Sep 12, 2022
Educating clueless Tards, one post at a time.


60 percent of Democrats think the COVID-19 scamdemic which was a total hoax and a lie is still ongoing.
Only 41% of Democrats say the pandemic is over.
— Anthony LaMesa (@ajlamesa) March 16, 2024
They just can’t let go of it. They are not mentally capable of admitting that they were fooled into accepting an enormous lie and used that lie to justify doing all sorts of reprehensible things to others.

There’s no question that these people have been permanently damaged from the hoax. Most of them have probably gotten vaxxed which has caused them to become more brain damaged than they were before taking the fake vaccines. It just further damaged their already retarded brains.

Even four years after this hoax was launched, things still aren’t back to normal and they never will go back to the way things were. So much damage was done as a result of the hoax. People have been destroyed economically, psychologically and spiritually because of it.
Sep 12, 2022

Salvage wrong 100% of the time!

Absolutely humiliated!

How dumb are the Tards?

If someone on television told them their only protection from a raging fake pandemic was wearing a gay, rainbow colored dunce cap, they would wear the dunce cap.

And Salvage would be the first one to do it.

Nov 11, 2007
A few quick points until I disappear until much later:

1) It is quite evident that sheriff joe/doctorsuccess/Clark Kent/Superman entry continues to be enraged by my posts

even though they pretend not to read them by name-calling and insults, which I just brush off and gives me further incentive

to stay.

2) While I don't have anyone on ignore, at this point when I see sheriff joe/doctorsuccess/sbd/magapoop post something, the first thing

I do is check the source/link if there is one.

If it is from the likes of Real Raw News, Henry Makow, or a neo-Nazi/anti-Semitic site, satirical I stop right there, don't

read the link/articleand simply post the media review of these sources, which in all cases amount to not, credible,

not reliable, fat right-wing-source, etc.

3)The only posts I do read in their entirety are those of Lenny Lenbo because even though I hardly ever agree with him, at the least

he does post sources and links that are credible even though for the most part they are very one-sided.

That said, I limit my responses ot him to a maximum of one a day for the simple reason that he won't admit even one shortcoming on

the part of Trump and considers him a deity.

In short, I simply can't be bothered wasting too much time with someone who is the ultimate homer!!

I should add that I do read the posts of occasional posters and respond to them as roadreeler who like Lenny read

my posts instead of pretending that they do not like the folks cited above!!

That's it-back this afternoon sometime.

Nov 11, 2007
ps It goes without saying that I do, have and always will read and respond to folks like wilbur and schmirt who unlike the folks above, don't

have their heads stuck up their ass and who live in a world of delusion, fantasy, imagination, attention-seeking, etc and who get

off on all this and believe somehow by so doing it makes them successful rather than the miserable failures in life

with no accomplishments that define them!!

Back no sooner than 2:00.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Salvage wrong 100% of the time!

Absolutely humiliated!

How dumb are the Tards?

If someone on television told them their only protection from a raging fake pandemic was wearing a gay, rainbow colored dunce cap, they would wear the dunce cap.

And Salvage would be the first one to do it.
How many Fridays have passed where this idiot hasn't changed his mind even 1/10th of a percent despite OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE which always contradicts his lunatic hate-filled views?

And how many TDS loons has he predicted would be "president"?

The Stupid burns WHITE HOT with this trolling clown!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Aug 17, 2019
How many Fridays have passed where this idiot hasn't changed his mind even 1/10th of a percent despite OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE which always contradicts his lunatic hate-filled views?

And how many TDS loons has he predicted would be "president"?

The Stupid burns WHITE HOT with this trolling clown!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Aug 17, 2019

With Trump's $454 million bond posting due next week the military is quietly getting into place to protect him, his family and properties.

There is ZERO chance Trump posts anything.

The action taken against Trump is , once again, illegal and is nothing more than another witch hunt.

Boots on the ground have confirmed that Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster and Trump Tower are currently secured by special forces.

Additionally, they are also starting to move troops into other areas to protect additional properties, including California, Vegas and NY (Westchester county).

Tards continue to STILL have a death grip on the "we got him this time" delusion and are too stupid to understand why the Trump is travelling around in the Presidential motorcade and why the military is protecting Trump.

Sep 12, 2022
How many Fridays have passed where this idiot hasn't changed his mind even 1/10th of a percent despite OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE which always contradicts his lunatic hate-filled views?

And how many TDS loons has he predicted would be "president"?

The Stupid burns WHITE HOT with this trolling clown!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

That's the most telltale sign of stupidity ever.

Patriots, or any intelligent person, when confronted with truthful information will change their mind.

I wasn't fully cognizant of Trump as CIC until a couple of years ago when the evidence became overwhelming. So I changed my initial position. That's what smart people do. They research. They follow the evidence. And they continue to seek the truth.

Tards, and in particular Salvage, despite being gifted with the amazing and enormous amount of information on this and the old thread, haven't acknowledged any of it.

It's a sign of utter stupidity.

No wonder they are abject failures in life.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
If you think the GOP is any better than the Dems, consider this...

At 2:30 AM today, House Republicans finally made available to House members its 1,012 page, $1.2 trillion, spending bill. It is scheduled for a vote this morning.

It takes a person of average reading speed 27 hours to read 1,000 pages.

This is no different than when Pelosi infamously said House members could find out what was in a bill after voting on it.

Nov 11, 2007

With Trump's $454 million bond posting due next week the military is quietly getting into place to protect him, his family and properties.

There is ZERO chance Trump posts anything.

The action taken against Trump is , once again, illegal and is nothing more than another witch hunt.

Boots on the ground have confirmed that Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster and Trump Tower are currently secured by special forces.

Additionally, they are also starting to move troops into other areas to protect additional properties, including California, Vegas and NY (Westchester county).

Tards continue to STILL have a death grip on the "we got him this time" delusion and are too stupid to understand why the Trump is travelling around in the Presidential motorcade and why the military is protecting Trump.

No source and no link simply mean one thing:

It comes from a site that sbd wouldn't dare reveal because he knows damn well that if he did, it would be exposed by me as

a 100% unreliable one like virtually all of the other ones with virtually zero credibility and unreliability!!

In all fairness as sbd has shown before, he doesn't really believe shit like this himself but posts it for taunting purposes only

Nov 11, 2007
That's the most telltale sign of stupidity ever.

Patriots, or any intelligent person, when confronted with truthful information will change their mind.

I wasn't fully cognizant of Trump as CIC until a couple of years ago when the evidence became overwhelming. So I changed my initial position. That's what smart people do. They research. They follow the evidence. And they continue to seek the truth.

Tards, and in particular Salvage, despite being gifted with the amazing and enormous amount of information on this and the old thread, haven't acknowledged any of it.

It's a sign of utter stupidity.

No wonder they are abject failures in life.
If one of the people you are referring to me as a failure with a hefty seven-digit net worth, a highly successful social service career,

a BA and Masters Degree, a wonderful and loving wife with whom I just celebrated our 18th anniversary, an outstanding mind

and an ability to use it to reduce folks like you to dogshit in any kind of debate with hardly any effort, a beautiful

$750,000 home with 3550 sq foot him paid off over 12 years ago, having prominent, well-educated, and highly

successful JEWISH parents with outstanding careers and highly respected in the community, yeah then I guess I am a failure

and relatively speaking I wonder what that makes you in comparison!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If you think the GOP is any better than the Dems, consider this...

At 2:30 AM today, House Republicans finally made available to House members its 1,012 page, $1.2 trillion, spending bill. It is scheduled for a vote this morning.

It takes a person of average reading speed 27 hours to read 1,000 pages.

This is no different than when Pelosi infamously said House members could find out what was in a bill after voting on it.
They don't call it "The Democrat Swamp"

They don't call it "The Republican Swamp"

They call it, THE SWAMP. Period.


More infiltrated, corrupt and evil than most people can possibly imagine or stomach.

If only Democrats were covering up JFK Truth, it would have been exposed by now.

If only Democrats were covering up the Kenyan's ineligibility, "Big Mike" and his endless scandals, he would have been exposed by now.

Along with thousands of other Uniparty SWAMP hoaxes, scams, corruption, coverups, govt agencies gone completely rogue and outright acts of TREASON and SEDITION!

That's why the top Generals recruited Trump.

That's why there's a "Plan"

That's why "the only way is the military" - Q

And that's why Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!


Aug 17, 2019
They don't call it "The Democrat Swamp"

They don't call it "The Republican Swamp"

They call it, THE SWAMP. Period.


More infiltrated, corrupt and evil than most people can possibly imagine or stomach.

If only Democrats were covering up JFK Truth, it would have been exposed by now.

If only Democrats were covering up the Kenyan's ineligibility, "Big Mike" and his endless scandals, he would have been exposed by now.

Along with thousands of other Uniparty SWAMP hoaxes, scams, corruption, coverups, govt agencies gone completely rogue and outright acts of TREASON and SEDITION!

That's why the top Generals recruited Trump.

That's why there's a "Plan"

That's why "the only way is the military" - Q

And that's why Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!



Trust the Plan.

It's been executed perfectly.
Sep 12, 2022

With Trump's $454 million bond posting due next week the military is quietly getting into place to protect him, his family and properties.

There is ZERO chance Trump posts anything.

The action taken against Trump is , once again, illegal and is nothing more than another witch hunt.

Boots on the ground have confirmed that Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster and Trump Tower are currently secured by special forces.

Additionally, they are also starting to move troops into other areas to protect additional properties, including California, Vegas and NY (Westchester county).

Tards continue to STILL have a death grip on the "we got him this time" delusion and are too stupid to understand why the Trump is travelling around in the Presidential motorcade and why the military is protecting Trump.

This is FANTASTIC news!

Another collosal defeat and humiliation for the Tards!

Tards can never win! Ever!

They just keep on LOSING!

Haw, haw, haw, haw!!!

Nov 11, 2007
They don't call it "The Democrat Swamp"

They don't call it "The Republican Swamp"

They call it, THE SWAMP. Period.


More infiltrated, corrupt and evil than most people can possibly imagine or stomach.

If only Democrats were covering up JFK Truth, it would have been exposed by now.

If only Democrats were covering up the Kenyan's ineligibility, "Big Mike" and his endless scandals, he would have been exposed by now.

Along with thousands of other Uniparty SWAMP hoaxes, scams, corruption, coverups, govt agencies gone completely rogue and outright acts of TREASON and SEDITION!

That's why the top Generals recruited Trump.

That's why there's a "Plan"

That's why "the only way is the military" - Q

And that's why Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!


Yawn-the same prediction and statement you made over three years ago and in case of the prediction that Trump's devolution was/is

imminent, the contradictory statement that Trump has been the "acting CIC" right along as well as the other bs about

the NON-EXISTENT tribunal/GITMOs going on behind the scent which even Trump and his lawyers don't know about(but you

do) just corroborate what a sick, demented person with SEVERE psychosis!!
Sep 12, 2022
Educating clueless and ignorant Tards, one post at a time.


Well, it has happened.

Candace Owens has been fired from Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire for standing up to the baby-killer Jews.

This was inevitable. I was surprised it took this long.

Jeremy Boreing, Shapiro’s partner, announced on Twitter that she was dropped.

When she was asked about her relationship with Ben Shapiro having degraded in the wake of October 7 and the Israeli child slaughter campaign, she claimed that “Ben is not my boss,” and that she had a good relationship with Boreing (who is not Jewish).

I don’t know exactly how the company is structured, but I know that Shapiro started the company and that he had the ability to force her out, regardless if Boreing is officially her boss.

The reason someone might want to keep her around is that she’s very popular, and she’s also married to a guy who is very wealthy, so having her tethered to the Daily Wire might keep her moderated.

Now, she’s off the plantation, so to say. She’s riding the underground railroad to freedom.

The last straw was apparently the interview she did a couple days ago with some lunatic rabbi.

She is definitely crossing the line from being anti-genocide into asking what exactly is going on with Jews in general. This is sort of the opposite of the track that Elon Musk took, where he was questioning American Jews because of their attacks on him, on freedom of speech, and on white people and the West, then used right-wing Israel Jews as an exit strategy, cozying up to them and acting like it is just “liberal Jews” that are the problem.

Both American freedom-hating Jews and Israel-lover baby-killer Jews are the problem. Jews, in general, are the problem. These Jews play all kinds of different games with ideology, but whether they are left-wing or right-wing, you will find yourself getting very seriously kiked by them in short order.

I didn’t used to say this, but I will now (maybe because I’m a middle-aged alcoholic with a brain tumor locked into a state of botched convalescence): it’s not necessarily “every single Jewish person” that is a problem. It is, however, every single Jewish person that is involved in “organized world Jewry” that is the problem.

You know, I have a lot of nasty things to say about black people, and about women for that matter, and Candace is now my hero. So, individuals exist and we can acknowledge that, but just as we talk about “The Italian Mafia” and “black gangs,” we need to be able to talk about “the Jewish Problem.” Because the Jews are the problem, and this whole “oh well, there are left and right Jews” thing is not working at all. It’s fine if you want to say “well, I know a Jewish guy who’s okay.” Frankly, they should be Baptized if they are “okay,” but okay. Regardless, there is no group involved in “organized Jewry” that is not a problem, and organized Jewry spans a wide range of ideologies across the globe.

Candace was bringing this all together on her show. Before the rabbi interview above, she was building a case against the Jews in various different ways, including exposing the fact that basically all of the “Russian” communist mass-murderers were Jewish. This is very smart for a popular figure like her.

The issue is: no one is going to deny the Holocaust any time soon. The game is to simply bypass it by telling the Jews to shut up and stop whining. In the longer term, people are going to have to address the fact that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, but that is a long game. Right now, we are getting very close to the point where people just start telling these Jews they’re tired of hearing about the Holocaust. When you build up the case that the Jews did much worse things to the Russians than the Nazis (supposedly) did to them, you’ve created a moral equivalency that can be used to silence Jewish Holocaust whining. If the Jews are morally equivalent to the Nazis, they don’t have any right to use “oh but the Nazis” as a shield.

You have to just tell these Jews to shut up and stop whining, you are tired of hearing about how they are such victims. We have to be able to address “the Jews” as being at the root of all of these problems. There is no choice. Either we start saying “The Jews,” or all life on earth will die.

It’s already starting to happen. I was watching Russian shill Scott Ritter on Judge Napalitano yesterday, and he said “people say that Israel controls American politics, but the truth, perhaps more controversial, is that American Jews use Israel as a means to shape American foreign policy.” This statement was made in regards to the Chuck Schumer condemnation of Bibi Netanyahu, which was run by AIPAC before he said it.

The only way any of what is going on in the world makes any sense is if you say “The Jews.” Everyone analyzing the situation already knows that. We just need brave people – conservatives, Russian shills, Chinese shills, Palestine defenders, incels – to start saying it aloud. That is happening. Candace will be a big part of this transformation, and blacks will be resented for her leading role in that transformation. But for life on earth to survive, that transformation must take place.

Nov 11, 2007
Educating clueless and ignorant Tards, one post at a time.


Well, it has happened.

Candace Owens has been fired from Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire for standing up to the baby-killer Jews.

This was inevitable. I was surprised it took this long.

Jeremy Boreing, Shapiro’s partner, announced on Twitter that she was dropped.

When she was asked about her relationship with Ben Shapiro having degraded in the wake of October 7 and the Israeli child slaughter campaign, she claimed that “Ben is not my boss,” and that she had a good relationship with Boreing (who is not Jewish).

I don’t know exactly how the company is structured, but I know that Shapiro started the company and that he had the ability to force her out, regardless if Boreing is officially her boss.

The reason someone might want to keep her around is that she’s very popular, and she’s also married to a guy who is very wealthy, so having her tethered to the Daily Wire might keep her moderated.

Now, she’s off the plantation, so to say. She’s riding the underground railroad to freedom.

The last straw was apparently the interview she did a couple days ago with some lunatic rabbi.

She is definitely crossing the line from being anti-genocide into asking what exactly is going on with Jews in general. This is sort of the opposite of the track that Elon Musk took, where he was questioning American Jews because of their attacks on him, on freedom of speech, and on white people and the West, then used right-wing Israel Jews as an exit strategy, cozying up to them and acting like it is just “liberal Jews” that are the problem.

Both American freedom-hating Jews and Israel-lover baby-killer Jews are the problem. Jews, in general, are the problem. These Jews play all kinds of different games with ideology, but whether they are left-wing or right-wing, you will find yourself getting very seriously kiked by them in short order.

I didn’t used to say this, but I will now (maybe because I’m a middle-aged alcoholic with a brain tumor locked into a state of botched convalescence): it’s not necessarily “every single Jewish person” that is a problem. It is, however, every single Jewish person that is involved in “organized world Jewry” that is the problem.

You know, I have a lot of nasty things to say about black people, and about women for that matter, and Candace is now my hero. So, individuals exist and we can acknowledge that, but just as we talk about “The Italian Mafia” and “black gangs,” we need to be able to talk about “the Jewish Problem.” Because the Jews are the problem, and this whole “oh well, there are left and right Jews” thing is not working at all. It’s fine if you want to say “well, I know a Jewish guy who’s okay.” Frankly, they should be Baptized if they are “okay,” but okay. Regardless, there is no group involved in “organized Jewry” that is not a problem, and organized Jewry spans a wide range of ideologies across the globe.

Candace was bringing this all together on her show. Before the rabbi interview above, she was building a case against the Jews in various different ways, including exposing the fact that basically all of the “Russian” communist mass-murderers were Jewish. This is very smart for a popular figure like her.

The issue is: no one is going to deny the Holocaust any time soon. The game is to simply bypass it by telling the Jews to shut up and stop whining. In the longer term, people are going to have to address the fact that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, but that is a long game. Right now, we are getting very close to the point where people just start telling these Jews they’re tired of hearing about the Holocaust. When you build up the case that the Jews did much worse things to the Russians than the Nazis (supposedly) did to them, you’ve created a moral equivalency that can be used to silence Jewish Holocaust whining. If the Jews are morally equivalent to the Nazis, they don’t have any right to use “oh but the Nazis” as a shield.

You have to just tell these Jews to shut up and stop whining, you are tired of hearing about how they are such victims. We have to be able to address “the Jews” as being at the root of all of these problems. There is no choice. Either we start saying “The Jews,” or all life on earth will die.

It’s already starting to happen. I was watching Russian shill Scott Ritter on Judge Napalitano yesterday, and he said “people say that Israel controls American politics, but the truth, perhaps more controversial, is that American Jews use Israel as a means to shape American foreign policy.” This statement was made in regards to the Chuck Schumer condemnation of Bibi Netanyahu, which was run by AIPAC before he said it.

The only way any of what is going on in the world makes any sense is if you say “The Jews.” Everyone analyzing the situation already knows that. We just need brave people – conservatives, Russian shills, Chinese shills, Palestine defenders, incels – to start saying it aloud. That is happening. Candace will be a big part of this transformation, and blacks will be resented for her leading role in that transformation. But for life on earth to survive, that transformation must take place.

Daily Stormer – Bias and Credibility​

Daily Stormer - Right Bias - Hate Group - Fake News
Factual Reporting: Very Low - Biased - Not Credible - Fake News


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Stormer Questionable based on Extreme Right Bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as simply being a vile hate group. This source is not worthy of a click.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Hate Group
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


US Embassy Attacked in Baghdad After Airstrikes


The Daily Stormer is an American neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website. It is part of the alt-right movement. Its editor is Andrew Anglin, who founded it on July 4, 2013, as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website, Total Fascism. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, this is a Neo-Nazi Hate group.
On 8/14/2017, The Daily Stormer moved registration to Google after GoDaddy severed ties due to the Charlottesville Incident on 8/12/2017. Approximately one hour later, Google canceled the Daily Stormer’s registration as well.
On 8/15/2017, the Daily Stormer moved to the Dark Web and eventually returned with a new host.
In August 2019, the site went offline temporarily when their service provider, BitMitigate, was cut off by their cloud infrastructure provider; the site found another provider.
The Daily Stormer frequently changes hosting and domains.

Read our profile on USA government influence on media.

Funded by / Ownership

The website is owned by Andrew Anglin and is funded through donations.

Analysis / Bias

In review, the Daily Stormer is a neo-nazi, white supremacist hate website. The Daily Stormer frequently promotes Holocaust denial and even advocates exterminating the Jews. The website also features a countdown clock that shows when Whites will be the minority in the USA. When not promoting Antisemitism, they frequently publish propaganda in support of Racism, Islamophobia, Anti-LGBTQ, and advocacy for Men’s rights.
Politically, the Daily Stormer and Andrew Anglin support Donald Trump, stating, “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who represents our interests.” The Daily Stormer has even been criticized by white nationalist websites such as Stormfront and Counter-Currents that have taken issue with what they see as lowbrow coverage.
Overall, we rate the Daily Stormer Questionable based on Extreme Right Bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as simply being a vile hate group. This source is not worthy of a click. (D. Van Zandt 2/8/2017) Update (12/12/2021)
Special Note: We provide a link below to their website for our Chrome Extensions, which requires a link to the website to display on Facebook and the Chrome taskbar. We recommend not clicking the link. (D. Van Zandt)
Last Updated on May 22, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check


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