
Nov 11, 2007

So let's see-if my math is right and one was able to watch the 44,000 hours without a break to even sleep, it would take slightly

over five years to watch it in its entirety,

Thus perhaps the Trump team should ask for a trial delay until the end of 2029 to be sure all of the facts are known!!

But to be more realistic, let's say the viewers could watch only 12 hours a day.

Well then it becomes a ten-year venture until 2034 and obviously would be quite a delay for a trial extension!! lol

If my math is swrong, please correct me, because believe it or not, I do make an occasional error!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

So let's see-if my math is right and one was able to watch the 44,000 hours without a break to even sleep, it would take slightly

over five years to watch it in its entirety,

Thus perhaps the Trump team should ask for a trial delay until the end of 2029 to be sure all of the facts are known!!

But to be more realistic, let's say the viewers could watch only 12 hours a day.

Well then it becomes a ten-year venture until 2034 and obviously would be quite a delay for a trial extension!! lol

If my math is swrong, please correct me, because believe it or not, I do make an occasional error!!

So let's see-if my math is right and one was able to watch the 44,000 hours without a break to even sleep, it would take slightly

over five years to watch it in its entirety,

Thus perhaps the Trump team should ask for a trial delay until the end of 2029 to be sure all of the facts are known!!

But to be more realistic, let's say the viewers could watch only 12 hours a day.

Well then it becomes a ten-year venture until 2034 and obviously would be quite a delay for a trial extension!! lol

If my math is swrong, please correct me, because believe it or not, I do make an occasional error!!
Now do the math on the millions of pages of discovery JackMeOff and his team have entered into evidence and tell me what date the Trump defense team should be ready for a trial .
Sep 12, 2022
Of ALL the Inauguration Day Anomalies, this one is barely talked about.
While its certainly open to interpretation, when have you EVER seen a person walking outside in the background during a shot of Prez in Oval Office?

Watch the background outside at the 46 to 50 second mark

Whoa! So that's the President walking in the background outside the window??? I didn't notice that at first.
Sep 12, 2022
How many Fake News "wrap up smears" do our tards need to see play out in real time (from so much "We Got Trump!" hope and promise at the beginning to laughable duds at the end) to understand and see that White Hats are playing the Deep State's own game at a level never seen before, and in so doing waking up people in numbers never seen globally, and in so doing will/are destroying their entire "System" "controlled demolition" style?

You mean living through "Russian Collusion" and "Covid" weren't convincing enough?

By the time White Hats are done, there won't be anything or anyone left 👉complete and total annihilation!

Most people are slowly redpilling themselves, but the most stubborn and stupid holdouts (like our tards) are really determined to get those redpill suppositories.

What do these TDS idiots think is going to happen when Trump pulls out those classified docs at his trials in March with the entire world watching?

How will the "81 million votes" cult react when they see those watermarked ballots or reports detailing the election fraud sting operation?

81 million??? Try less than 50m. A historic landslide...of fraud!!

Then, with the entire world in shock, it will just be one "reveal" after another... Justifying ongoing Navy JAG operations delivering fair but swift justice.

"This was never about another 4 year election"
- President Trump (Q+) & Q

White Hats have been waiting decades for this opportunity. Though their awards and decorations signify their level of honor, sacrifice and patriotism, they are as calculated, ruthless and fearless as anyone, and they are playing for keeps.

"What storm, Mister President?"

There's definitely a level of maturity involved in all this - both intellectual maturity and emotional maturity. Some people just aren't grown up enough to accept or understand the truth. They're like toddlers playing with dolls. They likely will never grow up.
Sep 12, 2022
Interesting take from

First Captives Freed in Tense Gaza Truce Between Israel and Hamas​

Hamas freed two dozen hostages, Israel released 39 imprisoned Palestinians
Aw, isn't this special? The "warring parties," which have allegedly been mercilessly slaughtering each other's children for these past 8 weeks, negotiated a temporary truce so that hostages could be swapped. What further evidence does one need to understand that this "war" in Gaza is a "Wag-the-Dog" illusion?

Logic time: You see, in order to believe that this hostage release story is real, one must first believe that Hamas good ol' boys on paragliders truly did just casually float (in broad daylight!) into heavily protected Israel -- kill a bunch of Jews -- gather up dozens of hostages -- and then safely transport them all back across the most guarded border on Earth into Gaza.

Indeed, many of our highly critical "conspiracy theorist" brethren never bought that IMPOSSIBLE story either -- maintaining that the whole Hamas invasion, massacre and mass kidnapping event must therefore have been a Mossad false flag engineered for the purpose of justifying war.

But now, the fact that Hamas, or better put, "Hamas" is actually swapping out these non-existent Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, demonstrates that "Hamas" is part of the game. Think critically. If this was a Mossad-controlled production, wouldn't the directors have had the "bad guys" slaughter the Jewish child hostages, ISIS style -- instead of releasing them safely?

So then, if Israel, er, "Israel," is faking its hostages --- and "Hamas" is "acting reasonable" by playing along with the duplicitous drama -- then who is the higher power scripting this mysterious movie? Answer: White Hats are in control of both imaginary sides.

A real life "Wag the Dog" scenario: Hamas killers and kidnappers floating into Israel -- in broad daylight -- went totally unmolested both on their way in and on their way back out, with hostages in tow??? Come on, boys and girls!


1. Israeli crisis actors "mourn" for the dead and "missing." // 2. Palestinian children, used as props, splattered with fake blood and theatrical dust (100s of such ridiculous images and videos!)

1. A "dead" Palestinian man lying in an open Muslim burial cloth suddenly opens his eyes and glances at the camera. // 2. A child crisis actress covered in fake blood is all smiles for the camera. // 3. Faker than fake ---- This scratched-up "boy" seems like an AI Deep Fake.

After scouring the Internet these past two months for images and videos coming out of Israel and Gaza, there is nothing remotely evidentiary of any massacre or hostage-taking, on either side. Yet, there are a whole lot of cheesy crisis-actor drama shots -- many of them downright comical --reminiscent of the Sandy Hook School "Massacre," Boston Marathon ``Bombing," and Orlando Queer Club ``massacres" of 2012, 2013 and 2016, respectively.

As we have stated from Day 1, repeated many times since, and are sticking to it: the motive behind this illusion fits perfectly with what Q told us more than five years ago: "We are saving Israel for last." Before the doubting Thomases among you fire off angry or condescending comments at "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times, please take a moment to gather your thoughts, and then rationally explain how it is possible for "Hamas" to be "releasing" Israeli hostages which never existed -- unless, that is, you actually still believe the "D-Day" paraglide, snatch & escape fairy tale of October 8th.

Take all of the time you need.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

So let's see-if my math is right and one was able to watch the 44,000 hours without a break to even sleep, it would take slightly

over five years to watch it in its entirety,

Thus perhaps the Trump team should ask for a trial delay until the end of 2029 to be sure all of the facts are known!!

But to be more realistic, let's say the viewers could watch only 12 hours a day.

Well then it becomes a ten-year venture until 2034 and obviously would be quite a delay for a trial extension!! lol

If my math is swrong, please correct me, because believe it or not, I do make an occasional error!!

Little Jamie and others on the SHAM Committee want you to know It’s a security risk lightweight .



Nov 11, 2007
You need to see an ophthalmologist not for a regular vision exam but to rid yourself of "seeing things" in your mind

that simply aren't there!!

If that doesn't work, I am sure there are plenty of psychiatrists in your neck of the woods who will gladly take your money

knowing full well that unless you decided to terminate visits on your own, they will have a steady source of income until you

did!! lol

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read.

Trump Criticized for SC/Clemson Football Game Appearance​

He accused McMaster and others of treating Trump like an emperor, while in reality, Trump was exposed as nothing more than a "naked coward's bully.





Soon, real soon

We have it all

Get ready for the return

Get ready for the red tsunami

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
Joe gets it.

Joe Scarborough Points Out 'Grotesque' Part Of Donald Trump's Latest Rant​

Trump “doesn’t care about America nearly as much as he cares about himself,” McCaskill replied. “He has no guiding philosophy. He has no ideology. He has no policies he really believes in. The only thing he believes in is the guy he sees in the mirror that he looks at probably more often than is ever healthy for any human being.”

Documents and receipts.

No tweets or memes, just facts.




Soon, real soon

Get ready for the return


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Interesting take from

First Captives Freed in Tense Gaza Truce Between Israel and Hamas​

Hamas freed two dozen hostages, Israel released 39 imprisoned Palestinians
Aw, isn't this special? The "warring parties," which have allegedly been mercilessly slaughtering each other's children for these past 8 weeks, negotiated a temporary truce so that hostages could be swapped. What further evidence does one need to understand that this "war" in Gaza is a "Wag-the-Dog" illusion?

Logic time: You see, in order to believe that this hostage release story is real, one must first believe that Hamas good ol' boys on paragliders truly did just casually float (in broad daylight!) into heavily protected Israel -- kill a bunch of Jews -- gather up dozens of hostages -- and then safely transport them all back across the most guarded border on Earth into Gaza.

Indeed, many of our highly critical "conspiracy theorist" brethren never bought that IMPOSSIBLE story either -- maintaining that the whole Hamas invasion, massacre and mass kidnapping event must therefore have been a Mossad false flag engineered for the purpose of justifying war.

But now, the fact that Hamas, or better put, "Hamas" is actually swapping out these non-existent Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, demonstrates that "Hamas" is part of the game. Think critically. If this was a Mossad-controlled production, wouldn't the directors have had the "bad guys" slaughter the Jewish child hostages, ISIS style -- instead of releasing them safely?

So then, if Israel, er, "Israel," is faking its hostages --- and "Hamas" is "acting reasonable" by playing along with the duplicitous drama -- then who is the higher power scripting this mysterious movie? Answer: White Hats are in control of both imaginary sides.

A real life "Wag the Dog" scenario: Hamas killers and kidnappers floating into Israel -- in broad daylight -- went totally unmolested both on their way in and on their way back out, with hostages in tow??? Come on, boys and girls!


1. Israeli crisis actors "mourn" for the dead and "missing." // 2. Palestinian children, used as props, splattered with fake blood and theatrical dust (100s of such ridiculous images and videos!)

1. A "dead" Palestinian man lying in an open Muslim burial cloth suddenly opens his eyes and glances at the camera. // 2. A child crisis actress covered in fake blood is all smiles for the camera. // 3. Faker than fake ---- This scratched-up "boy" seems like an AI Deep Fake.

After scouring the Internet these past two months for images and videos coming out of Israel and Gaza, there is nothing remotely evidentiary of any massacre or hostage-taking, on either side. Yet, there are a whole lot of cheesy crisis-actor drama shots -- many of them downright comical --reminiscent of the Sandy Hook School "Massacre," Boston Marathon ``Bombing," and Orlando Queer Club ``massacres" of 2012, 2013 and 2016, respectively.

As we have stated from Day 1, repeated many times since, and are sticking to it: the motive behind this illusion fits perfectly with what Q told us more than five years ago: "We are saving Israel for last." Before the doubting Thomases among you fire off angry or condescending comments at "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times, please take a moment to gather your thoughts, and then rationally explain how it is possible for "Hamas" to be "releasing" Israeli hostages which never existed -- unless, that is, you actually still believe the "D-Day" paraglide, snatch & escape fairy tale of October 8th.

Take all of the time you need.
This is dead on analysis.

Hamas is a Mossad proxy.

They are on the same team.

Never react and get sucked in emotionally the way your TV wants. It's always a lie.


Nov 11, 2007
Looks like you beat me to it.
That is irrelevant!!

Actually, although there are no guarantees, if enough negativity about Trump is repeated, perhaps people like Lenny Lenbo

who consider him a deity of sorts, possibly might at least consider that there is at least a little bit of truth about what

these people say and document about his hero to whom he is so emotionally attached, that the umbilical cord between him

and Trump is still very much intact!!

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