Oct 30, 2006
I put you in the same class as Lenny and others in this thread, namely that I made some SPECIFIC points regarding what you said,

but because of your lack of intelligence and/or education debating skills and professional experience, you didn't address ANY

of what I stated but rather resorted to name-calling, cliches and other platitudes, which to be fair are all very typical of

no-counts like yourself and brainless Trump fellators!!

In fact you are so infatuated with Trump that back in 2020, you followed him around like a puppy dog telling us what he was doing

at a specific time, when and where he was speaking that night and in general sniffing his and dutifully reporting every single

thing that he did in his life on that day!!

For that matter you still do!!

It is time for lunch lady(guy/entity/whatever!!

Keep trying though as I love inflicting intellectual pain on those who deserve it and/or have masochistic tendencies

like yourself!!

Back sometime within the hour!!

Keep em coming!!
Youre full of baloney I put his weekly at the time campaign rallys in one thread so that is not following around every day like a puppy dog....Might seem like that to you as a Man with Trump Derangement Syndrome...

Nov 11, 2007
Youre full of baloney I put his weekly at the time campaign rallys in one thread so that is not following around every day like a puppy dog....Might seem like that to you as a Man with Trump Derangement Syndrome...
It is your word against nine and there is no way at this juncture to prove it-I stand by what I said!!

For me what counted then and what counts now as is the case with lots of folks like you, is the deification you attribute to Trump,

with complete disregard/looking the other way and even condoning what he has done which engendered the

investigations in the first place!!

Suffice it to say and to be diplomatic, you and I were born on opposite sides of the tracks!!

Just as importantly what I stated about you in post 7900 is a clear example of who and what you are about and again

to be diplomatic, let's just say that I feel very good about myself in my ability when challenged to respond

in a DIRECT manner from thoughts that are far deeper than the surface of the skin!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The biggest questions/problems I have with this article in general come down to these three things:

1) How much of what Trump says is false and he simply doesn't what the truth is!!

2) How much of what Trump says is false and he knows this to be true, but lies about it.

3) Related to #2-How much of what Trump says is not true, he knows it is false, but on some level, he has convinced himself

thay it is true!!

4) Related to #2 again-How much lf what Trump says, eg getting Obama's name wrong, is false but lies because he is

arrogant/possibly insecure and doesn't want to take the chance that some of his fellators might think less of him if he admits what he said was

an error on his part.

Oct 30, 2006
It is your word against nine and there is no way at this juncture to prove it-I stand by what I said!!

For me what counted then and what counts now as is the case with lots of folks like you, is the deification you attribute to Trump,

with complete disregard/looking the other way and even condoning what he has done which engendered the

investigations in the first place!!

Suffice it to say and to be diplomatic, you and I were born on opposite sides of the tracks!!

Just as importantly what I stated about you in post 7900 is a clear example of who and what you are about and again

to be diplomatic, let's just say that I feel very good about myself in my ability when challenged to respond

in a DIRECT manner from thoughts that are far deeper than the surface of the skin!!
Lenbo post #7906 describes you to a tee....Im done now so post something else to get the last word in like Vitterd & some of the other deranged tards that have posted here....

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
President Trump files "Motion to Compel Discovery" for his J6 case...

Very interesting stuff in here.

Including my favorite:

👉 Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

👉 Interference in BOTH 2016 and 2020 elections

👉 Solarwinds Hack (the military hacked Deep State election machines - another "conspiracy" coming true)

Always with Receipts 👇👇👇

Don't you just love when SBD and I bring the unvarnished facts and heat, while our tards are left jerking off to Fake News, fake fact-chokers, fake "indictments" and fake "arrests"?


Sep 21, 2004
I am not, never was, and never will be a fan of SITCOM designed for the masses, which includes Archie Bunker!!

Basketball Fan? UK scored 69 points themselves in the 1st half in their last game!

The Simpsons Is my current #1 Sitcom with Honeymooner's a close 2nd. No control over politics except in voting?

Tune In tonight, ESPN @7:30

Nov 11, 2007
Lenbo post #7906 describes you to a tee....Im done now so post something else to get the last word in like Vitterd & some of the other deranged tards that have posted here....
If you want to rely on the word of Lenny Lenbo, one of the few people like yourself who doesn't PRETEND to have me on

ignore and who has paid the price because he has not, you go right ahead!!

The term TDS REALLY stands for Trump Denial Syndrome, a term which stands for not only being in denial that Trump

is criminal as well as a very flawed individual, but just as importantly in denial the is in deep sh t both politically

speaking as well as possibly what lies ahead with his personal life!!

You haven't been around long enough in this thread any way to earn the honor of "deSTINKion"my limiting my posts to

you to one a day, but if your refusal to respond to what I post to you SPECIFICALLY AND DIRECTLY continues, you

may graduate to that level!!

ps No disrespect to Vitterd but we are two distinct entities who post in an entirely different manner!!

Nov 11, 2007
Basketball Fan? UK scored 69 points themselves in the 1st half in their last game!

The Simpsons Is my current #1 Sitcom with Honeymooner's a close 2nd. No control over politics except in voting?

Tune In tonight, ESPN @7:30
My bad-The Honeymooners were/are the one RARE and I mean RARE exception to my not watching SITCOM rule-they were

unique and imo a generational show that has never been equaled!!

These days other than the news and related commentary, CNBC, and sporting events, about the only show I watch on a regular basis

is Real Time With Bill Maher.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Here is an interesting question posed at Quora, a forum that at least politically speaking blows this forum away, and one

response with which I agree to some extent:

If Donald Trump lost everything, do you think Melania would drop him like a hot log?
Why the fuck would she do that? She is the smartest one of the entire Trump bunch. If she divorces that is covered by the Prenup she signed. But Trump in prison isn’t and that imprisonment would put HER on top of the rest of the Trump fortune. SHE would own all that property….and the Trump children would have to kiss HER ass. She will especially enjoy Princess Ivanka genuflecting before her.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ot-Here is an interesting question posed at Quora, a forum that at least politically speaking blows this forum away, and one

response with which I agree to some extent:

If Donald Trump lost everything, do you think Melania would drop him like a hot log?
Why the fuck would she do that? She is the smartest one of the entire Trump bunch. If she divorces that is covered by the Prenup she signed. But Trump in prison isn’t and that imprisonment would put HER on top of the rest of the Trump fortune. SHE would own all that property….and the Trump children would have to kiss HER ass. She will especially enjoy Princess Ivanka genuflecting before her.

Hard hitting question ..
Sounds like a forum full of The View fans

Sep 5, 2010
What a GREAT read!

Donald Trump is a scared old man in a lot of trouble: analysis​

If I were an ultra low iqanon, I would send him all my money and not go to the dentist, as obviously none have gone anyway.




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