 35 years and left you a large inheritance? Without all that, you couldn't have afforded a wife and made all this possible. I get you don't want to set precedent for the next wave of relatives coming, but why not share the wealth? Sounds like this was the mail order brides idea and you aren't really on board with it.
I announced when the Rubber Room was eliminated and when sbd brought his thread over here that no one would any longer

be on ignore, and that includes you Cheddar aka Phil Jr, at one time and who doesn't have the balls to admit it!!

I am reporting what you just posted as a personal attack and am going to see if they let it stand in view of the new rules!!

Rest be assured that if they do, I will post an appropriate reply to you!!

Stay tuned, PHIL JR!!

Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 74053

100% correct, well done class!

Who can name the three posters in the IVU Thread at the RX Forum who fail a documented 99.8% of the time

and 100% of the time when it comes to Trump's reinstatement and devolution and who have a 100% lack of

accountability for these failures??

Give up??

The answer is the thread entry of sbd/sheriff joe and the newest member, doctor success!!

Well done, Savage1!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
I announced when the Rubber Room was eliminated and when sbd brought his thread over here that no one would any longer

be on ignore, and that includes you Cheddar aka Phil Jr, at one time and who doesn't have the balls to admit it!!

I am reporting what you just posted as a personal attack and am going to see if they let it stand in view of the new rules!!

Rest be assured that if they do, I will post an appropriate reply to you!!

Stay tuned, PHIL JR!!
As it is the weekend and not knowing if anyone is moderating or not, I am going to give it until Monday morning to see if how they

respond to what you posted.

Between now and then any further personal attack posts from you will be immediately responded to in kind by me as I always do

when attacked first!!

Nov 11, 2007
The one relevant question asked today re: my immigration is why I charge our new boarders, who are members of my wife's family $100

when I can easily afford not to charge them anything.

First of all, even if I had the net worth of say Warren Buffett, which is "slightly more than mine," I would still charge him $100 a month.

Why you ask?

Well to be brief, it comes down to the need for assuming responsibility for one's life, a concept with which I agree 100%!!

Here is just one biblical quote I out of many I could us in addition to many non-biblical quotes to summarize my feelings;

  • 1 Timothy 5:8 - But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

In a related sense, I will let you folks decide why it is many, many wives of husbands, who are very wealthy athletes and

who earn millions each year, still work even though they obviously don't need the money!!

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