
Nov 11, 2007
Here is my closing statement and conclusion for all objective observers/jurors in this thread.

During 2023 I, wilbur and schmirt have carefully documented the overwhelming numbers of predictions made by sheriff joe and sbd

and their puppet sidekick doctor success with the signature prediction of Trump's devolution being imminent which

we have heard not only on an almost daily basis this year but going back to January of 2021 when Biden was inaugurated!!

Not once have the principals acknowledged that they were wrong but instead have come with one feeble excuse after another

or especially in the case of sheriff contended that Trump is and has been the "acting CIC" over the last three years with not only

one piece of empirical piece of evidence!!

Worse to play on his terms, saying Trump is the "acting CIC" is a contradiction of terms since according to him and sbd, Trump still

has not been devolutioned!!

When one couples that with such outrageous and totally unproven statements/lies that Trump not on;y won the 2020 Election but

did it in a manner never done before, namely by winning all fifty states and getting over 90% of the Popular Vote,

you get a sample of what defines these people!!

In addition, while the members of the trump supporters have every right to bash Biden over many things, the fact that

have not said even one negative thing about Trump's actions and statements and in some cases even dismissed

them without specifically saying why they should be condoned and/or trying to rationalize them away by merely stating

that they are politically motivated only, meaning any criminality or intended criminality is completely irrelevant

is telling in itself!!

Rather than address these issues, their modus operandi is and always been to call us names and insult us with vague

generalized statements but NOT once stating SPECIFICALLY why we are wrong and they are right and with SPECIFIC DIRECT

evidence that what we have said is wrong and what they have said is correct!!

Finally, I say to my objective observers that other than Lenny, who does not have me on ignore, and who has his own issues not

related to what I have said so far, sheriff joe, sbd and their puppet all have me on ignore or most likely pretend to have me

on ignore as an excuse not to square off and debate me about topics cited above and a lot more,

I ask you folks out there to consider if that tells you anything about them and their overall modus operandi as it applies

to me and the others who are also allegedly on ignore and who have also presented irrefutable facts and supporting


With that, I rest my case!!

Have a happy and safe New Years Eve everyone!!

Sep 5, 2010
Here is my closing statement and conclusion for all objective observers/jurors in this thread.

During 2023 I, wilbur and schmirt have carefully documented the overwhelming numbers of predictions made by sheriff joe and sbd

and their puppet sidekick doctor success with the signature prediction of Trump's devolution being imminent which

we have heard not only on an almost daily basis this year but going back to January of 2021 when Biden was inaugurated!!

Not once have the principals acknowledged that they were wrong but instead have come with one feeble excuse after another

or especially in the case of sheriff contended that Trump is and has been the "acting CIC" over the last three years with not only

one piece of empirical piece of evidence!!

Worse to play on his terms, saying Trump is the "acting CIC" is a contradiction of terms since according to him and sbd, Trump still

has not been devolutioned!!

When one couples that with such outrageous and totally unproven statements/lies that Trump not on;y won the 2020 Election but

did it in a manner never done before, namely by winning all fifty states and getting over 90% of the Popular Vote,

you get a sample of what defines these people!!

In addition, while the members of the trump supporters have every right to bash Biden over many things, the fact that

have not said even one negative thing about Trump's actions and statements and in some cases even dismissed

them without specifically saying why they should be condoned and/or trying to rationalize them away by merely stating

that they are politically motivated only, meaning any criminality or intended criminality is completely irrelevant

is telling in itself!!

Rather than address these issues, their modus operandi is and always been to call us names and insult us with vague

generalized statements but NOT once stating SPECIFICALLY why we are wrong and they are right and with SPECIFIC DIRECT

evidence that what we have said is wrong and what they have said is correct!!

Finally, I say to my objective observers that other than Lenny, who does not have me on ignore, and who has his own issues not

related to what I have said so far, sheriff joe, sbd and their puppet all have me on ignore or most likely pretend to have me

on ignore as an excuse not to square off and debate me about topics cited above and a lot more,

I ask you folks out there to consider if that tells you anything about them and their overall modus operandi as it applies

to me and the others who are also allegedly on ignore and who have also presented irrefutable facts and supporting


With that, I rest my case!!

Have a happy and safe New Years Eve everyone!!
Have a good one, Savage.
Sep 12, 2022
Happy New Year to all Patriots!

2024 will be rocking!

As the OP has pointed out numerous times - and as we all saw with our own eyes on the old thread - he, the OP, has been 100% accurate in all of his analysis and predictions, while the Tards (short for retard) have been 100% WRONG.

All results have been fully documented and are indisputable. The exact same scenario will almost certainly unfold in 2024.

So here's to a rocking new year for all!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is my closing statement and conclusion for all objective observers/jurors in this thread.

During 2023 I, wilbur and schmirt have carefully documented the overwhelming numbers of FAILED predictions made by sheriff joe
and sbd

and their puppet sidekick doctor success with the signature prediction of Trump's devolution being imminent which

we have heard not only on an almost daily basis this year but going back to January of 2021 when Biden was inaugurated!!

Not once have the principals acknowledged that they were wrong but instead have come with one feeble excuse after another

or especially in the case of sheriff contended that Trump is and has been the "acting CIC" over the last three years with not only

one piece of empirical piece of evidence!!

Worse to play on his terms, saying Trump is the "acting CIC" is a contradiction of terms since according to him and sbd, Trump still

has not been devolutioned!!

When one couples that with such outrageous and totally unproven statements/lies that Trump not on;y won the 2020 Election but

did it in a manner never done before, namely by winning all fifty states and getting over 90% of the Popular Vote,

you get a sample of what defines these people!!

In addition, while the members of the trump supporters have every right to bash Biden over many things, the fact that

have not said even one negative thing about Trump's actions and statements and in some cases even dismissed

them without specifically saying why they should be condoned and/or trying to rationalize them away by merely stating

that they are politically motivated only, meaning any criminality or intended criminality is completely irrelevant

is telling in itself!!

Rather than address these issues, their modus operandi is and always been to call us names and insult us with vague

generalized statements but NOT once stating SPECIFICALLY why we are wrong and they are right and with SPECIFIC DIRECT

evidence that what we have said is wrong and what they have said is correct!!

Finally, I say to my objective observers that other than Lenny, who does not have me on ignore, and who has his own issues not

related to what I have said so far, sheriff joe, sbd and their puppet all have me on ignore or most likely pretend to have me

on ignore as an excuse not to square off and debate me about topics cited above and a lot more,

I ask you folks out there to consider if that tells you anything about them and their overall modus operandi as it applies

to me and the others who are also allegedly on ignore and who have also presented irrefutable facts and supporting


With that, I rest my case!!

Have a happy and safe New Years Eve everyone!!
Corrected post

Happy New Yea rto you also, Wilbur and Schmirt!!

Sep 21, 2004
Here is my closing statement and conclusion for all objective observers/jurors in this thread.

During 2023 I, wilbur and schmirt have carefully documented the overwhelming numbers of predictions made by sheriff joe and sbd

and their puppet sidekick doctor success with the signature prediction of Trump's devolution being imminent which

we have heard not only on an almost daily basis this year but going back to January of 2021 when Biden was inaugurated!!

Not once have the principals acknowledged that they were wrong but instead have come with one feeble excuse after another

or especially in the case of sheriff contended that Trump is and has been the "acting CIC" over the last three years with not only

one piece of empirical piece of evidence!!

Worse to play on his terms, saying Trump is the "acting CIC" is a contradiction of terms since according to him and sbd, Trump still

has not been devolutioned!!

When one couples that with such outrageous and totally unproven statements/lies that Trump not on;y won the 2020 Election but

did it in a manner never done before, namely by winning all fifty states and getting over 90% of the Popular Vote,

you get a sample of what defines these people!!

In addition, while the members of the trump supporters have every right to bash Biden over many things, the fact that

have not said even one negative thing about Trump's actions and statements and in some cases even dismissed

them without specifically saying why they should be condoned and/or trying to rationalize them away by merely stating

that they are politically motivated only, meaning any criminality or intended criminality is completely irrelevant

is telling in itself!!

Rather than address these issues, their modus operandi is and always been to call us names and insult us with vague

generalized statements but NOT once stating SPECIFICALLY why we are wrong and they are right and with SPECIFIC DIRECT

evidence that what we have said is wrong and what they have said is correct!!

Finally, I say to my objective observers that other than Lenny, who does not have me on ignore, and who has his own issues not

related to what I have said so far, sheriff joe, sbd and their puppet all have me on ignore or most likely pretend to have me

on ignore as an excuse not to square off and debate me about topics cited above and a lot more,

I ask you folks out there to consider if that tells you anything about them and their overall modus operandi as it applies

to me and the others who are also allegedly on ignore and who have also presented irrefutable facts and supporting


With that, I rest my case!!

Have a happy and safe New Years Eve everyone!!
While I don't agree with Trump's use of name calling etc. it would be hard to deny that our standard and cost of living was much better under his leadership than it is under the current administration. It is interesting that those that vilify him and attempt to have him removed from ballots across the nation have totally disregarded the proven facts of the Biden's misuse and profiting from political power. I only wish the political parties could work together and be less enemies. There is so much fighting between the Democrats and Republicans it's not a wonder nothing is ever done that helps OUR nation and its citizens.

Go Wildcats.....

Bengals are eliminated..... :cheers:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Happy New Year to all Patriots!

2024 will be rocking!

As the OP has pointed out numerous times - and as we all saw with our own eyes on the old thread - he, the OP, has been 100% accurate in all of his analysis and predictions, while the Tards (short for retard) have been 100% WRONG.

All results have been fully documented and are indisputable. The exact same scenario will almost certainly unfold in 2024.

So here's to a rocking new year for all!
2024 is going to be a total shit show for anyone still gullible enough to watch and believe the FAKE "news"

Nov 11, 2007
No Offense @savage1 , but when it comes to U , @wilbur & @schmirt ........... I've seen piles of :dog: :poop: Smarter than u 3
I wasn't going to come back until tomorrow morning, but since it looks like you want to resort to insulys name-calling,

I will respond in kind!!

First of all, pal, up until the last few days, I have pretty much ignored your attention-seeking bullshit and especially at the Rubber Room,

where your zillion threads were an attempt to gather some positive attention in your otherwise miserable and failed existence!!

I am sure that the elimination of the Rubber Room hurt you badly because it took away one of the few avenues in your

life to make you feel good about yourself on a conscious level anyway!!

What you just posted in the way of insults is similar to what the other two major LOSERS in this thread/sheriff joe and sbd say as well

as their puppet doctor success!!

The only thing I give you "credit" for is that unlike them you don't pretend to put me on ignore as an excuse not to respond to what

I post because if they did, I would destroy them immediately based on my SPECIFICS with their multiple documented failures with

their predictions and just about everything else they say and claim!!

If I am as dumb as you claim, let's have an open debate about things with which you obviously agree such as Trump's devolution,

that Trump won all fifty states in 2020 and got over 90% of the popular vote in 2020, that thousands of noted members

of the alleged "deep state" have been executed at GITMO over the last few years and of course that "HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS"

of vaccinated people in the world have already died without an ounce of proof!!

If you do not want to debate these topics and/or similar ones, please state why not!!

If you would rather simply trade insults, I am up for that also-the choice is yours!!

Jun 4, 2018
I wasn't going to come back until tomorrow morning, but since it looks like you want to resort to insulys name-calling,

I will respond in kind!!

First of all, pal, up until the last few days, I have pretty much ignored your attention-seeking bullshit and especially at the Rubber Room,

where your zillion threads were an attempt to gather some positive attention in your otherwise miserable and failed existence!!

I am sure that the elimination of the Rubber Room hurt you badly because it took away one of the few avenues in your

life to make you feel good about yourself on a conscious level anyway!!

What you just posted in the way of insults is similar to what the other two major LOSERS in this thread/sheriff joe and sbd say as well

as their puppet doctor success!!

The only thing I give you "credit" for is that unlike them you don't pretend to put me on ignore as an excuse not to respond to what

I post because if they did, I would destroy them immediately based on my SPECIFICS with their multiple documented failures with

their predictions and just about everything else they say and claim!!

If I am as dumb as you claim, let's have an open debate about things with which you obviously agree such as Trump's devolution,

that Trump won all fifty states in 2020 and got over 90% of the popular vote in 2020, that thousands of noted members

of the alleged "deep state" have been executed at GITMO over the last few years and of course that "HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS"

of vaccinated people in the world have already died without an ounce of proof!!

If you do not want to debate these topics and/or similar ones, please state why not!!

If you would rather simply trade insults, I am up for that also-the choice is yours!!
Nice 2 know you are reading my stuff ... Now try acting like a sponge , soak it all in & u just might actually learn something

Sep 5, 2010
I wasn't going to come back until tomorrow morning, but since it looks like you want to resort to insulys name-calling,

I will respond in kind!!

First of all, pal, up until the last few days, I have pretty much ignored your attention-seeking bullshit and especially at the Rubber Room,

where your zillion threads were an attempt to gather some positive attention in your otherwise miserable and failed existence!!

I am sure that the elimination of the Rubber Room hurt you badly because it took away one of the few avenues in your

life to make you feel good about yourself on a conscious level anyway!!

What you just posted in the way of insults is similar to what the other two major LOSERS in this thread/sheriff joe and sbd say as well

as their puppet doctor success!!

The only thing I give you "credit" for is that unlike them you don't pretend to put me on ignore as an excuse not to respond to what

I post because if they did, I would destroy them immediately based on my SPECIFICS with their multiple documented failures with

their predictions and just about everything else they say and claim!!

If I am as dumb as you claim, let's have an open debate about things with which you obviously agree such as Trump's devolution,

that Trump won all fifty states in 2020 and got over 90% of the popular vote in 2020, that thousands of noted members

of the alleged "deep state" have been executed at GITMO over the last few years and of course that "HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS"

of vaccinated people in the world have already died without an ounce of proof!!

If you do not want to debate these topics and/or similar ones, please state why not!!

If you would rather simply trade insults, I am up for that also-the choice is yours!!
Ask him why he went to jail.

Something about a juvenile male.

At least that is what he said.

Nov 11, 2007
Nice 2 know you are reading my stuff ... Now try acting like a sponge , soak it all in & u just might actually learn something
Is that the best you can do??

I don't have anyone on ignore and to be honest, I do have a sadistic part of me that enjoys pummeling weak, not-very-intelligent

not particularly well-educated folks like yourself and the other major Trump fellators and/or crackpots in this thread!!

Again I offer you the challenge to debate some of the stuff I mentioned and/or something else that we may disagree upon!!

Unlike the other cowards in here who hide under their mother's apron strings when challenged, let's see if you are a man or a


Nov 11, 2007
I have a suggestion for rwjr if the moderators will allow it.

Since there is no longer a Rubber Room and most of the stuff he posted there was non-political, I suggest that in this section

of the Forum(the political one), he should start ONE thread entitled RWJR;s Thoughts!!

This would be a thread where he can post any of his random opinions, thoughts, ideas and links for people to read

and respond to if they care to do so!!

In actuality, this is what I do by posting in ONLY ONE thread, namely this one!!

This has been the case since January 6th of 2021 other than twice when I accidentally posted something erroneously that was intended

for the IVU Thread!!

The best comparison I can make is with my indoor cat!!

In short, I provided her with two litter boxes in the basement nearby and she hasn't missed even once in the approximately seven

years she has been a member of my household!!

The obvious analogy is that both the cat and rwjr would leave their shit in one place only for the good of everyone else!!


Jun 4, 2018
Ask him why he went to jail.

Something about a juvenile male.

At least that is what he said.
@wilbur u know damn well I've never said anything like that
....... You lie about me being a Pedophile & you've done it repeatedly .

Nov 11, 2007
While I don't agree with Trump's use of name calling etc. it would be hard to deny that our standard and cost of living was much better under his leadership than it is under the current administration. It is interesting that those that vilify him and attempt to have him removed from ballots across the nation have totally disregarded the proven facts of the Biden's misuse and profiting from political power. I only wish the political parties could work together and be less enemies. There is so much fighting between the Democrats and Republicans it's not a wonder nothing is ever done that helps OUR nation and its citizens.

Go Wildcats.....

Bengals are eliminated..... :cheers:
I am not going to address or debate it other than to say that imo your evaluation of Trump is way too flippant putting

the emphasis on his policies FIRST and what he is as a person and what he did including his criminal activity regarding

January 6th, Mar-a-Lago, Georgia and so much more as no big deal!!

In an exaggerated sense, it is like saying that one should be impressed with Charles Manson's intelligence and his cult following

even though one doesn't agree with the number of folks he murdered!!

Nov 11, 2007

  • Trump will exhaust every appeal and delay, as is his right. But eventually those appeals will reach an end. And then will come perhaps the key moment of the 2024 election — and of Trump’s life: a trial. My prediction: Trump will never walk into that trial. He either will become sick and unable to stand trial, or he will make a plea deal to avoid prison.
  • A plea deal would fit with Trump’s longtime modus operandi. In civil litigation he is all bluster, and then, at the last minute, he settles. He will do that in this case, too: Negotiate a deal in which he pleads guilty and withdraws from the campaign in return for a guarantee that he will not be sent to prison. Facing three other criminal trials, he may very well agree to a Universal Plea Agreement that keeps him out of prison on all cases in exchange for a guilty plea and an admission of responsibility.
  • At that point, Republicans will need to come up with a new presidential nominee. But before then, we will have a few months of primaries and caucuses. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) will do better than expected in Iowa — it will be within single digits — and former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) will win New Hampshire’s primary with the help of independents who are allowed to vote in party primaries.
Suffice it to say that I think what is suggested here could very likely happen!!

Again I am not going to debate this with Lenny or anyone else-each to their own!!
Sep 12, 2022

Nov 11, 2007

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