Sep 12, 2022
Aug 17, 2019
Also on this list is Obama, Harris, Bush, Soros, Podestas, Brennan, Schiff and so many others the op stated a long time ago in the original RR thread.

And the "industry's finest" Andersen Cooper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo.

And remember when the op said Bezos was "eliminated" - on the list!

Not to mention all of the hollywood and entertainers the op stated too - on the list!

And keep in mind this list is a list of all those who have ALREADY BEEN ARRESTED, EXECUTED OR REPLACED.

Many of these were already "eliminated" PRIOR TO the 2020 election and even the start of the plandemic.

And given the recent "death" of Matthew Perry, it shouldn't surprise us to see the entire cast of Friends on the list.

Friends and Seinfeld openly held satanic rituals on the set.

And remember how many times the op stated that certain people who were already eliminated would be brought into full public view in the end?

Remember "follow covid positives" and "follow the resignations"?

Perhaps now you can understand what was meant.

Keep watching the movie.

Sep 5, 2010
Wow-did you clearly and I mean CLEARLY just corroborate what I just said and have always said about you, namely that

despite your lies to the contrary, you READ EVERY ONE OF MY POSTS!!

In this case right after what I said in post 7614, you just DIRECTLY responded to it!!

Coincidence you say??

To quote you fascist/neo-Nazi hero, Donald Trump, when he wants to emphatically make a point, "I DON'T THINK SO!!

In any case, your attempt in your response is a weak obfuscation and to the point even if what you say about the list is true as to who

is included, you have not once/NEVER provided even a pittance of evidence/proof that any of the people you cited have been

eliminated and/or that these folks have body doubles, paid actors, holographs, spirits, optics, or any of the other bullshit

you spew forward to try to convince us that these people are in dead!!

Conversely, I, wilbur et al have provided empirical evidence(ie the kind of evidence which society accepts) that all of these people

are alive based solely on being seen and heard in public via the media too many times to count!!

Once again for the zillionth time I have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt why you refuse to debate me on topics like this,

and instead take the coward's out using the excuse and lie that you don't read my posts!!
He has you on ignore.

And he never reads your posts.


Nov 11, 2007
And given the recent "death" of Matthew Perry, it shouldn't surprise us to see the entire cast of Friends on the list.

Friends and Seinfeld openly held satanic rituals on the set.

And remember how many times the op stated that certain people who were already eliminated would be brought into full public view in the end?

Remember "follow covid positives" and "follow the resignations"?

Perhaps now you can understand what was meant.

Keep watching the movie.
All you have done here is 1) prove for the second time today that you do read my posts and 2) revert to your usual begging the

question and poisoning the well mode by stating opinions and lies as "facts" when they are in fact based on previous

unsubstantiated and unproven statements from the past which in turn were also based on begging the question and

poisoning the well!

I am sure that this will fly with your lowlife, uneducated, not particularly bright associates like sheriff joe,

the MaGANAZI and you puppet doctor success!!

However with highly intelligent, educated and experienced people like myself with strong argumentative/debating skills,

you will not get out of the batter's box, strike out on three pitches without even a foul tip to your credit!!

Nov 11, 2007
He has you on ignore.

And he never reads your posts.

If he was smart and if possible, he would put himself on ignore and/or better seek the help of some kind of construction crew

to extricate his head out of his ass where it is and has been stuck for a long time!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
To get the savage1 show underway today, I am going to ask a question which I asked in an indirect way yesterday but in a more direct

way today.

In fact, the same question was just asked on CNBC.

Anyone can answer it but it is particularly directed at Lenny Lenbo, one of the noted Biden bashers in this thread.

The question should not in any way be construed in any way as an endorsement or even defense of Biden because imo all things

considered and to be blunt is a lousy President!!

Anyway the question is if one is going to lay all of the blame for in this case the high gas prices we have seen over the last few years

on Biden, then why is it that when prices come down to the yearly lows, he receives no credit whatsoever?

For me to simply avoid the question and say generally overall that Bidenomics is a failure is simply an evasion/avoidance of

the SPECIFIC question asked and an attempt to divert attention to another issue!!

That's it for now.

Inflation is a measure of the change in a price .

If the price of an item goes from $1 to $2 when Biden took office then drops back down to $1.50 , that item skyrocketed then still remained high . Only the rate of the increase eased .

So good luck to the WH trying to sell that . The American people are smarter than that .

Think arsonist attempting to put out his own fire .

The typical age to buy a first home has jumped to 36 years old, the oldest ever on record .

Nov 11, 2007
Inflation is a measure of the change in a price .

If the price of an item goes from $1 to $2 when Biden took office then drops back down to $1.50 , that item skyrocketed then still remained high . Only the rate of the increase eased .

So good luck to the WH trying to sell that . The American people are smarter than that .

Think arsonist attempting to put out his own fire .

The typical age to buy a first home has jumped to 36 years old, the oldest ever on record .
I am going to use my one self-allotted max posts a day to you which I rarely use to respond to this.

First of all, you did not respond even vaguely to my contention of blame vs credit re: gas prices and as usual, tried to

change the focus of emphasis because of your inability to answer DIRECTLY the question I posed.

Relativity is an entirely different matter than using a fair, CONSISTENT and balanced manner into interpreting data in this case

the price of gas.

Let me rephrase the original question from a different perspective re: the price of gas re: Biden.

Please tell me first why PRECISELY why Biden SOLELY is responsible for the peak price of gas we have seen during his administration..

Then tell me why the falling price of gas we have seen of late has nothing to do with Biden whatsoever nd what caused it,

and/or if I am misinterpreting what you mean, please clarify!!

Also since you want to compare the price of gas under Biden's Administration to that of the Trump Administration, the price

of gas at one time under Trump was not that much lower than it is now.

Also, I strongly suggest that you at least consider a valid reason for the cheaper cost of gas during the Trump Administration.

Here you go:

  • The highest recorded gas price when Trump was president lands at $2.987 in May of 2018 as recorded by the EIA. Gas prices were low for much of 2020 because fewer people were buying gas as many Americans found themselves working from home during the early part of the pandemic. When the demand decreased for oil, so did the cost.
I will read your response as usual, and will respond to it if it has any merit but no sooner than tomorrow in keeping to my one direct

post a day to you!!

max to

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I am going to use my one self-allotted max posts a day to you which I rarely use to respond to this.

First of all, you did not respond even vaguely to my contention of blame vs credit re: gas prices and as usual, tried to

change the focus of emphasis because of your inability to answer DIRECTLY the question I posed.

Relativity is an entirely different matter than using a fair, CONSISTENT and balanced manner into interpreting data in this case

the price of gas.

Let me rephrase the original question from a different perspective re: the price of gas re: Biden.

Please tell me first why PRECISELY why Biden SOLELY is responsible for the peak price of gas we have seen during his administration..

Then tell me why the falling price of gas we have seen of late has nothing to do with Biden whatsoever nd what caused it,

and/or if I am misinterpreting what you mean, please clarify!!

Also since you want to compare the price of gas under Biden's Administration to that of the Trump Administration, the price

of gas at one time under Trump was not that much lower than it is now.

Also, I strongly suggest that you at least consider a valid reason for the cheaper cost of gas during the Trump Administration.

Here you go:

  • The highest recorded gas price when Trump was president lands at $2.987 in May of 2018 as recorded by the EIA. Gas prices were low for much of 2020 because fewer people were buying gas as many Americans found themselves working from home during the early part of the pandemic. When the demand decreased for oil, so did the cost.
I will read your response as usual, and will respond to it if it has any merit but no sooner than tomorrow in keeping to my one direct

post a day to you!!

max to

Once again dummy . Falling gas prices off historic highs mean absolutely nothing to the American people .

Stick to your far left Trump is a threat to Democracy articles .

Nov 11, 2007
Once again dummy . Falling gas prices off historic highs mean absolutely nothing to the American people .

Stick to your far left Trump is a threat to Democracy articles .
I am making a rare exception to my one-a-day max post to you!!

Your one-liner with your total obfuscation of the question with no response and in its place posting nothing but a begging the

question/poisoning the well "response" to an intellectual response based on what YOU have stated in the past

and NOT the American people, simply shows once again why YOU should stick to your laughable/condom-like way to

trying to glorify and protect your perceived deity Donald Trump!!

Chalk up another W for savage1 but with an asterisk that it was attained against weak high school competition!!

See you tomorrow, Mr. Washington Generals Lenny Lenbo!!

Nov 11, 2007

In his New York Times column, opinion writer Thomas Edsall quotes a letter written to him by Leonard Glass, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Glass wonders whether the Trump-Hitler comparison based on the usage of the word "vermin" has crossed into "new terrain."

"That terrain, driven by grandiosity and dread of exposure (e.g., at the [criminal] trials) could signal the emergence of an even less constrained, more overtly vicious and remorseless Trump who, should he regain the presidency, would, indeed act like the authoritarians he praises," Glass wrote.

"Absent conscientious aides who could contain him (as they barely did last time), this could lead to the literal shedding of American blood on American soil by a man who believes he is 'the only one' and the one, some believe, is a purifying agent of God and in whom they see no evil nor do they doubt."

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Morning Joe is one of the industry's finest.

Just ask savage1. 🤡
Salvage must be freaking out if his TV idols are starting to use SBD "conspiracy buzzwords" like "tribunals" and "executions" which seem to be sneaking their way onto Tard TV lately.

Bill Maher, the View, CNN, now Morning Joe..


What's going on? Where are they getting these preposterous ideas? Are they reading your threads? :ROFLMAO:

You know we're getting close when these "conspiracy buzzwords" start seeping into the normie zeitgheist.

Patriots in full control!


Nov 11, 2007
Salvage must be freaking out if his TV idols are starting to use SBD "conspiracy buzzwords" like "tribunals" and "executions" which seem to be sneaking their way onto Tard TV lately.
Remember Joey Hoey that you have made the same FAILED predictions, and used the same cliches, hackneyed expressions and

dire consequences for us including Trump's devolution, and that all of it is "Imminent" since the thread was started, and all you

have to show for it is the ejaculate in your hand from your excitement believing that people are buying into your psychotic rants!!
Bill Maher, the View, CNN, now Morning Joe..
Remember Joey Hoey that you have made the same FAILED predictions, and used the same cliches, hackneyed expressions and

dire consequences for us including Trump's devolution, and that all of it is "Imminent" since the thread was started, and all you

have to show for it is the ejaculate in your hand from your excitement believing that people are buying into your psychotic rants!!
Remember Joey Hoey that you have made the same FAILED predictions, and used the same cliches, hackneyed expressions and

dire consequences for us including Trump's devolution, and that all of it is "Imminent" since the thread was started, and all you

have to show for it is the ejaculate in your hand from your excitement believing that people are buying into your psychotic rants!!
What's going on? Where are they getting these preposterous ideas? Are they reading your threads? :ROFLMAO:
Remember Joey Hoey that you have made the same FAILED predictions, and used the same cliches, hackneyed expressions and

dire consequences for us including Trump's devolution, and that all of it is "Imminent" since the thread was started, and all you

have to show for it is the ejaculate in your hand from your excitement believing that people are buying into your psychotic rants!!

Nov 11, 2007
Salvage must be freaking out if his TV idols are starting to use SBD "conspiracy buzzwords" like "tribunals" and "executions" which seem to be sneaking their way onto Tard TV lately.

Bill Maher, the View, CNN, now Morning Joe..


What's going on? Where are they getting these preposterous ideas? Are they reading your threads? :ROFLMAO:

You know we're getting close when these "conspiracy buzzwords" start seeping into the normie zeitgheist.
Remember Joey Hoey that you have made the same FAILED predictions, and used the same cliches, hackneyed expressions and

dire consequences for us including Trump's devolution, and that all of it is "Imminent" since the thread was started, and all you

have to show for it is the ejaculate in your hand from your excitement believing that people are buying into your psychotic rants!!
Patriots in full control!
Remember Joey Hoey that you have made the same FAILED predictions, and used the same cliches, hackneyed expressions and

dire consequences for us including Trump's devolution, and that all of it is "Imminent" since the thread was started, and all you

have to show for it is the ejaculate in your hand from your excitement believing that people are buying into your psychotic rants!!

Nov 11, 2007
Salvage must be freaking out if his TV idols are starting to use SBD "conspiracy buzzwords" like "tribunals" and "executions" which seem to be sneaking their way onto Tard TV lately.

Bill Maher, the View, CNN, now Morning Joe..


What's going on? Where are they getting these preposterous ideas? Are they reading your threads? :ROFLMAO:

You know we're getting close when these "conspiracy buzzwords" start seeping into the normie zeitgheist.

Patriots in full control!


ps You must be psychic joey hoey, in addition to be a totally lost soul in that you seem to know everything I have posted

despite my allegedly being on ignore!!

Perhaps you should also put your "psychic abilities" on ignore so as not to have the truth about yourself rammed up your ass on a daily

basis by yours truly!! lol
Sep 12, 2022
Salvage must be freaking out if his TV idols are starting to use SBD "conspiracy buzzwords" like "tribunals" and "executions" which seem to be sneaking their way onto Tard TV lately.

Bill Maher, the View, CNN, now Morning Joe..


What's going on? Where are they getting these preposterous ideas? Are they reading your threads? :ROFLMAO:

You know we're getting close when these "conspiracy buzzwords" start seeping into the normie zeitgheist.

Patriots in full control!

Hahahahaha!! Chief boot-licker Salvage and his braindead minions won't be able to walk down the street without being attacked when Trump starts his third term!

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