Today’s decision was as predictable as your daily schedule and the borderline retard not reading past the bold letter in a headline .
Back after 10 !
Your reaction to the decision was as is 100% of the time since you have been a member of this thread as predictable as the sun rising and
setting, namely one of denial, bashing the people who were involved in the decision, acting as the human reincarnated condom
you always are for Donald Trump, and projecting your hopes and hopes regarding your one-way unrealistic thoughts of what is going
to your perceived deity from your alternative world of reality to the one in which objective people live, a world that encompasses
and recognizes such things that at times we all have to realize that our original opinions of people should not be set in stone
but rather be adaptable to what is rather than what we initially believed.
In your case, it is all about Donald Trump and your inability/refusal to see him as he exists in this time and space and
not as the deity for whom you give unconditional love and admiration!!
Yes, I will be back after 10 but not to engage you in further conversation.
My first post to you earlier today doesn't count as my one allotted direct post to you per day because it had to do
with an explanation and clarification of a proposed bet.
This one does however and just further corroborates what a lost cause you are when it comes to the one-way manner in which
you perceive Donald Trump!!
See you tomorrow!!