
Nov 11, 2007
We've only heard this a thousand times before.


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

I wish q would give his ultra low iqanon followers another saying.

If they weren't so brain dead they could come up with one on their own.
Not only have we heard it all a thousand times before from sbd but as things for Trumo continue to deteriorate at an accelerated

rate, what he says becomes so much more difficult and forced to repeat because deep down inside somewhere he knows

that the end is near for Trump at the very least politically speaking as far as even being elected POTUS again if not also tossed

into the slammer!!

Nov 11, 2007
The Truth about the JFK assassination finally hits the Fake News.

👇 👇 👇

Rolling Stone

JFK’s Parkland Doctors Come Forward: Oswald Didn’t Act Alone​

View attachment 78092
How desperate things must be for sheriff joey hoey regarding what is happening to Trump that he needs to resurrect

and exhume the Kennedy assassination from 60 years ago and start pointing fingers at whodunit!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
We've only heard this a thousand times before.


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

I wish q would give his ultra low iqanon followers another saying.

If they weren't so brain dead they could come up with one on their own.
Is Q married, and if so what is her name??

Also, I wonder if there is a Mrs Q, if she provides good "service" to him in the rack to keep happy and to make his mind sharp!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Is Q married, and if so what is her name??

Also, I wonder if there is a Mrs Q, if she provides good "service" to him in the rack to keep happy and to make his mind sharp!! lol
Along the same lines, I wonder if Alinis "the penis" Habba as part of her payment from Trump provides "services" to him other

than the legal type when things are not going his way!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Although as we all know on a daily basis there are HUGE gyrations in the stock market every day in both directions, at least for the

opening of the market and judging by the surging futures, it sure looks like investors are perceving a decrease for October in the CPI

as a good sign that prices and inflation are coming down!!

Needless to say, if this continues (a big if obviously) along with other good inflation news and interest rates, it will not bode well for

whoever the Republican nominee is in 2024 and for that matter good news whoever the Democratic nominee is!!

Again though this is not a prediction but only an opinion based on if if this does occur!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Although as we all know on a daily basis there are HUGE gyrations in the stock market every day in both directions, at least for the

opening of the market and judging by the surging futures, it sure looks like investors are perceving a decrease for October in the CPI

as a good sign that prices and inflation are coming down!!

Needless to say, if this continues (a big if obviously) along with other good inflation news and interest rates, it will not bode well for

whoever the Republican nominee is in 2024 and for that matter good news whoever the Democratic nominee is!!

Again though this is not a prediction but only an opinion based on if if this does occur!!

Good news for sure but as the old cliche that a player whose team has been winning says says "One day at a time!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ot-Although as we all know on a daily basis there are HUGE gyrations in the stock market every day in both directions, at least for the

opening of the market and judging by the surging futures, it sure looks like investors are perceving a decrease for October in the CPI

as a good sign that prices and inflation are coming down!!

Needless to say, if this continues (a big if obviously) along with other good inflation news and interest rates, it will not bode well for

whoever the Republican nominee is in 2024 and for that matter good news whoever the Democratic nominee is!!

Again though this is not a prediction but only an opinion based on if if this does occur!!

So let me get this straight . If this “so called good news” on inflation and interest rates continue it won’t bode well for the R nominee (Trump ) in ‘24 . But if it goes the other way it won’t matter because Trump is getting convicted .

If you choose not to use your once a day reply perhaps you can phone a friend like Witless or Squirt and have them reply .

Nov 11, 2007

The only thing I will say here is that if a "citizen's arrest" is what Trump deems to be fair and just, then for me a citizen's EXECUTION

of Trump for treason is even more warranted!!
Sep 12, 2022
What did Q say?

Sep 12, 2022
This is from

What he's noticed, I've notice too. Including with the Tards.

There’s been a significant increase in working age Americans suffering from cognitive issues.

MSM again covering up population effects of the mRNA vaccine campaign (admittedly, although cognitive issues can occur after both Covid/jab, in our Leading Edge Clinic it is far more common after the jab). 🧵
More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog 1
— Pierre Kory, MD MPA (@PierreKory) November 13, 2023
This is something I’ve personally noticed myself. A number of people who told me that they got the fake COVID-19 injections started to act strange after taking the shots. They would say and do all sorts of things that made no logical sense. I’ve also seen a significant increase in car accidents. I actually personally had two people rear end me in the past few years.

I am 100 percent convinced that this is all the result of the shots. This nonsense the media is pushing about “long COVID” is a lie. We knew that they would falsely blame the health issues from the shots on COVID-19 and that’s exactly what they did.

We’ll probably never know how many people died or had their lives shortened or adversely impacted from these fake vaccines. If we just consider Americans, that number is most certainly in the millions.

Nov 11, 2007
This is from

What he's noticed, I've notice too. Including with the Tards.

There’s been a significant increase in working age Americans suffering from cognitive issues.

This is something I’ve personally noticed myself. A number of people who told me that they got the fake COVID-19 injections started to act strange after taking the shots. They would say and do all sorts of things that made no logical sense. I’ve also seen a significant increase in car accidents. I actually personally had two people rear end me in the past few years.

I am 100 percent convinced that this is all the result of the shots. This nonsense the media is pushing about “long COVID” is a lie. We knew that they would falsely blame the health issues from the shots on COVID-19 and that’s exactly what they did.

We’ll probably never know how many people died or had their lives shortened or adversely impacted from these fake vaccines. If we just consider Americans, that number is most certainly in the millions.
I actually personally had two people rear end me in the past few years.

Well, it is nice an honest for you to come out of the closet at tell us you are gay!! lol

Sep 5, 2010
Is Q married, and if so what is her name??

Also, I wonder if there is a Mrs Q, if she provides good "service" to him in the rack to keep happy and to make his mind sharp!! lol
Yes q is married.

He's married to a so called doctor that just admitted that he likes to get rear ended. :LOL: :LOL::LOL:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"If you want to solve the drug problem, you have to have a quick meaningful death penalty for the drug dealers"
-- CIC Trump

The Background 👇👇👇

Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

The war on all trafficking was declared December 20, 2017, with Executive Order 13818 which declared a National Emergency and invoked the:

👉 International Emergency Economic Powers Act

👉National Emergencies Act

👉Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act

👉Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Ironically two years to the day, December 20, 2019, before the War was officially declared in the War Powers Act of 1973 ≈ 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section §1550.

Ironically, (#NOT), the same day the:

👉Space Force was established

👉Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law) was overhauled for first time since 1950 and reissued

👉Courts-Martial Handbook was reissued

A President can declare War as PRESCRIBED by Law in 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section §1621.

A National Emergency Executive Order has a 2 year clause for a joint resolution.

“Biden” extending those 11 Executive Orders with National Emergencies 2 and 3 years in a row by CIC DJT are under a WHOLE other level of Law and Order that 45 invoked.

"Biden" ain’t real much less president.

The Law as prescribed makes Donald Trump a Wartime President.

"What storm, Mister President?"

You'll find out. :cool:

Nov 11, 2007

So lets see-it is not ok for James to smirk at him but it is ok for Trump to shower one racist slur after another at her!!

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