
Nov 11, 2007

Telling the truth about Tards.

Humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult
Cabalist Judaism (Freemasonry.)

The West is run by Cabalist Jews &
Freemasons who exploit and subjugate them.

The COVID Hoax is an example. Anyone supporting this hoax,
or BLM, Israel or Zelinsky has been unwittingly inducted into this cult.

"We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." (Protocols of Zion, 12)

"Jews don't know it but their God is Lucifer," Harold Rosenthal

Makow- The Jewish Plot Against Christian Civilization

Revised from Jan 21, 2013

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Until the age of roughly 50,
I was another mass-produced Luciferian Jew --Zionist, liberal, socialist and feminist.

Luciferian Jews are "revolutionaries," - people who deny and often defy God by overturning His design, the natural and moral order of the universe. They have defined the modern world, which they built on the ruins of "religious superstition."

In 1966, at age 17, I was swept up in the anti-war movement. The Vietnam war discredited everything the US pretended to represent.


(left, Paul Krassner, making Eye of Horus)

I identified with Wally Wood's obscene "Disneyland Memorial Orgy" cartoon (above) published in Paul Krassner's Realist magazine. It expressed Jewish outrage at WASP society's fundamental hypocrisy. Snow White, the ideal of American innocence, is ravished by the seven dwarfs. The WASP establishment were evil hypocrites.

Except, the Vietnam war was engineered by Illuminati Jews (Rockefeller, Rothschilds) partly to alienate a whole generation. The "WASP establishment" had been their errand boys for some time. I was socially engineered. My mind was molded. They used my youth and idealism to turn me against the US.

Cabalist (Illuminati) Jews believe that God's will is expressed through them. The world is unjust if they don't run it.


(left, Abbie Hoffman)

Throughout history, this demented ideology took the form of a desire to destroy the world and rebuild it in their own image. Thus, they fomented wars to destroy the Gentiles and concentrate money & power in their hands. They put the entire Gentile establishment in place -- mostly Freemason collaborators. Collaboration is a prerequisite for success in the public sphere today. Mankind is satanically possessed.

They undermined wholesome virtues practised by their Christian neighbors. For example, they broke down all sexual restraint, labelling this (with their usual guile), "sexual liberation."


Even before the Vietnam war, I followed this Luciferian agenda. At age 15, I was almost thrown out of high school for buying a subscription to PLAYBOY for the school library. The story made the city newspaper, and the Principal was in hot water. He threatened to expel me if I didn't give up my "crusade."


(Hugh the crypto-Jew?)

Little did I understand PLAYBOY magazine was crucial to the Luciferian goal of equating sex with the meaning of life. This contributed to society's current adolescent obsession with sex, and the breakdown of marriage and family.

I didn't understand that this satanic cult is hidden within Judaism. Judaism is a satanic cult (Cabala, Talmud) masquerading as a religion (Torah, Old Testament.) Most Jews have not been formally initiated into the real goal.

I had nothing to do with "Jewish teachings." I was secular. But secularism is Judaism: Materialism and the denial of God.

Any true religion renounces the world, especially the pursuit of sex and money. Judaism encourages both. "Be successful children," my aunt used to say.

In true religion, like Christianity or Islam, God is universal. In Judaism, God (Lucifer) is exclusively for Jews. The world belongs to Jews who are God's Chosen People. Non-Jews are animals intended to serve Jews. I didn't know this then. Most Jews don't. (The Real Talmud)

Although my intentions were pure, I was one of Satan's little helpers. Satan loves idealists. "Useful idiots." he calls them. Millions have died believing satanic Judaism (Communism) really stood for "social justice and equality." These are scams used to elect their agents. Do you think they really care about the goyim?


(Jerry Rubin,left)


Modern history and culture is the story of man's induction intoSatanism, i.e. Cabala Judaism.

All that nonsense about God not existing, and man's "alienation" from God, is pure Satanism. (see also The "God" of Cabala)

Since when do values like love, peace, beauty, truth and justice not exist? They inspire all human beings. Of course, creation is infused with Intelligence. A minor example: When I stubbed my toe, my body grew a brand new toenail. I couldn't do that!

Every time I eat an orange or drink pure spring water, I know God exists. My friend's baby is an unfolding miracle. Life is a constant Miracle. If we can't see it, we are asleep.

"Modernism" was engineered by Illuminati Jewish bankers as part of a long-term conspiracy to divorce us from God and enslave mankind.

"The modern age is the Jewish Age, and the Twentieth Century, in particular, is the Jewish Century, " Professor Yuri Slezkine begins his book, The Jewish Century.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, "Jews began to see themselves as the real bearers of the Enlightenment..."


(The disgusting Sarah Silverman)

(The "Enlightenment" is where Illuminati-sponsored "great men" redefine reality.)

In Vienna in 1903, Solomon Ehrmann told a B'nai Brith (i.e. Freemason) meeting that the future was going to be fundamentally Jewish. "All of mankind will have been Jewified and joined in unison with the B'nai Brith." (Lindemann, Esau's Tears, p. 331)

Like Lucifer, Cabalist Jews are metaphysical outcasts. This is the reason many Jews are so restless; they are "alienated" from God, i.e. their soul, or sense of Being. They are actually at war with God. This is the "revolutionary Jewish spirit" that E. Michael Jones talks about. They are at war with "logos," the Creator's Design, the natural order that leads to greatest health and happiness. Cabalist Jews must destroy the world and rebuild it in their own sick image. We are ruled by sociopaths.

In the words of Goethe, "No Jew, not even the most insignificant, but is busy towards the achievement of some worldly, temporary or momentary aim."

According to Werner Sombart, "This activity often enough degenerates into restlessness. He must forever be up and doing, forever managing something and carrying it to fruition." (Jews & Modern Capitalism)

Jews feel unloved because they deny God's Love. In order to finally feel loved, I had to write a syndicated column for 47 newspapers at age 11. ("Ask Henry" an advice for parents column.) Like the former me, most Jews are dupes.

(Katy "I kissed a Girl" Perry performs at Obama inauguration. She "sold her soul to the devil" to become a star.)


The Illuminati control the mass media and use it to induct us into their Cabalist nightmare. We become what we contemplate: violence, greed, lust (pornography,) homosexuality, and the occult. Art and entertainment are designed to remove us from historical reality. Does anyone believe the Oscar-nominated Lincoln, written and directed by Illuminati Jews, tells us the true story? The real story, mankind's possession by a satanic secret society, is never told.

Mass media-control allows them to perform their Black Magic: Conjure wars, demolish iconic skyscrapers or murder children.

Jews need to disown the Satanists in their ranksor take the blame for them. (This applies to all groups.) The days when Jews can pretend anti-Semitism is an irrational sickness are over.

Like my past self, most people are unwitting collaborators. Often, they are misguided idealists. But it's never too late to face reality and acknowledge they were duped.

We are in a mental prison run by Satanists. We need to break out and return to the worship of God. How? By celebrating the Creator's Work and discerning His Will in big things and small.

Henry Makow ( – Bias and Credibility​

Henry Makow (Savethemales) - Conspiracy - Fake News - Right Bias - Not Credible
Henry Makow (Savethemales) - Pseudoscience - Fake News - Right Bias - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

  • overall, Henry Makow promotes pure tin foil hat conspiracies with a healthy dosage of hate against women, LGBTQ, and Jews. The website lacks credibility on every level.

Detailed Report​

Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: Canada
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: EXCELLENT
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Founded in 2001, Henry Makow is a men’s rights activist and conspiracy theorist. is the website for Makow delivering news articles and opinions. The website is based in Canada.
Read our profile on Canadian media and government.

Funded by / Ownership

The website does not clearly disclose ownership, but it is assumed to be owned by Henry Makow. Advertising generates revenue.

Analysis / Bias’s primary purpose is to expose Makow’s perceived evils of feminism and the New World Order. Henry Makow also has a strong anti-Jewish sentiment as he had a human rights complaint filed against him by the Canadian Jewish Congress when he described Jews as “cancer.” Henry Makow is also a 9/11 truther and firmly believes the Illuminati controls the world. In 2021, the website frequently published misinformation about Coronavirus and vaccines, such as this #Scamdemic – Are We Headed for Recovery or Dystopia?
Sep 12, 2022
The New Woke Times is pure trash propaganda and here's the proof.


One by one, Anons and Digital Soldiers are putting savage's :an_laugh: "reliable sources" 🤡 out of business.

First, the ignorant and uneducated Tards believed the Fake News media. Now as that same media is exposed and put under submission, will they still believe without question whatever they are told?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What's great about this meme is while CON INC fully understands and articulates the last 4 points, they completely miss the boat on the most important and sobering point of all 👉 the "Breaks Your Legs" part of the equation.

Just like the mob 👉 Transnational Criminal Organizations


This is why business at GITMO has never been better!


Nov 11, 2007

Watching this new clip brought me back to my conversation with Biden five years ago. At the time, I asked him whether he thought Trump would one day nickname him “St-St-St-Stuttering Joe.” If Trump were to go there, Biden told me, “it’ll just expose him for what he is.”

Trump has now definitively gone there. What has that exposed? Only what we already knew: Trump may be among the most famous and powerful people in modern history, but he remains a small-minded bully. He mocks Biden’s disability because he believes the voters will reward him for it—that there is more to be gained than lost by dehumanizing his rival and the millions of other Americans who stutter, or who go through life managing other disorders and disabilities. I would like to believe that more people are repulsed than entertained, and that Trump has made a grave miscalculation. We have eight more months of this until we find out.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Special Forces Destroy DEW Plane​

By Michael Baxter


United States Special Forces on March 5 destroyed an Air Force Boeing 747 that had been airborne over the Texas Panhandle when inexplicable fires erupted on February 26, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The YAL is a modified Boeing 747 with an airborne laser (ABL). It was a collaborative project conceived in 2004 by the Department of Defense, the Air Force, and DARPA as a testbed for intercepting and destroying tactical ballistic missiles while in the boost phase. In 2011, then-Secretary of Defense Gates announced the project’s cancellation, claiming the airframe would need a more potent laser (20-30X) to prove viable on evolving battlefields such as Iran, and adding that the development of such a weapon was financially and technologically infeasible given the current state of technology. In February 2012, the prototype—ostensibly the only one produced–landed at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, where it was purportedly placed in storage at the “boneyard” operated by the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group until it was ultimately scrapped in September 2014 after all usable parts were removed.

Our sources, however, said the decommissioning story was a ruse to conceal a catastrophic accident. As the story goes, technicians were evaluating an upgraded chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) when the platform misfired and vaporized the airplane and six workers. What the Air Force placed in the “boneyard” was a plastic and Styrofoam mockup, our source said.

Moreover, the DOD built four YAL-style aircraft for $26 billion, including development and research. YAL-2, of which there is no public record, caused the Texas Panhandle fires.

On March 4, White Hats learned that YAL-2 took off from Fresno Yosemite International—a joint military-civilian airport—at 3:00 a.m., February 26, and flew southeast toward the Texas Panhandle. It reached Amarillo airspace approximately 2.5 hours later, loitering there at an altitude of 37,000 feet for another 45 minutes. During that time, the plane circled above Pampa and Fritch, Texas, uncoincidentally close to what would be named the Grapevine Creek and Smokehouse Creek fires, the most devastating in Texas’ history. YAL-2 then climbed to 39,000 feet and flew northeast, landing eventually at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base in Dayton, Ohio.

Since a YAL holds 64,000 gallons of fuel and can remain airborne for 16 hours at cruise speed without mid-air refueling, the roughly 8-hour trip was well within its tolerance.

Our source would not share how White Hats obtained evidence of the flight’s existence—it does not appear on publicly available flight tracking applications—but said the proof compelled General Eric M. Smith to orchestrate a surgical, boots-on-the-ground operation, hopefully before YAL-2 again took to the skies.

“General Smith considered inquiring with supposedly friendly forces at Wright-Patterson, but then figured he better not. If any of them were double agents, they could’ve told the Deep State and got that plane in the air right away. Discretion is the better part of valor,” our source said.

The general asked 5th Special Forces Group commander Brent Lindemen to task his best soldiers with infiltrating the base and finding and destroying the plane.

Special Forces clandestinely penetrated the base at 1:00 a.m., March 5, and identified a hangar they believed housed YAL-2, as it was the only one guarded by four United States Air Force Security Forces members, the branch’s equivalent of Army MPs. Special Forces immobilized them using non-lethal force prior to entering the hangar and rigging the airframe with incendiary charges and accelerants attenuated to render the aircraft and laser worthless, without triggering a concussive explosion. YAL-2 burned to a crisp, a fitting end for a plane that itself caused unimaginable destruction.

White Hats received official confirmation of the plane’s destruction that afternoon. U.S. Army Cyber Command overheard a phone conversation between a high-ranking Air Force officer and a Democrat in the House of Representatives who is also a member of the House Armed Services Committee. The officer said, “Looks like we lost one.”

Our source was disinclined to share additional operation details, saying doing so could hinder the hunt for YAL-3 and YAL-4, the crew of YAL-2, and officials who had foreknowledge of the flight.

“We’ll destroy those planes and get the responsible parties,” our source said. “I think it’s safe to say anyone involved will get a rope around their neck.

Real Raw News is aware that other airborne or orbital DEW platforms exist. It’s broadly accepted among qualified researchers that similar tech was used against the Murrah building in 1995 and the Twin Towers in 2001. This article focuses only on the specific plane responsible for the Texas inferno.

Our source said YAL-2 caused the Maui fires, but we have not heard enough about that incident to write an article.

As an aside, it’s both frightening and amusing that reality mimics Hollywood: Airborne DEWs were first seen in the 1985 film Real Genius, in which a group of college nerds build a fifty-megawatt laser for the Air Force, only to sabotage it after realizing the government planned to use it as a weapon of mass destruction.


"This is a WAR!" - CIC Trump recently at the border after visiting the National Guard (video previously posted by yours truly).

Yes, this is a WAR - FAKE "news" TARDS trolling and spamming this thread have NO CLUE what the hell is going on and what's at stake. ZERO! Not even 1% perspective. Not even a slight understanding of the enemy we are facing.

TARDS are OBSESSED and caught up in their endless LAWFARE bullshit, which is all it is... BULLSHIT!


Nov 11, 2007

Special Forces Destroy DEW Plane​

By Michael Baxter

View attachment 85079

United States Special Forces on March 5 destroyed an Air Force Boeing 747 that had been airborne over the Texas Panhandle when inexplicable fires erupted on February 26, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The YAL is a modified Boeing 747 with an airborne laser (ABL). It was a collaborative project conceived in 2004 by the Department of Defense, the Air Force, and DARPA as a testbed for intercepting and destroying tactical ballistic missiles while in the boost phase. In 2011, then-Secretary of Defense Gates announced the project’s cancellation, claiming the airframe would need a more potent laser (20-30X) to prove viable on evolving battlefields such as Iran, and adding that the development of such a weapon was financially and technologically infeasible given the current state of technology. In February 2012, the prototype—ostensibly the only one produced–landed at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, where it was purportedly placed in storage at the “boneyard” operated by the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group until it was ultimately scrapped in September 2014 after all usable parts were removed.

Our sources, however, said the decommissioning story was a ruse to conceal a catastrophic accident. As the story goes, technicians were evaluating an upgraded chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) when the platform misfired and vaporized the airplane and six workers. What the Air Force placed in the “boneyard” was a plastic and Styrofoam mockup, our source said.

Moreover, the DOD built four YAL-style aircraft for $26 billion, including development and research. YAL-2, of which there is no public record, caused the Texas Panhandle fires.

On March 4, White Hats learned that YAL-2 took off from Fresno Yosemite International—a joint military-civilian airport—at 3:00 a.m., February 26, and flew southeast toward the Texas Panhandle. It reached Amarillo airspace approximately 2.5 hours later, loitering there at an altitude of 37,000 feet for another 45 minutes. During that time, the plane circled above Pampa and Fritch, Texas, uncoincidentally close to what would be named the Grapevine Creek and Smokehouse Creek fires, the most devastating in Texas’ history. YAL-2 then climbed to 39,000 feet and flew northeast, landing eventually at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base in Dayton, Ohio.

Since a YAL holds 64,000 gallons of fuel and can remain airborne for 16 hours at cruise speed without mid-air refueling, the roughly 8-hour trip was well within its tolerance.

Our source would not share how White Hats obtained evidence of the flight’s existence—it does not appear on publicly available flight tracking applications—but said the proof compelled General Eric M. Smith to orchestrate a surgical, boots-on-the-ground operation, hopefully before YAL-2 again took to the skies.

“General Smith considered inquiring with supposedly friendly forces at Wright-Patterson, but then figured he better not. If any of them were double agents, they could’ve told the Deep State and got that plane in the air right away. Discretion is the better part of valor,” our source said.

The general asked 5th Special Forces Group commander Brent Lindemen to task his best soldiers with infiltrating the base and finding and destroying the plane.

Special Forces clandestinely penetrated the base at 1:00 a.m., March 5, and identified a hangar they believed housed YAL-2, as it was the only one guarded by four United States Air Force Security Forces members, the branch’s equivalent of Army MPs. Special Forces immobilized them using non-lethal force prior to entering the hangar and rigging the airframe with incendiary charges and accelerants attenuated to render the aircraft and laser worthless, without triggering a concussive explosion. YAL-2 burned to a crisp, a fitting end for a plane that itself caused unimaginable destruction.

White Hats received official confirmation of the plane’s destruction that afternoon. U.S. Army Cyber Command overheard a phone conversation between a high-ranking Air Force officer and a Democrat in the House of Representatives who is also a member of the House Armed Services Committee. The officer said, “Looks like we lost one.”

Our source was disinclined to share additional operation details, saying doing so could hinder the hunt for YAL-3 and YAL-4, the crew of YAL-2, and officials who had foreknowledge of the flight.

“We’ll destroy those planes and get the responsible parties,” our source said. “I think it’s safe to say anyone involved will get a rope around their neck.

Real Raw News is aware that other airborne or orbital DEW platforms exist. It’s broadly accepted among qualified researchers that similar tech was used against the Murrah building in 1995 and the Twin Towers in 2001. This article focuses only on the specific plane responsible for the Texas inferno.

Our source said YAL-2 caused the Maui fires, but we have not heard enough about that incident to write an article.

As an aside, it’s both frightening and amusing that reality mimics Hollywood: Airborne DEWs were first seen in the 1985 film Real Genius, in which a group of college nerds build a fifty-megawatt laser for the Air Force, only to sabotage it after realizing the government planned to use it as a weapon of mass destruction.


"This is a WAR!" - CIC Trump recently at the border after visiting the National Guard (video previously posted by yours truly).

Yes, this is a WAR - FAKE "news" TARDS trolling and spamming this thread have NO CLUE what the hell is going on and what's at stake. ZERO! Not even 1% perspective. Not even a slight understanding of the enemy we are facing.

TARDS are OBSESSED and caught up in their endless LAWFARE bullshit, which is all it is... BULLSHIT!


Real Raw News – Bias and Credibility​

Real Raw News - Satire - Right Bias


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”
The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.
On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.
Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.

It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)
Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

Do you appreciate our work? Please consider one of the following ways to sustain us.


Nov 11, 2007

When stuff like this is hammered home between now and the Election, it goes without saying that it is going to make it "more likely" that

people will vote for him assuming he hasn't been convicted yet!! lol
Sep 12, 2022

Special Forces Destroy DEW Plane​

By Michael Baxter

View attachment 85079

United States Special Forces on March 5 destroyed an Air Force Boeing 747 that had been airborne over the Texas Panhandle when inexplicable fires erupted on February 26, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The YAL is a modified Boeing 747 with an airborne laser (ABL). It was a collaborative project conceived in 2004 by the Department of Defense, the Air Force, and DARPA as a testbed for intercepting and destroying tactical ballistic missiles while in the boost phase. In 2011, then-Secretary of Defense Gates announced the project’s cancellation, claiming the airframe would need a more potent laser (20-30X) to prove viable on evolving battlefields such as Iran, and adding that the development of such a weapon was financially and technologically infeasible given the current state of technology. In February 2012, the prototype—ostensibly the only one produced–landed at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, where it was purportedly placed in storage at the “boneyard” operated by the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group until it was ultimately scrapped in September 2014 after all usable parts were removed.

Our sources, however, said the decommissioning story was a ruse to conceal a catastrophic accident. As the story goes, technicians were evaluating an upgraded chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) when the platform misfired and vaporized the airplane and six workers. What the Air Force placed in the “boneyard” was a plastic and Styrofoam mockup, our source said.

Moreover, the DOD built four YAL-style aircraft for $26 billion, including development and research. YAL-2, of which there is no public record, caused the Texas Panhandle fires.

On March 4, White Hats learned that YAL-2 took off from Fresno Yosemite International—a joint military-civilian airport—at 3:00 a.m., February 26, and flew southeast toward the Texas Panhandle. It reached Amarillo airspace approximately 2.5 hours later, loitering there at an altitude of 37,000 feet for another 45 minutes. During that time, the plane circled above Pampa and Fritch, Texas, uncoincidentally close to what would be named the Grapevine Creek and Smokehouse Creek fires, the most devastating in Texas’ history. YAL-2 then climbed to 39,000 feet and flew northeast, landing eventually at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base in Dayton, Ohio.

Since a YAL holds 64,000 gallons of fuel and can remain airborne for 16 hours at cruise speed without mid-air refueling, the roughly 8-hour trip was well within its tolerance.

Our source would not share how White Hats obtained evidence of the flight’s existence—it does not appear on publicly available flight tracking applications—but said the proof compelled General Eric M. Smith to orchestrate a surgical, boots-on-the-ground operation, hopefully before YAL-2 again took to the skies.

“General Smith considered inquiring with supposedly friendly forces at Wright-Patterson, but then figured he better not. If any of them were double agents, they could’ve told the Deep State and got that plane in the air right away. Discretion is the better part of valor,” our source said.

The general asked 5th Special Forces Group commander Brent Lindemen to task his best soldiers with infiltrating the base and finding and destroying the plane.

Special Forces clandestinely penetrated the base at 1:00 a.m., March 5, and identified a hangar they believed housed YAL-2, as it was the only one guarded by four United States Air Force Security Forces members, the branch’s equivalent of Army MPs. Special Forces immobilized them using non-lethal force prior to entering the hangar and rigging the airframe with incendiary charges and accelerants attenuated to render the aircraft and laser worthless, without triggering a concussive explosion. YAL-2 burned to a crisp, a fitting end for a plane that itself caused unimaginable destruction.

White Hats received official confirmation of the plane’s destruction that afternoon. U.S. Army Cyber Command overheard a phone conversation between a high-ranking Air Force officer and a Democrat in the House of Representatives who is also a member of the House Armed Services Committee. The officer said, “Looks like we lost one.”

Our source was disinclined to share additional operation details, saying doing so could hinder the hunt for YAL-3 and YAL-4, the crew of YAL-2, and officials who had foreknowledge of the flight.

“We’ll destroy those planes and get the responsible parties,” our source said. “I think it’s safe to say anyone involved will get a rope around their neck.

Real Raw News is aware that other airborne or orbital DEW platforms exist. It’s broadly accepted among qualified researchers that similar tech was used against the Murrah building in 1995 and the Twin Towers in 2001. This article focuses only on the specific plane responsible for the Texas inferno.

Our source said YAL-2 caused the Maui fires, but we have not heard enough about that incident to write an article.

As an aside, it’s both frightening and amusing that reality mimics Hollywood: Airborne DEWs were first seen in the 1985 film Real Genius, in which a group of college nerds build a fifty-megawatt laser for the Air Force, only to sabotage it after realizing the government planned to use it as a weapon of mass destruction.


"This is a WAR!" - CIC Trump recently at the border after visiting the National Guard (video previously posted by yours truly).

Yes, this is a WAR - FAKE "news" TARDS trolling and spamming this thread have NO CLUE what the hell is going on and what's at stake. ZERO! Not even 1% perspective. Not even a slight understanding of the enemy we are facing.

TARDS are OBSESSED and caught up in their endless LAWFARE bullshit, which is all it is... BULLSHIT!

This is terrific news!

What a colossal defeat for the child-molesting Tards!

This is news we can all dance to!

Nov 11, 2007
This is terrific news!

What a colossal defeat for the child-molesting Tards!

This is news we can all dance to!
I just cited the tip of the iceberg of why you are an attention-seeking piece of human dreck, sheriff joe

aka doctorsuccess and why you are insanely jealous of Jewish people in general because of our overall success in life

compared to yours, and most importantly because despite your hatred of Jewish People, WE ARE, HAVE BEEN


You claim you worked in Hollywood-if so I would guess probably cleaning restrooms or sweeping the floors!!

To be fair, there are good and respectable people who are not Jewish.

Sadly though there are trashy GOYIM/Jew haters like yourself who serve no purpose other than to promote hate, anger, division and the

destruction of Judaism and humanity as we know it!!

You will NEVER succeed though because again WE ARE GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE whereas you and folks like you equate to a pile

of shit at best!!

Nov 11, 2007
I just cited the tip of the iceberg of why you are an attention-seeking piece of human dreck, sheriff joe

aka doctorsuccess and why you are insanely jealous of Jewish people in general because of our overall success in life

compared to yours, and most importantly because despite your hatred of Jewish People, WE ARE, HAVE BEEN


You claim you worked in Hollywood-if so I would guess probably cleaning restrooms or sweeping the floors!!

To be fair, there are good and respectable people who are not Jewish.

Sadly though there are trashy GOYIM/Jew haters like yourself who serve no purpose other than to promote hate, anger, division and the

destruction of Judaism and humanity as we know it!!

You will NEVER succeed though because again WE ARE GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE whereas you and folks like you equate to a pile

of shit at best!!
Sep 12, 2022

Outrage as videos emerge of Israeli soldiers admitting to deliberate murder of Palestinian children

"In one particularly distressing recording, an Israeli soldier is seen admitting on camera his desire to harm an infant, but ultimately resorting to instead murdering a 12-year-old Palestinian girl when unable to locate one.

In the footage circulating on social media, the soldier is heard telling a comrade: "We are looking for babies, but there are no babies left."

SATANIC BETRAYAL: American Christian pastors coerced congregants to take COVID jabs through covert "Faith4Vaccines" scheme by Ethan Huff

"In exchange for cash bribes from the government, thousands of American pastors pushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" on their congregants, many of whom are now chronically ill or dead as a result.
The report from America Out Loud explains that a government program called "Faith4Vaccines," which was birthed out of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) vaccine propaganda machine COVID-19 Community Corps, convinced money-grubbing "faith leaders" to sell out their flocks to Big Pharma. The COVID-19 Community Corps has 86 founding members, most of them falling into the "faith leaders" category

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