Sep 12, 2022

Morning Joe Claims if Elected Trump Will Imprison and Execute Anyone He Wants​

Poor Morning Joe is freaking out!

They're all freaking out!

Hmmmm... "quick trials" and "executions"...where have we heard that before?

Someone must have told him about certain ongoing military operations.

Donald John Trump is Commander-in-Chief via Military Occupancy and Continuity of Gov’t via Laws & Orders

Sucks to suck!

Prepare for tard heads to explode!

Yes, public trials and public executions! Trump has the full support of the American people. Exterminate the boot-licking vermin.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
On this day, Nov 21, 2023...

👉 Dutch central bank admits it has prepared for a new gold standard.

👉Mainstream finally admits Ukraine has lost the war against Russia.

👉Putin will participate in an emergency BRICS summit.

👉Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued Pfizer.

👉X data confirms Media Matters manipulated the algorithm using inauthentic accounts to produce false ad results.

👉Elon Musk finally comments on a Pizzagate related post.

👉X (Twitter) officially files lawsuit against Media Matters.

👉Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launches investigation into Media Matters for potential fraudulent activity against X (Twitter).

👉Truth Social just filed an unprecedented defamation lawsuit incorporating twenty media companies.

👉Elon Musk’s lawsuit against Media Matters will be heard by a judge who was appointed by President Trump. The same judge, Mark T. Pittman, ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer files.

👉House Speaker Mike Johnson met tonight with current President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

Sep 12, 2022
Sep 12, 2022
On this day, Nov 21, 2023...

👉 Dutch central bank admits it has prepared for a new gold standard.

👉Mainstream finally admits Ukraine has lost the war against Russia.

👉Putin will participate in an emergency BRICS summit.

👉Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued Pfizer.

👉X data confirms Media Matters manipulated the algorithm using inauthentic accounts to produce false ad results.

👉Elon Musk finally comments on a Pizzagate related post.

👉X (Twitter) officially files lawsuit against Media Matters.

👉Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launches investigation into Media Matters for potential fraudulent activity against X (Twitter).

👉Truth Social just filed an unprecedented defamation lawsuit incorporating twenty media companies.

👉Elon Musk’s lawsuit against Media Matters will be heard by a judge who was appointed by President Trump. The same judge, Mark T. Pittman, ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer files.

👉House Speaker Mike Johnson met tonight with (the real) President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

The hits just keep on coming! Today is turning into a Tard's worst nightmare!!!
Sep 12, 2022
PATRIOTS standing tall and doing God's work by defending freedom, fighting for their country, and protecting innocent little children!

Tards, aka boot-licking vermin, crawling on their knees like cowards and serving their master Satan by promoting communism, turning traitor on their country, and defending the behavior of known child molesters.

Sep 5, 2010
What a GREAT document to read.

Donald Trump has worst day yet in NY civil fraud trial as underling's scribbled note ties him to conspiracy​

I hope everyone is going to have a GREAT Thanksgiving!

Donald Trump had his worst day yet in his ongoing civil fraud trial in New York on Tuesday, and at the hands of his own key witness, a former Trump Organization executive who linked the former president directly to the fuzzy math at the center of the case.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hey, ultra low iqanons, the orange encrusted buffoon might need some more of your money!

Sep 12, 2022
PATRIOTS standing tall and doing God's work by defending freedom, fighting for their country, and protecting innocent little children!

Tards, aka boot-licking vermin, crawling on their knees like cowards and serving their master Satan by promoting communism, turning traitor on their country, and defending the behavior of known child molesters.
Their greatest fear, because they know it will lead to their arrest and possible death sentence:


Aug 17, 2019

Morning Joe Claims if Elected Trump Will Imprison and Execute Anyone He Wants​

Poor Morning Joe is freaking out!

They're all freaking out!

Hmmmm... "quick trials" and "executions"...where have we heard that before?

Someone must have told him about certain ongoing military operations.

Donald John Trump is Commander-in-Chief via Military Occupancy and Continuity of Gov’t via Laws & Orders

Sucks to suck!

Prepare for tard heads to explode!


Morning Joe is one of the industry's finest.

Just ask savage1. 🤡
Aug 17, 2019
Remember tards..

All you have left right now is your precious FAKE news and pedo "fact-checkers" feeding you false hope.

Granted, your "news" may be FAKE, but at least it's still giving you hope... right?

Because you're still trolling c&p TDS bullshit and not jumping....yet....right?

Just remember your "sources" are faker than FAKE. Whatever narratives they're spinning, it ALWAYS turns out the opposite. True?

Remember "Russian collusion"? Remember Jan 6th? Remember all your FAKE impeachments? Remember "Safe and Effective"?

How'd those turn out?

All your FAKE "facts" turned out faker than FAKE.

Did you learn anything?

Apparently not.

Just how FAKE is the FAKE News?

So FAKE they're about to be exposed and sued out of existence!

Remember, Patriots aren't sheep who blindly swallow FAKE News 👉LIONS on the hunt!

Morning Joe knows..

By the time Operations are complete, NEVER again will anyone trust your precious FAKE News!


Tards still have a death grip on "we got him this time".

Talk about stupid.
Aug 17, 2019
Dr. Jan Confirms Ongoing Military Tribunals Via Navy Ships Across The Planet

👇 👇 👇

Cry me a river TARDS! mean didn't believe me when I SHOWED you the CIC is protected by US Military Snipers?

This is what happens when you rely on FAKE NEWS FRAUDS and pedo "fact-checkers" instead of listening to people who KNOW.


100% of the names reported by the op in the original RR thread and in this thread are on that list.

Imagine that.

Including Tom Hanks, the first reported.

Oprah and Ellen, also amongst the first reported.

And then good ole Bill and Hillary too.

And sleepy Joe too; heck, I even told you he had 6 different actors playing him and even gave you the name of the main actor.

And let's not forget Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg.

And remember when the op told you that Hanks, Ellen and Zuck were all Rockefellers?

And, of course, let's not forget Gates, Fauci and Pelosi.

And wait... is that Elon Musk on the list?

Remember what the op warned, and maintained, about him too?

The countless names reported by the op ARE on that list.

Not ONE is missing from the list.

And like the op stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, you were watching a movie and the people you were seeing were clones or actors.

"but but it's all just conspiracy"



Nov 11, 2007
100% of the names reported by the op in the original RR thread and in this thread are on that list.

Imagine that.

Including Tom Hanks, the first reported.

Oprah and Ellen, also amongst the first reported.

And then good ole Bill and Hillary too.

And sleepy Joe too; heck, I even told you he had 6 different actors playing him and even gave you the name of the main actor.

And let's not forget Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg.

And remember when the op told you that Hanks, Ellen and Zuck were all Rockefellers?

And, of course, let's not forget Gates, Fauci and Pelosi.

And wait... is that Elon Musk on the list?

Remember what the op warned, and maintained, about him too?

The countless names reported by the op ARE on that list.

Not ONE is missing from the list.

And like the op stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, you were watching a movie and the people you were seeing were clones or actors.

"but but it's all just conspiracy"


This one is easy!!

You clearly stated on a number of occasions that the folks you just cited are on the CURRENT list of folks who are to be executed


Therefore it is a contradiction of terms to say that they are going to be executed in the near future if they already have!!

This is a perfect example of why you PRETEND to have me on ignore rather than square off in public view, namely because

I would make you look incredibly stupid and not at all credible to any objective person who doesn't already know the

truth about you!!

Caso cerrao and time to hop into thje jacuzzi!!

Nov 11, 2007
To get the savage1 show underway today, I am going to ask a question which I asked in an indirect way yesterday but in a more direct

way today.

In fact, the same question was just asked on CNBC.

Anyone can answer it but it is particularly directed at Lenny Lenbo, one of the noted Biden bashers in this thread.

The question should not in any way be construed in any way as an endorsement or even defense of Biden because imo all things

considered and to be blunt is a lousy President!!

Anyway the question is if one is going to lay all of the blame for in this case the high gas prices we have seen over the last few years

on Biden, then why is it that when prices come down to the yearly lows, he receives no credit whatsoever?

For me to simply avoid the question and say generally overall that Bidenomics is a failure is simply an evasion/avoidance of

the SPECIFIC question asked and an attempt to divert attention to another issue!!

That's it for now.

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed it.

Mar-a-Lago Fraud Admission Leads to Emotional Outpouring from Ex-Trump Org Executive​

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

A very awesome document for your reading pleasure.

Doesn't look good for the supreme ultra low iqanon.

But it's all part of the plan.

Military in full control.

We have it all.

Drip drip, BOOM!

Aug 17, 2019
100% of the names reported by the op in the original RR thread and in this thread are on that list.

Imagine that.

Including Tom Hanks, the first reported.

Oprah and Ellen, also amongst the first reported.

And then good ole Bill and Hillary too.

And sleepy Joe too; heck, I even told you he had 6 different actors playing him and even gave you the name of the main actor.

And let's not forget Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg.

And remember when the op told you that Hanks, Ellen and Zuck were all Rockefellers?

And, of course, let's not forget Gates, Fauci and Pelosi.

And wait... is that Elon Musk on the list?

Remember what the op warned, and maintained, about him too?

The countless names reported by the op ARE on that list.

Not ONE is missing from the list.

And like the op stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, you were watching a movie and the people you were seeing were clones or actors.

"but but it's all just conspiracy"



Also on this list is Obama, Harris, Bush, Soros, Podestas, Brennan, Schiff and so many others the op stated a long time ago in the original RR thread.

And the "industry's finest" Andersen Cooper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo.

And remember when the op said Bezos was "eliminated" - on the list!

Not to mention all of the hollywood and entertainers the op stated too - on the list!

And keep in mind this list is a list of all those who have ALREADY BEEN ARRESTED, EXECUTED OR REPLACED.

Many of these were already "eliminated" PRIOR TO the 2020 election and even the start of the plandemic.

Nov 11, 2007
Also on this list is Obama, Harris, Bush, Soros, Podestas, Brennan, Schiff and so many others the op stated a long time ago in the original RR thread.

And the "industry's finest" Andersen Cooper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo.

And remember when the op said Bezos was "eliminated" - on the list!

Not to mention all of the hollywood and entertainers the op stated too - on the list!

And keep in mind this list is a list of all those who have ALREADY BEEN ARRESTED, EXECUTED OR REPLACED.

Many of these were already "eliminated" PRIOR TO the 2020 election and even the start of the plandemic.
Wow-did you clearly and I mean CLEARLY just corroborate what I just said and have always said about you, namely that

despite your lies to the contrary, you READ EVERY ONE OF MY POSTS!!

In this case right after what I said in post 7614, you just DIRECTLY responded to it!!

Coincidence you say??

To quote you fascist/neo-Nazi hero, Donald Trump, when he wants to emphatically make a point, "I DON'T THINK SO!!

In any case, your attempt in your response is a weak obfuscation and to the point even if what you say about the list is true as to who

is included, you have not once/NEVER provided even a pittance of evidence/proof that any of the people you cited have been

eliminated and/or that these folks have body doubles, paid actors, holographs, spirits, optics, or any of the other bullshit

you spew forward to try to convince us that these people are in dead!!

Conversely, I, wilbur et al have provided empirical evidence(ie the kind of evidence which society accepts) that all of these people

are alive based solely on being seen and heard in public via the media too many times to count!!

Once again for the zillionth time I have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt why you refuse to debate me on topics like this,

and instead take the coward's out using the excuse and lie that you don't read my posts!!
Sep 12, 2022
This article is hilarious! No wonder the boot-licking vermin Tards became so unhinged on the old thread - without anyone telling them what to do do, they can't function. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!

The Guardian:

People who stuck by Covid lockdown rules the most strictly have the worst mental health today, research has found.
Those who followed the restrictions most closely when the pandemic hit are the most likely to be suffering from stress, anxiety and depression
, academics at Bangor University have found.
They identified that people with “communal” personalities – who are more caring, sensitive and aware of others’ needs – adhered the most rigorously with the lockdown protocols that Boris Johnson and senior medics and scientists recommended.
However, people with “agentic” personalities – who are more independent, more competitive and like to have control over their lives – were least likely to exhibit those behaviours.
I’m assuming “communal” is a way of saying “mostly women and faggots,” while “agentic” means “mostly men.”

“The more individuals complied with health advice during lockdown, the worse their wellbeing post-lockdown,” concluded Dr Marley Willegers and colleagues.

The fear of catching Covid proved both an upside and a downside, they found. “While increasing individuals’ worry of infection can effectively drive compliance, it also has negative consequences on people’s wellbeing and recovery,” they said.
The researchers based their findings on a study of how compliant with the rules 1,729 people in Wales were during the first UK-wide lockdown in March to September 2020 and measures of stress, anxiety and depression found among them during February to May this year.
“Communal” types displayed the highest levels of continuing disturbance to their mental wellbeing. However, “agentic” people had been able to “bounce back” better from lockdown mode.
Willegers, an academic at Bangor University’s institute for the psychology of elite performance, said some people found it hard to make the transition from receiving regular exhortations about following public health advice during the pandemic to no advice when lockdown ended.

“Throughout the pandemic messaging campaigns were designed to ensure people continued to follow the rules. But there was no messaging campaign as we came out of the pandemic to help everyone safely transition back to normality.
“Without this, certain personality types have retained infection prevention behaviour and anxiety that undermines their mental wellbeing,”
he added.
The enduringly poor mental health being experienced by people who adhered to the rules is “deeply disturbing”, the Centre for Mental Health thinktank said.
“The finding that people who complied with pandemic restrictions are more likely to have poorer mental health three years on is deeply disturbing.
“The fear, loss and trauma created by the pandemic are having a lasting impact on many people’s mental health. For some, this may have been exacerbated by the loss of social solidarity from seeing others not complying with the same restrictions,”
said Andy Bell, its chief executive.

Mark Winstanley, the chief executive of the charity Rethink Mental Illness, said: “The early days of the pandemic were characterised by significant disruption, uncertainty and a lack of control, factors which can all fuel anxiety and low mood.
“It’s important to recognise that those who took the greatest steps to protect themselves and others have seen an enduring impact on their mental health.
“While many want to move on from the pandemic and life under lockdown, its legacy lives with many people to this day, as worries or concerns about our loved ones or the risks to our own health can’t be easily shaken off.”
Tards! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Sep 12, 2022
Also on this list is Obama, Harris, Bush, Soros, Podestas, Brennan, Schiff and so many others the op stated a long time ago in the original RR thread.

And the "industry's finest" Andersen Cooper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo.

And remember when the op said Bezos was "eliminated" - on the list!

Not to mention all of the hollywood and entertainers the op stated too - on the list!

And keep in mind this list is a list of all those who have ALREADY BEEN ARRESTED, EXECUTED OR REPLACED.

Many of these were already "eliminated" PRIOR TO the 2020 election and even the start of the plandemic.
Cuomos utterly disgraced. Didn't someone on the old thread predict the one Cuomo brother would be president?

Salvage lookalike Podesta . . . Where is he now?

Head vermin of all boot-licking vermin Tards Soros, where is he?


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