
Nov 11, 2007
"If you want to solve the drug problem, you have to have a quick meaningful death penalty for the drug dealers"
-- CIC Trump

The Background ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Executive Order 13818โ€”Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

The war on all trafficking was declared December 20, 2017, with Executive Order 13818 which declared a National Emergency and invoked the:

๐Ÿ‘‰ International Emergency Economic Powers Act

๐Ÿ‘‰National Emergencies Act

๐Ÿ‘‰Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act

๐Ÿ‘‰Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Ironically two years to the day, December 20, 2019, before the War was officially declared in the War Powers Act of 1973 โ‰ˆ 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section ยง1550.

Ironically, (#NOT), the same day the:

๐Ÿ‘‰Space Force was established

๐Ÿ‘‰Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law) was overhauled for first time since 1950 and reissued

๐Ÿ‘‰Courts-Martial Handbook was reissued

A President can declare War as PRESCRIBED by Law in 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section ยง1621.

A National Emergency Executive Order has a 2 year clause for a joint resolution.

โ€œBidenโ€ extending those 11 Executive Orders with National Emergencies 2 and 3 years in a row by CIC DJT are under a WHOLE other level of Law and Order that 45 invoked.

"Biden" ainโ€™t real much less president.

The Law as prescribed makes Donald Trump a Wartime President.

"What storm, Mister President?"

You'll find out. :cool:
Where is the Executive Order for Trump's devolution and most importantly why haven't we seen it yet after 34 months of your

telling us it is "IMMINENT!!!"

Could this particular Executive Order have possibly been intercepted by the likes of the Borg, The Ferengi, Darth Vader, etc., and

that is the reason for the delay!! lol

Sep 5, 2010
"If you want to solve the drug problem, you have to have a quick meaningful death penalty for the drug dealers"
-- CIC Trump

The Background ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Executive Order 13818โ€”Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

The war on all trafficking was declared December 20, 2017, with Executive Order 13818 which declared a National Emergency and invoked the:

๐Ÿ‘‰ International Emergency Economic Powers Act

๐Ÿ‘‰National Emergencies Act

๐Ÿ‘‰Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act

๐Ÿ‘‰Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Ironically two years to the day, December 20, 2019, before the War was officially declared in the War Powers Act of 1973 โ‰ˆ 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section ยง1550.

Ironically, (#NOT), the same day the:

๐Ÿ‘‰Space Force was established

๐Ÿ‘‰Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law) was overhauled for first time since 1950 and reissued

๐Ÿ‘‰Courts-Martial Handbook was reissued

A President can declare War as PRESCRIBED by Law in 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section ยง1621.

A National Emergency Executive Order has a 2 year clause for a joint resolution.

โ€œBidenโ€ extending those 11 Executive Orders with National Emergencies 2 and 3 years in a row by CIC DJT are under a WHOLE other level of Law and Order that 45 invoked.

"Biden" ainโ€™t real much less president.

The Law as prescribed makes Donald Trump a Wartime President.

"What storm, Mister President?"

You'll find out. :cool:
Can't wait, you delusional old ultra low iqanon.

Still waiting for the return.
Sep 12, 2022
"If you want to solve the drug problem, you have to have a quick meaningful death penalty for the drug dealers"
-- CIC Trump

The Background ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Executive Order 13818โ€”Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

The war on all trafficking was declared December 20, 2017, with Executive Order 13818 which declared a National Emergency and invoked the:

๐Ÿ‘‰ International Emergency Economic Powers Act

๐Ÿ‘‰National Emergencies Act

๐Ÿ‘‰Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act

๐Ÿ‘‰Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Ironically two years to the day, December 20, 2019, before the War was officially declared in the War Powers Act of 1973 โ‰ˆ 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section ยง1550.

Ironically, (#NOT), the same day the:

๐Ÿ‘‰Space Force was established

๐Ÿ‘‰Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law) was overhauled for first time since 1950 and reissued

๐Ÿ‘‰Courts-Martial Handbook was reissued

A President can declare War as PRESCRIBED by Law in 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section ยง1621.

A National Emergency Executive Order has a 2 year clause for a joint resolution.

โ€œBidenโ€ extending those 11 Executive Orders with National Emergencies 2 and 3 years in a row by CIC DJT are under a WHOLE other level of Law and Order that 45 invoked.

"Biden" ainโ€™t real much less president.

The Law as prescribed makes Donald Trump a Wartime President.

"What storm, Mister President?"

You'll find out. :cool:
Yes! Execute them all.

Nov 11, 2007
This is from

What he's noticed, I've notice too. Including with the Tards.

Thereโ€™s been a significant increase in working age Americans suffering from cognitive issues.

This is something Iโ€™ve personally noticed myself. A number of people who told me that they got the fake COVID-19 injections started to act strange after taking the shots. They would say and do all sorts of things that made no logical sense. Iโ€™ve also seen a significant increase in car accidents. I actually personally had two people rear end me in the past few years.

I am 100 percent convinced that this is all the result of the shots. This nonsense the media is pushing about โ€œlong COVIDโ€ is a lie. We knew that they would falsely blame the health issues from the shots on COVID-19 and thatโ€™s exactly what they did.

Weโ€™ll probably never know how many people died or had their lives shortened or adversely impacted from these fake vaccines. If we just consider Americans, that number is most certainly in the millions.
"I actually personally had two people rear end me in the past few years."

If getting "rear-ended" was not something that the good doctor agreed to and rather was the act of being back-doored/raped by a

criminal/psychologically disturned gay, perhaps the good doctor can describe the two experiences both physically

and emotionally speaking, and whether he has recovered yet and/or he is still undergoing treatment.

In fact, I wonder if getting it rammed up the poop chute may be a big reason why he has turned into an alternative

reality by defending and deifying Trump, which he chose as a means to at least partially offset the mental pain afflicted

by the two male rapists!!
Sep 12, 2022
Somebody better call an ambulance for the Tards. We're going to see the biggest landslide win in the history of voting.


Nov 11, 2007
Somebody better call an ambulance for the Tards. We're going to see the biggest landslide win in the history of voting.

View attachment 78118
You mean even bigger than the one in 2020 when Trump won ALL FIFTY STATES and received over 90% of the popular

vote!! lol

In reality the around thing sliding around the tiem of the Election will be Trump's fat ass being hauled away and slid into a

jail cell!!
Aug 17, 2019
This is from

What he's noticed, I've notice too. Including with the Tards.

Thereโ€™s been a significant increase in working age Americans suffering from cognitive issues.

This is something Iโ€™ve personally noticed myself. A number of people who told me that they got the fake COVID-19 injections started to act strange after taking the shots. They would say and do all sorts of things that made no logical sense. Iโ€™ve also seen a significant increase in car accidents. I actually personally had two people rear end me in the past few years.

I am 100 percent convinced that this is all the result of the shots. This nonsense the media is pushing about โ€œlong COVIDโ€ is a lie. We knew that they would falsely blame the health issues from the shots on COVID-19 and thatโ€™s exactly what they did.

Weโ€™ll probably never know how many people died or had their lives shortened or adversely impacted from these fake vaccines. If we just consider Americans, that number is most certainly in the millions.

tens of millions in the US alone.

Hundreds of millions worldwide.

Hundreds of millions more by the end of next year.

But but according to world o' meter only a few thousand died. ๐Ÿคก


Nov 11, 2007

Israel or Palestine?

Which side are you on?

And WHY?

Why should I respond to you if I am on "permanent ignore," which means you wouldn't know my response in any event!!

If you are able to, think a bit more next time before posting!!

Nov 11, 2007
tens of millions in the US alone.

Hundreds of millions worldwide.

Hundreds of millions more by the end of next year.

But but according to world o' meter only a few thousand died. ๐Ÿคก

Let's see your sources and links to the ALLEGED/MADE-UP hundreds of millions of vaccinated people who dies.

In addition, show us evidence and photos of these mass grave sits where these hundreds of millions of ALLEGED corpses were buried or

even cremated!!

Tell us as well how these ALLEGED deaths were kept a worldwide secret from the media, and why at least some of the families

of the ALLEGED hundreds of millions of people didn't come forth and tell their stories for everyone to understand!!

Again provide the link to these sources and/or at the very least tell us why only a few folks like you were entrusted

with this information!!

I rest my case, your Honor!!

Nov 11, 2007
Let's see your sources and links to the ALLEGED/MADE-UP hundreds of millions of vaccinated people who dies.

In addition, show us evidence and photos of these mass grave sits where these hundreds of millions of ALLEGED corpses were buried or

even cremated!!

Tell us as well how these ALLEGED deaths were kept a worldwide secret from the media, and why at least some of the families

of the ALLEGED hundreds of millions of people didn't come forth and tell their stories for everyone to understand!!

Again provide the link to these sources and/or at the very least tell us why only a few folks like you were entrusted

with this information!!

I rest my case, your Honor!!
to sbd-curses foiled again!!-it is never a good idea to mess with your intellectual and debating superior who represents to you, sheriff joe,

doctorsuccess and the other low-life/failed sad sacks who have ventured over here, what kryptonite is to Superman!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Breaking: Democrats CAVE

What choice do they have?

No Funding for Israel!

No Funding for Ukraine!

The Border WILL Receive Funding

Military WILL Receive Funding

ISO-20022 Goes Live Nov 19th

Clarence Thomas Is No Longer Under Investigation

Iraq Is About To Enter The WTO

Bibi Netanyahu Is Being Reported To ICC.

Ukraine Money Laundering SHUT DOWN!

Illegal Immigrants WILL be leaving, per CIC Trump

Hmmm...What else do our CLUELESS trolls and tards have to look forward to?

Oh right...that fake WHITE-HAT-STAGED "Trial of the Century" which has them believing they Got Trump This Time! ๐Ÿคก :ROFLMAO:

Remember, Speaker Mike Johnson is a RINO! I know this because Con Inc told me! ๐Ÿคก

Life is good for Patriots, with the BEST yet to come! :cool:

Nov 11, 2007
Breaking: Democrats CAVE

What choice do they have?

No Funding for Israel!

No Funding for Ukraine!

The Border WILL Receive Funding

Military WILL Receive Funding

ISO-20022 Goes Live Nov 19th

Clarence Thomas Is No Longer Under Investigation

Iraq Is About To Enter The WTO

Bibi Netanyahu Is Being Reported To ICC.

Ukraine Money Laundering SHUT DOWN!

Illegal Immigrants WILL be leaving, per CIC Trump

Hmmm...What else do our CLUELESS trolls and tards have to look forward to?

Oh right...that fake WHITE-HAT-STAGED "Trial of the Century" which has them believing they Got Trump This Time! ๐Ÿคก :ROFLMAO:

Remember, Speaker Mike Johnson is a RINO! I know this because Con Inc told me! ๐Ÿคก

Life is good for Patriots, with the BEST yet to come! :cool:
Life will be even better when "CIC" Trump actually does something rather than lurking in the background, not doing shit, and/or is actually

devolutioned which you have predicted on a daily basis is "IMMINENT" for the last 34 months.

From our point of view life is quite good already, thank you, as we witness the political destruction of Trump unfold each day!!

which will put to rest even the slightest chance he will ever be POTUS and even better if he is imprisoned for even just a day and hopefully

a lot longer than that!!

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