
Nov 11, 2007
Yawn-I was around in the fifties and even as a young child wondered what the f uck all of the bs was about with the allegation that

communists were taking over the country!!

This has continued from then up until the present day!!

It is pretty sad that some folks lie yourself obsess over crap like this instead of leading productive and meaningful lives!!

Nov 11, 2007
You mean a figurehead CIC who just sits back and hasn't done even one solitary thing to prove he is actually the CIC

and instead lets the "impostor" just do whatever he wants!!

Drawing conclusions with "logic" like this is not very becoming other than of course with others of your ilk who also don't have the

intellectual capacity to understand that posting stuff is a contradiction of terms and doesn't get out of the batter's box

with reasonably intelligent and objective people!!

Nov 11, 2007
Made up story just like Russiagate ect...Photoshopped dance party pics ect...
Believe as you want re: the photos-to me they are real and are indicative of a sick and demented ex-POTUS who had and still

has a totally fu cked up relationship with his daughter!!

Trump as well as Giuliani have been quoted that they would both love to screw here!!

It is pretty sad for a father to openly lust about his daughter even as an adult married woman with children!!

if you think that Trump's relationship with Ivanka is normal by your and/or society's standards, let's just say that I hope you don't

have any kids of your own!!

Nov 11, 2007
Believe as you want re: the photos-to me they are real and are indicative of a sick and demented ex-POTUS who had and still

has a totally fu cked up relationship with his daughter!!

Trump as well as Giuliani have been quoted that they would both love to screw here!!

It is pretty sad for a father to openly lust about his daughter even as an adult married woman with children!!

if you think that Trump's relationship with Ivanka is normal by your and/or society's standards, let's just say that I hope you don't

have any kids of your own!!
Trump's own attitude toward women in general is putrid and he treats them like commodities and showpieces as is the

case with Melania!!

In addition, what does it say about him when while married, he screws other women like Stormy Daniels and other whores of the


Perhaps roadreeler can tell us if that is all made up also!!

And yet he refers to himself as a Christian-yeah right!!
Oct 30, 2006
Trump's own attitude toward women in general is putrid and he treats them like commodities and showpieces as is the

case with Melania!!

In addition, what does it say about him when while married, he screws other women like Stormy Daniels and other whores of the


Perhaps roadreeler can tell us if that is all made up also!!

And yet he refers to himself as a Christian-yeah right!!
If Melania thought that way shed probably be gone by now....She has an only son by Trump....Stormy Daniels didn't have enough class for Trump & tried to cash in on a lie but instead was ordered to pay Trump back his Lawyer fees ect after proven a liar.....Another made up fairy tale story you tards keep trying to push...

Nov 11, 2007
If Melania thought that way shed probably be gone by now....She has an only son by Trump....Stormy Daniels didn't have enough class for Trump & tried to cash in on a lie but instead was ordered to pay Trump back his Lawyer fees ect after proven a liar.....Another made up fairy tale story you tards keep trying to push...
You make no sense and are assuming that Melania is some kind of saint herself!!

You are not clear in what you say in any event and need to proofread what you say.

Case in point-what the hell does Melania fathering Trump's child have to do with his cheating on her as well as his other


What does Stormy Daniels' alleged lack of class have to with the fact that she agreed to have sex with him??

Do you mean that if she did have sex with him, she is the only one to blame and not Trump?

Are you saying that Trump did not have sex with her at all and that it is all made up??

Are you inferring that Trump is a moral person and never cheated on Melania or his other wives??

Sre you saying that anything regarding Trump's straying from whoever he was married to at the time is all a fairy tale??

God help you if you do!!

Most importantly I suggest that in the future when you post something, you consider the fact that while what you post

may be clear to YOU, it may not be as is evidence here to other people who are not psychic and thus cannot get into your

head what you are trying to convey!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last comment before hopping into the jacuzzi:

If one is to believe roadreeler's implication that everything regarding Trump's "pureness" and "morality," is a fairy tale, then

one would have to accept the notion that the E Jean Carroll matter as well as that of EVERY SINGLE WOMAN who claimed

Trump groped them is all made up and that Trump is as pristine and moral a person as anyone out there and the ideal type man

for one's daughter to aspire to marry someday!!

My own to this and using one of Trump's noteworthy choice quotes is "I don't think so!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Maybe our resident SHAM Committee fan Lightweight can tell us why videos like this slipped through the cracks of their prime time coverage .

Man that looks like one dangerous insurrectionist SUCKER !

Thank you Mike Johnson . Now we know the far left outlets like Raw Story are going after him .


Nov 11, 2007
There is no point to my reacting to cherry-picked videos as to what actually occurred not only on January 6th but on the days leading

up to it and afterwards!!

One can obviously choose to believe what they want to but fortunately in this country there are lawyers on both sides who explain

their point of view to a judge and jury, which in turn based on the evidence hand out a verdict!!

If the plaintiff or defendant doesn't agree with the verdict, they have the right of appeal.

If the appeal fails and some folks don't care for it, then I say tough shit-go move to Russia, China or North Korea for

a "more just" system!!

It is that simple!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by [Trump], as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account (i.e., ‘mentions’ or ‘replies’)." Jack Smith also demanded Trump's drafted tweets as well as his DMs. Enemy of the people.
Deranged Jack Smith makes less than 200k a year and Fati Fani earns less than that.

Yet, both of these corrupt Soros hacks are obscenely rich.

Jack's worth is over 20 million, while Fati is 5m+.

Connect the dots.

It's not going to end well for either of these traitors.

And speaking of Soros traitors, where did Trump-hating Queen Letitia go? Seems she's completely disappeared.


Nov 11, 2007
When you are buried in ignorance and hate for one man you will believe anything fake news tells you, hoping that something, just something, sticks.

Very sad and pathetic.

A disgrace to humanity.
Are the "real news source" the one that has been predicting such matters on a daily basis for the last 34 months that Trump's devolution is

"imminent" or that in the 2020 Election Trump won ALL fifty states and in so doing received over 90% of the popular vote!! lol

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