
Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
So Kate Middleton is alleged to have cancer. Wonder if it will miraculously be cured with a mRNA cancer vaccine.


Nov 11, 2007
One of the skills I gained by doing 34 years of investigative work is to usually be able to read a person by what they say it

and how they say it.

In this case, the CRACKPOT sheriff joe AKA doctorsuccess and sbd, I have arrived at two conclusions:

The sheriffjoe/doctor success really believes the nonsense they post even though there is nothing to support it.

There are a number of tell-tale signs he gives out when he posts which to an experienced investigator like myself that tells me

that for whatever reasons(eg something unpleasant happened sometim in his life) he has turned to this alternative reality

to bring some "positivity" to his existence as well as IMAGINING that lots of people agree with his crackpot rather than extremely


On the other hand, while sbd is beset by multiple emotional problems, as I see it, he doesn't post most of what he

does because he actually believes it but rather as some kind of taunt and try to get back at society(or in this case folks like me)

because they are happy with their lives and unlike sbd have something to hang their hats on!!

Again this is not something I can explain or prove but as is the case with sheriff joe is just something I have gained

through my professional experience as well as my many years on this planet!!

ps for the report even though he isn't that regular a poster compared to the two cited, I would regard MAGAPOOP

along the same lines of sheriff joe!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Back in the 90s, a good chunk of the Italian mafia was dismantled by Trump ("Batman") and co. in NY and Atlantic City through various FBI sting operations.

While that was happening, and indeed long before that, the Jewish mafia was busy infiltrating every part of our government. Jeffrey Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg.

Now CIC Trump, White Hats and their allies are destroying and dismantling that criminal syndicate as well, a plan decades in the making.

"We are saving Israel for last.
"Very specific reason not mentioned a single time"
-- Q

Biggest sting operation in history!


Nov 11, 2007
Back in the 90s, a good chunk of the Italian mafia was dismantled by Trump ("Batman") and co. in NY and Atlantic City through various FBI sting operations.

While that was happening, and indeed long before that, the Jewish mafia was busy infiltrating every part of our government. Jeffrey Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg.

Now CIC Trump, White Hats and their allies are destroying and dismantling that criminal syndicate as well, a plan decades in the making.

"We are saving Israel for last.
"Very specific reason not mentioned a single time"
-- Q

Biggest sting operation in history!

Back in the 90s, Trump was chasing pus sy and was concerned with making money and didn't have time/wasn't interested

in dismantling the mafia!! lol

Sep 5, 2010
Back in the 90s, Trump was chasing pus sy and was concerned with making money and didn't have time/wasn't interested

in dismantling the mafia!! lol
And don't forget that the orange encrusted buffoon was very busy not paying his bills, and filing multiple bankruptcies.





Shoe salesman

Soon to be homeless in New York!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Back late at night as there are more great tournament games to watch as opposed to total attention-seeking Aholes with nothing else

to do with their MISERABLE AND FAILED existence than to dwell on made-up past events as well as matters

going on which exist in their minds only and are topped off by new predictions that will fail just as 99.8% of the predictions so far

since this thread and the original one were started four years ago!!

Nov 11, 2007
And don't forget that the orange encrusted buffoon was very busy not paying his bills, and filing multiple bankruptcies.





Shoe salesman

Soon to be homeless in New York!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Don't forget also that when he couldn't find and get pus sy on his own, he paid for it with the likes of Stormy Daniels,

other sluts of the night, and when he didn't want to pay, he sexually abused and raped women like the Carroll lady to obtain it!!


Sep 5, 2010
Back late at night as there are more great tournament games to watch as opposed to total attention-seeking Aholes with nothing else

to do with their MISERABLE AND FAILED existence than to dwell on made-up past events as well as matters

going on which exist in their minds only and are topped off by new predictions that will fail just as 99.8% of the predictions so far

since this thread and the original one were started four years ago!!
GL on your wagers tonight!

I took a couple faves.

Duke -12 1/2 and Purdue -26.

Been pretty much even for the tourney so far.

Not up enough to lend the orange encrusted loser money.


Nov 11, 2007
GL on your wagers tonight!

I took a couple faves.

Duke -12 1/2 and Purdue -26.

Been pretty much even for the tourney so far.

Not up enough to lend the orange encrusted loser money.

I bet Duke and played a small four-team parlay including Duke!!

Imo these games in many cases are just plain fun to watch, and I don't generally go crazy with these bets because as

you can see already, unless you are betting dogs, lots of outright upsets can and do happen!!

I am slightly behind so far but who cares as I am having a great time watching the games!!

Best of luck to you also tonight-perhaps Trump should try his hand and bet four hundred million on one of the games

to win off the money that is due on Monday!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The biggest and most unhinged Trump haters are Jews.

Richard Blumenthal
Jerry Nadler
Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
George Soros
Robert Kagan
Victoria Nuland
Andrew Weissmann
David Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group)
Jeffrey Epstein
Harvey Weinstein
Ben Shapiro

On and never ends.

Not to mention..


Not to mention.. Rachel Maddow...

Not to mention..

Almost all of Pedowood, corporate leadership, media, academia (most savage's clown TDS "great reads" are written by TDS Jews)...

Yep, it's a fact - the biggest and most unhinged Trump-haters are Jewish.

Why is that? For anyone awake and paying attention, the answer is OBVIOUS...and goes DEEP.

Ahh, but of course we're not even allowed to mention this. After all, that would be... "anti-semitic"....

But Sheriff Joe is not "anti-semitic". No, no. Sheriff Joe is a 👉PATTERN RECOGNIZER

Now follow the logic..

Had White Hats attacked the Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) head on, what do you suppose would have happened?

Since they infiltrated and control...well, pretty much everything, imagine the "antisemetic" hysteria on a level we've never seen, especially a few years back when too many gullible Sheep still believed(Jew-controlled) FAKE "news", a fact Trump and the White Hats were very much aware of. Which would have exposed and blown up their entire Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) undercover sting operation.


Is this what Q meant by, "very specific reason not mentioned a single time"?


Sep 5, 2010
The biggest and most unhinged Trump haters are Jews.

Richard Blumenthal
Jerry Nadler
Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
George Soros
Robert Kagan
Victoria Nuland
Andrew Weissmann
David Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group)
Jeffrey Epstein
Harvey Weinstein
Ben Shapiro

On and never ends.

Not to mention..


Not to mention.. Rachel Maddow...

Not to mention..

Almost all of Pedowood, corporate leadership, media, academia (most savage's clown TDS "great reads" are written by TDS Jews)...

Yep, it's a fact - the biggest and most unhinged Trump-haters are Jewish.

Why is that? For anyone awake and paying attention, the answer is OBVIOUS...and goes DEEP.

Ahh, but of course we're not even allowed to mention this. After all, that would be... "anti-semitic"....

But Sheriff Joe is not "anti-semitic". No, no. Sheriff Joe is a 👉PATTERN RECOGNIZER

Now follow the logic..

Had White Hats attacked the Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) head on, what do you suppose would have happened?

Since they infiltrated and control...well, pretty much everything, imagine the "antisemetic" hysteria on a level we've never seen, especially a few years back when too many gullible Sheep still believed(Jew-controlled) FAKE "news", a fact Trump and the White Hats were very much aware of. Which would have exposed and blown up their entire Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) undercover sting operation.


Is this what Q meant by, "very specific reason not mentioned a single time"?

Who gives a flying fuck what you think, you deranged loser.

Nov 11, 2007
The biggest and most unhinged Trump haters are Jews.

Richard Blumenthal
Jerry Nadler
Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
George Soros
Robert Kagan
Victoria Nuland
Andrew Weissmann
David Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group)
Jeffrey Epstein
Harvey Weinstein
Ben Shapiro

On and never ends.

Not to mention..


Not to mention.. Rachel Maddow...

Not to mention..

Almost all of Pedowood, corporate leadership, media, academia (most savage's clown TDS "great reads" are written by TDS Jews)...

Yep, it's a fact - the biggest and most unhinged Trump-haters are Jewish.

Why is that? For anyone awake and paying attention, the answer is OBVIOUS...and goes DEEP.

Ahh, but of course we're not even allowed to mention this. After all, that would be... "anti-semitic"....

But Sheriff Joe is not "anti-semitic". No, no. Sheriff Joe is a 👉PATTERN RECOGNIZER

Now follow the logic..

Had White Hats attacked the Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) head on, what do you suppose would have happened?

Since they infiltrated and control...well, pretty much everything, imagine the "antisemetic" hysteria on a level we've never seen, especially a few years back when too many gullible Sheep still believed(Jew-controlled) FAKE "news", a fact Trump and the White Hats were very much aware of. Which would have exposed and blown up their entire Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) undercover sting operation.


Is this what Q meant by, "very specific reason not mentioned a single time"?

One of the skills I gained by doing 34 years of investigative work is to usually be able to read a person by what they say it

and how they say it.

In this case, with CRACKPOT sheriff joe AKA doctorsuccess and sbd, I have arrived at two conclusions:

The sheriffjoe/doctor entity success really believes the nonsense they post even though there is nothing to support it.

There are a number of tell-tale signs he gives out when he posts which to an experienced investigator like myself that tells me

that for whatever reasons(eg something unpleasant happened sometime in his life) he has turned to this alternative reality

to bring some "positivity" to his existence as well as IMAGINING that lots of people agree with his crackpot rather than extremely


On the other hand, while sbd is beset by multiple emotional problems, as I see it, he doesn't post most of what he

does because he actually believes it but rather as some kind of taunt and tries to get back at society(or in this case folks like me)

because they are happy with their lives and unlike sbd, have something to hang their hats on!!

Again this is not something I can explain or prove but as is the case with sheriff joe this is just something I have gained

through my professional experience as well as my many years on this planet!!

ps for the report even though he isn't that regular a poster compared to the two cited, I would regard MAGAPOOP

along the same lines of sheriff joe!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Educating clueless and ignorant Tards, one post at a time.


Well, it has happened.

Candace Owens has been fired from Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire for standing up to the baby-killer Jews.

This was inevitable. I was surprised it took this long.

Jeremy Boreing, Shapiro’s partner, announced on Twitter that she was dropped.

When she was asked about her relationship with Ben Shapiro having degraded in the wake of October 7 and the Israeli child slaughter campaign, she claimed that “Ben is not my boss,” and that she had a good relationship with Boreing (who is not Jewish).

I don’t know exactly how the company is structured, but I know that Shapiro started the company and that he had the ability to force her out, regardless if Boreing is officially her boss.

The reason someone might want to keep her around is that she’s very popular, and she’s also married to a guy who is very wealthy, so having her tethered to the Daily Wire might keep her moderated.

Now, she’s off the plantation, so to say. She’s riding the underground railroad to freedom.

The last straw was apparently the interview she did a couple days ago with some lunatic rabbi.

She is definitely crossing the line from being anti-genocide into asking what exactly is going on with Jews in general. This is sort of the opposite of the track that Elon Musk took, where he was questioning American Jews because of their attacks on him, on freedom of speech, and on white people and the West, then used right-wing Israel Jews as an exit strategy, cozying up to them and acting like it is just “liberal Jews” that are the problem.

Both American freedom-hating Jews and Israel-lover baby-killer Jews are the problem. Jews, in general, are the problem. These Jews play all kinds of different games with ideology, but whether they are left-wing or right-wing, you will find yourself getting very seriously kiked by them in short order.

I didn’t used to say this, but I will now (maybe because I’m a middle-aged alcoholic with a brain tumor locked into a state of botched convalescence): it’s not necessarily “every single Jewish person” that is a problem. It is, however, every single Jewish person that is involved in “organized world Jewry” that is the problem.

You know, I have a lot of nasty things to say about black people, and about women for that matter, and Candace is now my hero. So, individuals exist and we can acknowledge that, but just as we talk about “The Italian Mafia” and “black gangs,” we need to be able to talk about “the Jewish Problem.” Because the Jews are the problem, and this whole “oh well, there are left and right Jews” thing is not working at all. It’s fine if you want to say “well, I know a Jewish guy who’s okay.” Frankly, they should be Baptized if they are “okay,” but okay. Regardless, there is no group involved in “organized Jewry” that is not a problem, and organized Jewry spans a wide range of ideologies across the globe.

Candace was bringing this all together on her show. Before the rabbi interview above, she was building a case against the Jews in various different ways, including exposing the fact that basically all of the “Russian” communist mass-murderers were Jewish. This is very smart for a popular figure like her.

The issue is: no one is going to deny the Holocaust any time soon. The game is to simply bypass it by telling the Jews to shut up and stop whining. In the longer term, people are going to have to address the fact that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, but that is a long game. Right now, we are getting very close to the point where people just start telling these Jews they’re tired of hearing about the Holocaust. When you build up the case that the Jews did much worse things to the Russians than the Nazis (supposedly) did to them, you’ve created a moral equivalency that can be used to silence Jewish Holocaust whining. If the Jews are morally equivalent to the Nazis, they don’t have any right to use “oh but the Nazis” as a shield.

You have to just tell these Jews to shut up and stop whining, you are tired of hearing about how they are such victims. We have to be able to address “the Jews” as being at the root of all of these problems. There is no choice. Either we start saying “The Jews,” or all life on earth will die.

It’s already starting to happen. I was watching Russian shill Scott Ritter on Judge Napalitano yesterday, and he said “people say that Israel controls American politics, but the truth, perhaps more controversial, is that American Jews use Israel as a means to shape American foreign policy.” This statement was made in regards to the Chuck Schumer condemnation of Bibi Netanyahu, which was run by AIPAC before he said it.

The only way any of what is going on in the world makes any sense is if you say “The Jews.” Everyone analyzing the situation already knows that. We just need brave people – conservatives, Russian shills, Chinese shills, Palestine defenders, incels – to start saying it aloud. That is happening. Candace will be a big part of this transformation, and blacks will be resented for her leading role in that transformation. But for life on earth to survive, that transformation must take place.
Candace Owens was fired from the Daily Wire after the ADL was attacking her for defending herself against a satanic Jewish Rabbi who was selling sex toys with his daughter.

It's obvious what happened here. Candace Owens became too vocal against the crimes of the Shitty Little State.

How dare she!


Sep 5, 2010
GL on your wagers tonight!

I took a couple faves.

Duke -12 1/2 and Purdue -26.

Been pretty much even for the tourney so far.

Not up enough to lend the orange encrusted loser money.

Went 2-0 tonight.

I wonder what sbd did?

He/she couldn't win a one man circle jerk!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Went 2-0 tonight.

I wonder what sbd did?

He/she couldn't win a one man circle jerk!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Kudos!! I went 2-0 also with the picks but lost the small four-team parlay!!

Re: sbd, after going a DOCUMENTED 99.8% FAILED predictions since he started this thread four years ago, his best chance

of "winning" a bet is betting both sides on the same game and hope it lands on the number, which would mean a push, which

for him is the closest thing to winning a bet he will ever get!!

Nov 11, 2007
The biggest and most unhinged Trump haters are Jews.

Richard Blumenthal
Jerry Nadler
Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
George Soros
Robert Kagan
Victoria Nuland
Andrew Weissmann
David Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group)
Jeffrey Epstein
Harvey Weinstein
Ben Shapiro

On and never ends.

Not to mention..


Not to mention.. Rachel Maddow...

Not to mention..

Almost all of Pedowood, corporate leadership, media, academia (most savage's clown TDS "great reads" are written by TDS Jews)...

Yep, it's a fact - the biggest and most unhinged Trump-haters are Jewish.

Why is that? For anyone awake and paying attention, the answer is OBVIOUS...and goes DEEP.

Ahh, but of course we're not even allowed to mention this. After all, that would be... "anti-semitic"....

But Sheriff Joe is not "anti-semitic". No, no. Sheriff Joe is a 👉PATTERN RECOGNIZER

Now follow the logic..

Had White Hats attacked the Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) head on, what do you suppose would have happened?

Since they infiltrated and control...well, pretty much everything, imagine the "antisemetic" hysteria on a level we've never seen, especially a few years back when too many gullible Sheep still believed(Jew-controlled) FAKE "news", a fact Trump and the White Hats were very much aware of. Which would have exposed and blown up their entire Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) undercover sting operation.


Is this what Q meant by, "very specific reason not mentioned a single time"?

Suffice it to say this is a typical sheriffjoe/doctor success where a bunch of random anti-Semitic thoughts are tossed out which are illogical

and actually are contradictory, inconsistent and leave any rational and intelligent person asking himself "what the fuck is this AHole

actually trying to say here" because it is a confusing flyaway mess!!

I would expect this kind of post from someone who is inebriated or loaded up on drugs!!

I sure as hell would not be surprised if does in fact apply to sheriff joe in this instance!!

Back in the am!!
Sep 12, 2022
The biggest and most unhinged Trump haters are Jews.

Richard Blumenthal
Jerry Nadler
Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
George Soros
Robert Kagan
Victoria Nuland
Andrew Weissmann
David Rubenstein (The Carlyle Group)
Jeffrey Epstein
Harvey Weinstein
Ben Shapiro

On and never ends.

Not to mention..


Not to mention.. Rachel Maddow...

Not to mention..

Almost all of Pedowood, corporate leadership, media, academia (most savage's clown TDS "great reads" are written by TDS Jews)...

Yep, it's a fact - the biggest and most unhinged Trump-haters are Jewish.

Why is that? For anyone awake and paying attention, the answer is OBVIOUS...and goes DEEP.

Ahh, but of course we're not even allowed to mention this. After all, that would be... "anti-semitic"....

But Sheriff Joe is not "anti-semitic". No, no. Sheriff Joe is a 👉PATTERN RECOGNIZER

Now follow the logic..

Had White Hats attacked the Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) head on, what do you suppose would have happened?

Since they infiltrated and control...well, pretty much everything, imagine the "antisemetic" hysteria on a level we've never seen, especially a few years back when too many gullible Sheep still believed(Jew-controlled) FAKE "news", a fact Trump and the White Hats were very much aware of. Which would have exposed and blown up their entire Khazarian mafia (Jew mafia) undercover sting operation.


Is this what Q meant by, "very specific reason not mentioned a single time"?


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