
Nov 11, 2007

But of course according to the Trump fellators in here, this is made-up and/or perfectly legal in any case, "just as is the case in Georgia!!"

Back sometime after 10.

Sep 5, 2010

But of course according to the Trump fellators in here, this is made-up and/or perfectly legal in any case, "just as is the case in Georgia!!"

Back sometime after 10.
All part of the plan.

You are watching a movie.

If it's not a tweet it's not true.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
All part of the plan.

You are watching a movie.

If it's not a tweet it's not true.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
lol-My bad how could I forget to add the "part of the fu cking plan" these dimwits always used when battered senseless again the wall!!

Sep 12, 2022

View attachment 80384

Hey tards,

Remember the "9-0" the op posted immediately after the election steal?

Keep watching.

General Flynn is candidly telling you what to expect, and when?

"less than 5 months" is now down to just weeks.

The return is imminent.

And I PROMISE you are going to hate every minute of how this movie ends

Your worst nightmare isn't just "conspiracy" or a "potential", it's a REALITY you will soon have to deal with.

And I also promise that NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!

Enjoy the show.

Nice to see Patriots proven right yet again. Which automatically means Tards are proven wrong. Again. For the 500th time.
Sep 12, 2022

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed this great read.

Nothing better': Bombshell audio of Trump pressuring MI canvassers 'powerful evidence' for Jack Smith​




We have it all.

Soon, real soon.

Get ready for the red tsunami!

The stupid! It burns!

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: 🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖:santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:
Sep 12, 2022
It gets better and better. Tards better get their quadruple strength suppositories ready.


The Bombshell Colorado Ruling *​

The Colorado Ruling Is a Rebuke for the Ages *​

What Does the Colorado Ruling Mean for November’s Presidential Election?​

Rebuttal By​

As both Conservative Inc. and "mainstream" Fake News buzz loudly (the former with outrage, the latter with glee) over the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot -- "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times continues to munch away on popcorn while enjoying the "White Hat" scripted movie whose ending we already know.

To those who understand and trust "the plan," the breathless opening paragraph of one of the Slimes' many articles on this "historic" ruling, actually reveals where this is going: "How can it be that nearly three years after Donald Trump incited an insurrection to stay in office, interfering with the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history, he remains eligible for a second term as president?

In a stunning ruling on Tuesday night, the Colorado Supreme Court answered that question: He can’t be allowed to run again.

The court’s 133-page decision said that he is not eligible to be on the state’s ballot for president under Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which bars from public office anyone who swore an oath to the Constitution and then engaged in or aided an insurrection against it.

The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol was an insurrection, the court found, and Mr. Trump engaged in it." (emphasis added) * Sounds serious, eh? Fear not, boys and girls. Patriots Are In Control.

The purpose of January 6th was to bait the remnants of the Deep State to set up the current "insurrection" charges against Trump. His devastating counterpunch will mark the beginning of the grand spectacles of 2024.

You see, if "January 6th" ™ was deemed by the court to be an "insurrection" ™ -- incited by an outgoing President "falsely" claiming election fraud -- then Trump has now been placed in a position in which he has to prove, that November 3rd was indeed a stolen election and that January 6th was an inside job.

The Donald has got the Deep State henchmen by the proverbial balls, and not by accident either. No. This is NOT a case of the judges carelessly walking into a trap. Rather, the entire affair -- and also all of the other civil and criminal cases targeting Trump -- are being engineered by White Hat Productions -- whose COG (Continuity of Government) operatives have got both the Colorado Supreme Court and The New York Slimes under submission.

Q has rhetorically asked, on several occasions: "How do you introduce evidence legally?" -- meaning, evidence which was obtained by means other than a warrant. This is how!

Within just an hour or two of the "momentous" decision, Trump's campaign was already fundraising over the latest martyrdom -- almost as if gloating over it. Moreover, to those who understand the coded language (aka "comms"), Trump is clearly signaling that the truth about J-6 / 11-3 will be used to trigger the severe punishments enabled by his 2018 "National Emergency" Executive Order No. 13848 on Election "Interference."

Whenever you hear Trump use that term "interference" -- a word which he has posted or stated countless times -- understand that he is talking about the coming bombshell FORENSIC disclosure of the treason (partly based in foreign locations) of 11-3 and, by logical extension, the false-flag mayhem of 1-6. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
"I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. ......I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat." (Full Order)

"ELECTION INTERFERENCE" Trump posts and speeches are telling us exectly what's coming, if you'll listen.

Nov 11, 2007
It gets better and better. Tards better get their quadruple strength suppositories ready.


The Bombshell Colorado Ruling *​

The Colorado Ruling Is a Rebuke for the Ages *​

What Does the Colorado Ruling Mean for November’s Presidential Election?​

Rebuttal By​

As both Conservative Inc. and "mainstream" Fake News buzz loudly (the former with outrage, the latter with glee) over the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot -- "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times continues to munch away on popcorn while enjoying the "White Hat" scripted movie whose ending we already know.

To those who understand and trust "the plan," the breathless opening paragraph of one of the Slimes' many articles on this "historic" ruling, actually reveals where this is going: "How can it be that nearly three years after Donald Trump incited an insurrection to stay in office, interfering with the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history, he remains eligible for a second term as president?

In a stunning ruling on Tuesday night, the Colorado Supreme Court answered that question: He can’t be allowed to run again.

The court’s 133-page decision said that he is not eligible to be on the state’s ballot for president under Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which bars from public office anyone who swore an oath to the Constitution and then engaged in or aided an insurrection against it.

The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol was an insurrection, the court found, and Mr. Trump engaged in it." (emphasis added) * Sounds serious, eh? Fear not, boys and girls. Patriots Are In Control.

The purpose of January 6th was to bait the remnants of the Deep State to set up the current "insurrection" charges against Trump. His devastating counterpunch will mark the beginning of the grand spectacles of 2024.

You see, if "January 6th" ™ was deemed by the court to be an "insurrection" ™ -- incited by an outgoing President "falsely" claiming election fraud -- then Trump has now been placed in a position in which he has to prove, that November 3rd was indeed a stolen election and that January 6th was an inside job.

The Donald has got the Deep State henchmen by the proverbial balls, and not by accident either. No. This is NOT a case of the judges carelessly walking into a trap. Rather, the entire affair -- and also all of the other civil and criminal cases targeting Trump -- are being engineered by White Hat Productions -- whose COG (Continuity of Government) operatives have got both the Colorado Supreme Court and The New York Slimes under submission.

Q has rhetorically asked, on several occasions: "How do you introduce evidence legally?" -- meaning, evidence which was obtained by means other than a warrant. This is how!

Within just an hour or two of the "momentous" decision, Trump's campaign was already fundraising over the latest martyrdom -- almost as if gloating over it. Moreover, to those who understand the coded language (aka "comms"), Trump is clearly signaling that the truth about J-6 / 11-3 will be used to trigger the severe punishments enabled by his 2018 "National Emergency" Executive Order No. 13848 on Election "Interference."

Whenever you hear Trump use that term "interference" -- a word which he has posted or stated countless times -- understand that he is talking about the coming bombshell FORENSIC disclosure of the treason (partly based in foreign locations) of 11-3 and, by logical extension, the false-flag mayhem of 1-6. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
"I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. ......I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat." (Full Order)

"ELECTION INTERFERENCE" Trump posts and speeches are telling us exectly what's coming, if you'll listen.
As is always the case, resident Trump slime like yourself needs to change the main news of the day which occurred in Michigan for

which you obviously have no response!!

Have fun while you can because both Trump's days and yours are numbered before both of you are swallowed up by reality!!

Nov 11, 2007
As is always the case, resident Trump slime like yourself needs to change the main news of the day which occurred in Michigan for

which you obviously have no response!!

Have fun while you can because both Trump's days and yours are numbered before both of you are swallowed up by reality!!
They still don't have any response that will fly with the Giuliani news and are instead pretending it doesn't exist and or

will not have any direct or indirect effect on Trump!!

What a bunch of gutless sissies!!

Sep 21, 2004
They still don't have any response that will fly with the Giuliani news and are instead pretending it doesn't exist and or

will not have any direct or indirect effect on Trump!!

What a bunch of gutless sissies!!
Kinda like Hunter Biden who’s pretending HE doesn’t exist? “Cats” are not pretending

Nov 11, 2007

Even Trump is smart enough that this would be stupid move!!

Instead of offering her services, a much better idea for Lara would be to continue "service" her husband's "Eriction!!" lol
Sep 12, 2022
What can we expect in 2024?

Massive die-off of Tards who took the clot shot from heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.

Trump winning by a landslide in November.

Traitors rounded up and Gitmoed.

A semblance of normalcy returning to society.

Happy days are here again! 🎶 🎶 🎶


Sep 21, 2004

Even Trump is smart enough that this would be stupid move!!

Instead of offering her services, a much better idea for Lara would be to continue "service" her husband's "Eriction!!" lol

Whose pretending? Whose Next?? Eliminate the whole party....

Earlier this month, the Maine Secretary of State's office said that Christie's campaign fell short of the necessary number of certified signatures needed from Maine voters to qualify for the state's Republican presidential primary.

Nov 11, 2007
What can we expect in 2024?

Massive die-off of Tards who took the clot shot from heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.

Trump winning by a landslide in November.

Traitors rounded up and Gitmoed.

A semblance of normalcy returning to society.

Happy days are here again! 🎶 🎶 🎶

View attachment 80408
Would you care to wager any amount that you can afford to lose with the money to be held in escrow that Trump will not be elected

POTUS in 2024??

The minimum is $100 with no maximum!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Would you look at that…

Beautiful EO 13818 was just Renewed by "Biden"

Continuation of President Trump's National Emergency With Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption

Hilarious how Lib Inc and Con Inc sheep still don't realize they are watching a movie.


Nov 11, 2007
Would you look at that…

Beautiful EO 13818 was just Renewed by "Biden"

Continuation of President Trump's National Emergency With Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption

Hilarious how Lib Inc and Con Inc sheep still don't realize they are watching a movie.

Stay in your time warp and deny all the negativity surrounding your hero Trump, Joey-he is on the brink of extinction politically



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