
Nov 11, 2007
Now That Trump Has Wrapped up GOP Nomination and Leads Biden in Every Swing State, Here are the 11 Things Desperate Democrats are Willing to Do to Win

By Wayne Allyn Root

This country is such a mess under Joe Biden. It’s hard to even believe what’s happening is real. How can this many things be going wrong at once? It seems like fiction. Or a nightmare.

If you ever pitched this as a screenplay in Hollywood, they’d laugh you out of town.

The borders are open and millions of foreign migrants, murderers, terrorists, rapists, and dangerous military-age males from Hamas, Hezbollah, MS-13, and our mortal enemy China are pouring in.

Crime is out of control. In Washington DC, a former Trump administration official was just carjacked and almost killed on a busy street just blocks from the White House.

In New York City, a mob of illegal aliens beat two NYPD cops in the middle of a busy street. Then after being arrested, they were released within hours with “no bail.”

Biden says the economy is roaring, yet UPS just laid off 12,000 employees nationwide. UPS obviously knows Biden is lying.

Inflation is still raging- ask Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. She just admitted high prices are here to stay. But I didn’t need Janet Yellen to tell me. Almost everything I spend my money on is at record highs- my electric bill, car insurance, health insurance, groceries, and restaurant bills.

Even worse is the weaponization of government. It feels like we are living in prewar Nazi Germany. Just days ago, a jury convicted a group of peaceful, pro-Life, religious Americans, of “conspiracy” for praying and singing hymns at an abortion clinic. They face 11 years in prison.

And then there are wars starting around the globe under Biden.

Things are so bad, the number one question I get asked at parties is, “Wayne, tell us…what is coming first- a civil war, or World War 3? Can we fight both at the same time? Is that possible?”

Everyone is stocking up on guns in preparation for what’s coming.

It’s no wonder 4-times-indicted-President Trump is beating the pants off Joe Biden. According to the latest Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll, Trump is winning by wide margins in all seven swing states. He’s up by 10 points in North Carolina, 8 points in Nevada and Georgia.

Two things are now crystal clear…

A) Trump has the GOP nomination wrapped up. It’s over. Trump is the nominee. In the Nevada caucus coming up next week, Trump will win 100% of the delegates. That’s already guaranteed.

B) And in the general election, Biden is finished. The stink on him is so bad, nothing can turn it around at this point. The Biden brand is poison.

Democrats are like Kevin Costner in the movie “No Way Out.”

Desperate Democrats no longer have any choice- they have to rig the election. If Trump gets back in the White House, Democrats are going to prison. Some may wind up serving life in prison (or worse) for treason.

Knowing these corrupt creeps and traitors like I do, here is a list of what I believe is coming down the pike in the next nine months, courtesy of the Democrat playbook…

1. We could see more indictments of President Trump from now through the election. Maybe even a big one out of left field close to the election- a so-called “October Surprise.”

2. They will try to convict President Trump before the November election- and if possible, lead him out of the courtroom in handcuffs, straight to prison.

3. They will keep trying to disqualify President Trump- at least until they get a final ruling out of the Supreme Court.

4. If all else fails, I fear the Deep State will try to assassinate President Trump. They really are that evil.

5. And if all that fails, Biden will drop out of the race for health reasons, and Democrats will choose MICHELLE OBAMA as their 2024 Presidential nominee. I’m no Johnny-come-lately to this prediction. I made it in print a year ago- on January 30th, 2023. This election will be a heavyweight matchup of Trump vs Obama.

6. In conjunction with all of the above, Democrats will try their best to start World War 3 as both a WMD (Weapon of Mass Distraction), and to stir up patriotism for the incumbent Democrat president.

7. Democrats could cancel the election with the country paralyzed by waves of deadly terror attacks (that Biden welcomed in with his open borders)…or EMP attack that cripples our water, sewage, electric grid and infrastructure.

8. China will invade Taiwan this year. China needs to move before the election- while the brain-dead man with dementia and diapers, who is bribed and blackmailed by China, is still in control.

9. The Covid pandemic was just a trial run. Another pandemic might strike America in the runup to the election- but this one will be far deadlier. This will result in panic, hysteria and a 100% mail-in ballot election (the perfect recipe for voter fraud).

10. BLM was just a trial run. Expect mass anarchy in the runup to the election, but much larger than BLM in the summer of 2020- this time involving not just disgruntled black rioters and looters, but millions of illegal aliens, and pro-Palestinian, anti-America, anti-Israel protestors.

11. And most importantly, combine everything above with the same gameplan from 2020…

*Mail-in ballots combined with no Voter ID

*Ballot Harvesting (that is a crime everywhere else in the world, but America).

*Unsupervised Ballot drop boxes

*No signature match on ballots

*Billions of dollars spent on “election integrity” by globalist billionaires- with the real purpose to rig the turnout in favor of Democrats.

*Social media will rig the election by censoring the news feed to allow only fake positive news about Democrats and only negative stories about Trump.

And of course, the simplest scam of all…

*Keep counting votes for days after Election Night until Democrats win.

Count on much of that, or all of that happening over the next nine months.

Wanna bet?

Do you mean this Wayne Root?

The article is dated but nothing has changed about this scamdicapper piece of scum!!

I worked for Wayne Root for the football season in 2001. Since that time I do my own capping. I may not have made much money but boy did I learn that you want to stay as far away from an operation like this as you can. Here's what I learned.
1. His operation is a boiler room. You are given a script. You sell up front then one day after the sale the reloaders work on getting the customer to sign up for Wayne's eight other level's of games. We lied about Wayne's record all the time. Unless you told a potential client that Wayne hit 70% or higher you couldn't get any money.As soon as we finished selling someone for Wayne Root then he was handed to another salesman for one of Wayne's five other companies. The picks were losing so bad during the four months I was there that guys were giving out what they liked. It was the only way to stop a mutiny.
2. Wayne was a bigger liar than the salesman. If he had a newspaper guy on the phone he would say stuff that was totally untrue. He once told a guy that we had over 100 salesman at that time. I counted desks and office staff. It was 45 people.
3. He wrote and published a book within the last year. I talked to someone at the Gambler's Warehouse last month and asked how many copies were sold nationally. His answer was they had three copies of the b ook a month ago and still had three copies. I said "could he have sold more than a thousand copies nationally?". His answer was, "probably not". I'm sure Wayne will never give out figures on the number of copies sold.
4. He switches TV stations in which he puts his 30 minute infomertial on Saturday mornings every year. Here's the reason is he isn't getting the desired results? Whether it's WGN, Spike TV or a national cable sports network, it never is enough to make him happy. Unless he gets on ESPN he's not going to make enough money to pay for the outragious price it costs to produce and buy time.
5. He doesn't even bet the games he gives to his clients. Once in an interview he even admitted it. Whay would anyone in their right mind pay someone for selections they didn't feel strongly enough to bet? They would have to be a moron and be totally new to betting or using a tout.
Wayne Root is a pathological liar who loved himself. He's not an idiot and can sell a deal and make things happen for a while. I think eventually his company will crumble and he will try to move on to something else. Anyone who buys his stock should have their head examined. It's at .04 cents for a reason. It could be delisted any day now.
-Ex Wayne Root employee

Nov 11, 2007
Do you mean this Wayne Root?

The article is dated but nothing has changed about this scamdicapper piece of scum!!

I worked for Wayne Root for the football season in 2001. Since that time I do my own capping. I may not have made much money but boy did I learn that you want to stay as far away from an operation like this as you can. Here's what I learned.
1. His operation is a boiler room. You are given a script. You sell up front then one day after the sale the reloaders work on getting the customer to sign up for Wayne's eight other level's of games. We lied about Wayne's record all the time. Unless you told a potential client that Wayne hit 70% or higher you couldn't get any money.As soon as we finished selling someone for Wayne Root then he was handed to another salesman for one of Wayne's five other companies. The picks were losing so bad during the four months I was there that guys were giving out what they liked. It was the only way to stop a mutiny.
2. Wayne was a bigger liar than the salesman. If he had a newspaper guy on the phone he would say stuff that was totally untrue. He once told a guy that we had over 100 salesman at that time. I counted desks and office staff. It was 45 people.
3. He wrote and published a book within the last year. I talked to someone at the Gambler's Warehouse last month and asked how many copies were sold nationally. His answer was they had three copies of the b ook a month ago and still had three copies. I said "could he have sold more than a thousand copies nationally?". His answer was, "probably not". I'm sure Wayne will never give out figures on the number of copies sold.
4. He switches TV stations in which he puts his 30 minute infomertial on Saturday mornings every year. Here's the reason is he isn't getting the desired results? Whether it's WGN, Spike TV or a national cable sports network, it never is enough to make him happy. Unless he gets on ESPN he's not going to make enough money to pay for the outragious price it costs to produce and buy time.
5. He doesn't even bet the games he gives to his clients. Once in an interview he even admitted it. Whay would anyone in their right mind pay someone for selections they didn't feel strongly enough to bet? They would have to be a moron and be totally new to betting or using a tout.
Wayne Root is a pathological liar who loved himself. He's not an idiot and can sell a deal and make things happen for a while. I think eventually his company will crumble and he will try to move on to something else. Anyone who buys his stock should have their head examined. It's at .04 cents for a reason. It could be delisted any day now.
-Ex Wayne Root employee
One other thing sheriff joe-why you should even care what Root or anyone else says about Biden or the democrats because

according to you, Trump is ALREADY THE ACTING CIC and has been so since the "fake" inauguration of Biden three years ago!!

I have encountered some dopes in my life when it comes to lack of debating skills, and let us just say you are right up there

with your inability to present a narrative that is not full of gaping Swiss cheese holes!!

Nov 11, 2007

Here is some more on what I believe and have believed/stated right along and why things are only going to get worse for Trump

as the investigations and indictments move further along!!

A conviction before the Election will amount to a coup de grace for Trump and will simply finish off his remains quickly

and mercifully!!

Nov 11, 2007

I have no commentary to add other than to say it is better to have her on your side than not on your side.

Nov 11, 2007

Maybe Trump ought to buy the Oakland A's, a move that would be commensurate with what he and A's are, namely perennial LOSERS!!
Sep 12, 2022
Another dumb, ignorant diversity hire.


Diversity Commissars are Grifters

"Entirely Counterfeit": Harvard's Chief Diversity Officer Plagiarized At Least 40 Times According To Complaint

"Large portions of Charleston's work very clearly appears to have been lifted from others without so much as quotation marks. She even took credit for her own husband's work, according to the report.
Sep 12, 2022
One good thing about all the Taylor Swift hype . . . Salvage has someone new to jerk off to instead of Liz Cheney.


Sep 21, 2004
The useful idiot won the last election by 8 million votes.

Must still sting.

:sad2: :sad2::sad2::pig::pig::pig::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I thought there were less than 8 million idiots... Oh well

Nov 11, 2007
One good thing about all the Taylor Swift hype . . . Salvage has someone new to jerk off to instead of Liz Cheney.

View attachment 83103
Maybe you should have waited a little longer than 15 minutes to react to my post about Taylor Swift if you want to have a

tiny prayer of people believing that you don't read all of my posts!! lol

The wording of your posts indicates that your ventriloquist in this case may be sbd rather tha sheriff joe not that it matters all

that much!!

Regarding your jerk-off comments, let's just say that I would rather "jerk off" to two ladies you cited or for that matter any woman

than in your case and your fellow swine in here of having mental masturbation with the same result when fantasizing about

having Trump's erect toadstool weenie entrenched deep inside your mouth!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
I thought there were less than 8 million idiots... Oh well
Thanks for the lucky winner in the OVER in the Kentucky-Florida game last night!!

I didn't play the first half as you suggested because 1/2 bets aren't my thing but did play the total game total which admittedly I won

on;y because somehow the game went into overtime!!

Nov 11, 2007

If it wasn't for his age, imo this guy would make a terrific alternative to either Trump or Biden!!

He is as much of a straight-shooter as anyone out there!!

Nov 11, 2007
Salvage's new girlfriend . . .

View attachment 83106
Actually my lovely wife(not girlfriend) is on the diminutive side at 4'11" and about 95 lb!!

Why should anyone be surprised at your mistake here in that everything else you say or predict is always so far off!!

How about telling us about your wife/girlfriend or husband/boyfriend if that is the case and/or your right hand if that is your

significant other!! lol
Sep 12, 2022

God Bless the OKies.
Pay Attention to Oklahoma!

Oklahoma is the only state where neither Obama nor Biden won even one county in the last election.

WHILE EVERYONE IS focusing on Arizona, Georgia, and Texas' new laws, LOOK what Oklahoma has been doing!

Oklahoma has passed a law in the state to: “incarcerate all illegal immigrants and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen”. All the illegals literally scattered! HB 1804.

This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU. They said it would be a mistake. Guess what - Oklahoma did it anyway!

Recently Oklahoma passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegals to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative, purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB 1102.

Guess what. Oklahoma did it anyway!

Few realize that several weeks ago, we again, passed a law declaring Oklahoma a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives, joining Texas, Montana, and Utah as the only states (so far) to do so.

MORE STATES are now likely to follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi and Florida.

Save your confederate money, folks. It appears the South is about to rise again! HJR 1003.

Your federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. That’s a setback for criminals, and The Liberals didn't like it. BUT, Oklahoma did it anyway!

Just this month, Oklahoma has voted and passed a law that ALL drivers' license exams will be printed in English, only English, and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma, you must read and write English. Really simple, folks!

By the way, Liberals don't like any of this either. Oklahoma is doing it anyway!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Nov 11, 2007
The only good thing about the far right-wing reactionary state of Oklahoma is one person who was born there, namely Mickey Mantle,

and as a Red Sox diehard since the early fifties while he was a truly great player, he did no good for the Sox chances when

they played the Yankees!!

On the other hand and to be fair, my wife's best friend who i also from Colombia, married someone from Oklahoma and when

we have all gotten together in the past when we have all been visiting Colombia, the husband, who is about far right as you

can get, and I get along fine-we just talk about anything other than politics!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Daily Reminder 👇👇👇

Jan 6th, 2021.

After the Uniparty Swamp certified the Nov 3rd, 2020 "stollen" election illegally in secret, President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act.

👉"Proclamation to disperse" under 10 US Code 254 -- "Go home now, we have to have peace"

Listen carefully 👇

The above video was the last Trump tweet before he ordered himself banned from the social media platform.

The CIC then called in 25,000 previously federalized National Guard (EO 13919) to seal off the "Swamp" with troops, barricades, barbed wire and security checkpoints trapping in all the criminals.

Nobody got out.

No evidence escaped.

Mass arrests followed in the middle of the night.

Clean and swift.

On Jan 6th, 2021, CIC Donald John Trump saved the Republic from Evil.


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